How to remove PostgreSQL as a service? - service

I have installed PostgreSQL 9.5 in my machine. But there is no UI for that. When I installed pgAdmin I can view the postsql as a service.
Can I remove this service and install as a server like other databases(sql server, my sql)?

You can use pgAdmin III developed for PostgreSQL User Interface Or use cmd its will work. See this thread


Impossible to connect to a PostgreSQL server after a new installation

I have installed postgresql on my new laptop (on Windows).
I see the service postgresql-x64-11 - PostgreSQL Server 11 is running and is automatic. Perfect.
I have installed "dbeaver" (21.21). I would like to create my first database via dbeaver. I always get this message:
Database postgres does not exist
Is it possible to create a database with dbeaver ? Or not ? Or must I do the creation with some command lines ?

How to show all servers in PgAdmin III LTS by BigSQL

Postgres PgAdmin server pane contains lot of servers.
BigSQL Postgres 10.1 was installed in Windows 10. It installed also PgAdmin III LTS by BigSQL.
In this PgAdmin server window only servers added in it are shown. For example, if server named testbigsqlsever is added, BigSQL pgAdmin shows it:
How to force it to show also servers installed by earlier PgAdmin III ? Earlier pgAdmin remains also in this computer and it shows all servers.
It looks like both pgadmins store server list in
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\pgAdmin III\Servers
but PgAdmin III LTS by BigSQL does not show servers added by standard pgAdmin.
Since standard pgAdmin does not support Postgres 10 and pgAdmin IV does not have config editors and has poor user interface BigSQL pgAdmin should used. There are number of servers added earlier and manually adding them all requires lot of work

Connect CentOS Postgresql database to Apache Tomcat

I've installed both Postgresql and Tomcat on my CentOS 7 VM. I've also populated my table in my Postgres database (a single column with entries 1-1000). My goal is to connect the database to tomcat and to display a webpage that will randomly pick a number from the database and display it. I'm not sure where to start with this. I also have pgadmin3 installed to use as a GUI instead of the command line for Postgres.
You need to set up a Datasource for PostgreSQL in Tomcat. The PostgreSQL JDBC Driver has instructions on how to do this.

credentials for SQL developer

I have oracle sql developer installed and I would like to play with some queries using some dummy connection.
Is there any dummy credentials are there ? so that I can connect to Oracle DB
if you don't want to install Oracle (for some reason) and just want to "play with SQL" try something like
Oracle also provides some VM's and there are even docker images with Ubunto+Oracle you can run.
For the VM:
For docker should be one of their official containers.

Connection to CloudBees database using MySQL Workbench

I've just uploaded my locally developed app to CloudBees. It works fine: I can load the web pages and it can access the database.
However, I cannot connect to its database (also provided by CloudBees) using MySQL Workbench or the command line tool. It always says
Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060)
Any CloudBees configuration that I might be missing?
double check your database connection parameters using SDK : bees db:info -p <databasename>
you should be able to connect to DB using mysql workbench and other mysql tools.
In the MySQL forum exists a collection of links for various types of connections using MySQL Workbench. One is probably especially interesting for you as it deals with Amazon RDS databases. Among others it shows what connection parameters are needed.
Seems that there were some firewall problems in the corporate router that prevented me from connecting before. I tried at home and it worked.