GetChar not waiting for response - matlab

I'm using psychtoolbox in MATLAB and I want to get a participant to rate the distortion of a string of images from 0-9.
I've tried using GetChar, but when I run the script it doesn't wait for the user to give a response but just moves onto the next screen.
Any advice on how I can fix this?
%using a loop to show images
for k=1:290
for k=1:145
Screen('DrawTexture',w, texture1(k), [], leftposition);
Screen('DrawTexture',w, texture1(k+145), [], rightposition);
Screen('DrawLines', w, allCoords,...
lineWidthPix, black, [xCenter yCenter], 2);
%rating text
DrawFormattedText(w,'Rate distortion 0-9','center','center',[255 255 255]);
%press space to finish
DrawFormattedText(w,'press space to finish','center','center',[255 255 255]);
% Wait for a key press
% Clear the screen

There's a few things going on here: You're only looking for key presses after your loop is finished, and you're not storing the result of the key press.
GetChar is also messy (you would probably want to call FlushEvents to clear the queue, or you might run into (from help GetChar):
If a character was typed before calling GetChar then GetChar will
return that character immediately.
One alternative is demonstrated in the example below. It uses KbWait, which provides very similar functionality, with a little more work (i.e. converting the key code to a char). Additionally, it implements a 5ms delay between key checks, which helps prevent accidental key bouncing (counting single presses as multiple presses).
This example opens a small window in the upper left corner, displays the current loop iteration in the center of the screen, and waits for a single press to continue. It also records the times of the key presses in times.
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2);
[win, rect] = Screen('OpenWindow', 0, [0 0 0], [15 15 400 400]);
Screen('TextSize', win, 20);
answers = cell(1, 5);
times = zeros(1, 5);
ref_time = GetSecs;
for ii = 1:5
DrawFormattedText(win, num2str(ii), 'center', 'center', [255 255 255]);
Screen(win, 'Flip');
[times(ii), key_code] = KbWait;
answers{ii} = KbName(find(key_code));
WaitSecs(0.1); %# Wait an extra 100ms for better debouncing
times = times - ref_time;


How to plot a "moving" graph for real time values along the x-axis (using psychtoolbox)?

I am writing a code for a real time experiment using psychtoolbox to present the stimulus. In my experiment, I need to show the subject a graph that indicates his performance. I have plotted the graph using this simple code:
% Draw the graph
figure('visible','off','color',[0 0 0]);
pcolor([0 Num_timepoint+2],[-10 0],ones(2,2));
hold on;
pcolor([0 Num_timepoint+2],[0 10],2*ones(2,2));
colormap([79 167 255;255 187 221]/256);
saveas(gcf,'line_chart.png'); %save it
line_chart=imread('line_chart.png'); %read it
imageSize = size(resized_plot);
bottomRect = [xCenter-imageWidth/1.5, yCenter+gapdown, xCenter+imageWidth/1.5, yCenter+gapdown+imageHeight];
imageDisplay=Screen('MakeTexture', win0, resized_plot);
Screen('DrawTexture', win0, imageDisplay, [], bottomRect);
Unfortunately, this simple code is very slow. In addition, I couldn't make the graph moving along x axis, as soon as the new value comes.
Any help would be Awesome. Thanks in advance for your efforts.
Why are you saving the figure and redisplaying as an image? Maybe I'm missing something but you should be able to accomplish what you need by updating the existing plot with the fresh data using the handles properties of the plot:
.... First time through we need the initial plot ....
% Set up figure with colormaps and such but leave as 'visible','on'
hPlot = plot(plot(1:subloop,value0,'*-',...
hAxes = gca;
.... Loop over your real time updates ....
% Assuming value0 has subject's results from t=0 to t=now
hPlot.XData = value0; hPlot.YData = [1:subloop];
hAxes.XLim = [0 numTimePoints+2];
hAxes.YLim = [-10 10]
.... Continue test and update value0 ....
I think that should keep your plots current without having to save the figure as image to file then reopen the image to display to subject.
If you want to move your data one sample, you can use the circshift function. For example, if you want your new values to appear on the left hand side, you can shift all values 1 sample rightward, then add your new value in the first position.
For converting a MATLAB figure to a Psychtoolbox texture, you don't need to save, then load the temporary images. You can instead use the getframe function to capture the MATLAB figure data, which can then be given to MakeTexture to turn it into a Psychtoolbox texture.
I'm not sure what values you're actually using for subloop, value0, etc. but there is an example that I think might be close to what you want. In this example, 30 frames of figures are plotted, with each figure being on screen for 1 second. New data points are generated randomly and appear from the left hand side of the figure.
Depending on the details of your experiment, you may find that this approach is still too slow. You could also create the figure directly via Psychtoolbox drawing methods like DrawLines, etc. though that would require more effort.
win0 = Screen('OpenWindow', 0, 0);
Num_timepoint = 100;
subloop = 100;
value0 = zeros(1,100);
num_demo_frames = 30;
% Draw the graph
fig_h = figure('visible','off','color',[0 0 0]);
pcolor([0 Num_timepoint+2],[-10 0],ones(2,2));
hold on;
pcolor([0 Num_timepoint+2],[0 10],2*ones(2,2));
colormap([79 167 255;255 187 221]/256);
plot_h = plot(1:subloop,value0,'*-',...
for f = 1:num_demo_frames
new_value = randn(1,1);
data_values = plot_h.YData;
data_values = circshift(data_values, 1);
data_values(1) = new_value;
plot_h.YData = data_values;
plot_values = getframe(fig_h);
imageDisplay=Screen('MakeTexture', win0, plot_values.cdata);
Screen('DrawTexture', win0, imageDisplay);
Screen('Flip', win0);
catch e

Matlab: Criteria for displaying screens to subjects

I am delivering a psychology experiment in Matlab, where screens with questions will be presented to subject. The screen will also collect and display the subjects' responses. For example: Screen displays '2+3' and also displays what participant types (say, 99999), until they press enter.
GOAL: get it to stop displaying the question after 16 seconds if the participant has not yet pressed enter. (That is, stop displaying the screen if time=16sec OR if subject presses Enter.)
The problem revolves around the following code:
While CurrentTime<TimeOut
respond=GetChar() <-(Waits till user press enter)
So whatever the statements we add before/after capturing respond statements is not executed.
Any help on how to work around this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Here is an example, I presented an oval as an example, you can obviously replace that with whatever your stimuli are. Enter and Return are separate keys, I wasn't sure which you're looking for, so in the example the loop looks for either.
%% include at top of experiment / block
waitForResponseSeconds = 16; % number of second to wait for a response
enterKey = KbName('enter'); % numeric code for enter key
returnKeys = KbName('return'); % numeric code for return key(s)
responseKeys = [enterKey returnKeys];
wPtr = Screen('OpenWindow', 0, 0, [0 0 400 400]);
%% within the trial loop:
hasResponded = 0;
% present the stimulus (here the window pointer is called wPtr, you may
% need to adjust this depending on what you named the window pointer.
Screen('FillOval', wPtr, [100 0 100], [0 0 400 400]);
[~, Onset] = Screen('Flip', wPtr);
while ~hasResponded && ((GetSecs - Onset) <= waitForResponseSeconds)
[keyIsDown, secs, keyCode] = KbCheck;
if any(keyCode(responseKeys))
rt = 1000.*(secs-Onset); % get response time
hasResponded = 1;
% Wait 1 ms before checking again to prevent
% overload of the machine at elevated priority
%% end of exp

Matlab imrect in infinite loop

I have a Matlab UI where I want the user to input several areas using imrect as soon as a radiobutton is selected.
It is unknown how many areas will be selected so the selection needs to be in an infinite loop.
As soon as another radiobutton is selected, the imrect input should stop, which I cannot get to work.
Here is a minimal working example:
function mwe
ax = axes('Position', [0 0 1 1]);
bg = uibuttongroup('Position',[0 0 .15 1], 'SelectionChangedFcn',{#bselection, ax});
r1 = uicontrol(bg, 'Style','radiobutton', 'String','Option 1', 'Position',[10 250 100 30]);
r2 = uicontrol(bg, 'Style','radiobutton', 'String','Option 2', 'Position',[10 225 100 30], 'Value',1);
function bselection(source, event, ax)
switch event.NewValue.String
case 'Option 1'
while true
h = imrect(ax);
% do stuff
case 'Option 2'
% do not show imrect and do other stuff
I appreciate any help.
You can set the Interruptible property on the button. You can also set BusyAction to cancel. The help says:
The interruption occurs at the next point where MATLAB processes the
queue, such as when there is a drawnow, uifigure, getframe, waitfor,
or pause command.
So if you include a 'pause', it may not stop until the next rectangle has been selected. This is because once you've called imrect, it may not know that it has to stop.
However this method may not work if imrect blocks the matlab UI from triggering a callback.
An altogether better way is not to use an endless loop. You need to tell it when to end by checking --
running = true;
while running
% do stuff
running = false
What is SOMETHING? We need to check if the button has been deselected.
You could use
if r1.Value!=1
running = false
Which would check if r1 is not selected, and if so, running becomes false, and the loop stops cycling round.

Repeating trials in MatLab

i'm am very new to Matlab but really want improve. For my experiment i want to show a picture which the participant response yes/no to, using two different keys (f&g) and then the next picture is presented and it repeats so onward.
Presenting the picture, using the keys works for far, but i can't get it to repeat the trial. Thus my question is how can i get the program to repeat/loop my trial?
Is there something wrong in my code so far or is there additional coding i should use?
this is my code so far
function try1_6()
cleanupObj= onCleanup(#() myCleanupFxn);
% Initialize screen with black background
winID = Screen('openWindow',0, [0 0 0]);
% Load image file(s)
structimages= [];
TheImagesdir = dir('theImagesdir/*.jpg');
for i=1: length(TheImagesdir);
TheImages = imread(['theImagesdir/' TheImagesdir(i).name], 'JPEG');
% Get width and height
imageX = size(TheImages,2);
imageY = size(TheImages,1);
% Convert to texture
myTexture = Screen('MakeTexture', winID, TheImages);
% Set destination rectangle
destRect = [50 100 50+imageX 100+imageY];
%save to structure
structimages(end).destRect= destRect;
structimages(end).texture= myTexture;
%Make triallist
numberOfItems= [5]; %list of all possible items
TrialList=HH_mkTrialList({numberOfItems Response},Nrepeats);
for trialnum=1:size(TrialList,1)
nitems = TrialList(trialnum,1);
Screen('FillRect', winID,backcol); % makes the screen blank
%displays text
Screen('Flip', winID)
HH_waitForKeyPress({'space'}); % waits for spacebar to be pressed
%display picture
whichTheImages= randi(length(TheImagesdir)); % randomly selects image for directory
Screen('DrawTexture', winID, myTexture, [], destRect);
Screen('Flip', winID);
if resp==-1
TrialList(trialnum,4)= response; %records response
function myCleanupFxn()
There are a number of problems with you code that you need to address. First of all, TrialList is used before it is declared/initialized. The Make triallist block of code seems out of place in the body of the for loop, and should probably be placed before you loop TrialList.
Your second problem is the inner for loop that loads images. Right now, it loads every image found in the directory, on every trial! There is no reason for you to be doing this, and you should be placing this for loop outside the trial loop as well. Furthermore, your original code never worked as intended, because you never save the loaded texture anywhere; myTexture is overwritten by the last image in your folder and that's the only texture you're ever gonna get. So in addition to pre-loading the images before the loop, you need to save them in a data structure so that you can use them later in your trial loop. A simple struct will work nicely here:
structImages = [];
TheImagesdir = dir('theImagesdir/*.jpg');
for i = 1:length(TheImagesdir);
TheImages = imread(['theImagesdir/' TheImagesdir(i).name], 'JPEG');
% Get width and height
imageX = size(TheImages,2);
imageY = size(TheImages,1);
% Convert to texture
myTexture = Screen('MakeTexture', winID, TheImages);
% Set destination rectangle
destRect = [50 100 50+imageX 100+imageY];
%save to structure
structImages(end+1).filename = TheImagesdir(i).name;
structImages(end).destRect = destRect;
structImages(end).texture = myTexture;
There are other inconsistencies in your code:
whichTheIamges is defined but not used
resp is used in the comparison if resp==-1 but is not defined
response is saved into TrialList before it is defined
Finally, the biggest problem is Screen('CloseAll', winID); is inside the trial loop, so you tear down your whole presentation platform after the first trial.
FYI, as noted in my comment wrapping your entire script in a try block is really poor practice. I suspect you do this because you want to be able to Ctrl+C mid-task, but there's a better way to do this. If you make your entire script a function then you can use the onCleanup method to execute code whenever your function exits (whether normally, by error, or by interruption). The method goes like this:
function myScript()
%//make your script a function. There is an additional advantages to doing this:
%//function performance is better than script performance.
%//setup the cleanup object before opening screen
cleanupObj = onCleanup(#() myCleanupFxn);
%//open the screen
winID = Screen('openWindow',0, [0 0 0]);
function myCleanupFxn()
%//local function, not visible outside of this file

Matlab: Print progress from parfor loop

I run a lot of long simulations in Matlab, typically taking from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours, so to speed things up I decided to run the simulations simultaneously using a parfor loop.
arglist = [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4];
parfor ii = 1:size(arglist, 2)
Everything worked just fine, except for one thing: the progress printing. Since each simulation takes a lot of time, I usually print progress using something like
prevlength = 0;
for ii = 1:tot_iter
% Some calculations here
msg = sprintf('Working on %d of %d, %.2f percent done', ii, tot_iter, ii/tot_iter);
fprintf(repmat('\b', 1, prevlength))
prevlength = numel(msg);
but, as could be expected, when doing this inside a parfor loop, you get chaos.
I have googled a lot in search of a solution and have found a bunch of "parfor progress printers" like this one. However, all of them print the progress of the entire parfor loop instead of showing how far each of the individual iterations have come. Since I only have about 4-8 iterations in the parfor loop, but each iteration takes about an hour, this approach isn't very helpful to me.
The ideal solution for me would be something that looks like this
Working on 127 of 10000, 1.27 percent done
Working on 259 of 10000, 2.59 percent done
Working on 3895 of 10000, 38.95 percent done
Working on 1347 of 10000, 13.47 percent done
that is, each simulation gets one line showing how far it has run. I'm not sure though if this is possible at all, I can at least not imagine any way to do this.
Another way would be to do something like this
Sim 1: 1.27% Sim 2: 2.59% Sim 3: 38.95% Sim 4: 13.47%
that is, show all the progresses on the same line. To do this, you would need to keep track of what position on the line each simulation is to write on and write there, without erasing the other progresses. I can't figure out how this would be done, is this possible to do?
If there is some other solution to my problem (showing the progress of each individual iteration) that I haven't thought of, I'd be happy to hear about it.
Since this is the first time I ask a question here on SO it is quite possible that there is something that I have missed; if so, please feel free to comment below.
After receiving this answer, I thought that I should share how I used it to solve my problem since I didn't use it exactly as in the answer, in case someone else encounters the same problem.
Here is a small test program with basically the same structure as my program, making use of the progress bar (parfor_progress) mentioned in the answer:
function parfor_progress_test()
cpus = feature('numCores');
matlabpool('open', cpus);
cleaner = onCleanup(#mycleaner);
args = [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000];
m = sum(args);
parfor ii = 1:size(args,2)
function my_fun(N)
for ii = 1:N
function mycleaner
matlabpool close;
fclose all;
Simple Progress Bar
Something like a progress bar could be done similar to this...
Before the parfor loop :
fprintf(['\n' repmat('.',1,m) '\n\n']);
And during the loop:
Here we have m is the total number of iterations, the . shows the total number of iterations and | shows the number of iterations completed. The \n makes sure the characters are printed in the parfor loop.
Progress Bar and Percentage Completion
Otherwise you could try this:
It will display a progress bar and percentage completion but can be easily modified to just include the percentage completion or progress bar.
This function amends a character to a file on every iteration and then reads the number of characters written to that file which indicates the number of iterations completed. This file accessing method is allowed in parfor's.
Assuming you correctly add the above to your MATLAB path somehow, you can then use the following:
arglist = [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4];
parfor_progress(size(arglist, 2)); % Set the total number of iterations
parfor ii = 1:size(arglist, 2)
parfor_progress; % Increment the progress counter
parfor_progress(0); % Reset the progress counter
Time to Completion and Percentage Completion
There is also a function called showTimeToCompletion() which is available from:
and works alongside parfor_progress. This function allows you to print a detailed summary of the progress of a parfor loop (or any loop for that matter) which contains the start time, length of time running, estimated finish time and percentage completion. It makes smart use of the \b (backspace) character so that the command window isn't flooded with text. Although not strictly a progress 'bar' it is perhaps more informative.
The third example in the header of the function file,
fprintf('\t Completion: ');
showTimeToCompletion; startTime=tic;
p = parfor_progress( len );
parfor i = 1:len
p = parfor_progress;
showTimeToCompletion( p/100, [], [], startTime );
outputs the following to the command window:
Completion: 31.00%
Remaining: 00:00:23
Total: 00:00:33
Expected Finish: 3:30:07PM 14-Nov-2017
Useful for estimating the completion of a running simulation, especially one that may take hours or days.
Starting in R2013b, you can use PARFEVAL to evaluate your function asynchronously and have the client display progress updates. (Obviously this approach is not quite as simple as adding stuff to your PARFOR loop). There's an example here.
The Diary property of the Future returned by PARFEVAL is updated continuously while processing, so that might also be useful if you have a small number of large tasks.
Starting in R2017a, you can use parallel.pool.DataQueue and afterEach to implement a waitbar for parfor, like so:
if isempty(gcp('nocreate'))
parpool('local', 3);
dq = parallel.pool.DataQueue;
N = 10;
wb = waitbar(0, 'Please wait...');
% Use the waitbar's UserData to track progress
wb.UserData = [0 N];
afterEach(dq, #(varargin) iIncrementWaitbar(wb));
afterEach(dq, #(idx) fprintf('Completed iteration: %d\n', idx));
parfor idx = 1:N
send(dq, idx);
function iIncrementWaitbar(wb)
ud = wb.UserData;
ud(1) = ud(1) + 1;
waitbar(ud(1) / ud(2), wb);
wb.UserData = ud;
after exploring #Edric answer I found that there is an example in the Matlab documentation that exactly implements a waitbar for a pareval loop. Check help FetchNext
N = 100;
for idx = N:-1:1
% Compute the rank of N magic squares
F(idx) = parfeval(#rank, 1, magic(idx));
% Build a waitbar to track progress
h = waitbar(0, 'Waiting for FevalFutures to complete...');
results = zeros(1, N);
for idx = 1:N
[completedIdx, thisResult] = fetchNext(F);
% store the result
results(completedIdx) = thisResult;
% update waitbar
waitbar(idx/N, h, sprintf('Latest result: %d', thisResult));
% Clean up