Translation example not working anymore in Node-Red and Bluemix - ibm-cloud

Node-Red on bluemix provides a Watson Machine Translation node. Bluemix recently changed the translation APIs that this uses, releasing a new Watson Language Translation API. (see for details)
I think this is the reason I used to get an error message in Node-Red saying that the Machine translation could not be binded.
Could you please help?

We're currently working on updates to support the API changes in the nodes. Hopefully, we'll have this working by the end of the week.
This issue has now been resolved. Please update your source and try again...


Error Accessing Bluemix Node-RED Editor

I'm using Node-RED Starter to build my app. My app URL can be accessed here.
should appear on my browser, but I got an
The app however seems to be working fine on my dashboard. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
Your app is throwing a 500 error which basically means that your app is very much broken. How did you build it? Which starter did you use?
As you are running in the IBM Cloud, I would drop what you already have, and recreate using the starter from the IBM Cloud catalog. Unless of course if that is what you used to create it in the first place. In which case as per the other suggestions look at the server side logs, from the options on IBM Cloud for your application.

How to get details CAM logs

Sometimes the logs tab is empty and the instance creations fails bringing it to error state. How can i debug what went wrong and where? I am using Bluemix GUI to copy paste the terraform template.
Typically for a failed deployment in Cloud Automation Manager (CAM) you will see an error message in the deployment's Log File tab. However if you do not see anything on the Log File tab and did not receive an error message at time of deployment, first check the template formatting and then open a support ticket with IBM for further diagnosis. You can following the instructions at this link for contacting support.
The internal logs for Cloud Automation Manager will be reviewed by IBM support to help diagnose the issue. Thanks!
The CAM traouble shooting documentation is available here:
I see that there some known issues with CAM. You can go through the troubleshooting guide and see if your error is one of the known issues. If not - they have provided instruction on how to contact support. I suggest you contact their support and seek help in getting the logs.

APIC Cannot GET /apim while updating schema

am new to stackoverflow, and I thought of sharing this regarding an IBM product called APIC.
I did the whole deployment correctly as recommended by IBM on an Ubuntu Environment with mongoDB and MySQL using an AZURE Virtual Machine as Server. Whenever I try to update the schema of the database with the new models, I get an error saying:
Cannot GET /apim/dataSources/partials/dataSourceMigrate.html
Please help or ask me anything in case you need more info, and tell me if it's an error from Azure or IBM or me.
This exactly happened to me once, and I contacted IBM for several weeks of give and take, to find out it's a bug on their side, not on the cloud side or your side :)
Check it here:
In this case, go back to using strongloop until they get it fixed.
Note that his is a bug on the operating system itself, it works on iOS but that would be useless on cloud.

BXNUI0005E error while doing dw001 exercise 3a

I am trying to complete the exercise 3a in the DW001 Getting Started with IBM Bluemix course. The first exercise is to create a default node.js app in blue mix and deploy.
I am tring to create an app with the name 'akarnr-dw001-ex1' but I keep getting the following error:
BXNUI0005E: The 'akarnr-dw001-ex1' application could not be added. See the Troubleshooting topics in the IBM Bluemix Documentation to check service status, review troubleshooting information, or for information about getting help.
I have tried a number of different combinations for the unique name of the app but they keep failing.
Please help.
We are currently experiencing some issues in Cloudant service instances provisioning, as you can see on the Bluemix Status Page. This is the reason why you are currently not able to instantiate the Node.js Cloudant DB Web Starter boilerplate. Please refer to the status page to know when the issue is fixed.
EDIT: The issue should now be fixed and you should be able to instantiate the boilerplate.

Embeddable reporting lost connection to cloudant

I have a embeddable reporting service in my Bluemix app, running off a Cloudant service. It has been fine for months and then suddenly 2 days back, started throwing the attached error. Meaning that Embeddable reporting has lost the URL to Cloudant that was configured to start with. Any thoughts on what might be going on?
enter image description here
The Bluemix platform and the Cloudant service experience some availability issues late last week. All services are restored now. If you continue to experience issues, please raise an issue at IBM developerWorks Answers, or open a support ticket.
Use this link to view status for the Bluemix platform and services.