API errors out if I try to look up an order or payment that is completed. How can I get a definitive status of a payment? - paypal

I have the following flow with Paypal:
I create a payment with intent "order", and I redirect the user to Paypal's website.
Once the user returns, I execute the payment.
Then, I authorize the order.
At this point, I can still look up the payment or the order and I get expected result.
Finally, I capture the order.
After I capture the order, I can't lookup the payment with /v1/payments/payment/PAY-XYZ or retrieve the order with /v1/payments/orders/O-ABC. I get a 500 Internal Service Error.
Before you tell me to send debug id to Paypal because I stumbled upon their bug: I tried, but they are not responding. I had them on the phone, sent support requests, etc. I got no reply from them, so I have to turn to community.
After capture, I can still lookup a payment by listing payment resources. Since I store paypal's create time, I send a GET request that looks like:
Sure enough, I can get the payment object back, but that looks awfully hacky to me.
The reason why I need the entire payment object is because I need a definitive information about the status of the payment. E.g. I can stumble upon a network error when I send a capture request and I won't get capture ID, so I can't check what's going on. Or I can miss a webhook event (for any reason, e.g. bug in my code), and the payment can become refunded without me knowing, so it would be ver nice to be able to fetch a payment.
I noticed the REST API documentation here https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/payments/#payment_get says that I should use that endpoint for incomplete payments, but I don't understand why I can't check the order, or why list payment resources works, but fetching a single payment doesn't.
Retrieving the payment used to work though, so I could look up related_resources of transactions of the response (like I can do now with listing all payments by date).
My question is: what is the recommended way to get the definitive information about a payment?
Also, if someone from Paypal is reading this, here are some debug_id's so you can perhaps look into it: 3ffa3007a7561 (result of https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/orders/O-3PA36862ST053572T) or 85576d66784cd (response from https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/payment/PAY-7N237030X85089344K5UQIKI)
This happens on both sandbox and live.


CyberSource: Retrieve Capture Token from PayPal Transaction Details

I'm trying to retrieve the capture request token from past PayPal transactions as I need that for refunding customers. We don't have that info anywhere on our systems anymore because, just don't even ask. It looks kind of like this:
Is it possible to get that?
I looked at PayPal's Transaction Search API here and nothing in the response says that field exists:
I have also checked the built-in reports on PayPal but they don't give us that either.
Furthermore, I have tried the REST API with CyberSource and that doesn't provide the Token either:
I have the PayPal Generated Transaction ID, the dates, our reference numbers, etc. All I need is that Capture Request Token. I will then be able to refund customers using CyberSource.
Any help or ideas would be most appreciated.
That's a CyberSource token, so you won't find it anywhere within PayPal.
The PayPal REST API itself (no CyberSource) doesn't require it for refunds, only the transaction ID: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/payments/v2/#captures_refund

PayPal webhook events never being sent?

We have a production game that uses PayPal as one of the methods of payment. In some cases, we're never receiving webhook notifications.
Here's the sequence that's occurring. Sometimes we get the webhook from this sequence, and other times we don't. On the server, we're using the Java API. All of this is the behavior with the production (NOT SANDBOX) PayPal servers.
After the user selects a product, it calls our server, which creates the Payment object via Payment.create(). At that point the state is 'created' and we redirect the user to the approval_url returned in the links.
The user approves the payment and is sent back to our server. We fetch the payment via Payment.get(), which is successful and has a state of 'created'.
We execute the payment using a PaymentExecution. This returns the payment with an updated state of "approved".
We then wait for a WebHook to inform us that the payment was completed. On occasion, this webhook is never sent, leaving the purchase incomplete. Checking the PayPal console, no webhook event exists for the payment, even though the payment is showing up as completed.
The questions here are:
Is this the correct sequence? Or is something missing?
Shouldn't the payment be "approved" when the user is returned from PayPal rather than still "created"?
Shouldn't the payment be either "completed" or "in_progress" after a successful execute?
What is the correct way to handle the case where the webhook never arrives? Keep polling the payment until the state updates?
I do not see any problem with your sequence. You can also refer to the steps here as an example - https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/web/accept-paypal-payment/
Regarding Webhooks, you mentioned sometimes you get Webhooks and only some times you do not. Can you please provide a correlation or debug id for the calls where you don't see any Webhook? We will trouble shoot and get back?

Paypal REST API and Chargebacks/Cancellations

I have been working paypal integration to an existing system of ours and successfully done tests on sandbox by using rest api and express checkouts.
Although documentation is detailed, I couldnt see anything about chargeback (i.e reverse transactions) and cancellations on rest api documentation page http://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/
So in case a user buys something successfully and the payment status becomes "completed", then there is a reverse transaction like chargeback, paypal will send a request to the return and cancel urls which are predefined while creating the related payment, or the client application has to check the payment statuses manually by rest calls? Or are there any other configs that I need to send while triggering the very first payment request?
You'll need to setup Instant Payment Notification (IPN) to handle that sort of thing.
IPN will automatically POST data about all transactions that hit your PayPal account to a URL you specify. This URL (a script) can receive the data and update your database, generate email notifications, or anything else you might want to automate based on the transactions.
You can handle all sorts of things with IPN. For chargebacks specifically, you would receive an IPN with the following params...
Of course, you'll get a bunch more parameters, too, but those would be how you can pick out the chargebacks and processing them accordingly.

Returning a PIN after a successful payment

I'm currently trying to implement a mechanism whereby i can return a customer to a success page containing an activated PIN allowing access to a piece of software. The process is a straight forward PIN purchase without any kind of user accounts or login system involved.
I have the payment buttons and IPN script in place and working fine, but this only allows me to email the PIN after a successful payment via the IPN script, since of course the two sessions are completely separate to maintain security.
My problem with this is that i can't be sure the customer has access to the same email they used to pay with via Paypal. I had the idea of asking the user to enter which email they would like the PIN sent to prior to the Paypal redirection and then sending it as a custom value.. but then came visions of a mammoth backlog of support emails where users have entered the wrong email. I would really like to be able to redirect to a success page containing the PIN.
Thanks in advance.
I would recommend using the Express Checkout API. The payer experience is very similar to standard payment buttons, however, the user is always guaranteed to return back to your site, so you can display whatever you want on your final page.
That documentation can be a little scary, but it's really just a matter of utilizing 3 API calls.
SetExpressCheckout - This is used to setup a new transaction and will return a token that you'll append to the end of a redirect URL to PayPal. The user is sent to PayPal, they login and agree to pay, and are then sent back the ReturnURL that you specify in this request.
GetExpressCheckoutDetails - Now back on your site/application, you use this API to obtain information about the buyer like their shipping address, address status, payer status, payer ID, etc. You will need the Payer ID for the final API call.
DoExpressCheckoutPayment - This is very similar to the SetExpressCheckout request, but no transaction is completed until this call is completed. Only then does the money move.
Again, those final calls are done on your site so you can use the API response data to update your database and display details on the final page however you want to.
Keep in mind that payments could still be pending for one reason or another, so you'll want to check the status (returned in the DECP response) and display appropriate information on the final page.
IPN's will still be triggered with Express Checkout so you can adjust the IPN script to handle pending payments or anything else you may want to automate outside the checkout flow.
If you happen to be working with PHP my class library for PayPal will make these calls very quick and easy for you.

How do I deal with PayPal customers who can't direct return

PayPal states:
Note: If you have turned on Auto
Return and have chosen to turn on
PayPal Account Optional for new users,
a new user will not be automatically
directed back to your website, but
will be given the option to return.
But if some of the customers don't get "Auto Returned", how do I handle them programmatically?
Paypal does not guarantee autoreturn especially when Paypal Account - optional setting is on.
The right way to handle the integration is with Instant Payment Notification (IPN) option. Using IPN Paypal will make POSTS to your page notifying you of payment events. The following link explains the IPN process pretty well.
To summarize, you will write code that will trap posts from Paypal and then make sure to update your billing data accordingly.
Also, IPN messages might be slightly delayed.
Create a script (cron or what) that does check for such payments at paypal perodically (e.g. every hour).
Is this what you mean?
If not, you may need to be a little more specific with your question. Like - are you using paypal pro? How are your customers checking out? etc. And now that I read the answer below mine, I wonder if you are even talking about the payment process and not something else.