Swift Dictionary - Update value in setter function - swift

My code looks a little like:
protocol MyProtocol: class {
var featureConfigs: [String: Any]? { get set }
Base Class
class MyBaseClass: MyProtocol {
var featureConfigs: [String : Any]? {
get {
return nil
set {
self.featureConfigs = newValue
class MySubclass: MyBaseClass {
override var featureConfigs: [String : Any]? {
get {
return ["feature-specific-configuration":""]
set {
self.featureConfigs = newValue
I want to be able to update the values stored in featuresConfig. I understand that doing self.featureConfigs = newValue causes an infinite loop but I am unsure of how to update the featuresConfig dictionary correctly. I've read about and tried some things with Subscript but I couldn't get that to work either. Any suggestions?

In order to be able to set a persistent value for your featureConfigs, it needs to be a stored property, rather than a calculated one (this could also be a private backing variable that you create for this task, as #AMomchilov says). You can then use willSet or didSet to observe changes.
In your subclass, you can override the stored property declaration with a calculated one in order to allow you to update a given value-key pair in the dictionary when it's accessed, using super in order to refer to the superclass's stored property.
For example:
protocol MyProtocol: class {
var featureConfigs: [String: Any]? { get set }
class MyBaseClass: MyProtocol {
var featureConfigs: [String : Any]? { // stored property with setter observers
willSet {
print("about to be set")
didSet {
print("was set")
class MySubclass: MyBaseClass {
// calculated property that forwards to super's stored property
override var featureConfigs: [String : Any]? {
get {
// injects the updated value of a given key when accessing
guard var config = super.featureConfigs else {return nil}
config["feature-specific-configuration"] = "baz"
return config
set {
super.featureConfigs = newValue
let s = MySubclass()
s.featureConfigs = ["foo":"bar"]
print(s.featureConfigs) // Optional(["feature-specific-configuration": "baz", "foo": "bar"])

What you wrote is a computed property. Unlike stored properties, it's not backed by a persistent instance variable.
You can manually create a private instance variable to back the storage of this psuedo-computed-property. You can then give this variable a default value specific to the subclass it belongs to.


Is it possible to add an observer on struct variable in Swift?

I need to track the update in a variable of struct type.
Is it possible to add an observer on struct variable in Swift?
struct MyCustomStruct {
var error:Error?
var someVar:String?
class MyClass{
var myCustomStruct:MyCustomStruct?
I want to add an observer on myCustomStruct variable.
The standard Swift “property observers” (didSet and willSet) are designed to let a type observe changes to its own properties, but not for letting external objects add their own observers. And KVO, which does support external observers, is only for dynamic and #objc properties NSObject subclasses (as outlined in Using Key-Value Observing in Swift).
So, if you want to have an external object observe changes within a struct, as others have pointed out, you have to create your own observer mechanism using Swift didSet and the like. But rather than implementing that yourself, property by property, you can write a generic type to do this for you. E.g.,
struct Observable<T> {
typealias Observer = String
private var handlers: [Observer: (T) -> Void] = [:]
var value: T {
didSet {
handlers.forEach { $0.value(value) }
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
mutating func observeNext(_ handler: #escaping (T) -> Void) -> Observer {
let key = UUID().uuidString as Observer
handlers[key] = handler
return key
mutating func remove(_ key: Observer) {
handlers.removeValue(forKey: key)
Then you can do things like:
struct Foo {
var i: Observable<Int>
var text: Observable<String>
init(i: Int, text: String) {
self.i = Observable(i)
self.text = Observable(text)
class MyClass {
var foo: Foo
init() {
foo = Foo(i: 0, text: "foo")
let object = MyClass()
object.foo.i.observeNext { [weak self] value in // the weak reference is really only needed if you reference self, but if you do, make sure to make it weak to avoid strong reference cycle
print("new value", value)
And then, when you update the property, for example like below, your observer handler closure will be called:
object.foo.i.value = 42
It’s worth noting that frameworks like Bond or RxSwift offer this sort of functionality, plus a lot more.
With variables you can use two default observers
willSet - represents moment before variable will be set with new value
didSet - represents moment when variable was set
Also in observer you can work with two values. With current variable in current state, and with constant depending on observer
struct Struct {
var variable: String {
willSet {
variable // before set
newValue // after set, immutable
didSet {
oldValue // before set, immutable
variable // after set
And the same you can do for any other stored property, so you can use it for struct variable in your class too
class Class {
var myStruct: Struct? {
didSet {
Also you can for example in did set observer of variable post notification with certain name
didSet {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name("VariableSet"), object: nil)
and then you can add certain class as observer for notification with this name
class Class {
init() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(variableSet), name: Notification.Name("VariableSet"), object: nil)
deinit {
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: Notification.Name("VariableSet"), object: nil)
#objc func variableSet() {
Try this, first create a struct with an action variable and when you create an object of the struct set the action parameter on the action you want. ex.
struct testStruct {
var action: (()->())?
var variable: String? {
didSet {
And inside your main code - main class
var testS = testStruct()
testS.action = {
testS.variable = "Hi"
When you set the testS.variabe = "Hi" it will call the print("Hello")
struct MyCustomStruct {
var error:Error?
var someVar:String?
class MyClass{
var myCustomStruct:MyCustomStruct? {
print("my coustomeSruct changed")
let aClass = MyClass()
aClass.myCustomStruct?.someVar = " test"
//prints:my coustomeSruct changed

How can I "blindly inject" an object variable with arbitrary value?

For example, I have a variable with type AnyObject. I do not know what class is that. But I want to test, whether if the object can accept specific attribute, and want to assign value to it.
For example, if I have:
class BaseViewController : UIViewController {
var containerVc : UIViewController?;
If I know that a variable can be typecasted into BaseViewController, then, of course, I can just typecast it to BaseViewController, and then assign the variable to it.
let vc : UIViewController?;
vc = BaseViewController();
(vc as? BaseViewController)?.containerVc = self;
The problem is if the BaseViewController type itself is inaccessible or unknowable.
So what I want to do is that I just want to test if an attribute is available to be set, if the operation can't be performed, it can fail silently. So for example, the code I have in mind if this is possible:
var vc : UIViewController? = generateUnknownVc();
vc.setValue(self, forAttribute: "containerVc");
or genericaly:
var abc : AnyObject = generateRandomObject();
abc.setValue(123, forAttribute: "randomAttribute");
I ask this because I remember somewhere that you can supply value to an object the way Storyboard does (User Defined Runtime Attributes). But I don't know how that works programmatically.
This is the code I finally ended up with, borrowed heavily from Ehsan Saddique's answer. This code has been improved to also check the ancestors (superclass).
extension NSObject {
func safeValue(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
var copy : Mirror? = Mirror(reflecting: self);
while copy != nil {
for child in copy!.children.makeIterator() {
if let label = child.label, label == key {
return child.value
copy = copy?.superclassMirror;
return nil
func setValueSafe(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) {
if safeValue(forKey: key) != nil { self.setValue(value, forKey: key); }
And from Andreas Oetjen's answer, I need to make mental note that this only works if the object is descendant from NSObject or tagged with #objc, and the function is also tagged with #objc.
UIViewController is inherited from NSObject. You can use Key-Value-Coding to find if the key exists. Add this extension to your code.
extension NSObject {
func safeValue(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
let copy = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for child in copy.children.makeIterator() {
if let label = child.label, label == key {
return child.value
return nil
Now you can use if-let to check if key exists.
if let key = yourViewController.safeValue(forKey: "someKey") {
print("key exists")
yourViewController.setValue("someValue", forKey:"someKey")
else {
print("key doesn't exist")
You will have to mark your properties with #objc to use KVC.
You would use Key-Value-Coding, which is supported in swift if (and only if)
Your class is somehow a subclass of NSObject or tagged with #objc
Your properties you want to access are tagged with #objc
I currently have no Xcode available, but this sample code should work:
class A : NSObject {
#objc var name:String = "hello"
var theA = A()
theA.setValue("world", forKey:"name")
print(theA.name) // shoud print "world"
To check if an property exists (instead of just crashing), see this answer: Check if class has a value for a key

Extension property not working as instance property

I have created an protocol extension of UIImageView and added a bool property isFlipped to the extension. My problem is that if I set isFlipped true of false for one object is sets the same values for the all the UIImageView objects. Can anyone guide how to handle it separately for each UIImageView objects.
protocol FlipImage {
var isFlipped: Bool { get set }
var flippedValue = false
extension UIImageView:FlipImage{
var isFlipped: Bool {
get {
return flippedValue
set {
flippedValue = newValue
If you want to add stored properties using extensions, here's a little trick I used that allows you to do it for base classes that you can override (namely view controllers, which is the one I used it for):
This protocol allows a base class to be extended with stored properties in extensions and in protocols:
protocol ExtensibleObject:class
var extendedProperties:[String:Any] { get set }
extension ExtensibleObject
func get<T>(_ defaultValue:T, _ file:String = #file, _ line:Int = #line) -> T
return (extendedProperties["\(file):\(line)"] as? T) ?? defaultValue
func set<T>(_ newValue:T, _ file:String = #file, _ line:Int = #line)
return extendedProperties["\(file):\(line)"] = newValue
To use the protocol, you need to create a subclass of the base class to add storage for all extended properties (for the class and all its sub classes).
class ExtensibleViewController:UIViewController, ExtensibleObject
var extendedProperties:[String:Any] = [:]
Note that you can do it directly in the base class if it is yours.
You would then use the "extensible" base class for your own subclass instead of the base class:
class MyVC:ExtensibleViewController
From then on, any of the subclass can receive new "stored" properties in extensions:
extension MyVC
var newStoredProperty:Int
{ get { return get(0) } set { set(newValue) } } // set and get must be on same line
Stored properties can also be added through protocol adoption for classes implementing the ExtensibleObject protocol:
protocol ListManager:ExtensibleObject
var listContent:[String] { get set }
extension ListManager
var listContent:[String]
{ get { return get([]) } set { set(newValue) } }
extension MyVC:ListManager {}
Bear in mind that these extended properties behave as lazy variables and that they have some additional overhead when used. For UI components and view controllers, this is usually not a problem.

Mutating property by its name

With the help of Reflection API I'm getting the properties list for my types.
func inspectedProperties(ignored: [String] = []) -> [Property] {
var properties = [String]()
for child in self.children() {
guard let label = child.label else {
properties += [label]
return properties.filter { !ignored.contains($0) }
This function returns me the names for all properties.
Now I want to mutate a certain property just by knowing its name.
class Fruit {
private dynamic var name = "Apple"
If I call Fruit().inspectedProperties() I'll get the following array ["name"].
But is it possible to mutate the variable named "name"?
OK, I found a very simple solution but it is not flexible. Actually, you can use KVO to mutate your data types. For this purpose your models should be subclasses of NSObject to enable KVO features and variables marked as dynamic.
typealias Property = String
class Fruit: NSObject {
private dynamic var name = "Apple"
Then there is the mutating function.
func mutateProperty<T>(property: Property) -> T -> () {
return { value in
let filtered = self.children().filter { label, value in
if let label = label where label == property {
return true
return false
guard let child = filtered.first else {
if let object = self as? NSObject where child.value is T {
object.setValue(value as? AnyObject, forKey: property)
Then try out:
let fruit = Fruit()
print(fruit.name) // "Google"
It works, but if you want to work with value types rather than with reference ones it won't work. There might be some low level solution but I'm not familiar with one. If anyone knows how to, please leave your answer here! :)

Swift - How to set a singleton to nil

I am writing an app in swift and use a singleton to share a class object, User, across the app.
I want to be able to set this singleton to 'nil' when the user logs out, so that when they log back in the old properties no longer exists (i.e. name, username, etc).
I am hoping there is an easy way to just set the singleton back to nil, instead of having to set each property to nil.
Here is my User class that is used in the app as User.activeUser:
class User: NSObject
class var activeUser : User? {
struct Static {
static let instance : User = User()
return Static.instance
How can I change this so that the below code does not give me a warning and actually nils out the singleton object:
User.activeUser = nil
This should work:
private var _SingletonSharedInstance:MyClass! = MyClass()
class MyClass {
let prop = "test"
class var sharedInstance : MyClass {
return _SingletonSharedInstance
init () {}
func destroy() {
_SingletonSharedInstance = nil
But then the references to the object are still kept, so you need to do some additional things to invalidate method calls in the class.
Your activeUser is set up as a read-only computed property. Every time you call User.activeUser it is going to recompute the activeUser for you. In order to set it to nil you'll have to add some logic to determine whether or not a user is logged in outside of the computed property. Something like this would work:
class User: NSObject
private struct userStatus { static var isLoggedIn: Bool = true }
class var activeUser : User? {
get {
if userStatus.isLoggedIn {
struct Static {
static let instance : User = User()
return Static.instance
} else {
return nil
set(newUser) {
if newUser != nil {
userStatus.isLoggedIn = true
} else {
userStatus.isLoggedIn = false
Here has a solution I used in java, but also works in swift:
class Manager {
private static var manager: Manager?
static func instance() -> Manager {
if Manager.manager == nil {
Manager.manager = Manager()
return Manager.manager!
func destroy() {
Manager.manager = nil