How to call save method in mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument class - mongodb

import mongoengine
class Model1(mongoengine.DynamicDocument):
name = mongoengine.StringField()
addr = mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField(Model2)
class Model2(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument):
loc = mongoengine.StringField()
# do some stuff
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
print "test line print...."
super(Model2, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
now when I save Model1 instance. it doesn't call save method
m2 = Model2(loc='some text')
m1 = Model1(name='name')
m1.addr = m2
if I try to explicity call the save method on Model2, it complains that NoneType object has no attr save

m2 (embedded doc) does have a save method. It calls See the code.
The assumption calling will call save() on all embedded documents is false. (I fell in the same trap...)
So unfortunately, you can't safely override an embedded document's save method expecting it to be called each time the document is saved.
But you can add it a pre_save method you call from (or in a callback catching the pre_save signal in the document).
However, calling should call and save the whole document. I can't explain this error: NoneType object has no attr save. You should edit your question to provide the full traceback.


Graphene: How to add a function before query execute?

Is there a way to execute a function before all query?
When I add an annotation above Query class, It makes an error
AssertionError: Type <function Query at 0x104d1dd30> is not a valid ObjectType.
def my_func(f):
def my_func_wrap(*args, **kwargs):
//do something
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return my_func_wrap
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
node = relay.Node.Field()
users = graphene.List(lambda: UserSchema)
def resolve_users(self, info):
//do something
return User.query.all()
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
If i add the annotation to every resolver, It works fine.
but I will add more than 20 resolvers and I don't think adding the annotation to every resolver is good idea.
Yes, you can. Just create a custom View class inheriting from GraphQLView and override dispatch method then use your own view class as graphql endpoint handler. Something like this:
class CustomGraphQLView(GraphQLView):
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
// do something
super(CustomGraphqlView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
If you want to manipulate the queryset itself, I suggest to use graphene-django-extras and override the list_resolver method on its query fields(DjangoFilterListField, DjangoFilterPaginateListField, ...) class and use your own custom class.
You can call super on override methods or copy the exact code from their source and edit them.

How to invoke an interface method with Mono Embedding?

I load an assembly and from that a class of the object I want to create. From that class I check for interfaces (mono_class_get_interfaces) and find the interface class I want (IDispose).
I create the object with mono_object_new and call mono_runtime_object_init directly afterward. I then call mono_object_castclass_mbyref to cast the object to an interface reference. Then I retrieve the interface method I want to call (Dispose) from the interface class with mono_class_get_method_from_name.
I call mono_object_get_virtual_method to make sure I have the correct implementation and then try to call it with mono_runtime_invoke using the interface MonoObject * reference and the interface virtual method MonoMethod * (args = NULL) -> which is unsuccessful.
I have also tried to call mono_method_get_unmanaged_thunk with the same parameter, that doesn't work either.
In both cases I get a value back for the exception argument. Problem is, I haven't found a way to look inside the exception...
Question is:
Is the sequence of calls correct to work with managed interfaces and call the correct (most specific) interface methods?
How to get more information on the MonoException (I assume the MonoObject * returned by invoke is a MonoException instance)?
There is no need to invoke any castclass function to cast a managed reference to an 'interface reference': the value is the same.
Once you have your IDispose MonoClass* pointer, you should get the MonoMethod* for the method you want to call and pass that to mono_object_get_virtual_method(). The result of this function is what you should pass to mono_runtime_invoke().
For the exception, you can invoke the get_Message method method, for example, or any of the methods you'd call to deal with it if you were in C# code.
Simple tested code below, str is a MonoString*:
icloneable_class = mono_class_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System", "ICloneable");
iface_method = mono_class_get_method_from_name (icloneable_class, "Clone", 0);
iface_impl_method = mono_object_get_virtual_method (str, iface_method);
exc = NULL;
obj = mono_runtime_invoke (iface_impl_method, str, NULL, &exc);
The method is correctly invoked and exc will be NULL.

Matlab: Getter runs before Constructor?

Given an object with custom get-methods for some properties, does Matlab execute some of the code (the getter) before the class constructor is executed?
Even if i set the default of a property to empty, and have a getter (!) open an io connection to a file, when I step through the debugger, even on the first line the object is already defined as (with a filepath that corresponds the information available to the object before the constructor ran). How can this be, and whats the reasoning behind this implementation?
Edit: A breakpoint in the get method does not halt the debugger, so I'm not sure wether it is actually executed or not.
Edit 2: It seems like the getter is executed after the constructor is entered, after the debugger halts in the first line, before the first line is executed. No halt at breakpoint within get method though...
As per request, some code:
classdef Cat < handle
poop = []; % my data matrix the cat is there to produce/manage
function obj = Cat(config)
obj.filename = config.FILENAME; % Halt debugger in this line
function value = get.poop(obj)
obj.poop = matfile(obj.filename)
value = obj.poop.ingredients; % 'ingeredients' being the name of the variable in poopfile.mat
To debug, I call
myCat = Cat(config)
from a different script. Workspace is cleared and path is rehashed.
When the debugger halts, obj.poop is not [], but is already a reference to some undefined file, and the reference to the linked file obj.poop.Source is empty, which is obvious, as obj.filename has not been set yet.
Test setup:
With a slightly modified class Cat.m:
classdef Cat < handle
poop = [];
function obj = Cat(config)
display('In constructor.');
obj.filename = config.FILENAME;
function value = get.poop(obj)
display('In poop getter.');
obj.poop = matfile(obj.filename);
value = obj.poop.ingredients;
to display the execution order of the class methods, and the test.m script:
ingredients = 1:100;
save('a', 'ingredients');
config.FILENAME = 'a.mat';
myCat = Cat(config)
I got the following result:
In constructor.
myCat =
In poop getter.
Cat handle
filename: 'a.mat'
poop: [1x100 double]
Methods, Events, Superclasses
Please note that the first assignment in the getter method was ended with semicolon (while in the original code was not).
In conclusion:
The get.poop() method is called after the constructor, as expected. This was tested on MATLAB R2012a, but I strongly believe that this is not a matter of version.
The reason for which get.poop() method is called is because the assignment myCat = Cat(config) is not ended with a semicolon ;.
The default behavior for assignments not ended with semicolon is to display the result of assignment. Displaying an object means, among other things, displaying the values of public properties. To get the value of the public property poop, get.poop() is called; that explains the getter call. Once the statement is changed to myCat = Cat(config);, the getter is not called anymore, because the result of assignment is not displayed anymore.
Later note:
Please note also that every request for display of the object will call the getter. So, yes, the getter might be called while the constructor is still halted by the debugger, because you inspect the poop member.

AttributeError: 'Bottle' object has no attribute 'template'

Example One
Consider the following:
import bottle
import pymongo
application = bottle.Bottle()
def index():
cursor = [ mongodb query here ]
return application.template('page1',{'dbresult':cursor['content']})
Assume that the MongoDB query is correct, and the application is calling the content value of cursor correctly and passing it to the template which is formatted correctly.
The errors I am getting in the logs are to do with being able to use the template() method eg:
AttributeError: 'Bottle' object has no attribute 'template'
Example Two
If I change the corresponding assignment and call to:
application = bottle
The error is:
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
Example Three
If I change the corresponding assignment and call to:
application = bottle
return {'dbresult':cursor['content']}
The error is:
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
What is the correct call to the template() method to use to get Example One working?
To get "Example One" working:
return bottle.template('page1',{'dbresult':cursor['content']})
template() is in the bottle module; just reference it as bottle.template(...).
bottle.template() isn't a method of the bottle.Bottle() application object. It's a function in the bottle module.

FactoryGirl to_create return value

From my understanding, the return value from a factory's 'to_create' method is ignored. This means that the object returned from the 'build' or 'initialize_with' portion of the factory is the object ultimately returned when calling 'create' within a test.
In my case, I am using a variant of the Repository Pattern. I am overriding the 'to_create' portion of the factory to include a call to a repository 'save' method. This method does not modify the given object, but returns an object representing the persisted form of the original.
However, the instance returned from the 'build' block is returned from the factory, and not the instance created in the 'to_create' block. In my code, this means the "unpersisted" form of the object is returned, not the object with updated attributes (e.g. 'id') from the saving action.
Is there a way of forcing the return value of 'create' to be either the result of the 'to_create' block or some value generated within that block?
class Foo
attr_accessor :id, :name
class FooRepository
def self.create(name) # this object is not yet persisted and has no .id
# this method must not guarantee that the original Foo instance
# will always be returned
updated_foo # this is a duplicate of the original object
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :foo, class: FooRepository do
# create an example Foo
initialize_with { FooRepository.create(name: "Example") }
# save the Foo to the datastore, returning what may be a duplicate
to_create {|instance|}
describe FooRepository do
it "saves the given Foo to the datastore" do
foo = create(:foo) #=> nil
I don't have an answer for you beyond "raise an issue", sorry.
The default to_create callback looks like this:
$ grep to_create lib/factory_girl/configuration.rb
to_create {|instance|! }
The main problem is that ActiveRecord modifies itself in place when you call save! on it. FactoryGirl will ignore any new objects that are returned from to_create.
A quick hack if you want to override the default create strategy:
module FactoryGirl
module Strategy
class Create
def association(runner)
def result(evaluation)
evaluation.object.tap do |instance|
evaluation.notify(:after_build, instance)
evaluation.notify(:before_create, instance)
instance = evaluation.create(instance) # <-- HACK
evaluation.notify(:after_create, instance)
... Or do this to your to_create hook to mimic Rails' in-place modification:
to_create do |record|
new_record =
record.attributes = new_record.attributes # For example
new_record # Return the record just in case the bug is fixed
Best of luck. :(