Cannot remove document using obejct id of MongoDB - mongodb

I need to remove one document from my database but unable to do it using MongoDB. Here is my query:
db.kf_feedback_pro_serv.remove({_id: ObjectId("575a8a0ae4017ae81400002e")})
Using the above query I cannot delete the document.

There is no method as remove. Use deleteOne instead. Also, you can just provide the ID without the ObjectID(...)
Try this:
db.kf_feedback_pro_serv.deleteOne({_id: "575a8a0ae4017ae81400002e"})


Meteor React - Why is findOne on a single document not found in miniMongo when it does exist?

This is such a weird problem. I think it has to do with how I am querying the document. It seems like the Meteor API has changed to query documents but the docs on the website are the same.
Here is a document in the database:
meteor:PRIMARY> db.studies.findOne()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56c12e6537014a66b16771e7"), "name" : "Study 1" }
I have subscribed to get all documents and here is what I am trying in the console to get the documents.
var study = Studies.findOne() // This works.
It returns:
_id: MongoID.ObjectID
_str: "56c12e6537014a66b16771e7"
name: 'Study 1'
I just started a new Meteor project with React. I see that my collection is returning _id: MongoId.ObjectId
This is different, I have been using Meteor for awhile with Blaze and I can't remember it returning MongoID.ObjectID instead of just the string
But now if I try and find just that one document, it does not work.
var study = Studies.findOne("56c12e6537014a66b16771e7");
var study = Studies.findOne({_id: "56c12e6537014a66b16771e7"});
I am positive I am queuing for the right _id field. I have double checked the ID. Why does trying to find this one document not work?
Please let me know how I can query for a document. Has something changed with Meteor? The documentation still says you can search by id string.
You need to explicitly cast object id string to an ObjectID
var study = Studies.findOne({_id: new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID("56c12e6537014a66b16771e7")});
#Jaco has the correct answer, but I wanted to answer here to clarify what the higher level issue was.
The reason why my find query was not following syntax in Meteor docs is because I inserted the document into MongoDB directly, instead of through the Meteor API.
If you insert the document directly into MongoDB, you have to query the document using the syntax #Jaco mentioned in his answer.
Similar question: Meteor - Find a document from collection via Mongo ObjectId
So instead of changing my query code, I just deleted the document I inserted directly into MongoDB, and inserted a documented using the console in the browser.
Now I can query the document like normal.
So the root of the issue is that if you insert the document directly into MongoDB, you don't get the same type of document as you would if you insert the document using the Meteor API.

Which is the best way to insert data in mongodb

While writing data to mongodb, we are checking if the data is present get the _id and using save update it else using insert add the data. Read save is the best way if you are providing _id in the query while saving it will update/insert based on if the _id is present in the db. Is the save the best method or is there any other way.
If you have all data available to save, just run update() each time but use the upsert functionality. Only one query required:
['_id' => $id],
['upsert' => true]
If your _id is generated by mongo you always know there is a record in the database and update is the one to use, but then again you could also save().
If you generated your id's (and thus don't know if it comes from the collection), this will always work without having to run an extra query.
From the documentation
Updates an existing document or inserts a new document, depending on its document parameter.
Inserts a document or documents into a collection.
If you use db.collection.insert() in your case you will get duplication key error since it will try to insert new document which has same _id with an existing document. But instead of using save you should use the update method.

update mongo db documents with regex

I need to find all the documents in mongodb that have keywords that start with number 1-9, then add a '+' in front of the keyword, I can easily find the documents but cannot figure out how to update them.
I tried this one, but it doesn't work
keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}},
It cannot recognize $keyword, I also tried '.keyword', 'keyword', none of them works. Is there any way to reference the document itself like Java does, using 'this', so I can do something like
this.keyword: "+" + this.keyword
You'll have to use the $set operator in the update query to update a specific field. Also, you cannot concatenate string within an update query. One way to do this would be using cursor forEach() in the shell:
db.placements.find({program_id:{$in:[113,107]}, keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}})
db.placements.updateOne({_id:doc._id}, {$set:{"keyword":"+" + doc.keyword}})
No, you cannot reference a value on the document itself when querying like you can with SQL.
I would suggest querying the document, updating it on your web/app server and then updating the value back to mongodb.
You will also find that your update command above will wipe your entire document leaving only the keyword field. You should use the $set modifier to update a field or set of fields.
keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}
{ $set: {keyword: new_value}})

last update in mongoengine

Is there any way to find last update Document in Collection? in other way sort collection by update
somethings like this
people = Person.objects.order_by_update()
or i must add update time for each doc?
I use mongodb, mongoengine, flask
You must add a field such as last_updated_time if you want to be able to sort in this way. Also, since you're sorting on it, you should probably index it.
The only thing that mongodb stores by default is _id, which can be used roughly as a created_time timestamp.

How do I query for a specific MongoDB collection field inside Rails Console?

I have a Rails 3 app using MongoDB, with Mongoid as the ORM. I'd like to query for a specific field within a collection.
To query for all records of a particular collection I use User.all.to_a, as an equivalent to User.all in ActiveRecord.
Now I'd like to query for all records within a collection, but only output a particular field. In this case I'd like to see all User names. How do I do this?
I'm sure I've stared right at this in the Mongoid documentation and am just missing something...
I couldn't locate it in the new documentation for mongoid, but here is a quick link to only pointing to old 2.x.x documentation.
Basically you need to do: