I trying to use Watson alchemy language. After registering on Bluemix and creating an instance I have got a "invalid-api-key" error on checking URL:
The same error raised with using Python API.
Why is the new key not working?
Problem was solved with ibm ticket system. it was a temporary bug in registration new key.
I am using IBM Watson Visual Recognition for a custom model. I have uploaded my dataset as .zip files, which is fine so far. However, I cannot test already trained model and I cannot label new images. When I go on my Watson services, it says:
Error fetching custom collections: Error in Watson Visual Recognition service: Recieved invalid status 403 in getAllCollections response for guid crn:v1:bluemix:public:watson-vision-combined:us-south:a/649b0335a5a44f6d80d1fd6909e466f9:8a71daa3-b0be-42ac-bb72-1473de835c19:: at endpoint https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/visual-recognition/api/
When I try to label new images , it says: Error in Watson Visual Recognition service: Received empty image data response
To the best of my knowledge, I have checked Google and StackOverflow for solutions, but didn't find any. I am using the Lite version. I only have one project, and one Visual Recognition instance. Please note that it worked for a different Visual Recognition model before, but later I could not use or access that model.
403 is a forbidden error, implying that you don't have authority to access the custom collections. Which is strange as its part of the V4 API available to lite accounts.
If you are doing everything inside Watson Studio, then Watson Studio is accessing the service on your behalf. Watson Studio may have expired its access token. Try flushing your browser cache, logging back into Watson Studio and trying again.
If that doesn't work, you should raise a ticket against Watson Studio.
You can verify if it is a Watson Studio problem by using cURL to list the customised collections - https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/visual-recognition/visual-recognition-v4#list-collections
curl -u "apikey:{apikey}" "{url}/v4/collections?version=2019-02-11"
If you still get a 403, then the problem lies with the service. If the cURL command works, then the problem lies with Watson Studio, and how you are using it.
Another thing to consider, since you mentioned you were using a lite plan, is that once you have exhausted the monthly quota of resources for this free plan, you will get 403 error codes.
I am building a chatbot using IBM Watson Assistant.How can connect my local server database with that.Please provide step by step solution and code required .
I would suggest to look at the dialog node functions which allow you to make programmatic calls https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/assistant/dialog-actions.html#dialog-actions
I am trying to get details of conversation workspace. I am using node and the getWorkspace API as mentioned in this reference doc
When I run the conversation.getWorkspace() function, I get the error - conversation.getWorkspace is not a function.
Is this a deprecated API? Any suggestion on how I can get the status of a workspace using the watson-developer-cloud package?
Node.js functions for managing IBM Watson Conversation Service workspaces and its included objects can be found in the Watson Developer Cloud Node SDK. Make sure to be on the latest version to get the full functions. Note that the version needs to be set as part of initializing the API.
I would like to use OAuth as authorization system for my API created on the IBM API Manager (on Bluemix). Is it possible to use the IBM MobileFirst as OAuth provider? I have already tried inserting
as “Authorization URL”, after calling
I obtain the form to insert the credentials, I enter a MobileFirst user and password (credentials are in basic user registry) but it seems to be always failing and the form is constantly visible.
What am I getting wrong?
Thank you in advance.
This is not possible through MobileFirst Platform Foundation at this time. The question should be directed at the API Manager product. You could probably open a PMR (support ticket) for that team.
To use OAuth to the secure the APIs in IBM API Management, please see the Securing an API by using OAuth 2.0 tutorial. As provided in the earlier answer it is not possible through IBM Mobile First Platform at this time.
Node-Red on bluemix provides a Watson Machine Translation node. Bluemix recently changed the translation APIs that this uses, releasing a new Watson Language Translation API. (see https://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/doc/language-translation/migrating.shtml for details)
I think this is the reason I used to get an error message in Node-Red saying that the Machine translation could not be binded.
Could you please help?
We're currently working on updates to support the API changes in the nodes. Hopefully, we'll have this working by the end of the week.
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