#import <MMAdSDK/MMAdSDK.h> File not found - mopub

As a possible replacement for iAd, I'm giving a try to mopub.
I followed the "Get Started" section and got to a certain point.
I now keep getting a file not found error message, concerning the following line.
#import <MMAdSDK/MMAdSDK.h>
Looking closely at the file system I can see that there is a MMAdSDK.h file(in fact 3 copies), but no "MMAdSDK/MMAdSDK.h".
Did anyone had the same issue?

You need to set the path for Framework search paths in the build.
do a search for "search" in the project build settings.
double click to expand window
find the folder containing "MMAdSDK.framework" and drag that folder to the window
Should work then.


Files in Folder named "templates" don't apply colors and suggest in VisualStudioCode

If I name the folder "templates" or "template", the files in the folder don't apply colors or suggest in VisualStudio Code.
1st image shows when I named the folder "templates", and 2nd one shows when I named the folder "foo" (flutter).
I'm not sure but this happens maybe because of a extension that I added?
Please tell me how can I avoid this.
This is my setting of files.associations:
As indicated by the asker in the comments, the issue is due to file associations. Check your settings.json file to see if you have anything set in the "files.associations" setting that could be causing this. Otherwise, try disabling extensions that aren't needed to see if they are related to the issue. You can also change what file association is being used by clicking the lanugage indicator on the bottom right of the screen that has a "Select Language Mode" hover message. The same action can be done by using the command palette and using the "Change Language Mode" command.

SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h file not found while archiving [duplicate]

I am fairly new to ios development - trying to use sdwebimage in my iphone project. I believe I completed all basic setups as required. But when I build, I get this error: No such file file or directory near this line:
#import "UIImageView+WebCache.h"
Yes I have added Target Dependencies
I have added libSDWebImage.a in Link Binary With Libraries
I have -all_load -ObjC in Other Linker Flags
I also tried the -force_load ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/libSDWebImage.a (64bit mac)
My Use Header Search Paths is : $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)
I cleaned the project and rebuilt - but no use.
Build keeps failing. Again, XCode4 code completion "resolves" when I type #import "UI & hit "ctrl+space" which means the lib is visible to xcode. Any pointers will be super helpful. Thanks.
To add the needed header files to the build path do the following.
Select your project file
Select your target
Select Build settings
In the search box enter 'header search paths'
For the Release add "$(SOURCE_ROOT)/SDWebImage" (thats with quotes).
This will work when importing like this #import <SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h>
I also use SDWebImage.
In my experience I didn't do anything with the linker flags etc.
You only have to add the classes in your project and simply import the "UIImageView+WebCache.h" in your class' header like this:
#import "UIImageView+WebCache.h"
and if you want to use it on an UIImageView object, just use the method
you can refer to their github for more info
I just ran into this problem and have solved it.
The issue is that when you "drag" the SDWebImage xcode project to your project, Xcode only create a reference to point to those files needed. When you are in debug mode it's fine, it knows where to find those file. However, when you want to archive it (packing everything to be self-contained), it couldn't find it from your search path.
Although you have added $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) to your search path, but if the actual files that you downloaded are not physically located in your $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR), then Xcode won't find them. This was the problem for me since my SDWebImage files were still sitting in my download folder.
What you want to do is:
1.Move the SDWebImage folders to a place where you won't accidentally delete it. Notice once you've done that, the SDWebImage project file will become red since it's physical location is moved. And it's wired that I could not delete that reference in Xcode, what I ended up doing is add that file again (choosing from the location where I just move it too). You will end up with a red SDWebImage.xcodeproj in your project navigator which you can not delete. It's very annoying but it won't affect anything.
2. If the location you move the SDWebImage stuff to is not in your $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR), then you either move that inside $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) or as I do, add the path to Target -> Build Settings -> Search Paths -> User Header Search Paths.
Archive and it should work now.
I faced this same problem and was about to go crazy. Like Ravi, I followed the static installation instructions as closely as possible.
I saw the auto suggest for UIImageView+WebCache.h when I was typing #import, but it keeps throwing file not found.
In the end, it was this. In header search paths,
Embarrassed but now it's working right =)
I've been dealing with this problem for the past hour and noticed something that hasn't been mentioned: Make sure that when you up update header search paths that the "Recursive" option is selected! Otherwise the compiler will not check subfolders.
Worked for me...
I was dealing with the same problem, my two frameworks were not getting found. I tried all the suggested ways in order to resolve the error but it couldnt help. Atlast I deleted the frameworks from my project structure and reloaded them from the original project file and it worked!! Please try this if it helps, It worked for me...
I had a similar issue after pod update. If you are using CocoaPods version higher than 1.0.0 and more than one target in your project, you have to add all the targets into the Podfile.

Unable to change location / path settings after migrating Xcode project

I've migrated an Xcode project (iOS app) from one mac to another (same Dev Account and Code Signing preferences). Now the build fails and I get errors stating that certain files (MainWindow.xib, MyappViewController.xib and InfoPlist.string) don't exist. I've already read that several people have had this problem before and tried out the answers they got, but nothing seems to work.
As I understand, the problem lies within the path preferences for the NIB files. The error messages give the files' path as Users/Meonmyoldmac/etc - which I should change, because it's an absolute path and therefore doesn't make sense on another computer. But: when I try to open those files under Groups & Files their location is already set to 'Relative to group' and their path is given as Users/Meonmynewmac/etc. - which is exactly how I actually want it to be. (Oddly enough, the file type is listed as 'Default - Unknown' )
I've already tried…
- cleaning the project
- deleting those files from the project and putting them back in again
- restarting Xcode several times
that's possibly important:
- I'm talking about a Universal iOS App, yet only iPhone files are affected; their iPad equivalents work fine
- I changed the app localization to German, so the mentioned files are located in a folder called de.lproj
- I created the project with Xcode 4 on my older Snow Leopard Mac and use Lion/Xcode 4.2 on the new one - does that play any role here?
Thanks in advance, Fruity
If you have absolute paths to some of your files, you'll need to change them to relative paths:
In the Project Navigator, locate the missing files (colored red for not being found) and highlight one of them.
Show the File Inspector
Under Location change Absolute Path to Relative to group or Relative to project,
Then next to the path, there's a little white icon, click it and choose the file's location.
Right-click on the files in Finder, select Get Info. Check that you have permission to read the files.
Edit: Just noticed the error messages refer to the old path, so it can't be a permissions problem.
Groups can have paths set as well. Select the groups and verify that their paths are correct.
In XCode 4, when you have all three panes open, select the file in the left most pane. In the right most pane, select the white document icon at the top, looking for the header "Identity and Type." Under the popup for "location" is the name of the file. To the right of that name is a tiny icon like a window. Click on that, and you can set the location of the file.
I performed the terminal search suggested by Jim yesterday, found some 'source tree: absolute' entries in project.pbxproj and tried to manipulate them, which didn't work - couldn't even open the project in Xcode afterwards - so I called it a day.
Just now I did what I already tried yesterday before posting my question: I deleted the files from the project and copied them back in again. That miraculously eliminated all red warning signs from my project and just gave me a nice green SIGABRT when I tried to run it on the simulator. Cleaned project, restarted Xcode - perfect. Oh, and I checked the targeted device family setting, found that it was set to iPhone and switched it to iPhone/iPad - no idea if that was part of the issue.
I'm not sure if that's really an answer to the problem - but the problem has vanished...
Thanks for your help!
A less-actions solution. You can change manually in the project definition file.
Close xCode
Open .xcodeproj file in a text editor: in fact it's a folder, so edit in a text editor the inside file: project.pbxproj.
Search for the string: absolute (for sourceTree param)
For each entry (file with a absolute path set), change absolute to group.
And change the path parameter to a relative path. example:
path = en.lproj/PilotInfoViewController.xib;
- Save the file and reopen xCode.
PS: Make a backup copy of your project file before doing this manipulation.

Could not load "my-icon.png" image referenced from a nib (iPhone)

I am receiving the following error message:
2011-02-11 14:47:13.815 myProject[13177:207] Could not load the "icon-troubleshoot.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.myCompany.myProject"
This file is an old file that was being used before, but has now been deleted. As far as I know icon-troubleshoot.png is not used anywhere in my project. I tried cleaning and rebuilding, emptying caches but it didn't work. Searching for the string troubleshoot as a textual reference and "contains" selected returned nothing. Does anyone know how I can find what is causing this error?
The warning message suggests there is a reference to this png file in your .xib or .nib file(s).
Now the question is how to find it. Xcode is poor at doing this. Opening every nib file in a text editor like textedit and manual searching is time consuming.
The best solution I have for such searching tasks is to fire up terminal and use grep command. Go to source folder of your project in terminal then you can run the following in your case:
grep -i -r --include=*.xib "my-icon.png" ./
This will return all *.xib files where my-icon.png is referenced.
Later when you will see those *.xib files in xcode you'll find a '?' sign in place of my-icon.png showing that image is indeed missing as you deleted it. Now you deleted it to replace it with another image. So select '?' mark symbol, open Utilities area (to the right) and choose the correct file name. That is all.
as far as I know the search tool of x-code do not search inside the xib files that's why your search returns nothing. Anyway It's really probable there's still a reference in a xib file somewhere. Because xib files are just xml, if you don't want to check all them manually, try to open all your xib with a text editor like TextMate and perform a global text search over the content for the .png filename.
Hope this helps.
Clean the whole project and recompile.
There must be a reference to this file in one of the nibs. If you can't find it, try deleting the nib file where the image was used, and create a new one.
Also, check your bundle for a reference to the image file.
I had this exact same issue and I found that when I included this file in the project I didn't specify both my Development and Distribution targets, only Development, so as soon as I tried building Distribution target, it wasn't found. You have to delete reference to this image, then re-add it and make sure you checkmark all of the targets that it should be found in.
This could happen if you only have an imageName#2x.png image and have run a low resolution non-retina display build.
Cut the height and width in half in your favorite image editor and then save it in the same folder as the #2x as imageName.png
Select your storyboard object in solution explorer, right click on storyboard->"Open As"->"Source Code", now you will see xml code from storyboard. Search your image name with Cmd+F and replace or remove it.

gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 iphone

I've seen this error with different variations on discussion forums but being a non programmer I'm not sure how to progress this.
Basically I have code which I found to help me with changing the background colors of cells on a grouped uitableview. The code introduced a line as such:
CGContextAddArcToPoint(c, minx, miny, midx, miny, ROUND_SIZE);
This gave an error indicated that it wasn't declared, so I added to my .h file the following under import uikit:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#define ROUND_SIZE 10
Now it shows that I have an error:
Command/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 iphone
Some discussions talk about libraries but because I don't have a programming background I don't understand what to do. I also see that some people show a log output but I'm not sure where that comes from as I don't get any debug windows because I'm guessing it doesn't get that far. I simply click 'Build and Go' and I get this error in the Message window.
Any thoughts?
As you can see from the many different responses this error is caused by many different problems. Luckily, I have found the Meta Solution!
In xcode, right click the error line and choose "Open These Latest Results as Transcript Text File". This will open the real xcode output log, which should contain a better description of the error then was previously seen.
I have gone through that same problem. There may be some file which has no refference . You can see that type of file in red letter. Remove that file.
You probably don't have the CoreGraphics.framework added to your frameworks list.
To make sure, click the "Frameworks" folder on Xcode. If the framework isn't listed on the table to the right, you'll need to add it by right-clicking the Frameworks folder, chooseing "Add Existing Framework..." and then choosing it from the list.
I've found the problem after seeing the Build Results window that Dave mentioned (thank you!!!). I had a different version of the same .h and .m file because I was testing with different code. I deleted the unnecessary files as it was seeing something in there as a duplicate.
The build was successful.
Thank you!
You can see the error message output from GCC by selecting "Build Results" from the "Build" menu or by pressing ⇧⌘B.
you have defined the same static constants!!!!
static NSString *kSectionTitleKey = #"sectionTitleKey";
static NSString *kSectionTitleKey = #"sectionTitleKey";
the problem is
nothing about the CoreGraphics.framework
Evans answer is the best thing you can do to find the exact reason of why you are having that error. In most cases, in my experience, is that there have been files that have been deleted but haven't been removed from the project.
This type of exit code error occures due to Any of your framework or Library overlap. so solve this problem check your error log and find out duplicate object symbols waring in log than you got actual file which is overlap in code.
Another fix to this problem that was the answer to my fix was that I had two classes with the same name. A webservices helper had created an Invoice class, and when I tried to add a file with that same name it didn't have any problems until I tried to compile.
So make sure all your classes have unique names :)
xcode build errors:
Unsupported compiler ‘GCC 4.2′ selected for architecture ‘i386′
This can be caused by importing a project for a pre- iOS 5 SDK into a copy of xcode with iOS 5 SDK only.
To fix,
click your Project -> Build Settings. Then under Build Options, there is an entry for Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C. Choose Apple LLVM compiler 3.0.
When u create a file , u have to disable [uncheck] cocos2d libraries & then add the file. so that gcc-4.2 error will be rectified :) checkout!!!
This problem also arises when you rename the XIB file. You have to replace the old name with the new name in the xib files as well as in the navigation controller (if used).
For me, I found the solution above helpful....
"Open These Latest Results as Transcript Text File" which explained it couldn't find libGDataTouchStaticLib.a. I then had to build the static library for Gdata.xcodeproj (changing the active target > GdataTouchStaticLib) then had to manually add this file by dragging it to the targets > MYAPPNAME > Link Binary With Libraries. Build & Run.. All Good.
This issue could be because some libraries might be missing. Right click on the error line and click on "Open these results as transcript text files" and check the missing library.
I had the same problem, noticed that it was looking for a file in the wrong folder, essentially, don't store projects in folders with apostrophes in their name!
I had the same problem. The reason was, I had two int main(int argc, char *argv[]) functions.
I've gotten the same error and solved in a very strange way. Cleaning and rebuilding the project doesn't solve it but simply adding an empty line in ApplicationViewController.mm has forced the compiler to rebuild "something" and the error has gone by itself.
I just add that the same project compiles without error on iMac and failed on macBook.
I was getting this error on building a cocos2d project using xcode 4.3 on Lion. To fix this error, I followed the instructions here: http://www.mac.ph/cocos2d-templates-and-xcode-43
Here is one of the possible solutions:
Remove the .m(implementation) file import statement from the viewController class if it is included along with related .h(header) file.
Instead of including (by mistake)
#include "myClass.h"
#include "myClass.m"
Include only the required header file as:
#include "myClass.h"