How to get a list recently modified files in Dropbox? - dropbox-api

The question is how to list recently modified files in Dropbox account using their API?
Dropbox web UI can show a summery of recently changed files, but I couldn't find how to do it in their API documentation.

The Dropbox API doesn't currently offer any functionality for events or recents, but I'll be sure to pass this along as a feature request.
The closest alternative is to track activity by staying up to date with /list_folder and /list_folder/continue:

To Track any modifications in dropbox, webhooks will be the best option.


BI Platform REST API: add to favorite folder?

I'm redeveloping a Crystal Reports UI using the Business Intelligence Platform REST API (4.2 SP5), and I'm finding some gaps in the API.
The one I'm stumbling over now is how to add a report to a user's favorites folder. I can find the user's folder by querying with the /v1/cmsquery endpoint, but I can't take that id and use it in the /infostore/###/children endpoint. And I also can't figure out how to take an existing report from that infostore tree and create a shortcut to it in the user's folder. (Which appears to be how the favorites folder works, under the hood.)
Any direction -- particularly to good documentation or examples -- would be helpful. I was already looking at the developer guide, but it's pretty limited.
(Edit for typos)

Is it possible to send an HTTP request from actions on google 's projects using trivia(one of the templates)?

I created a quiz application that I can use at Google homes.
Actions created a quiz using templates trivia (one of the templates) in Google on google.
I want to send http request according to the number of correct answers.
Please advice me.
The trivia template doesn't support this feature.
However, Google open sourced the original version of trivia, and you're able to use the source to adapt it to your own needs. It uses the previous version of the library, but should still work.

show diff on word documents

I'm designing a web application that will enable users to upload docx documents and will the show the diff between each revision.
I don't know how to approach the problem. Is it a bitmap, how do I decode the doc to show changes. Do Microsoft has an API I can use to simply send 2 word docs, and it will return the changes between the two?
I also have the same question on google docs. I think with google drive it's simpler. Saw this API
If anyone has done something similar or has an example to some similar app, I would be grateful.
Have you looked at Word's Compare tool? See under Review|Compare. Word's API also support the compare tool's automation (e.g. via VBA).
To use Word's API, you'll need to automate Word. For the details of the method, see:
See also:

Programmatically setting quiet mode options (comments/stats) through SoundCloud's API

I'm in the process of migrating my company's audio from the old hosting provider to SoundCloud. I've written a script to automate this process which uploads the audio file, its thumbnail, and writes all the relevant metadata as well.
However, there doesn't seem to be any way to set the quiet mode options, like disabling comments or hiding the stats, programmatically.
I found this post from April 2012, which mentions that the API doesn't support it. I was wondering if it had since been updated? And if so, what are the fields that need to be specified? eg. similar to track[title] or track[asset_data].
Any help would be appreciated!
UPDATE (3/8/2013)
The folks from SoundCloud have confirmed that toggling quiet mode options is not currently possible through their API.

How to search Feeds?

I want to create an iPhone project which search feeds, like in google reader if we search for some word in "Add a subsciption" tab it will display all feeds related to that so we can add feeds easily. Any Idea how it can be done.
Thanks in advance,
Google Reader, presumably, relies on Google's own vast collection of known feeds and its search engine to locate relevant ones. My guess is you'd probably need to do the same (maybe use their FeedBurner API) unless you plan to create and maintain a service to collect, categorize, and offer up feeds to searches.
I have used
And it worked for me.