Get articles from TYPO3 news extension - typo3

I want to realize an image slide, that show the last 3 news from the news extension on it.
So - I'm obvioulsy new to TYPO3 - I somehow need to fetch the data from the news extension.
I would prefer doing it inside the new extension, so I guess - from what I know so far - it should look somehow like this
$objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager');
$orderRepository = $objectManager->get('Tx_News_Extension_Path_To_Articles'); // don't know path
$articles = $orderRepository->find(3, BY-DATE, DESC); // don't know the command
$this->view->assign('articles', $articles);
I head of another way by doing it through TypoScript. Maybe I could use this:
lib.news_list <
lib.news_list {
action = list
switchableControllerActions.News.1 = list
Would be glad to get some advise.

One option is to add a function like this to your repository:
public function findLastByDate($amount){
$query = $this->createQuery();
'date' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING
return $query->execute();
And call it in your controller:
$articles = $this->orderRepository->findLastByDate(3);


Symfony2 - Setting up a blog archive

I've been working on trying to setup a blog archive for a blog site where the use clicks on a date and the corresponding posts appear. (see image) I understand I need to retrieve all my blog posts and sort by date, but the steps after that are foggy to me. Taking that data then sorting it by month/year and passing it to a template is the part I am having trouble with.
Can someone shed some light on what I am doing wrong or provide a simple working example?
What I have thus far:
public function archiveAction()
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// $query = $em->getRepository('AcmeProjectBundle:Blog')
// ->findAll();
$blogs = $em->getRepository('AcmeProjectBundle:Blog')
if (!$blogs) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find blog posts');
foreach ($blogs as $post) {
$year = $post->getCreated()->format('Y');
$month = $post->getCreated()->format('F');
$blogPosts[$year][$month][] = $post;
// exit(\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($month));
return $this->render('AcmeProjectBundle:Default:archive.html.twig', array(
'blogPosts' => $blogPosts,
You want to tell your archiveAction which month was actually clicked, so you need to one or more parameters to it: (I would do something like /archive/{year}/{month}/ for my parameters, but it's up to you.) Then when someone goes you, they would see those posts.
Next, you want to show the posts for that month. For this you'll need to use the Doctrine Query builder. Here's one SO answer on it, but you can search around for some more that pertain to querying for dates. Select entries between dates in doctrine 2

Set values to form builds by zend framework

I use Zend framework to build the forms, I want to make the edit action, since the user click on edit, the form appears with users data, how can I set the data to the form which is built dynamically??
where $data is an array of key value pairs containing your data.
$form = new Zend_Form;
if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
//to just populate
//or auto populate during validation
if ($form->isValid($this->_getAllParams()) {
//do stuff if valid
I know that ZF maunal is pretty messy and not everything is clear, but I think forms are explained pretty nice (with examples). You should research more by yourself.
$Menu = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Menu();
$row = $Menu->fetchRow($Menu->select()->where('id = ?', $id));
$Addmenu = new Admin_Form_Addmenu();

TYPO3: Parse current url into variable

i know how i get the current URL with typoscript, but i dont know how i can parse this url into a variable so i can use and work with it.
temp.getUrl = TEXT
temp.getUrl.typolink {
This example returns me an url segment like 'This/is/just/a/test.html', so long – perfect!
Now i try to save this url into an Variable like
temp.getUrl = TEXT
temp.getUrl.typolink {
wiredMindsCompleteUrl < temp.getUrl
This results everytime just with 'TEXT' :( i kinda depressed.
Please help :)
The question is, where do you want to use it.
If you want to use it in different places in TypoScript you can f.e. render it into stdWrap.append / stdWrap.prepend of your links.
myMenu = HMENU
myMenu ...
myMenu.stdWrap.append < temp.getUrl
You could just put it into an Register:
page.1.getUrl < temp.getUrl
and f.e. use your register in the tilte-Tag of an image:
lib.MyImage = IMAGE
lib.MyImage.file = ... = REGISTER:getUrl
lib.MyImage.tilteText.noTrimWrap = | makes no sense (IMHO:) ||
If you need it in your extension, just use it with cObjGetSingle.
plugin.tx_yourextension_pi1.getUrl < temp.getUrl
Inside your extension use it via
function main($content, $conf) {
$this->conf = $conf;
return $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['getUrl'], $this->conf['getUrl.'], 'getUrl');
Side note: use lib.getUrl instead of temp.getUrl, otherwise you can get in trouble with non-cached TypoScript parts.

Call TYPO3 plugin from other plugin's body

I need to call typo3 plugin from other plugin's body and pass its result to template. This is pseudo-code that describes what I want to achieve doing this:
$data['###SOME_VARIABLE###'] = $someOtherPlugin->main();
$this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($someTemplate, $data);
Is it possible?
It doenst work if you use the whole pi construct, e.g. for links, marker function etc, and the TSFE Data can be corrupted.
Dmitry said:
$cObjType = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_rgsmoothgallery_pi1'];
$conf = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_rgsmoothgallery_pi1.'];
$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
$cObj->start(array(), '_NO_TABLE');
$conf['val'] = 1;
$content = $cObj->cObjGetSingle($cObjType, $conf); //calling the main method
You should use t3lib_div:makeInstance method.
There is a working example from TYPO3's "powermail" extension.
function getGeo() {
// use geo ip if loaded
if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('geoip')) {
require_once( t3lib_extMgm::extPath('geoip').'/pi1/class.tx_geoip_pi1.php');
$this->media = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_geoip_pi1');
if ($this->conf['geoip.']['file']) { // only if file for geoip is set
$this->media->init($this->conf['geoip.']['file']); // Initialize the geoip Ext
$this->GEOinfos = $this->media->getGeoIP($this->ipOverride ? $this->ipOverride : t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REMOTE_ADDR')); // get all the infos of current user ip
The answer of #mitchiru is nice and basically correct.
If you have created your outer extension with Kickstarter and you are using pi_base then there is already an instance of tslib_cObj and the whole construct becomes simpler:
// get type of inner extension, eg. USER or USER_INT
$cObjType = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_innerextension_pi1'];
// get configuration array of inner extension
$cObjConf = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_innerextension_pi1.'];
// add own parameters to configuration array if needed - otherwise skip this line
$cObjConf['myparam'] = 'myvalue';
// call main method of inner extension, using cObj of outer extension
$content = $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($cObjType, $cObjConf);
Firstly, you have to include your plugin class, before using, or outside your class:
Secondly in your code (in the main as example)
$res = tx_myext_pi1::myMethod();
This will work for sure (I've checked this):
Probably Fedir's answer is correct too but I didn't have a chance to try it.

How to paginate search results?

I want to paginate search results using Zend_Paginator. So I pass my data to a paginator instance:
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator (
new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect ( $data )
Data is returned this way
public function getData($idArray){
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$selectProgramme = new Zend_Db_Select($db);
->order('id DESC')
->where('id IN(?)', $idArray);
return $selectProgramme;
$idArray is provided by my search implementations. This all works great and I get the correct data and pagination links displayed.
However I can't paginate the result because the pagination links are not valid. So normal pagination would have following link:
in search I now have
This does not work. Any suggestions how to implement search pagination?
EDIT: I have a HomeController with two actions, index and search action. IndexAction displays all data and I can paginate it.
public function indexAction(){
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator(
new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($data)
->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_getParam('page', 1));
$this->view->data = $paginator;
The searchActions handles the search process:
public function searchAction(){
$response = $solr->search($this->getRequest()->getParam('search', null));
//...if items found get the data exactly the same way as in the
// index action, using Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator(
new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($data)
->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_getParam('page', 1));
$this->view->data = $paginator;
So like you see in the search action there is a problem with the search process when I paginate. I need to decide somehow if to search or to paginate. Any suggestions on that?
Since search required the search parameter pagination will fail because when paginating the the search parameter is null.
$sreq = $this->getRequest()->getParam('search', null);
So we need to pass this parameter whenever we paginate our search. I solve this using Zend_Session:
//get search param
$sreq = $this->getRequest()->getParam('search', null);
//store search param in session for pagination
$search = new Zend_Session_Namespace('PSearch');
if($sreq != null){
$search->psearch = $sreq;
$sreq = $search->psearch;
I have this at the top of my searchAction and everything works.
Not sure I understand, but is your problem that the page parameter from the url is not making it's way to the Paginator - e.g. regardless of what page you are on, it is always showing the first 20 results?
If so, have you tried manually setting the page on the paginator:
$page = $this->_getParam('page', 1);
public function search()
Are you sure that you didn't mistyped here? Should be
public function searchAction()
You put your search data into $response but create paginator instance using $data (which is null)