I am working on a simple AR project using Unity and ARToolkit. For testing purposes, I have created a test project to track the image and create a simple 3d sphere and it is working perfectly when I play it from inside the Unity editor. The problem is that when I create the build .exe of the project, the application does not augment the 3D model of the marker when I put the marker in front of Camera (it should work as it is working when playing from inside the editor). It is also showing two errors as I build the project. Note that I have included the .dll files in the folder where .exe file is located.
Also I see that after building the project, the UID of the marker disappears as well as it is showing perfectly when played from inside the Unity Editor.
Kindly guide me in this matter as I have to submit this project to the university final year project. ThankYou
several things on this:
the disappearing of the marker ID during the build of the APP is normal and does not affect your result
Please check if you have selected the correct scene when building your APP:
Build view
select the "Add open scenes" button and tick the scene(s) you would like to include in your APP.
(It happens quite often that the wrong scene is picked)
Also ensure that you are copying the correct versions of the dlls (32bit vs. 64bit) but if you copied the ones from the [appname]_data/Plugins directory you should be fine.
Let me know if that works for you.
One of my team members just cloned my unity project which was working fine on my pc(unity 5.5) where as it is displaying "Display 1 no cameras rendering" error in the scene on my teammate's pc(unity 5.4).
We are using a git repository and this is the first time we have encountered this problem.
Another thing we just noticed is that there are place holders for all the objects that were part of hierarchy(on my system). For some reason there names are not getting displayed, but when when you select the area, something seems to be selected.
Can someone please help us solve the issue.
One of my team members just cloned my unity project which was working
fine on my pc(unity 5.5) where as it is displaying "Display 1 no
cameras rendering" error in the scene on my teammate's pc(unity
Take a moment and look at the words in bold. You can't do that.
You shouldn't try to open a Unity project made with higher Unity version with lower Unity version. This applies to most software too. What's happening is that Unity added new feature and changed some of Unity's binary saved data in Unity 5.5 that Unity 5.4 doesn't have.
When you load a project from Unity 5.5 in Unity 5.4, it won't be able to understand those new features leading to weird behavior such as the one he's having.
Your teammate will have to update to Unity 5.5 in order to load the Project made with Unity 5.5.
I just had this same issue with "Display 1 no cameras rendering".
After a quick look around the interface, I clicked on my main camera and in the Camera area of the Inspector panel, I saw that my Target Display was set to "Display 4". Not sure how it got there, but changing that back to "Display 1" fixed the problem for me.
If you code and setting don't have other error,I guess you right-click on the gamewindow
Just the Game,cancel the warn if----
OK,just it.
Sorry,My English is not good enough.
I has the same issue , undoing all the steps until the last correct function , i found i erase the main camera without take care.
I have a Scene which has many models. I Baked that scene and got some lightmaps. I put those lightmaps and those models inside one bundle category and that scene in another as I can't add both models and scene inside one bundle category. I can download those models and scene properly and loads the scene. Everything works perfectly but lightmaps don't get load. It loads in Editor but it doesn't work in mobile devices(IOS/Android). I tried logging LightmapSettings.lightmaps.Length also and it gives proper output in mobile. But those maps won't load. Anyone knows whats the problem?
Not sure if this is the problem but try it.
Go to Files->Settings-> Select Android Switch click Switch Platform.
Rebuild your Asset. Name it AndroidAsset.
Go to Files->Settings-> Select iOS Switch click Switch Platform.
Rebuild your Asset. Name it iOSAsset.
When building the for each platform,load each Asset with the platform Asset it was built for.
This is a horribly basic question I know (!) but how do I create and import an AR marker into Unity? I know I am meant to do it through the Vuforia Marker Manager page. I have created a Target Database and I have downloaded the database, but how do I get the marker to display in Unity?
Also: what exactly is a Target Database? Is that another name for 'marker'?
To answer your question specifically, yes your Marker is your Target.
So what you need to do is:
Go to License Manager. Add a License Key choosing None as your License plan.
Now go to Target Manager. Create a Database and add the license for it from the drop down.
Add Target, and select from your computer the Image that you want to be the Marker, and upload it.
Once the status of the Target changes to active you can click Download Database and make sure you click For UnityEditor. This downloads a .unitypackage
Now inside Unity, go to Assets>Import New Assets... and locate to the .unitypackage you downloaded
This is how you import your database.
If you haven't Imported the Vuforia package Unity Extension then you
simply need to download it from the Downloads section and Import it
through the Assets>Import Package> Custom Package
Now ideally to work with AR, you would use the AR Camera, which is located in your Assets Bar in Qualcomm Augmented Reality>Prefabs. Drag ARCamera onto your scene.
With the AR Camera selected in the Hierarchy look at the Inspector tab. You'll see Data Set Load Behavior. Under that you SHOULD see the name of the .unitypakage you imported ealier. Check the name as well as make it Active.
Now in Qualcomm Augmented Reality>Prefabs you should also see Image Target. Drag that onto the screen as well.
With the ImageTarget selected in Hierarchy look at the Inspectorthere should be Image Target Behaviour
Fill in as follows
Type: Predefined
Data Set: <Name of imported .unitypackage>
Image Target: <Name of Picture uploaded into the Database>
Now you may work around the Image Target as per your app requirement.
NOTE: In the License Manager, click on the Name of the License and
you'll see a Alpha-numeric code. Copy that code, and within the
Inspector of the AR Camera, under QCAR Behaviour>App License Key
paste the code in. This must be done in order for your app to work on your > device.
Hope this helps you. Please feel free to ask me if anything.
There are a couple things that you need to do before getting this to work.
Firstly, I noticed you mentioned creating a Target Database on the Vuforia website, but have you actually added any markers to it? Markers are the actual AR images that will be scanned. A Target Database is a collection of markers that can be used simultaneously in your Unity application.
Once you have your markers uploaded they should have a 2-4 star rating as shown in the picture
After downloading the database as a UnityPackage you have to import it into Unity along with the Vuforia Unity SDK.
If you are still having trouble getting an example scene running within Unity you can download a sample scene at the previous link.
Last night I finished up on unity and saved my project and scene before closing unity.
This morning when I loaded up unity My Hierarchy, scene and game view are all empty, I don't even have a main camera. This has happened before so I closed off unity (Without Saving or anything) and opened it through the scene file, to my surprise again it does not work, Thinking it must have just not loaded the scene again I tried loading the scene in unity, again no result, now I've spent the last 2 hours browsing the internet trying to find the solution to the problem.
A few common answers I've seen for this problem that do not work for me:
Unity is not opening a new scene, it says at the top it is currently in the scene I want.
Pressing F does not fix anything since there is nothing in the hierarchy in the first place.
The project is saved in DropBox.
All the assets say they were last updated when I last saved and closed Unity.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
From my experience, Unity and Dropbox don't really get along, as one may lock files the other one wants to read/write, and that means sometimes files not saved properly.
If you want to share projects or just have an online backup, prefer other tools that don't scan the folder all the time, like Git.
open run prompt (windows+R)
%AppData% --> "Roaming" folder will open.
Search for Unity and delete this folder.
Go up one folder up (AppData) and do the same to Local/Unity and LocalLow/Unity
I'm facing a strange issue, in my game i'm using OnMouseDown for click and drag etc everything working fine but once converting resources to download bundle (for downloading) it's not working any more and the rest of the script is working fine means Update etc functions are working.
note:Script is attached with the prefab which later on Instantiated in game to create objects.
using Bundle Assets From Selection - Track Dependency
Restart the unity3d and up,down and drag are working now. :)