I don't find gzip-compress-transformer in my mule studio palette - mule-studio

I don't find gzip-compress-transformer in my mule studio palette.
May you advise please?

At least through mule 3.7.3 this transformer is not in the palette, but should be available for use by putting it directly into your xlm. I have not tried 3.8 yet but would guess it still has not been added to the gui.


NanoFramework VSCode - How to get started?

Maybe I am just missing something, but I don't get how to setup a blank solution in VSCode (Under Windows or Visual Studio, you are able to just create a new Blank NanoFramework Template, but how can I do that in VSCode :/). I would really like to work with the nanoframework instead of c/c++, but I don't know how to create a blank solution :(.
That option is not currently available.
The main goal of the VS Code extension is to allow (partially) folks on MAC or Linux to work with .NET nanoFramework.
It's not possible to debug on VS Code and you'll only have a full experience on Visual Studio. If you're on Windows, the recommendation is to use Visual Studio.

how to do map dependencies with code maps using VS code on ubuntu?

I encountered this link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/modeling/map-dependencies-across-your-solutions?view=vs-2019, and I was thinking to follow it to generate code maps for my c++ code running on ubuntu vs code of version 1.61.2. Somehow I can not even find the tool menu and the solution explorer. I managed to install the solution explorer as my VS code extension. But I still do not know how to get started. Any comments are greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately it seems that the dependency maps are only available in Visual Studio and not in VSCode, which are two separate things

Is there a Tools option on Visual Studio Code under Ubuntu?

I'm using Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu. I'm new to Linux/Ubuntu so please excuse me if I'm asking a stupid question.
My question is regarding the Tools menu on Visual Studio under Windows. I don't see a Tools option in VS Code and when I search online I see some references to files/tools but that does not seem to work.
I have tried the option to right click the file in both Explorer in VS Code and the system Explorer but the instructions say to select Open in Command Prompt (or Open in Terminal) but those options don't exist when I right click.
Can someone please advise me and give me a reference if it exists?
Maybe an alternative is to run Microsoft VS using Wine. I have not tried that yet as it seems a little like wishful thinking but I will if someone says it will work.
From the Main Menu, select Help, the 'Welcome' which has Customize Tools and Languages.

Set up Neovim integration in VS code

Currently a (neo)vim user, I read that VS Code supports neovim backend integration, but after searching I cannot find how to set it up.
Can someone explains how to set up neovim integration in VS Code?
Thank you.
PS : I use both linux and windows so if there are some OS specifity you could mention it.
I believe the integration you read about was referring the neovim integration in VSCodeVim: https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim#neovim-integration
This one uses a real instance of neovim as editor back-end: https://github.com/asvetliakov/vscode-neovim

How to configure Visual Studio Code to build a project with IAR compiler?

I want to use Visual Studio Code as my main IDE, but I want to compile my code with IAR's compiler.
How could I configure VSCode ?
I found this extension but the documentation is too poor.
Yes, the extension politoleo.iar is indeed NOT good.
-> I found a better one (will try it in future by myself):
VSCode plugin: pluyckx.iar-vsc
IAR For Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Marketplace
Good document
Welcome to IAR-VSC’s documentation! — IAR-VSC 1.2 documentation
doc's Github source: pluyckx/iar-vsc
IAR related official Technical Note
Using Visual Studio Code with IAR Embedded Workbench
Enjoy it !
There are now two official IAR plugins for VSCode which make things much easier:
For building and development: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=iarsystems.iar-build
For debugging with C-Spy: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=iarsystems.iar-debug
What I did is setting some environment variables in settings.json;
then in tasks.json I created shell tasks that call the IarBuild.exe & IarIdePm.exe with appropriate values (see the documentation on the command line options)...
So now, I can use VSCode for navigation & editing, but the compilation is done by the EWARM.
The only thing that I haven't figure out yet is how to make C-Spy work from within VSCode...
Currently when I want to debug, I just launch the EWARM and debug from there...
here is a screenshot:Screenshot of settings.json and tasks.json
For this, you can port you project to the custom build system (non iarbuild), e.g. a best choose is the Qbs. The Qbs support a lot of architectures and the toolchains (include IAR, KEIL and so on). In this case you can then use any IDE which support the Qbs, e.g. such as VSCode or QtCreator, and to open your project in any of these IDEs.
Both IDEs support only the GDB debugging, because the C-Spy debuger is a proptietary technology, which has not the public datasheets.