i have find a plugin to implement star ratings using CakePHP https://github.com/CakeDC/ratings
but i don't know how to use it. i want to have five stars.
i'm a beginner in the CakePHP. and I would to calculate for the ratings.
i use cakphp 2.8.
should i create a table named rating ?
how do I calculate for the ratings ?
what should i write in the controller, view and model ?
plz help me
Thank you in advance for your answers.
First add this component in your controller like this
public $helpers = array('Ratings.RatingHelper');
public $components = array(
In your view function
$this->set('isRated', $this->{$this->modelClass}->isRatedBy($id, $this->Auth->user('id')));
In view.ctp file
if ($isRated === false) {
echo $this->Rating->display(array(
'item' => $post['Post']['id'],
'url' => array($post['Post']['id'])
} else {
echo __('You have already rated.');
You can check tutorial file in its docs folder. If have any issue plz let me know
I'm trying to remove buttons in detail view of a Lead if it is alredy converted.
I saw a similar question and it use javascript to hide buttons. I'm trying to obtain same result via php.
This is my view.detail.php in custom\modules\Leads\views\ folder
class LeadsViewDetail extends ViewDetail {
function __construct(){
function preDisplay() {
if($this->bean->converted==1) {
echo "hide";
foreach ($this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] as $key => $value) {
} else {
echo "show";
Using this code, after a Quick Repair & Rebuilt, I see "hide" or "show" correctly according to the Lead status but buttons are not updated correctly.
If I open a converted Lead after QR&R, I will never see the buttons.
If I open a unconverted Lead after QR&R, I will see the buttons all times.
I'm stuck with this situation. Can anyone explain me where is the problem? How I can solve it?
Every help is very appreciated.
You can probably handle this without extending the ViewDetail by using Smarty logic ("customCode") in custom/modules/Leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.php. It looks like the Convert button is already only rendered when the user has Edit privileges, so it's not a big deal to add one more condition to it...
$viewdefs['Leads']['DetailView']['templateMeta']['form]['buttons'][] = array('customCode' => '
{if $bean->aclAccess("edit") && $bean->converted}
onClick="document.location=\'index.php?module=Leads&action=ConvertLead&record={$fields.id.value}\'" />
Alternatively, if you do have several conditions and they'd get too messy or difficult for Smarty logic to be reasonable, we can combine a small amount of Smarty Logic with the extended ViewDetail.
This except of custom/modules/Leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.php is actually the out-of-the-box file from SugarCRM CE 6.5.24, where it looks like they've actually tried to make this customization easier by supplying a Smarty var $DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION. For reference, it simply needs the global config variable disable_convert_lead to be set and enabled, but I suspect that this was a relatively new feature not included in earlier versions. Still, it's a good example of using the View to set a simple Smarty variable that we can pivot on:
$viewdefs['Leads']['DetailView'] = array (
'templateMeta' => array (
'form' => array (
'buttons' => array (
array (
'customCode' => '{if $bean->aclAccess("edit") && !$DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION}<input title="{$MOD.LBL_CONVERTLEAD_TITLE}" accessKey="{$MOD.LBL_CONVERTLEAD_BUTTON_KEY}" type="button" class="button" onClick="document.location=\'index.php?module=Leads&action=ConvertLead&record={$fields.id.value}\'" name="convert" value="{$MOD.LBL_CONVERTLEAD}">{/if}',
//Bug#51778: The custom code will be replaced with sugar_html. customCode will be deplicated.
'sugar_html' => array(
'type' => 'button',
'value' => '{$MOD.LBL_CONVERTLEAD}',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'class' => 'button',
'onClick' => 'document.location=\'index.php?module=Leads&action=ConvertLead&record={$fields.id.value}\'',
'name' => 'convert',
'id' => 'convert_lead_button',
'template' => '{if $bean->aclAccess("edit") && !$DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION}[CONTENT]{/if}',
We can combine this $DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION reference with a custom/modules/Leads/views/view.detail.php like the following to set it based on whatever condition we want:
class CustomLeadsViewDetail extends LeadsViewDetail {
* while we might normally like to call parent::display() in this method to
* best emulate what the parnts will do, we instead here copy-and-paste the
* parent methods' content because LeadsViewDetail::display() will set the
* DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION Smarty var differently than we want.
public function display(){
global $sugar_config;
// Example One: Disable Conversion when status is Converted
$disableConvert = ($this->bean->status == 'Converted');
// Example Two: Disable Conversion when there is at lead one related Call
// where the status is Held
$disableConvert = FALSE;
foreach($this->bean->calls->getBeans() as $call){
if($call->status == 'Held'){
$disableConvert = TRUE;
break; // exit foreach()
// Example Three: Disable Conversion if the User is in a specific Role, e.g.
// Interns who are great for data entry in Leads but shouldn't be making
// actual sales
global $current_user;
$disableConvert = $current_user->check_role_membership('No Lead Conversions');
// In any of the above examples, once we have $disableConvert set up
// as we want, let the Smarty template know.
$this->ss->assign("DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION", $disableConvert);
// copied from ViewDetail::display();
if(empty($this->bean->id)) {
echo $this->dv->display();
I want to realize an image slide, that show the last 3 news from the news extension on it.
So - I'm obvioulsy new to TYPO3 - I somehow need to fetch the data from the news extension.
I would prefer doing it inside the new extension, so I guess - from what I know so far - it should look somehow like this
$objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager');
$orderRepository = $objectManager->get('Tx_News_Extension_Path_To_Articles'); // don't know path
$articles = $orderRepository->find(3, BY-DATE, DESC); // don't know the command
$this->view->assign('articles', $articles);
I head of another way by doing it through TypoScript. Maybe I could use this:
lib.news_list < lib.news
lib.news_list {
action = list
switchableControllerActions.News.1 = list
Would be glad to get some advise.
One option is to add a function like this to your repository:
public function findLastByDate($amount){
$query = $this->createQuery();
'date' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING
return $query->execute();
And call it in your controller:
$articles = $this->orderRepository->findLastByDate(3);
I've been working on trying to setup a blog archive for a blog site where the use clicks on a date and the corresponding posts appear. (see image) I understand I need to retrieve all my blog posts and sort by date, but the steps after that are foggy to me. Taking that data then sorting it by month/year and passing it to a template is the part I am having trouble with.
Can someone shed some light on what I am doing wrong or provide a simple working example?
What I have thus far:
public function archiveAction()
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// $query = $em->getRepository('AcmeProjectBundle:Blog')
// ->findAll();
$blogs = $em->getRepository('AcmeProjectBundle:Blog')
if (!$blogs) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find blog posts');
foreach ($blogs as $post) {
$year = $post->getCreated()->format('Y');
$month = $post->getCreated()->format('F');
$blogPosts[$year][$month][] = $post;
// exit(\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($month));
return $this->render('AcmeProjectBundle:Default:archive.html.twig', array(
'blogPosts' => $blogPosts,
You want to tell your archiveAction which month was actually clicked, so you need to one or more parameters to it: http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/controller.html#route-parameters-as-controller-arguments (I would do something like /archive/{year}/{month}/ for my parameters, but it's up to you.) Then when someone goes you myblog.com/archive/2014/04, they would see those posts.
Next, you want to show the posts for that month. For this you'll need to use the Doctrine Query builder. Here's one SO answer on it, but you can search around for some more that pertain to querying for dates. Select entries between dates in doctrine 2
in SugarCRM some modules like "Calls" has an "i" (Additional Details) icon in List view which shows some additional details about that record.
I want to display same kind for other modules like customer visits with some custom details of the records.
Any hints or guidance will be helpful.
1) Create a file in your metadata folder {MODULENAME}/metadata/additionalDetails.php. You have to find correct place of your module.
2) and create a function something like this. replace {MODULENAME} and {MODULE_BEAN_NAME} with actual module name in all places.
function additionalDetails{MODULE_BEAN_NAME}($fields) {
static $mod_strings;
if(empty($mod_strings)) {
global $current_language;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, '{MODULENAME}');
$overlib_string = '';
$overlib_string .= '<b>'. $mod_strings['LBL_NAME'] . '</b> ' . $fields['NAME'] . ' <br>';
//Add whatever info you want to show up to $overlib_string
$editLink = "index.php?action=EditView&module={MODULENAME}&record={$fields['ID']}";
$viewLink = "index.php?action=DetailView&module={MODULENAME}&record={$fields['ID']}";
return array(
'fieldToAddTo' => 'NAME',
'string' => $overlib_string,
'editLink' => $editLink,
'viewLink' => $viewLink
you have to create $overlib_string with your data (in html). If you need edit and view links on your modal box you have to return them as well. $fields is an associative array that contains db record.
3) The i icon should appear on the module list view.
I use Zend framework to build the forms, I want to make the edit action, since the user click on edit, the form appears with users data, how can I set the data to the form which is built dynamically??
where $data is an array of key value pairs containing your data.
$form = new Zend_Form;
if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
//to just populate
//or auto populate during validation
if ($form->isValid($this->_getAllParams()) {
//do stuff if valid
I know that ZF maunal is pretty messy and not everything is clear, but I think forms are explained pretty nice (with examples). You should research more by yourself.
$Menu = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Menu();
$row = $Menu->fetchRow($Menu->select()->where('id = ?', $id));
$Addmenu = new Admin_Form_Addmenu();