FlexUnitApplication.html and FlexUnitApplication.swf not generated - eclipse

I have
a project Flex-Java in Eclipse Indigo service Release 2, (a web application)
and i use the plugin Flash-builder to work on it.
I use sdk 4.5.1
What i try to do
1) I try to make a simple test case with FlexUnit4. When i create a new Test Case) : New > Test Case Class, Eclipse by Default create :
package flexUnitTests + with my new Test case : (for example :
package byDefault with one file : FlexUnitCompilerApplication.mxml
a html a swf file for FlexUnitCompilerApplication is auto-generated in bin-debug folder.
Till this point all seems to be good, so I try to execute the unit test :
2) I want to execute the unit test :
A FlexUnitApplication.mxml is created in the default package
The problem :
The compilator doesn't generate the files : FlexUnitApplication.hmtl and FlexUnitApplication.swf in bin-debug folder...
And there is an error written in the "error screen" :
description Impossible to resolve all the ressources "FlexUnitTestRunner"
place or Localisation : Unknown
sorry i try to translate the description from a French version
Other informations
I succeeded doing this in other projects... the FlexUnitApplication files are auto-generated.
It seems that, it is bound with something in this particular project. Maybe something is hindering the process to autogenerate these files ?? I cannot figure it out why??
Is it Possible to force the compilator doing these files (html and swf) ??
I am really lost.. and i tried things, i looked in the properties, in the metadata's ... i really don't understand.
Somebody maybe has an idea for that, what could i do, what could i check ?
Thank you in advance

I always have troubles with unit tests in eclips+FB plugin as well.
After the FlexUnitApplication.mxml is created goto your project settings and update the following:
remove the dynamic {locale} compiler flag and add a specific '-locale=en_US' only.
if you have custom locale files add those to the source path manually
in the library path find the entry that points to the dynamic locale library '..sdk/../{locale} and copy the path. click on add SWC to library path. Paste the copied path and replace '{locale}' with 'en_US'
Generally this turns out favorable for me.


SuiteCloud IDE Validator Ignore List

In the SuiteCloud Eclipse IDE for NetSuite, what is the Ignore List setting under Preferences > NetSuite > Validation? Is it a single file that behaves like, say, a .gitignore? Or is it an explicit list of files to ignore?
I suspect this setting is why Eclipse is always building libraries and other files I've explicitly told it not to in my NetSuite projects.
Can anyone provide some clarity on the usage of this field?
Attempt 1
I tried setting this preference to a single file with the following contents:
**/Third Party/**
But that does not seem to work as expected. Files that should be caught by these regexes are still validated. One of them in particular (docstrap.lib.js) crashes the entire IDE every single time when the SuiteScript validator encounters it.
Attempt 2
I tried to put a similar string of regexes directly into the field itself:
but this just yields an error directly in the dialog itself: Value must be an existing file
Attempt 3
Created a new SuiteScript project with only blanket.min.js in the project root. Added an ignore file with the following contents:
blanket.min.js still gets validated. Completely lost as to how this ignore file should be formatted.
The ignore list is used by the SuiteCloud IDE (IDE) to avoid having errors in the IDE for non-standard script ids in SuiteScript 1.0 APIs.
As an example...
Since customrecord_foo is a non-standard record, it will be marked as an error by the IDE.
To tell the IDE to ignore customrecord_foo, the ignore list can be used.
It's a text file, with one script id per line.
The specified non-standard script ids in the ignore list file will not be flagged as an error by the IDE.

How to hijack files from clearcase from eclipse plugin

I am developing a component which generates code based on templates inside java class. The project use clearcase as SCM. After the code update, the files are in read-only state. If i am adding anything to any java class, i have to make it hijack and paste the source code templates inside the class. Let's suppose the jAutoDoc plugin which is used for adding comment. If user select a class, click on generate comment. The comment will not paste if the file is not in write mode.
Clearcase Plugin Vendor : IBM Rational.
Eclipse Version : 3.5
Please help. Is there any way to do hijack a file from java code?
Thanks in advance..
Thanks VonC.
For making a java file in write mode through eclipse JDT API. This method will set the preference "read only" of the resource to "false".
private static void setCompilationUnitWriteMode(ICompilationUnit cu) throws CoreException {
ResourceAttributes resourceAttributes = cu.getResource().getResourceAttributes();
if (resourceAttributes != null) {
// Setting Writemode true
For Non Java Resource
First create the IFile object, set the preference "read only" of the resource to "false".
IFile file = path.getFile()
if (resourceAttributes != null) {
Hijacking files only means making them read - write through an OS-based operation. (for snapshot view only, not dynamic ones)
The question is though: do you need to version your classes completed by your plugin?
Because in that case, a cleartool checkout is more appropriate.
Otherwise, read write is enough, changing file attribute through java.

Can't find 'Build.xml' after export Antenna files

I have made a J2ME program. This program will be used in 3 specific countries and has to support 7 different screen resolutions.
At the moment I have created 7 different builds for each resolution type and 3 variants in each for each of the 3 countries.
I am using LWUIT as my UI framework. I have configured MTJ with the following.
on Eclipse 3.7.2
In the package explorer i right click on my project directory
select 'Export' (I couldn't find 'Export Antenna Build Files' under the 'Mobile Tools for Java' option)
I wait for it to do its thing.
I open the project folder and search for Build.xml. But can't find anything .
I find a folder called 'mtj-build' that contains another folder(custom-tasks) and two files mtj-build.properties and mtj-build.xml .
I want to able to write a build file that would be able to do the following
put in the correct resources according to the resolution its building
put in the correct theme according to the resolution its building
set the relevant attributes in the Application Descriptor file for each country
repeat this process automatically for each resolution and each country and place the respective .Jad and .Jar files in a particular folder structure as shown.
As I understand to do this I would need to set up a Build.xml. But then I can't find Build.xml after selecting the Export Antenna Build Files option.
How do I achieve this goal? Is it even possible to do this? Please do help . Thanks in Advance
===================UPDATE TO THIS POST #1======================
Follow the links mentioned by Eugen Martynov below.
on a side note: The reason I wasn't getting the option to Export Antenna Build files on the right click of the project was because they were referring to a customized version of the Eclipse IDE called Pulsar Eclipse.[ http://www.eclipse.org/pulsar/ ]
The Antenna build xml file generated by it is far more optimized than the one you get out of the standard Eclipse. I dunno why that is. But thats my Observation.
===================UPDATE TO THIS POST #2======================
Thanks for your suggestion Eugen. I will be writing a few sub Ant Build files to simplify my problem. I still have to figure out how to break this down.
Thanks for the link Telmo Pimentel Mota. In my current build I have 'wtkbuild' and 'wtkpackage'. And the build is working great. I just now have to figure out how to call or execute one build file from another following Eguen's suggestion.
I wouldn't give you complete answer but I give you way to find out it yourself.
Here about ant and building process. Here is building j2me with antenna. There are also should be examples of build.xml files in antenna sample folder. Here is alternate example about ant and building j2me without using antenna.
In your case you have to use different res folders and set different manifest options based on two additional properties country and resolution. You could pass properties outside build.xml by using properties file or by command line:
ant -f <path to build.xml> -D<property name>=<property value>

When creating an Eclipse-based Product, how can I set the default workspace?

I've built an eclipse-based product, and I want to set the default workspace used by the Product. Currently, when the "Workspace Launcher" pops up for the first time, the default workspace location is just in the same directory as the Eclipse Product executable. I'd like to change to something like USER_HOME/myworkspace.
I can't seem to find a setting for this, but I'm guessing / hoping its a setting in my product_configuration.ini.
here is a more easy way
Once you have Eclipse up and running you can open Window-->Preferences-->Editors-->Startup and Shutdown. Click the first box that says Prompt for workspace on startup.
Or In your config.ini file ull've this line (or look in configuration.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs)
//The default workspace location
try changing this
Here is what needs to be done.
Wherever eclipse is installed go to the "configuration" directory and open the config.ini file in there.
Windows paths normally look like this:
You will probably find something like this in the config.ini file:
You need to change that to[Getting rid of the "#" and using forward slashes instead of back slash]:
osgi.instance.area.default=C:/Users/Wilbert/Documents/Programs/CS111B(Java)/Practice Programs/Projects
I just did it and it worked.
In your product (.product), go to the "Configuration" tab. Under the "Properties" section, add the property 'osgi.instance.area.default' with a value of '#user.home/myworkspace'. When you export your product, this property will be automatically added to your product's configuration file (just as ayush and Wilbert Sequeira were manually doing).
Note that only an exported product will use that configuration. When running your product in the Eclipse IDE, the workspace location will be overridden by your IDE's configurations.
The now-defunct Symbian WRT product did this. Looking through the sources, it seems to be done by a p2.inf file in the product package. See the screenshot below:
The first yellow arrow is for Windows and the second for Mac and Linux
In your .product file you can specify this as part of the programArgs element.
<programArgs>-data #user.home/MyWorkspace</programArgs>
Note that you can customize config.ini for individual platforms in the product descriptor (*.product) editor. But it never worked for me - hence that hack using P2. It may be working now as I was working with either 3.5 or early 3.6 when I last tried it.
Have a look at the following tutorial: http://hexapixel.com/2009/01/12/rcp-workspaces.
You said in your comment to the question "I just want to prepopulate the selector window with a certain default location".
You can do just that in PickWorkspaceDialog's (from the tutorial) getWorkspacePathSuggestion() method:
private String getWorkspacePathSuggestion() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
String uHome = System.getProperty("user.home");
if (uHome == null) {
uHome = "c:" + File.separator + "temp";
buf.append("My App Name");
return buf.toString();
For this to work, you do have to create your own dialog though, and I can't tell if that's an option from your question...
In your .product file within the block add:
<property name="osgi.instance.area.default" value="#user.home/workspace" />
And when you build your product, the default config.ini will have this property set.
Details are in the Eclipse docs regarding the various variables.
To set the workspace location programmatically, use:
Platform.getInstanceLocation().set(new URL(...));

How could I embedded socket in Lua internally, just like oslib, debuglib?

I want to implement the function like embedding the socket function in my Lua build.
So I don't need to copy socket.core.dll any more (just for fun).
I search the maillist, and see some guys discuss the topic,
But I have question for the details steps, who could give me a detailed steps for changing the lua and luasocket code to make them work together (not with dll method).
I tried these steps in windows xp with VC2008:
1) copy luasocket code to Lua project.
2) add some code
static const luaL_Reg lualibs[] = {
{"", luaopen_base},
{LUA_LOADLIBNAME, luaopen_package},
{LUA_TABLIBNAME, luaopen_table},
{LUA_IOLIBNAME, luaopen_io},
{LUA_OSLIBNAME, luaopen_os},
{LUA_STRLIBNAME, luaopen_string},
{LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math},
{LUA_DBLIBNAME, luaopen_debug},
{LUA_SOCKETLIBNAME, luaopen_socket_core}, // add this line
{LUA_MIMELIBNAME, luaopen_socket_core}, // add this line
3) build the project, and run it.
When I type print(socket._VERSION), it shows luasocket 2.0.2, it is correct.
When I type print(socket.dns.toip("localhost")), it shows table: 00480AD0, it is correct too.
But when I try to use other features, for example bind, it can't work.
Who could tell me the reason?
you need put luasocket stuff into the package.preload table, in this way:
lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "package");
lua_getfield(L, -1, "preload");
lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_socket_core);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "socket.core");
// add mime.core yourself...
luasocket is a mixed C/lua module, you need to bundle both versions into your application if you want it to work without any extra files.
socket.lua loads socket.core (from socket/core.dll)
mime.lua loads mime.core (from mime/core.dll)
So in order for your application to work you will need to build all the .dll files and the .lua files into your application and manually load them (or set them up to be loaded correctly via custom package loaders).
The email you quoted is tweaking the package.preload table (in a way that appears a tad odd now but might work anyway) to get the built-in C code to be loaded correctly when require is called.
Try running
for k, v in pairs(socket) do print(k, v) end
and maybe we'll be able to help.