IBM MobileFirst IBM DB2 "no DB2 instance found on the server" - db2

IBM MobileFirst 7.1
IBM Liberty Core 8.5.5
IBM DB2 10.5
0 Windows Server 2012 R2
While installed the IBM Mobile First 7.1 platform, in Database Creation request step, I am getting message No DB2 instance found on the server.
However on db2ilist it returns default instance as "DB2".
Any idea why it's not listing while Mobile First installation in database creation step?

This question may be a duplicate of: IBM Worklight 6.2 Server Deployement error: DB2 Instance not found on server
As the answer mentions, it seems the Server Configuration Tool may not able to create the database for your specific topology. You should then create it manually before running the tool. For instructions, see:
For the Project Runtime databases, the doc is here: IBM Worklight 6.2 Server Deployement error: DB2 Instance not found on server


Could not connect the Intelligence Server - Microstrategy

When attempting to start the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server 10.6 service via the MicroStrategy Service Manager or Windows Services, the following error occurs:
I'm on windows 10
Edit #1: Additional infos:
This is the Windows Event Viewer:
Seems like it's 10.6 and not 9.x
Did you just upgrade ?
Please check this link on MicroStrategy knowledge base portal.

DB2 connectivity without client drivers

I'm using EF 6 (Code first) with the IBM.Data.DB2.EntityFramwork nuget package to access a db2 database server. Working locally it all works as expected, but when deployed to a test server I get an exception: "System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void IBM.Data.DB2.InternalStruct6.SetDefault()"
I'm no DB2 wizard but I think the issue is related to a incompatible version of the db2 client drivers installed on the test server (9.7?). Entity framework 6 support needs version > 10.5. (I must have installed the 10.5 version locally at some point).
It would be nice to be able to run the application on any pc without additional dependencies, so my question is: Are there any way of skipping the db2 clients/drivers installation, and rather reference certain db2 dll's (or other nuget packages), to access db2 db servers?
Ok, I think asking the question resulted in a moment of enlightenment.
I guess the answer is NO, as the db2 clients/drivers actually installs the db2 odbc data source driver for db2. (Located in Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)).

Issue with First step in DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Version 9.7

I installed IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Version 9.7
window is not opening so because of this I couldn't able to create a sample database.
Is there any way to manually download the sample database & connect to DB2?
Try the command db2sampl and start reading some basic documentation.

Dreamfactory: IBM DB2 connection

I downloaded what I believe to be the latest copy of Dreamfactory for Windows from Bitnami bitnami-dreamfactory-1.8.2-0-windows-installer.exe. I would like to connect to an IBM DB2 remote database. In using the Admin Console I don't see an option in the SQL Vendor dropdown for IBM DB2. Did I miss a configuration step? If not, what do I need to do to configure IBM DB2 as a Remote SQL DB? I can't seem to find a reference in the documentation for how to do this.
I just installed the Bitnami Ubuntu vmware appliance and it has a DB2 dropdown. Therefore, there is a flaw in the Windows 1.8.2 self installer.
With a quick test of the windows installer, we did confirm the DB2 value is in the dropdown menu. Please try to refresh the window frame or clear browser cache to see if that helps.
Also, the Bitnami package released for 1.8.2 currently doesn't have the db2 driver installed by default. We are working on getting another build that has better default setup. In the mean time, this link has the Windows instructions. I will try to get a more detailed instruction set for Windows.

Installing Liferay 6.2 on IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 with DB2 10.1

A little help here. I need to install Liferay 6.2 with WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and DB2 10.1, so I followed the documentation guide for that installation type:
But unfortunately, after doing all the steps in the installation guide, I was not still able to make Liferay work on WAS.
Even though I was able to run the liferay app, it still can't make the setup wizard show.
I installed Liferay 6.1 on DB2 9.7, and I got an error related to the tablespaces. Please, check the installation log file to see the DB2 error. But my problem was that it lacks of a 8KB tablespace
You need to create the database with a 8KB pagesize by default
db2 create db liferay pagesize 8 K
I wrote an article about that (In Spanish, ;) )
If you followed litterally Liferay 6.2 installation guide you must enable wizard setting setup.wizard.enabled=true in
Some more error logs would be great for debugging.
However Liferay 6.2 should run in Websphere 8.5.X without any major issues:
As an alternative you could try to setup an jdbc provider and a data source in websphere to connect to your db2 database.
After that you could setup liferay to use the websphere data source by pointing it to the jndi name of the the data source.
# Set the JNDI name to lookup the JDBC data source. If none is set,
# then the portal will attempt to create the JDBC data source based on the
# properties prefixed with "jdbc.default.".
Comment out the other jdbc configurations.