Can someone enlighten me about the osvr architecture ?
Why would we have more than two eyes ?
Is surfaces concept is made if there is multiple screens on the headset ?
Thanks for your answers
2 eyes are there to enable future expansion without code changes. In a two-user game, you would have 4 eyes. If you want a preview window from head space (between the two eyes) this would result in 3 eyes. When eye tracking is used for foveated rendering with layers, the background layers may be rendered from a canonical eye view and the high-resolution inserts from specific eye orientations (the projection actually goes through the nodal point of the eye, which is in front of the center of the eye, so shifts as the eye rotates).
Multiple surfaces per eye will also enable foveated rendering and support rendering to HMDs that have highly non-rectangular viewing areas before distortion correction is applied.
I think that it's mostly for convention purposes that the number is arbitrary. It will not happen IRL. If you have multiple Viewers, each will have a "0" eye and a "1" eye.
When used as an ID/index, it is zero-based,so values range from 0 to (count
1) inclusive, for a given viewer.
Use as an ID/index is not meaningful except in conjunction with the ID of the corresponding viewer. (that is, there is no overall "eye 0", but "viewer 0, eye 0" is meaningful.)
svr::clientkit::Eye Class Reference
If you would have several screens it would more likely be multiple Viewers as Surface is a concept that is bound to a Viewer and an Eye:
Wrapper for a viewer, eye, and surface bound to a display config.
osvr::clientkit::Surface Class Reference
The Surface class contains info like projectionMatrix and distortion.
I am tinkering around with cubes trying to build variations of 'block types' (in an effort to get more familiar with Unity's abilities, shaders, editor tools etc).
I have a generic cube:
That I want to add a material/shader.. which I have done (no problem there):
Which looks well enough (for my purposes) when it's just one block, but when I stick them altogether, I don't like the effect; you can see the individual boxes and the shader (which you can't see in the still image) is actually animated water, so when it's animating it looks ... pretty ugly.
I am trying to STRETCH or share the shader/material across all the selected blocks. See the below example (in this case, I have taken a SINGLE block and stretched it, but that's not keeping with the spirit of having individual blocks, so also not what I want).
(better/more desired)
I have thought the following may help, but they all seem overly complicated (aka I think I'm going about it incorrectly)
Have the individual blocks, but stretch a single plane across them and then apply the material.
I have found examples of programmatically joining meshes, and then apply the material/shader to the single object.
Take a single block and stretch it to the dimensions needed.
Maybe (not sure if I can), but have a plane with the water material applied to it and use the blocks as masks to only display water for those blocks? Not sure how that works...
In the end I am hoping to have the following:
Individual blocks (so I can interact with them.
Shader animations/colors are shared across the shared/connected blocks.
It won't always be a 2x3 grid... it could be diagonal, or contain odd shapes of connected blocks...
(this is all in EDITOR mode).
Any thoughts on how I might approach this?
Phrases you could try searching are "converting from world space to uv space", "transforming uv coordinates", "uv math". UV is the name for coordinates in textures that a shader samples from, and if you take already existing shader code, you can do interesting things by changing the UV(s) it uses. One of those things is letting you "stretch" it.
In your 2x3 cube example you could tell each cube to treat its U value as going from 0 to 0.5 or 0.5 to 1 and the V as going from 0 to 0.33 or 0.33 to 0.67 or 0.67 to 1 depending on where it is instead of each one going from 0 to 1. You could do this by having a property on the shader to tell it where to start the uv (a) and where to end its uv (b), and you lerp from (0,0) - (1,1) to a - b.
My answer to a different question uses some similar logic to that by comparing the world position of the pixel vs a range of world positions to get a UV. The relevant shader code is:
fixed4 colorizedMapUV = (IN.worldPos.xz-_WorldSpaceRange.xy)
/ (;
Another option is to only look at the world position, and completely disregard a notion of where the "corners" of the uv should be. A method called "triplanar mapping" might guide you to a solution that does this
Is there a tech community agreed term for a photographic (well as close as possible) scene that can be explored by walking around? Obviously, within certain limits. Say, a museum could scan a sculpture with laser and make it available on vr, 3d mesh with properly mapped textures. Is there a name for such thing? The so-called 360 VR photos definitely fall short of such detail.
I think the most common names are:
360 if it's just an image from one point containing all the angles, usually a equirectangular or cubemap texture/video. Some have stereoscopy, but it's very limited.
360 with depth it's a 360 but apart from color, it has depth information. This allows stereoscopy and some movement, but because of shadowing and problems with acquiring depth maps its almost never used. In the future AI-based filling of shadowed areas, and perhaps replacing the need for capturing depth, might make this a commonly used format.
photogrammetry if it's converted to a textured mesh, has proper depth and can be viewed from all angles (for example Vanishing of Ethan Carter - unfortunatelly 3d models from that article seem to be missing, sent them an email, maybe they'll fix it)
lightfield if it's a volume containing lots of 360 images with some kind of interpolation between them. Has proper depth but can be viewed only from the mapped volume (see Welcome To Lightfields)
I have seen many tutorials that people blend two images that are placed on top of each other very nicely in Photoshop. For example here are two images that are placed on top of each other:
Then in Photoshop after some work, the edges (around the smaller image) will be erased and two images are nicely mixed.
For example, this is a possible end result:
As it can be seen there is no edge and two images are very nicely blended, without blurring.
Can someone point me to any article or post that shows the math behind it? If there is a MATLAB code that can do it, that would be even better. Or at least if someone can tell me what is the correct term for this so I can do Google search on the topic.
Straight alpha blending alone is not sufficient, as it will perform a uniform mixing of the two images.
To achieve nice-looking results, you will need to define an alpha map, i.e. an image of the same size where you adjust the degree of transparency depending on the image that should dominate.
To obtain the mask, you can draw it by hand, for example as a filled outline, as a path or a polygon. Then you have to strongly blur this mask to get a smooth blend.
It looks very difficult (if not impossible) to automate this, as no software can guess what you want to enhance.
The term you are looking for is alpha blending.
The maths behind it boils down to some alpha weighted sums.
Matlab provides the function imfuse to achieve this:
Edit: (as it still seems to be unclear)
Let's say you have 2 images A and B wich you want to blend.
You put one image over the other so for each coordinate you have 2 RGB touples.
Now you need to define the weight of both images. Will you only see the colour of image A or B or which ratio will you choose to mix them?
This is done by alpha values.
So all you need is a 2d function that defines the mixing ratio for each pixel.
Usually you have values between 0 and 1 where 0 shows one image, 1 shows the other image, 0.5 will mix them both equally and so on...
Just read the article I have linked. It gives you a clear mathematical definition. I can't provide more detail than that.
If you have problems understanding that I urge you to read a book on image processing fundamentals.
I'm currently trying to implement a silhouette algorithm in my project (using Open GLES, it's for mobile devices, primarily iPhone at the moment). One of the requirements is that a set of 3D lines be drawn. The issue with the default OpenGL lines is that they don't connect at an angle nicely when they are thick (gaps appear). Other subtle artifacts are also evident, which detract from the visual appeal of the lines.
Now, I have looked into using some sort of quad strip as an alternative to this. However, drawing a quad strip in screen space requires some sort of visibility detection - lines obscured in the actual 3D world should not be visible.
There are numerous approaches to this problem - i.e. quantitative invisibility. But such an approach, particularly on a mobile device with limited processing power, is difficult to implement efficiently, considering raycasting needs to be employed. Looking around some more I found this paper, which describes a couple of methods for using z-buffer sampling to achieve such an effect. However, I'm not an expert in this area, and while I understand the theory behind the techniques to an extent, I'm not sure how to go about the practical implementation. I was wondering if someone could guide me here at a more technical level - on the OpenGLES side of things. I'm also open to any suggestions regarding 3D line visibility in general.
The technique with z-buffer will be too complex for iOS devices - it needs heavy pixel shader and (IMHO) it will bring some visual artifacts.
If your models are not complex you can find geometric silhouette in runtime - for example by comparing normals of polygons with common edge: if z value of direction in view space has different sings (one normal is directed to camera and other is from camera) then this edge should be used for silhouette.
Another approach is more "FPS friendly": keep extruded version of your model. And render firstly extruded model with color of silhouette (without textures and lighting) and normal model over it. You will need more memory for vertices, but no real-time computations.
PS: In all games I have look at silhouettes were geometric.
I have worked out a solution that works nicely on an iPhone 4S (not tested on any other devices). It builds on the idea of rendering world-space quads, and does the silhouette detection all on the GPU. It works along these lines (pun not intended):
We generate edge information. This consists of a list of edges/"lines" in the mesh, and for each we associate two normals which represent the tris on either side of the edge.
This is processed into a set of quads that are uploaded to the GPU - each quad represents an edge. Each vertex of each quad is accompanied by three attributes (vec3s), namely the edge direction vector and the two neighbor tri normals. All quads are passed w/o "thickness" - i.e. the vertices on either end are in the same position. However, the edge direction vector is opposite for each vertex in the same position. This means they will extrude in opposite directions to form a quad when required.
We determine whether a vertex is part of a visible edge in the vertex shader by performing two dot products between each tri norm and the view vector and checking if they have opposite signs. (see standard silhouette algorithms around the net for details)
For vertices that are part of visible edges, we take the cross product of the edge direction vector with the view vector to get a screen-oriented "extrusion" vector. We add this vector to the vertex, but divided by the w value of the projected vertex in order to create a constant thickness quad.
This does not directly resolve the gaps that can appear between neighbor edges but is far more flexible when it comes to combating this. One solution may involve bridging the vertices between large angled lines with another quad, which I am exploring at the moment.
The Screen-to-world problem on the iPhone
I have a 3D model (CUBE) rendered in an EAGLView and I want to be able to detect when I am touching the center of a given face (From any orientation angle) of the cube. Sounds pretty easy but it is not...
The problem:
How do I accurately relate screen-coordinates (touch point) to world-coordinates (a location in OpenGL 3D space)? Sure, converting a given point into a 'percentage' of the screen/world-axis might seem the logical fix, but problems would arise when I need to zoom or rotate the 3D space. Note: rotating & zooming in and out of the 3D space will change the relationship of the 2D screen coords with the 3D world coords...Also, you'd have to allow for 'distance' in between the viewpoint and objects in 3D space. At first, this might seem like an 'easy task', but that changes when you actually examine the requirements. And I've found no examples of people doing this on the iPhone. How is this normally done?
An 'easy' task?:
Sure, one might undertake the task of writing an API to act as a go-between between screen and world, but the task of creating such a framework would require some serious design and would likely take 'time' to do -- NOT something that can be one-manned in 4 hours...And 4 hours happens to be my deadline.
The question:
What are some of the simplest ways to
know if I touched specific locations
in 3D space in the iPhone OpenGL ES
You can now find gluUnProject in I've no association with the iphone-glu project and haven't tried it yet myself, just wanted to share the link.
How would you use such a function? This PDF mentions that:
The Utility Library routine gluUnProject() performs this reversal of the transformations. Given the three-dimensional window coordinates for a location and all the transformations that affected them, gluUnProject() returns the world coordinates from where it originated.
int gluUnProject(GLdouble winx, GLdouble winy, GLdouble winz,
const GLdouble modelMatrix[16], const GLdouble projMatrix[16],
const GLint viewport[4], GLdouble *objx, GLdouble *objy, GLdouble *objz);
Map the specified window coordinates (winx, winy, winz) into object coordinates, using transformations defined by a modelview matrix (modelMatrix), projection matrix (projMatrix), and viewport (viewport). The resulting object coordinates are returned in objx, objy, and objz. The function returns GL_TRUE, indicating success, or GL_FALSE, indicating failure (such as an noninvertible matrix). This operation does not attempt to clip the coordinates to the viewport or eliminate depth values that fall outside of glDepthRange().
There are inherent difficulties in trying to reverse the transformation process. A two-dimensional screen location could have originated from anywhere on an entire line in three-dimensional space. To disambiguate the result, gluUnProject() requires that a window depth coordinate (winz) be provided and that winz be specified in terms of glDepthRange(). For the default values of glDepthRange(), winz at 0.0 will request the world coordinates of the transformed point at the near clipping plane, while winz at 1.0 will request the point at the far clipping plane.
Example 3-8 (again, see the PDF) demonstrates gluUnProject() by reading the mouse position and determining the three-dimensional points at the near and far clipping planes from which it was transformed. The computed world coordinates are printed to standard output, but the rendered window itself is just black.
In terms of performance, I found this quickly via Google as an example of what you might not want to do using gluUnProject, with a link to what might lead to a better alternative. I have absolutely no idea how applicable it is to the iPhone, as I'm still a newb with OpenGL ES. Ask me again in a month. ;-)
You need to have the opengl projection and modelview matrices. Multiply them to gain the modelview projection matrix. Invert this matrix to get a matrix that transforms clip space coordinates into world coordinates. Transform your touch point so it corresponds to clip coordinates: the center of the screen should be zero, while the edges should be +1/-1 for X and Y respectively.
construct two points, one at (0,0,0) and one at (touch_x,touch_y,-1) and transform both by the inverse modelview projection matrix.
Do the inverse of a perspective divide.
You should get two points describing a line from the center of the camera into "the far distance" (the farplane).
Do picking based on simplified bounding boxes of your models. You should be able to find ray/box intersection algorithms aplenty on the web.
Another solution is to paint each of the models in a slightly different color into an offscreen buffer and reading the color at the touch point from there, telling you which brich was touched.
Here's source for a cursor I wrote for a little project using bullet physics:
float x=((float)mpos.x/screensize.x)*2.0f -1.0f;
float y=((float)mpos.y/screensize.y)*-2.0f +1.0f;
vec4 pos=activecam.GetView().col_t;
p1=pos+(((vec3)p2 - (vec3)pos) / 2048.0f * 0.1f);
btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback(btVector3(p1.x,p1.y,p1.z),btVector3(p2.x,p2.y,p2.z));
game.dynamicsWorld->rayTest(btVector3(p1.x,p1.y,p1.z),btVector3(p2.x,p2.y,p2.z), rayCallback);
if (rayCallback.hasHit())
btRigidBody* body = btRigidBody::upcast(rayCallback.m_collisionObject);
else if (body)
Entity* ent=(Entity*)body->getUserPointer();
//cerr<<"hit ";
Imagine a line that extends from the viewer's eye
through the screen touch point into your 3D model space.
If that line intersects any of the cube's faces, then the user has touched the cube.
Two solutions present themselves. Both of them should achieve the end goal, albeit by a different means: rather than answering "what world coordinate is under the mouse?", they answer the question "what object is rendered under the mouse?".
One is to draw a simplified version of your model to an off-screen buffer, rendering the center of each face using a distinct color (and adjusting the lighting so color is preserved identically). You can then detect those colors in the buffer (e.g. pixmap), and map mouse locations to them.
The other is to use OpenGL picking. There's a decent-looking tutorial here. The basic idea is to put OpenGL in select mode, restrict the viewport to a small (perhaps 3x3 or 5x5) window around the point of interest, and then render the scene (or a simplified version of it) using OpenGL "names" (integer identifiers) to identify the components making up each face. At the end of this process, OpenGL can give you a list of the names that were rendered in the selection viewport. Mapping these identifiers back to original objects will let you determine what object is under the mouse cursor.
Google for opengl screen to world (for example there’s a thread where somebody wants to do exactly what you are looking for on There is a gluUnProject function that does precisely this, but it’s not available on iPhone, so that you have to port it (see this source from the Mesa project). Or maybe there’s already some publicly available source somewhere?