last update in mongoengine - mongodb

Is there any way to find last update Document in Collection? in other way sort collection by update
somethings like this
people = Person.objects.order_by_update()
or i must add update time for each doc?
I use mongodb, mongoengine, flask

You must add a field such as last_updated_time if you want to be able to sort in this way. Also, since you're sorting on it, you should probably index it.
The only thing that mongodb stores by default is _id, which can be used roughly as a created_time timestamp.


MongoDB: How to get the last updated timestamp of the last updated document in a collection

Is there a simple OR elegant method (or query that I can write) to retrieve the last updated timestamp (of the last updated document) in a collection. I can write a query like this to find the last inserted document
but I need information about the last updated document (it could be an insert or an update).
I know that one way is to query the oplog collection for the last record from a collection. But it seems like an expensive operation given the fact that oplog could be of very large size (also not trustworthy as it is a capped collection). Is there a better way to do this?
You could get the last insert time same way you mentioned in the question:
db.collection.find().sort({'_id': -1}).limit(1)
But, There isn't any good way to see the last update/delete time. But, If you are using replica sets you could get that from the oplog.
Or, you could add new field in document as 'lastModified'.
You can also checkout collection-hooks. I hope this will help
One way to go about it is to have a field that holds the time of last update. You can name it updatedAt. Every time you make an update to the document, you'll just update the value to the current time. If you use the ISO format to store the time, you'll be able to sort without issues (that's what I use).
The other way is the _id field.
Method 1
db.collection.find().limit(1).sort({updatedAt: -1})
Method 2
db.collection.find().limit(1).sort({_id: -1})
You can try with ,

Updating old entries on MongoDB

I have some JSON entries in MongoDB but I plan to add new attributes into all my entries, like how you would create a new column and appoint a default value in RDBMS.
Is there any way to do it with MongoDB?
If you mean that every new document needs to be guaranteed to have the new fields, I'm afraid that it's not possible in MongoDB itself, because it is schemaless. I am however not familiar with mongoose, and there can be a solution using it.
If, like your title suggests, you just want to add the new fields to all existing documents you can do it with an update with empty filter like this:
db.collection.updateMany({}, {"newfield1":"val1","newfield2":"val2"})

how to get the max value of a field in MongoDB

there are always new collections enter the db, so I would like to always get latest updated documents aka the largest update time. how to design the shell script? thanks in advance.
You can use a combination of limit and sort to achieve this goal.
db.collectionName.find({}).sort({"updateTime" : -1}).limit(1)
This will sort all of your fields based on update time and then only return the one largest value.
I would recommend adding an index to this field to improve performance.
This is a repeated question, you can find an answer in this link
Using findOne in mongodb to get element with max id
use like this,
as findOne you can do it with this syntax:

How to find last update/insert/delete operation time on mongodb collection without objectid field

I have some unused collections in the MongoDb database. I've to find out when the CRUD operations done against collections in the database. We have our own _id field instead of mongo's default object_id. We dont have any time filed in the collections to find out the modification time. is there any way to find out the modification time of collections in mongodb from meta data? Is there any data dictionay informations like in oracle to find out this? please give some idea/workarounds
To make a long story short: MongoDB has a flexible schema. Simply add a date field. Since older entries don't have it, they can not be the last entry.
Let's call that field mtime.
So after adding a date field to your schema definition, we generate an index in descending order on the new field:
Finding the last mtime for a collection now is easy:
Do this for every collection. When the above query does not return a value within the timeframe you defined for purging a collection, simply drop it, since it has not been modified since you introduced the mtime field.
After your collections are cleaned up, you may remove the mtime field from your schema definition. To remove it from the documents, you can run a simple query:
{ "mtime":{ $exists:true} },
{ "$unset":{ "mtime":""} },
{ multi: true}
There is no "data dictionary" to get this information in MongoDB.
If you've enabled the profiling level in advance to log all operations (db.setProfilingLevel(2)) and you haven't had many operations to log, so that the system.profile capped collection hasn't overwritten whatever logs you are interested in, you can get the information you need there—but otherwise it's gone.

The fastest way to show Documents with certain property first in MongoDB

I have collections with huge amount of Documents on which I need to do custom search with various different queries.
Each Document have boolean property. Let's call it "isInTop".
I need to show Documents which have this property first in all queries.
Yes. I can easy do sort in this field like:
.sort( { isInTop: -1 } );
And create proper index with field "isInTop" as last field in it. But this will be work slowly, as indexes in mongo works best with unique fields.
So is there is solution to show Documents with field "isInTop" on top of each query?
I see two solutions here.
First: set Documents wich need to be in top the _id from "future". As you know, ObjectId contains timestamp. So I can create ObjectId with timestamp from future and use natural order
Second: create separate collection for Ducuments wich need to be in top. And do queries in it first.
Is there is any other solutions for this problem? Which will work fater?
I have done this issue with sorting on custom field which represent rank.
Using the _id field trick you mention has the problem that at some point in time you will reach the special time, and you can't change the _id field (without inserting a new document and removing the old one).
Creating a special collection which just holds the ones you care about is probably the best option. It gives you the ability to logically (and to some extent, physically) separate the documents.
Newly introduced in mongodb there is also support for a "sparse" index which may fulfill your needs as well. You could only set the "isInTop" field when you want it to be special, and then create a sparse index on it which would not have the problems you would normally have with a single indexed boolean field (in btrees).