MATLAB sine wave plot is not correct - matlab

I am new to MATLAB and I wrote some code to generate a sine wave. However the graph is not correct. Here is the screenshot of my code and the plot
What is the problem? Please help!

MATLAB plots discrete points and simply draws a straight line to connect neighbouring points together. Your time points are one second (1s) in between, and you are specifying a frequency of 100 Hz. In addition, because your sampling time is a multiple of the period of your sine wave, substituting all of those values of t would thus make the sin result equal to 0, though there is some numerical imprecision. Specifically, if you look at the y-axis, you'll see that the magnitude of your numbers is around 10^{-13}. However even if you escape this, the sampling time is TOO LARGE for the specified frequency of your wave and so this huge gap in between points is visualized as that jagged wave that you see in your graph.
The solution is to simply make your sampling time smaller. Try something small, like 1e-4 for example:
t = 0:1e-4:0.05;
f = 100;
A = 2;
x = A*sin(2*pi*f*t);
We get this now:


Trying to plot the fft of a sinc function

I am trying to plot the fft of a set of data I have. These data form a nearly perfect sinc function. Here is the data of which I am trying to plot the fft:
I know the fft of a sinc function should look like kind of a step function. However, the results I get are nowhere near that. Finding the fft in itself is super easy, but I think my mistake is when I try to compute the frequency axis. I have found several methods online, but so far I have not been able to make it work. Here is my code:
sampleRate = (max(xdata) - min(xdata))/length(xdata);
sampleN = length(xdata);
y = fft(ydata, sampleN);
Y = y.*conj(y)/sampleN;
freq = (0:1:length(Y)-1)*sampleRate/sampleNumber;
plot(freq, Y)
I have found pretty much all of that online and I understand pretty much none of it (which might be why it's not working...)
Zoom on what I get using that code:
It now seems to be working! This is what I get when I subtract the mean:
What you see here is the zero frequency being much, much larger than everything else. Plot with plot(freq,Y,'o-') to prove that the shape you see is just the linear interpolation between two samples.
The zero frequency is the sum of all samples. Because the mean of your signal is quite a bit larger than the amplitude, the zero frequency dwarfs everything else. And because you are plotting the power (absolute square of the DFT), this difference is enhanced even more.
There are two simple solutions:
Plot using logarithmic y-axis:
plot(freq, Y)
Subtract the mean from your signal, remove the zero frequency, or scale the y-axis (these are all more or less equivalent):
y = fft(ydata-mean(ydata), sampleN);
y(1) = 0;
plot(freq, Y)

FFT: How to find the single sided spectrum when there are less than fs/2 samples

I am writing a piece of code that figures out what frequencies(notes) are being played at any given time of a song (note currently I am testing it grabbing only the first second of the song). To do this I break the first second of the audio file into 8 different chunks. Then I perform an FFT on each chunk and plot it with the following code:
% Taking a second of an audio file and breaking it into n many chunks and
% figuring out what frequencies make up each of those chunks
clear all;
% Read Audio
fs = 44100; % sample frequency (Hz)
full = audioread('song.wav');
% Perform fft and get frequencies
chunks = 8; % How many chunks to break wave into
for i = 1:chunks
beginningChunk = (i-1)*fs/chunks+1
endChunk = i*fs/chunks
x = full(beginningChunk:endChunk);
y = fft(x);
n = length(x); % number of samples in chunk
amp = abs(y)/n; % amplitude of the DFT
%%%amp = amp(1:fs/2/chunks); % note this is my attempt that I think is wrong
f = (0:n-1)*(fs/n); % frequency range
%%%f = f(1:fs/2/chunks); % note this is my attempt that I think is wrong
When I do that I get graphs that look like these:
It looks like I am plotting too many points because the frequencies go up in magnitude at the far right of graphs so I think I am using the double sided spectrum. I think I need to only use the samples from 1:fs/2, the problem is I don't have a big enough matrix to grab that many points. I tried going from 1:fs/2/chunks, but I am unconvinced those are the right values so I commented those out. How can I find the single sided spectrum when there are less than fs/2 samples?
As a side note when I plot all the graphs I notice the frequencies given are almost exactly the same. This is surprising to me because I thought I made the chunks small enough that only the frequency that's happening at the exact time should be grabbed -- and therefore I would be getting the current note being played. If anyone knows how I can single out what note is being played at each time better that information would be greatly appreciated.
For a single-sided FT simply take the first half of the output of the FFT algorithm. The other half (the nagative frequencies) is redundant given that your input is real-valued.
1/8 second is quite long. Note that relevant frequencies are around 160-1600 Hz, if I remeber correctly (music is not my specialty). Those will be in the left-most region of your FT. The highest frequency you compute (after dropping the right half of FFT) is half your sampling frequency, 44.1/2 kHz. The lowest frequency, and the distance between samples, is given by the length of your transform (44.1 kHz / number of samples).

How to plot FFT of sine wave? [duplicate]

I'm working on Matlab, I want to perform FFT on a wav file I previously recorded on Matlab as well.
fs = 44100; % Hz
t = 0:1/fs:1; % seconds
f = 600; % Hz
y = sin(2.*pi.*f.*t);
This is the way I'm recording in the wav file.
Now to the reading and FFT part:
[y,Fs] = audioread('600freq.wav');
This is the plot of the FFT I get:
Maybe I'm missing something about the FFT, but I expected two vertical lollipops.
Another thing I noticed that's wrong, is when I play the sound after reading it form the file it's longer and the pitch is significantly lower.
My guess is a sampling rate problem, but I really have no idea of what to do about it.
Thanks for any help in advance.
That's because you're not plotting the magnitude. What you are plotting are the coefficients, but these are complex valued. Because of that, the horizontal axis is the real component and the vertical axis is the imaginary component. Also, when you use sound by itself, the default sampling frequency is 8 kHz (8192 Hz to be exact) which explains why your sound is of a lower pitch. You need to use the sampling frequency as a second argument into sound, and that's given to you by the second output of audioread.
So, try placing abs after the fft call and also use Fs into sound:
[y,Fs] = audioread('600freq.wav');
sound(y, Fs);
Also, the above code doesn't plot the horizontal axis properly. If you want to do that, make sure you fftshift your spectra after you take the Fourier transform, then label your axis properly. If you want to determine what each horizontal value is in terms of frequency, this awesome post by Paul R does the trick: How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?
Basically, each horizontal value in your FFT is such that:
F = i * Fs / N
i is the bin number, Fs is the sampling frequency and N is the number of points you're using for the FFT. F is the interpreted frequency of the component you're looking at.
By default, fft assumes that N is the total number of points in your array. For the one-sided FFT, i goes from 0, 1, 2, up to floor((N-1)/2) due to the Nyquist sampling theorem.
Because what you're actually doing in the code you tried to write is displaying both sides of the spectrum, that's why it's nice to centre the spectrum so that the DC frequency is located in the middle and the left side is the negative spectra and the right side is the positive spectra.
We can incorporate that into your code here:
[y,Fs] = audioread('600freq.wav');
sound(y, Fs);
F = fftshift(abs(fft(y)));
f = linspace(-Fs/2, Fs/2, numel(y)+1);
f(end) = [];
plot(f, F);
The horizontal axis now reflects the correct frequency of each component as well as the vertical axis reflecting the magnitude of each component.
By running your audio generation code which generates a sine tone at 600 Hz, and then the above code to plot the spectra, I get this:
Note that I inserted a tool tip right at the positive side of the spectra... and it's about 600 Hz!

Audioread in matlab of wav file and FFT

I'm working on Matlab, I want to perform FFT on a wav file I previously recorded on Matlab as well.
fs = 44100; % Hz
t = 0:1/fs:1; % seconds
f = 600; % Hz
y = sin(2.*pi.*f.*t);
This is the way I'm recording in the wav file.
Now to the reading and FFT part:
[y,Fs] = audioread('600freq.wav');
This is the plot of the FFT I get:
Maybe I'm missing something about the FFT, but I expected two vertical lollipops.
Another thing I noticed that's wrong, is when I play the sound after reading it form the file it's longer and the pitch is significantly lower.
My guess is a sampling rate problem, but I really have no idea of what to do about it.
Thanks for any help in advance.
That's because you're not plotting the magnitude. What you are plotting are the coefficients, but these are complex valued. Because of that, the horizontal axis is the real component and the vertical axis is the imaginary component. Also, when you use sound by itself, the default sampling frequency is 8 kHz (8192 Hz to be exact) which explains why your sound is of a lower pitch. You need to use the sampling frequency as a second argument into sound, and that's given to you by the second output of audioread.
So, try placing abs after the fft call and also use Fs into sound:
[y,Fs] = audioread('600freq.wav');
sound(y, Fs);
Also, the above code doesn't plot the horizontal axis properly. If you want to do that, make sure you fftshift your spectra after you take the Fourier transform, then label your axis properly. If you want to determine what each horizontal value is in terms of frequency, this awesome post by Paul R does the trick: How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?
Basically, each horizontal value in your FFT is such that:
F = i * Fs / N
i is the bin number, Fs is the sampling frequency and N is the number of points you're using for the FFT. F is the interpreted frequency of the component you're looking at.
By default, fft assumes that N is the total number of points in your array. For the one-sided FFT, i goes from 0, 1, 2, up to floor((N-1)/2) due to the Nyquist sampling theorem.
Because what you're actually doing in the code you tried to write is displaying both sides of the spectrum, that's why it's nice to centre the spectrum so that the DC frequency is located in the middle and the left side is the negative spectra and the right side is the positive spectra.
We can incorporate that into your code here:
[y,Fs] = audioread('600freq.wav');
sound(y, Fs);
F = fftshift(abs(fft(y)));
f = linspace(-Fs/2, Fs/2, numel(y)+1);
f(end) = [];
plot(f, F);
The horizontal axis now reflects the correct frequency of each component as well as the vertical axis reflecting the magnitude of each component.
By running your audio generation code which generates a sine tone at 600 Hz, and then the above code to plot the spectra, I get this:
Note that I inserted a tool tip right at the positive side of the spectra... and it's about 600 Hz!

Sampling at exactly Nyquist rate in Matlab

Today I have stumbled upon a strange outcome in matlab. Lets say I have a sine wave such that
f = 1;
Fs = 2*f;
t = linspace(0,1,Fs);
x = sin(2*pi*f*t);
and the outcome is in the figure.
when I set,
f = 100
outcome is in the figure below,
What is the exact reason of this? It is the Nyquist sampling theorem, thus it should have generated the sine properly. Of course when I take Fs >> f I get better results and a very good sine shape. My explenation to myself is that Matlab was having hardtime with floating numbers but I am not so sure if this is true at all. Anyone have any suggestions?
In the first case you only generate 2 samples (the third input of linspace is number of samples), so it's hard to see anything.
In the second case you generate 200 samples from time 0 to 1 (including those two values). So the sampling period is 1/199, and the sampling frequency is 199, which is slightly below the Nyquist rate. So there is aliasing: you see the original signal of frequency 100 plus its alias at frequency 99.
In other words: the following code reproduces your second figure:
t = linspace(0,1,200);
x = .5*sin(2*pi*99*t) -.5*sin(2*pi*100*t);
The .5 and -.5 above stem from the fact that a sine wave can be decomposed as the sum of two spectral deltas at positive and negative frequencies, and the coefficients of those deltas have opposite signs.
The sum of those two sinusoids is equivalent to amplitude modulation, namely a sine of frequency 99.5 modulated by a sine of frequency 1/2. Since time spans from 0 to 1, the modulator signal (whose frequency is 1/2) only completes half a period. That's what you see in your second figure.
To avoid aliasing you need to increase sample rate above the Nyquist rate. Then, to recover the original signal from its samples you can use an ideal low pass filter with cutoff frequency Fs/2. In your case, however, since you are sampling below the Nyquist rate, you would not recover the signal at frequency 100, but rather its alias at frequency 99.
Had you sampled above the Nyquist rate, for example Fs = 201, the orignal signal could ideally be recovered from the samples.† But that would require an almost ideal low pass filter, with a very sharp transition between passband and stopband. Namely, the alias would now be at frequency 101 and should be rejected, whereas the desired signal would be at frequency 100 and should be passed.
To relax the filter requirements you need can sample well above the Nyquist rate. That way the aliases are further appart from the signal and the filter has an easier job separating signal from aliases.
† That doesn't mean the graph looks like your original signal (see SergV's answer); it only means that after ideal lowpass filtering it will.
Your problem is not related to the Nyquist theorem and aliasing. It is simple problem of graphic representation. You can change your code that frequency of sine will be lower Nyquist limit, but graph will be as strange as before:
t = linspace(0,1,Fs+2);
To explain problem I modify your code:
f=12; %f << Fs
t=0:1/Fs:0.5; % step =1/Fs
t1=0:1/(10*Fs):0.5; % step=1/(10*Fs) for precise graphic representation
subplot (2, 1, 1);
subplot (2, 1, 2);
See result:
Red star - values of sin(2*pi*f) with sampling rate of Fs.
Blue line - lines which connect red stars. It is usual data representation of function plot() - line interpolation between data points
Green curve - sin(2*pi*f)
Your eyes and brain can easily understand that these graphs represent the sine
Change frequency to more high:
f=48; % 2*f < Fs !!!
See on blue lines and red stars. Your eyes and brain do not understand now that these graphs represent the same sine. But your "red stars" are actually valid value of sine. See on bottom graph.
Finally, there is the same graphics for sine with frequency f=50 (2*f = Fs):
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem states for your case that if:
f < 2*Fs
You have infinite number of samples (red stars on our plots)
then you can reproduce values of function in any time (green curve on our plots). You must use sinc interpolation to do it.
copied from Matlab Help:
Generate linearly spaced vectors
y = linspace(a,b)
y = linspace(a,b,n)
The linspace function generates linearly spaced vectors. It is similar to the colon operator ":", but gives direct control over the number of points.
y = linspace(a,b) generates a row vector y of 100 points linearly spaced between and including a and b.
y = linspace(a,b,n) generates a row vector y of n points linearly spaced between and including a and b. For n < 2, linspace returns b.
Create a vector of 100 linearly spaced numbers from 1 to 500:
A = linspace(1,500);
Create a vector of 12 linearly spaced numbers from 1 to 36:
A = linspace(1,36,12);
linspace is not apparent for Nyquist interval, so you can use the common form:
t = 0:Ts:1;
t = 0:1/Fs:1;
and change the Fs values.
The first Figure is due to the approximation of '0': sin(0) and sin(2*pi). We can notice the range is in 10^(-16) level.
I wrote the function reconstruct_FFT that can recover critically sampled data even for short observation intervals if the input sequence of samples is periodic. It performs lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.