Is there any way to install Win32::OLE::Variant in ubuntu? - perl

i tried to installing Win32::OLE::Variant in ubuntu but it gave a bad operating system message and terminated ..
kindly help me to install this module in ubuntu
Thanks in advance
Selva Kumar

No. OLE is a Microsoft technology that's only supported by Windows.

This module obviously won't install on Ubuntu because it deals with Win32-exclusive API.


Is it possible to install scip on centos 6.5

Is there anyone knows if I can install scip in centos 6.5?
I take a try but it doesn't work. I don't know i have a mistake in installation process or it can't work on centos!
I install scip on ubuntu correctly.
thanks in advance,
Yes, it is possible to build SCIP on CentOS 6.5.

Cannot find Desktop Sharing in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Is there anyone knows how to find Desktop Sharing in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?
Is it possible that this feature is only available for Server version?
ok, I find out the answer by myself. Actually, I need to install vino. After that, once I execute vino-preferences in a terminal, then the Desktop Sharing is show up.

Xen on Centos 7

I am a newbie to Xen and want to download it on my machine which currently has CentOS7. I have been researching and experimenting for a couple of days but can't seem to find a straightforward answer on how to install a fully functioning Xen on CentOS7. I tried using the workaround at, but it seems that some of the packages it uses might be outdated.
Is it even possible to install Xen on CentOS7, even if it is missing some parts to it? Would it be better just to go back to CentOS6.x so that I can install Xen4CentOS?
Thanks in advance! Any advice is appreciated!
Afaik RedHat therefore CentOS is not supporting Xen whoever in fact it is possible.
I am using xen4centos on my Centos7 server, it was installed along with official article from wiki:
It it is not, please provide some logs, errors etc

How to upgrade Zimbra 8.5

I am using zimbra 8.02, need to update to 8.5 without losing my mail box and other setups.
Could you guys please help me out and provide me some steps
What Operating system are you using?
You can follow this instructions if you are using Ubuntu -
And then
Best regards
Are you using ZCA 8.0.2 OR ZCS 8.0.2?
If ZCS 8.0.2, This can be upgraded directly to (the latest release at the time) ZCS 8.6.0.
(1) wget the correct version you require from here to your server in question
(2) untar -xvf zcs-***
(3) run the ./

can we install cloudstack in centOS 32-bit

I want to install cloudstack on centOS. i have installed centOS6.3 32-bit(i686) in my system.
I want to know if i can install cloudstack on centOS 32-bit.
Waiting for a reply.
Thank you.
No it is not possible to install cloudstack in 32-bit centos, 64-bit is mandatory bcoz it is similar to setting up a server, but u can have devcloud which is a virtual box based installaion so if u have oracle virtual box then it is possible. . . . . .
Yes. See 4.5. Management Server Installation from the Installation Guide
However, it is easier to get started with CloudStack using DevCloud. DevCloud contains a CloudStack that can run on a single machine.
For more detail, contact the mailing list.