NanoFramework VSCode - How to get started? - visual-studio-code

Maybe I am just missing something, but I don't get how to setup a blank solution in VSCode (Under Windows or Visual Studio, you are able to just create a new Blank NanoFramework Template, but how can I do that in VSCode :/). I would really like to work with the nanoframework instead of c/c++, but I don't know how to create a blank solution :(.

That option is not currently available.
The main goal of the VS Code extension is to allow (partially) folks on MAC or Linux to work with .NET nanoFramework.
It's not possible to debug on VS Code and you'll only have a full experience on Visual Studio. If you're on Windows, the recommendation is to use Visual Studio.


search analyzer and formatter for Visual studio code

I would like to find a linter to analyze the formatting of my code, and also use the linter locally to format my code. And I would want to be able to do that with Visual studio code (and ideally, also Visual studio).
Right now, I am using Visual studio with resharper. But it's way too slow for me.
So I installed visual studio code, installed the extension omnisharp and roslynator, to be able to have the same formatting rules as resharper. So it works well, I configured my config file to display error when a rule is not respected, like that :
My issue is, I can't find a way to fix all these issue with a shortcut, like I use to do with Visual studio and resharper.
The shortcut shift+alt+F does not fix all my errors, and the command omnisharp "fixall" act weirdly, it remove my function Hi..
Do you have suggestion of setup with visual studio code to be able to format the code directly (not via a command line, but from a shortcut), and as advanced as resharper, and that could also work as a linter to analyze the code on the CI?

Visual Studio Code forgetting my extension

I'm developing an extension for Visual Studio Code for the proprietary language that the product I code for uses because I hate the antiquated IDE ships with it. Everything is going fine except for one issue. When I close and open Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code seems to "forget" my extension. Syntax highlighting, code completion, commands that I've implemented all stop working. I have to disable and then enable to extension for it to start working again. I am OK with this for personal use. However, I want to push this out to other users both in and outside of the company. If any code would be helpful, let me know, and I will happily provide it.
I resolved this issue. It was because in my settings.json for VS Code I had an entry for the file extension pointing to an extension that I had removed. Removing that line from my settings.json resolved the issue of things not working when I opened VS Code.
Thanks to everybody for their comments.

how to configure visual studio pro's text editor for editing a .swift file?

I do my editing for Xcode Swift source with Visual Studio on windows, which remotes into my Mac and Xcode.
When editing a .swift file, VS does pretty good, and correctly colors keywords.
But some commands don't work right:
comment and uncomment,
constantly pops up the [abc] help menu, which annoyingly obscures the source code,
new window command is not available.
I can't find a setting within Options > Text Editor to control this. And no StackO answers have helped.
Xcode does not support development on other devices than macOS.
Be happy that it works the way you describe it. Simply I would recommend to work on your Mac.
But if you want really to work on windows for native Swift development I would recommend to remote your Mac in a Windows window where you can use Xcode. Microsoft Instructions
Or instead of Visual Studio Pro try Visual Studio Code there are some free plugins which support the Swift Language. (e.g. Plugin: Swift Language)

Is it possible to add auto-completion into external code editors for Unity

I just started using Unity with Visual Studio Code and got it up and running to use it instead of the default code editor but VSC doesnt display auto-completion and I am wondering if it is even possible to add this feature into Visual Studio Code and if yes, how to do so.

Is there a Tools option on Visual Studio Code under Ubuntu?

I'm using Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu. I'm new to Linux/Ubuntu so please excuse me if I'm asking a stupid question.
My question is regarding the Tools menu on Visual Studio under Windows. I don't see a Tools option in VS Code and when I search online I see some references to files/tools but that does not seem to work.
I have tried the option to right click the file in both Explorer in VS Code and the system Explorer but the instructions say to select Open in Command Prompt (or Open in Terminal) but those options don't exist when I right click.
Can someone please advise me and give me a reference if it exists?
Maybe an alternative is to run Microsoft VS using Wine. I have not tried that yet as it seems a little like wishful thinking but I will if someone says it will work.
From the Main Menu, select Help, the 'Welcome' which has Customize Tools and Languages.