Ionic2 first project error - ionic-framework

I'm trying to follow these instruction :
But I have error with this line :
ionic start cutePuppyPics --v2
Creating Ionic app in folder C:\dev\debug npm\cutePuppyPics based on tabs projec
Error with start Error: read ECONNRESET
at exports._errnoException (util.js:870:11)
at TLSWrap.onread (net.js:552:26)
Error Initializing app: Error: read ECONNRESET
Error: read ECONNRESET
at exports._errnoException (util.js:870:11)
at TLSWrap.onread (net.js:552:26)
Caught exception:
Error: read ECONNRESET
at exports._errnoException (util.js:870:11)
at TLSWrap.onread (net.js:552:26)
Mind letting us know?
Does anyone can help me ?
Thanks by advance !

Just like #AnatolyS says, that seems to be a network problem. Once you download it, (and unzip it) open a console at the same level you see a file called package.json and run npm install. That will install all the required dependencies for the project.
Once that is done, run ionic serve and the application should be opened in the browser.


Target dart2js failed: Exception: Warning: The 'dart2js' entrypoint script is deprecated, please use 'dart compile js' instead

Hi everyone I am trying to deploy my flutter web app through firebase hosting but getting the following error:
Error: Cannot run with sound null safety, because the following dependencies
don't support null safety:
If someone can please help me resolve this issue.
Let me know if you require any further information.

Ionic4 Unknown browser query

I have practised Ionic a lot so these Problems are not new for me but I am unabale to solve this one.
I am currently trying to migrate my Ionic3 project to Ionic4.
To do this I have created a new Ionic4 tabs project.
Every time I try the Ionic serve command I am getting:
[ng] An unhandled exception occurred: Unknown browser query
basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's
Maybe you are using old Browserslist or made typo in query.
[ng] See "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\ng-9er5Id\angular-errors.log" for further details.
[ERROR] ng has unexpectedly closed (exit code 127).
The Log file:
[error] BrowserslistError: Unknown browser query `basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's`. Maybe you are using old Browserslist or made typo in query.
at unknownQuery (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:204:10)
at D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:296:11
at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
at resolve (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:237:18)
at browserslist (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:361:16)
at new BuildBrowserFeatures (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\#angular-devkit\build-angular\src\utils\build-browser-features.js:17:35)
at generateWebpackConfig (D:\Wisex\Technik\Client\safehome_client\node_modules\#angular-devkit\build-angular\src\utils\webpack-browser-config.js:24:34)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:834:11)
at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19)
at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:622:3)
Does anyone of you have an possible solution for this.
I am really greatful for help cause I takes my days to migrate by now.
Do you have the last version of the angular cli?
npm install -g #angular/cli
It might also be useful to post the log
I have spent several hours to fix this .Hope it will help someone
Kindly follow the below steps:
find your npm path from the environmental variable. And copy that path and paste it in notepad
2.Go to control panel ->uninstall the node js
3.after uninstalling,restart the system.
4.Now go to npm path in file explorer.
5.And delete the folder named npm and npm-cache
6.And now install the node(LTS version) and angular(refer from the below link for step by step installation)
note:Dont run the cmd as administrator.Unless ,the installation fails
7.Once you verified that angular is running fine using ng serve -o
8.Install the ionic by npm install -g ionic#latest
9.And run ionic serve.
10.Hope it helps.Happy coding :)

Unable to debug React Native using VSCode

Fresh init of a RN project with a fresh copy of React Native Full Pack in VSCode. I'm unable to get this new project to debug, but am able to get other projects to debug using the same methods. I've tried recreating the project and still no dice. I can use react-native run-android in a command prompt to get it to debug, but not VSCode. I keep getting this error:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat 'c:\Users\user\Documents\repos\app\android\app\build\generated\not_namespaced_r_class_sources\debug\processDebugResources\r\android\support\asynclayoutinflater'
Emitted 'error' event at:
at NodeWatcher.<anonymous> (c:\Users\user\Documents\repos\app\node_modules\metro\node_modules\sane\src\node_watcher.js:291:16)
at c:\Users\user\Documents\repos\app\node_modules\graceful-fs\polyfills.js:282:31
at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:158:21)
[Error] Error: Error while executing command 'react-native.cmd run-android --no-packager': Error while executing command 'react-native.cmd run-android --no-packager' (error code 101)
I've also tried running the packager first, but it still default to a --no-packager run.
Deleting and reinstall NPM packages seems to work some of the time. But a better way to fix this problem is to run gradlew.bat clean from inside the android folder of the RN directory, then rerun the packager and restart the app.
install NodeWatcher.
use this command in windows : npm install node-watch
also try this.
You can also clean your build cache and gradle cache.
For more detail about how to do it, check this article: How to clear gradle cache

sample-Groceries, Failed to find module: 'platform'

While i am following the nativescript with angular tutorial, my command prompt says "Successfully deployed on device with identifier 'emulator-5554'" but the emulator thrown the error below.
Error calling module function
Error: com.tns.NativeScriptException: Failed to find
module: 'platform', relative to: app/tns_modules/
com.tns.Runtime.runModule(Native Method)
android. a pp.1 nst rum e ntat ion. call AppationOnCreate(
android. app. ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(
Please help.
Thank you.
Delete platforms and node_modules folders and rebuild the application with the respective command for the platform you are using.
e.g. tns run android

ionic 2 error when start new project

E:\SocialLoginDemo>ionic start HelloWorld12 blank --v2
Creating Ionic app in folder E:\SocialLoginDemo\HelloWorld12 based on blank project
Installing npm packages...
Error with start undefined
Error Initializing app: There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
Caught exception:
Mind letting us know?
my version information
Your system information:
You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova
telemetry on.
Ionic CLI Version:2.1.0
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.1.0-beta.1
OS: Node Version:v4.6.0
There was some problem in spawned command "npminstall" but now they have fixed this issue. Mostly it should work now and if not kindly share screenshot of errors being thrown.