How to replace function name with a babel plugin - babeljs

Is it possible to create a babel plugin that will change some a functions name ?
I can't seems to find this in the documentation.
myObject.doSomething() ==> babel ==> myObject.___doSomething()

You can get the AST of your code in astexplorer. And you can see it's about a CallExpression and MemberExpression. So search babel-types API in babel-types source code, it's very clear of how to create a babel type or judge a babel-type like this:
defineType("MemberExpression", {
builder: ["object", "property", "computed"],
visitor: ["object", "property"],
aliases: ["Expression", "LVal"],
fields: {
object: {
validate: assertNodeType("Expression")
property: {
validate(node, key, val) {
let expectedType = node.computed ? "Expression" : "Identifier";
assertNodeType(expectedType)(node, key, val);
computed: {
default: false

Following are two different ways to do it (either with the Program visitor or with the FunctionDeclaration visitor):
export default function ({types: t}) {
return {
visitor: {
Program(path) {
path.scope.rename('doSomething', '___doSomething');
FunctionDeclaration(path) {
if ( === 'doSomething') { = '___doSomething'
Note that these are not safe since they can override an existing name. You can use the path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("uid"); command to generate a unique identifier and use that but you wont be able to define the generated name.
Example -


How do you use yup context in test()

How do I check against values provided in the context-option for yup in the test()-function?
The documentation is clear on how to use context in when but it is less clear for test-functions.
Using runkit we can see that the context for the test i is buried under options in the test() context, i.e. it is not the same as for when():
var yup = require("yup")
const name = yup.string()
.label('A name of strings')
'${path} is already already takem',
(value, { options: { context: { values } } }) => value !== values);
const options = { context: { values: 'Olof' }}
console.log(name.validateSync('Jimmy', options), 'validated')
console.log(name.validateSync('Olof', options), 'validated')
Still unclear is how the proper TypeScript declaration of context should be.

How to solve TS2349 in a protractor test model

I've got the following test setup, but the transpiler is giving me the following error:
Error:(108, 9) TS2349:Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type '((opt_callback?: (value: Model1[]) => R | IThenable, opt_errback?: (error: any...' has no compatible call signatures.
// action class
export class SearchResultsActions {
// setup and other stuff
// Model1 and Model2 are both interfaces
getJSON(): promise.Promise<Array<Model1>> | promise.Promise<Array<Model2>> {
return option.getText().then((selected: string) => {
let searchType: "model1" | "model2" = "model1";
if (selected === "Model 2") {
searchType = "model2";
// getResultsEl returns an ElementArrayFinder
return ResultsPage.getResultsEl().map((el, index) => {
let pageObject: Model1PageObject | Model2PageObject = SearchPage.getResult(searchType, index);
let actionObject: Model1Actions | Model2Actions;
if (searchType === "model1") {
actionObject = new Model1Actions(<Model1PageObject> pageObject);
} else {
actionObject = new Model2Actions(<Model2PageObject> pageObject)
// both Model1Actions and Model2Actions have a getJSON() method
return actionObject.getJSON(); // returns a JSON object
In the search spec where the error is:
.then((res: Array<Model1> | Array<Model2>) => {
// use lodash to perform equality
expect(_.isEqual(res, expected)).toBeTruthy();
The curious thing is, despite the error, the transpile works anyway and the tests pass. But I would like to not have the error blaring at me.
I'm using typescript 2.3.3, protractor 5.1.2
Any thoughts? Anywhere I can clarify?
The answer is to change the return type to
promise.Promise<Array<Model1> | Array<Model2>>
which is different from
promise.Promise<Array<Model1>> | promise.Promise<Array<Model2>>
which doesn't work.
Apparently this is true for Observables as well.

SweetJS : Write a macro for a specific library

I'm currently working on a little project which consists about writing macros for Ramda. Here is an example :
let map = macro {
rule { $f $array } => {$f, $array) }
rule { $f } => {$f) }
I tried to compile this simple sample of code as a beginning :
var R = require('ramda');
function log (value) {
map log [1, 2, 3];
Because of hygiene, the compiled code looks like this :
var R$759 = require('ramda');
function log$761(value$762) {
}$761)[1, 2, 3];
My problem is that I don't know how to make reference to ramda.
Has anyone tried to write macros for a specific library and encountered this problem ?
At the moment the ways to do it are a little hacky. In the next release when we get ES6 modules this will actually be taken care of automatically for you but until then the best option is to have an initialization macro (this is what ki and contracts.js do). This works by having a shared variable in scope for all of your macros and then having the user first invoke an import macro that does the necessary require:
var r_lib;
macro import {
rule { $name from $path } => {
r_lib = require($path);
let map = macro {
rule { $f $l } => {$f, $l) }
import R from "ramda"
map log [1,2,3]

How to globally add a custom locator to Protractor?

I wrote a custom locator for Protractor that finds anchor elements by their ui-sref value. In my specs I just used by.addLocator to add the custom locator, but I figured this might be a cool thing to publish and have other people use it.
The goal is to add this custom locator to the global Protractor object so it can be used in any of your specs.
My initial approach was to add this functionality in the onPrepare block of the Protractor config. Something like the pseudocode below:
onPrepare: function () {
require('ui-sref-locator')(protractor); // The protractor object is available here.
That require statement would just execute this function:
function (ptorInstance) {'uiSref', function (toState, opt_parentElement) {
var using = opt_parentElement || document;
var possibleAnchors = using.querySelectorAll('a[ui-sref="' + toState +'"]');
var result = undefined;
if (possibleAnchors.length === 0) {
result = null;
} else if (possibleAnchors.length === 1) {
result = possibleAnchors[0];
} else {
result = possibleAnchors;
return result;
The problem is that by is not defined on the protractor object available in the onPrepare block. This means that I cannot use the .addLocator method.
Try the following:
function () {
by.addLocator('uiSref', function (toState, opt_parentElement) {
By should be in the global scope.
The protractor object passed to the onPrepare block has a By property. That By property has an inherited enumerable property named addLocator. My understanding of JavaScript is pretty shallow so it really threw me off that when I console.log'ed the protractor.By it returned {}, but if I did for (var propName in protractor.By) it would show me all the "hidden" properties. I'm still struggling to understand that bit.
Working code:
onPrepare: function () {
require('ui-sref-locator')(protractor); // The protractor object is available here.
The require would execute the function below:
function (ptor) {
ptor.By.addLocator('linkUiSref', function (toState, opt_parentElement) {
var using = opt_parentElement || document;
var possibleAnchors = using.querySelectorAll('a[ui-sref="' + toState +'"]');
var result = undefined;
if (possibleAnchors.length === 0) {
result = null;
} else if (possibleAnchors.length === 1) {
result = possibleAnchors[0];
} else {
result = possibleAnchors;
return result;

Codemirror adding keywords on the fly for syntax highlight

I am currently adding a new language mode in CodeMirror for my current project. This is a proprietary language in which user can create a new keyword. Basically I am trying to update existing keyword list at the runtime and my syntax highlighter can pick this new keyword.
var mode = editor.doc.modeOption;
if(mode === "dmsrl") mode = "text/dmsrl";
var keyWords = CodeMirror.resolveMode(mode).keywords;
I am currently trying to add new keyword like above, but somehow the list is not getting updated and new keyword is unavailable in my tokebase() method.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can try to redefine hintOptions object, that pass to Codemirror's init function and than building hints in your specific hint addon with this data. Just try this
cm.setOption("hintOptions", { "keywords" : ["k1", "k2"] });
Look at first in sql-hint for example (link):
cm.setOption("hintOptions", { "tables" : ["k1", "k2"] });
For sql-mode this is not heavy operation
I wanted to reach the same goal as yours but with some more degree of freedom, consisting in inputting a container, which I can re-define along the run.
1) Put the following code into a file custom.mode.js, to be loaded from your web page
var _glob_keywords = [ [ "key1", "keyword1" ],
[ "key2", "keyword2" ]
] ;
var cm_custom_check_stream_fn = function( stream )
for( var _i = 0 ; _i < _glob_keywords.length ; _i++ )
if ( stream.match( _glob_keywords[_i][0] ) ) return _glob_keywords[_i][1] ;
return "" ;
CodeMirror.defineMode("custom.mode", function()
return {
token: function(stream,state)
var _ret = cm_custom_check_stream_fn( stream ) ;
if ( _ret.length > 0 ) return _ret ;
else {; return null; }
This code will be automatically embedded into the Codemirror object to dynamically handle the input in the textbox.
Example: if "key1" is found, then "keyword1" is returned.
We assume that "keyword1", "keyword2" refer to entries inside a custom css definitions file, as explained in the codemirror documentation, that is,
.cm-keyword1 { color:#8BA8C4; }
.cm-keyword2 { color:lime; }
Hope it helps!