Classification using GMM with MATLAB - matlab

I'm trying to classify a testset using GMM. I have a trainset (n*4 matrix) with labels {1,2,3}, n means the number of training examples, which have 4 properties. And I also have a testset (m*4) to be classified.
My goal is to have a probability matrix (m*3) for each testing example giving each label P(x_test|labels). Just like soft clustering.
first, I create a GMM with k=9 components over the whole trainset. I know in some papers, the author create a GMM for each label in trainset. But I want to deal with the data from all of the classes.
GMModel = fitgmdist(trainset,k_component,'RegularizationValue',0.1,'Start','plus');
My problem is, I want to confirm the relationship P(component|labels)between components and labels. So I write a code as below, but not sure if it's right,
idx_ex_of_c1 = find(trainset_label==1);
idx_ex_of_c2 = find(trainset_label==2);
idx_ex_of_c3 = find(trainset_label==3);
[~,~,post] = cluster(GMModel,trainset);
cita_c_k = zeros(3,k_component);
for id_k = 1:k_component
cita_c_k(1,id_k) = sum(post(idx_ex_of_c1,id_k))/numel(idx_ex_of_c1);
cita_c_k(2,id_k) = sum(post(idx_ex_of_c2,id_k))/numel(idx_ex_of_c2);
cita_c_k(3,id_k) = sum(post(idx_ex_of_c3,id_k))/numel(idx_ex_of_c3);
cita_c_k is a (3*9) matrix to store the relationships. idx_ex_of_c1 is the index of examples, whose label is '1' in the trainset.
For the testing process. I first apply the GMModel to testset
[P,~] = posterior(GMModel,testset); % P is a m*9 matrix
And then, sum all components,
P_testset = P*cita_c_k';
[a,b] = max(P_testset,3);
The result is ok, But not good enough. Can anyone give me some tips?

You can take following steps:
Increase target error and/or use optimal network size in training, but over-training and network size increase usually won't help
Most important, shuffle training data while training and use only important data points for a label to train (ignore data points that may belong to more than one labels)
Verify separability of data using properties using correlation.
Correlation of all data in a label (X) should be high (near to one)
Cross-correlation of all data in label (X) with data in label (!=X) should be low (near zero).
If you observe that data points in a label have low correlation and data points across labels have high correlation - It puts a question on selection of properties (there could be properties which actually won't make data separable). Being so do follows:
Add more relevant properties to data points and remove less relevant properties (technique to use this is PCA)
Use derived parameters like top frequency component etc. from data points to train rather than direct points
Use a time delay network to train time series (always)


How to apply the learned model in Matlab after cross-validation

Once the classifier is trained and tested using cross-validation approach, how does one use the results to validate on an unseen data especially during free running stage / deployment stage? How does one use the learned model? the following code trains and tests the data X using cross-validation. How am I supposed to use the learned model after the line pred = predict(svmModel, X(istest,:)); is computed?
part = cvpartition(Y,'Holdout',0.5);
istrain = training(part); % Data for fitting
istest = test(part); % Data for quality assessment
NumbTrain = sum(istrain); % Number of observations in the training sample
NumbTest = sum(istest);
svmModel = fitcsvm(X(istrain,:),Y(istrain), 'KernelFunction','rbf');
pred = predict(svmModel, X(istest,:));
% compute the confusion matrix
cmat = confusionmat(Y(istest),pred);
acc = 100*sum(diag(cmat))./sum(cmat(:))
The clue's in the name:
Predict labels using support vector machine (SVM) classifier
label = predict(SVMModel,X)
[label,score] = predict(SVMModel,X)
label = predict(SVMModel,X) returns a vector of predicted class labels
for the predictor data in the table or matrix X, based on the trained
support vector machine (SVM) classification model SVMModel. The
trained SVM model can either be full or compact.
In the code in your question, the code from pred = ... onwards is there to evaluate the predictions made by your svmModel object. However you can take the same object and use it to make predictions with further input dataset(s) - or, better, train a second model using all the data, and use that model for making actual predictions on new, unknown inputs.
You seem to be unclear on the role of (cross-)validation in model building. You should build your deployment model using the whole dataset (X, as per your comment), because as a rule more data always gives you a better model. To estimate how good this deployment model will be, you build one or more models from subsets of X and test each model against the rest of X that wasn't in that model's training subset. If you only do this once, this is called holdout validation; if you use multiple subsets and average the outcomes it's cross-validation.
If it's important to you for some reason that the deployed model is exactly the same one that you used to obtain your validation results, then you can deploy the model that was trained on the training partition of your holdout. But as I said, more training data usually results in a better model.

Feedforward neural network classification in Matlab

I have two gaussian distribution samples, one guassian contains 10,000 samples and the other gaussian also contains 10,000 samples, I would like to train a feed-forward neural network with these samples but I dont know how many samples I have to take in order to get an optimal decision boundary.
Here is the code but I dont know exactly the solution and the output are weirds.
x1 = -49:1:50;
x2 = -49:1:50;
[X1, X2] = meshgrid(x1, x2);
Gaussian1 = mvnpdf([X1(:) X2(:)], mean1, var1);// for class A
Gaussian2 = mvnpdf([X1(:) X2(:)], mean2, var2);// for Class B
net = feedforwardnet(10);
G1 = reshape(Gaussian1, 10000,1);
G2 = reshape(Gaussian2, 10000,1);
input = [G1, G2];
output = [0, 1];
net = train(net, input, output);
When I ran the code it give me weird results.
If the code is not correct, can someone please suggest me so that I can get a decision boundary for these two distributions.
I'm pretty sure that the input must be the Gaussian distribution (and not the x coordinates). In fact the NN has to understand the relationship between the phenomenons themselves that you are interested (the Gaussian distributions) and the output labels, and not between the space in which are contained the phenomenons and the labels. Moreover, If you choose the x coordinates, the NN will try to understand some relationship between the latter and the output labels, but the x are something of potentially constant (i.e., the input data might be even all the same, because you can have very different Gaussian distribution in the same range of the x coordinates only varying the mean and the variance). Thus the NN will end up being confused, because the same input data might have more output labels (and you don't want that this thing happens!!!).
I hope I was helpful.
P.S.: for doubt's sake I have to tell you that the NN doesn't fit very well the data if you have a small training set. Moreover don't forget to validate your data model using the cross-validation technique (a good rule of thumb is to use a 20% of your training set for the cross-validation set and another 20% of the same training set for the test set and thus to use only the remaining 60% of your training set to train your model).

How to scale input features for SVM classification?

I am trying to perform a two-class classification using SVM in MATLAB. The two classes are 'Normal' and 'Infected' for classifying cell images into Normal or Infected respectively.
I use a training set which consists of 1000 Normal cell images and 300 Infected cell images. I extract 72 features from each of these cells. So my training feature set matrix is 72x1300 where each row represents a features and each column represents the corresponding feature value measured from the corresponding image.
data: 72x1300 double
My class label vector is initialized as:
cellLabel(1:1000) = {'normal'};
cellLabel(1001:1300) = {'infected'};
As suusgested in these links: and svm scaling input values, I set about scaling the feature values doing this:
for i=1:1:size(data,1)
mu(i) = mean(data(:,i));
sd(i) = std(data(:,i));
scaledData(:,i) = (data(:,i) - mu(i))./sd(i);
For testing, I read a test image and compute a 72x1 feature vector. Before I classify, I scale the test vector using the corresponding mean and standard deviation values from the `data' and then classify. If I do this, I am getting a 0% training accuracy.
However, if I scale each from each class separately and concatenate, I am getting a 98% training accuracy. Can someone explain if my method is correct? For training accuracy, I knew what image I was using and hence read the mean and SD value. How should I do it for a case where the image's label is unknown?
This is how I train:
[idx,z] = rankfeatures(data,cellLabel,'Criterion','wilcoxon','NUMBER',7);
rnkData = data(idx,:);
rnkData = rnkData';
cellLabel = cellLabel';
SVMModel = fitcsvm(rnkData,cellLabel,'Standardize',true,'KernelFunction','RBF','KernelScale','auto');
You can see I tried using the in-built scaling property but the classification tends to show 'normal' class irrespective of the input.
corresponding mean and standard deviation values
What do you mean by that?
Do you have mean and std. dev. for each feature? Why not using actual min/max than?
I'm not sure how feasible is this to implement in Matlab, but in my OpenCV/SVM code I store all min/max values from the training data for each feature and use these min/max values to scale the test data of a corresponding feature.
If the value of test-data is often outside the range of min/max from training data, this is a strong hint of insufficient amount of training data.
Using mean and std. dev. values you won't detect this so explicitly.

Using Linear Prediction Over Time Series to Determine Next K Points

I have a time series of N data points of sunspots and would like to predict based on a subset of these points the remaining points in the series and then compare the correctness.
I'm just getting introduced to linear prediction using Matlab and so have decided that I would go the route of using the following code segment within a loop so that every point outside of the training set until the end of the given data has a prediction:
%x is the data, training set is some subset of x starting from beginning
%'unknown' is the number of points to extend the prediction over starting from the
%end of the training set (i.e. difference in length of training set and data vectors)
%x_pred is set to x initially
p = length(training_set);
coeffs = lpc(training_set, p);
for i=1:unknown
nextValue = -coeffs(2:end) * x_pred(end-unknown-1+i:-1:end-unknown-1+i-p+1)';
x_pred(end-unknown+i) = nextValue;
error = norm(x - x_pred)
I have three questions regarding this:
1) Does this appropriately do what I have described? I ask because my error seems rather large (>100) when predicting over only the last 20 points of a dataset that has hundreds of points.
2) Am I interpreting the second argument of lpc correctly? Namely, that it means the 'order' or rather number of points that you want to use in predicting the next point?
3) If this is there a more efficient, single line function in Matlab that I can call to replace the looping and just compute all necessary predictions for me given some subset of my overall data as a training set?
I tried looking through the lpc Matlab tutorial but it didn't seem to do the prediction as I have described my needs require. I have also been using How to use aryule() in Matlab to extend a number series? as a reference.
So after much deliberation and experimentation I have found the above approach to be correct and there does not appear to be any single Matlab function to do the above work. The large errors experienced are reasonable since I am using a linear prediction algorithm for a problem (i.e. sunspot prediction) that has inherent nonlinear behavior.
Hope this helps anyone else out there working on something similar.

how to calculate roc curves?

I write a classifier (Gaussian Mixture Model) to classify five human actions. For every observation the classifier compute the posterior probability to belong to a cluster.
I want to valutate the performance of my system parameterized with a threshold, with values from 0 to 100. For every threshold values, for every observation, if the probability of belonging to one of cluster is greater than threshold I accept the result of the classifier otherwise I discard it.
For every threshold values I compute the number of true-positive, true-negative, false-positive, false-negative.
Than I compute the two function: sensitivity and specificity as
sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN);
In matlab:
to have the ROC curve. But the result isn't what I expect.
This is the plot of the functions of discards, errors, corrects, sensitivity and specificity varying the threshold of one action.
This is the plot of ROC curve of one action
This is the stem of ROC curve for the same action
I am wrong, but i don't know where. Perhaps I do wrong the calculating of FP, FN, TP, TN especially when the result of the classifier is minor of the threshold, so I have a discard. What I have to incremente when there is a discard?
I am answering this because I need to work through the content, and a question like this is a great excuse. Thank you for the good opportunity.
I use data from the built-in fisher iris data:
I also use code snippets from the Mathworks tutorial on the classification, and for plotroc
Problem Description
There is clearer boundary within the domain to classify "setosa" but there is overlap for "versicoloir" vs. "virginica". This is a two dimensional plot, and some of the other information has been discarded to produce it. The ambiguity in the classification boundaries is a useful thing in this case.
%load data
load fisheriris
%show raw data
figure(1); clf
gscatter(meas(:,1), meas(:,2), species,'rgb','osd');
xlabel('Sepal length');
ylabel('Sepal width');
axis equal
axis tight
title('Raw Data')
Lets say that we want to determine the bounds for a linear classifier that defines "virginica" versus "non-virginica". We could look at "self vs. not-self" for other classes, but they would have their own
So now we make some linear discriminants and plot the ROC for them:
%load data
load fisheriris
load iris_dataset
ldaClass1 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'linear')';
ldaClass2 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'diaglinear')';
ldaClass3 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'quadratic')';
ldaClass4 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'diagquadratic')';
ldaClass5 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'mahalanobis')';
The result is shown in the following, though it took deleting repeat copies of the diagonal:
You can note in the code that I stack "myinput" and "myoutput" and feed them as inputs into the "plotroc" function. You should take the results of your classifier as targets and actuals and you can get similar results. This compares the actual output of your classifier versus the ideal output of your target values. Those are the input to plotroc.
So this will give you "built-in" ROC, which is useful for quick work, but does not make you learn every step in detail.
Questions you can ask at this point include:
which classifier is best? How do I determine what best is in this case?
What is the convex hull of the classifiers? Is there some mixture of classifiers that is more informative than any pure method? Bagging perhaps?
You are trying to draw the curves of precision vs recall, depending on the classifier threshold parameter. The definition of precision and recall are:
Precision = TP/(TP+FP)
Recall = TP/(TP+FN)
You can check the definition of these parameters in:
There are some curves here:
Are you dividing your dataset in training set, cross validation set and test set? (if you do not divide the data, it is normal that your precision-recall curve seems weird)
EDITED: I think that there are two possible sources for your problem:
When you train a classifier for 5 classes, usually you have to train 5 distinctive classifiers. One classifier for (class A = class 1, class B = class 2, 3, 4 or 5), then a second classfier for (class A = class 2, class B = class 1, 3, 4 or 5), ... and the fifth for class A = class 5, class B = class 1, 2, 3 or 4).
As you said to select the output for your "compound" classifier, you have to pass your new (test) datapoint through the five classifiers, and you choose the one with the biggest probability.
Then, you should have 5 thresholds to define weighting values that my prioritize selecting one classifier over the others. You should check how the matlab implementations uses the thresholds, but their effect is that you don't choose the class with more probability, but the class with better weighted probability.
As you say, maybe you are not calculating well TP, TN, FP, FN. Your test data should have datapoints belonging to all the classes. Then you have testdata(i,:) and classtestdata(i) are the feature vector and "ground truth" class of datapoint i. When you evaluate the classifier you obtain classifierOutput(i) = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. Then you should calculate the "confusion matrix", which is the way to calculate TP, TN, FP, FN when you have multiple classes (> 2):
(note the relation between TP, TN, FP, FN that you are calculating for the multiclass problem)
I think that you can obtain the TP, TN, FP, FN data of each subclassifier (remember that you are calculating 5 separate classifiers, even if you do not realize it) from the confusion matrix. I am not sure but you can draw the precision recall curve for each subclassifier.
Also check these slides:
I don't know what the ROC curve is, I will check it because machine learning is a really interesting subject for me.
Hope this helps,