Dreamfactory: IBM DB2 connection - db2

I downloaded what I believe to be the latest copy of Dreamfactory for Windows from Bitnami bitnami-dreamfactory-1.8.2-0-windows-installer.exe. I would like to connect to an IBM DB2 remote database. In using the Admin Console I don't see an option in the SQL Vendor dropdown for IBM DB2. Did I miss a configuration step? If not, what do I need to do to configure IBM DB2 as a Remote SQL DB? I can't seem to find a reference in the documentation for how to do this.
I just installed the Bitnami Ubuntu vmware appliance and it has a DB2 dropdown. Therefore, there is a flaw in the Windows 1.8.2 self installer.

With a quick test of the windows installer, we did confirm the DB2 value is in the dropdown menu. Please try to refresh the window frame or clear browser cache to see if that helps.
Also, the Bitnami package released for 1.8.2 currently doesn't have the db2 driver installed by default. We are working on getting another build that has better default setup. In the mean time, this link has the Windows instructions. I will try to get a more detailed instruction set for Windows.


how to create postgresql server on rhel7 linux vm in gcp

I am actually planning to have a PostgreSQL instance on rhel7 linux vm running on google cloud platform,
Can you let me know the process for the same.
One more query is it ok to install postgresql on vm rather than going for a cloud sql instance on gcp?
Just go to the PostgresSQL official downloads page for redhat and install the software.
You can get the RPMs there if you need to do an air-gapped installation.
You'll need to configure postgres later. See Posgres docs Chapter 18. Server Setup and Operation.

Connecting Snowflake to Tableau Online - how to install ODBC driver?

I am trying to connect Snowflake to Tableau Online, my question might seem stupid but I really don't know how to solve this.
The instructions are provided here but I struggle with the very first step,
Driver required
This connector requires a driver to talk to the
database. You might already have the required driver installed on your
computer. If the driver is not installed on your computer, Tableau
displays a message in the connection dialog box with a link to the
Driver Download page where you can find driver links and installation
This led me to a page asking me this
Tableau Desktop & Tableau Server: 9.3 - 2019.4 Follow these steps to
get the Windows ODBC driver for Snowflake:
Sign in to your Snowflake instance. Select Help > Download > ODBC
Driver. Select the ODBC driver for your operating system to download
the latest version. For installation and configuration details, follow
the Snowflake Documentation link on the ODBC Driver page.
I found the link to download the driver, but I am not using Tableau Desktop so I don't see how installing this on my laptop will help, how am I supposed to install this with Tableau Online?
I have tried to skip this step and add a Snowflake data source, but I have the following error message
Can’t connect to Snowflake
Detailed Error Message
The username or password is not valid. Check the database name and credentials and
try again.
Thank you!
Tableau has already installed the necessary ODBC driver. You need Tableau Desktop software on your computer to create (locally) the TDS or TWB. It is here that you need to install the ODBC software so you can connect your Tableau Desktop software to Snowflake. Once you have created the connection and created the TDS, then you can use your Tableau Online account to publish this to Online.
If you are using the web authoring features of Tableau Online to create a new workbook or data source, then you don't need to download or install the drivers for Snowflake, as they are already installed in Tableau Online.

Can I install DB2 Connect to Bluemix to conect to Mainframe Z/OS?

Is DB2 Connect installation and license installation during build/deploy a good way to ensure mainframe connectivity to IBM Blue zone? My PHP Cloud Foundry app is on w3ibm.bluemix.
If yes shall I update the forked PHP Buildpack on GIT, by adding DB2 Connect to it?
Or shall I use some sort of docker image for this?
Any other idea?
I found that there is no need to install a DB2 Connect. I could not install it anyway on Bluemix. There might be services for this, but at the end I had to use DB2 PHP extension of the PHP build-pack and after deploy I copied the license file to the license folder from PHP code. Details here.

MySQL Installation Wizard for Microsoft Windows

I tried to install MySQL on my machine (win 8 64 bit), I downloaded mysql-5.6.24-winx64.exe and after completing MySQL 5.6 setup wizard, the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard does not start and nothing happens. In the windows start menu for MySQL I have only 2 options:MySQL 5.6 command line client and MySQL 5.6 command line - Unicode.
So what can I do to resolve this problem and run MYSQL on my machine, I am waiting for your advice. Please help me I need to resolve this problem
I strongly recommend to use the all-in-one Windows installer for installing a MySQL server plus any additional tool you want, like MySQL Workbench, connectors or documentation. It will not only install the right package but will also do semi-automatic updates, check for prerequisites, start the configuration wizard etc.

Trouble installing ATG 10.1

Past two days, I was trying to install ATG in my windows machine using the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.
I am able to install,
Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform
Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search
Then before installing CIM, I tried to configure the database. I am using MySQL 5.6.13.
In the section Creating Database Tables for ATG Portal, they asked to run the following command to run the script
install-mysql userid password database
but in the above command, what database name I should give?
Please guide me on this.
Assuming you are installing the Commerce Reference Store (CRS) you can use the following:
as specified on page 9 of the CRS installation guide
If you are not using CRS, you can use whatever name you want since you then need to configure it in your DataSource files.