Matlab imrect in infinite loop - matlab

I have a Matlab UI where I want the user to input several areas using imrect as soon as a radiobutton is selected.
It is unknown how many areas will be selected so the selection needs to be in an infinite loop.
As soon as another radiobutton is selected, the imrect input should stop, which I cannot get to work.
Here is a minimal working example:
function mwe
ax = axes('Position', [0 0 1 1]);
bg = uibuttongroup('Position',[0 0 .15 1], 'SelectionChangedFcn',{#bselection, ax});
r1 = uicontrol(bg, 'Style','radiobutton', 'String','Option 1', 'Position',[10 250 100 30]);
r2 = uicontrol(bg, 'Style','radiobutton', 'String','Option 2', 'Position',[10 225 100 30], 'Value',1);
function bselection(source, event, ax)
switch event.NewValue.String
case 'Option 1'
while true
h = imrect(ax);
% do stuff
case 'Option 2'
% do not show imrect and do other stuff
I appreciate any help.

You can set the Interruptible property on the button. You can also set BusyAction to cancel. The help says:
The interruption occurs at the next point where MATLAB processes the
queue, such as when there is a drawnow, uifigure, getframe, waitfor,
or pause command.
So if you include a 'pause', it may not stop until the next rectangle has been selected. This is because once you've called imrect, it may not know that it has to stop.
However this method may not work if imrect blocks the matlab UI from triggering a callback.
An altogether better way is not to use an endless loop. You need to tell it when to end by checking --
running = true;
while running
% do stuff
running = false
What is SOMETHING? We need to check if the button has been deselected.
You could use
if r1.Value!=1
running = false
Which would check if r1 is not selected, and if so, running becomes false, and the loop stops cycling round.


Matlab stop function's execution

I have an array. I am processing elements of this array in a for loop inside a function.
function results = processArray(array)
for ii = 1:length(array)
%some stuff here
results(ii) = %getting the results for this particular element
There might be a lot of elements and computations might take a lot of time. I want to be able to finish execution of the for loop at any arbitrary time when a user wants to do that so that the results for already processed elements would be available.
I was trying to make a figure with a button which would change a boolean flag. Inside the for loop I was checking the value of that boolean. If the boolean changed then the for loop should break.
function results = processArray(array)
fig = figure;
fig.UserData.continue = 1;
uicontrol('Parent', fig', 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'stop', 'callback', #interrupt)
for ii = 1:length(array)
if(fig.UserData.continue == 0)
%some stuff here
results(ii) = %getting the results for this particular element
function interrupt(obj, ~)
fig = obj.Parent;
fig.UserData.continue = 0;
well, that does not work. The figure shows up only after all the computations are done already. If I draw the figure first using something like waitforbuttonpress and proceed to the for loop pressing the button does not stop the execution. I think the callback function is being executed only after the for loop is finished. Is there any way to solve this?
You will need to drawnow after you create the button, so it will show up. You also need to drawnow within the loop to update the button state. Then you should achieve what you want.
drawnow force figure update, so it will slow down your computation a little.

Make a panel with values visible when I press a radiobutton

I have a uibuttongroup with radio buttons defined in it. I have uipanels defined with their corresponding properties. What I want to do is to be able to click one radio button and have one uipanel appear, and then click my other radio button to have the other uipanel appear. Here are snippets of my code:
operation_type_1 = uibuttongroup(S.Test, 'Title', 'Operation Type', 'position', [0 0.3 panel_w/2 0.15]);
uicontrol('Parent',operation_type_1, 'Style', 'radiobutton',...
'String', 'invisible',...
'position', [0 0 0 0], 'Tag', 'invisibutton');
'String', 'Time Operation',...
'Position', 100*[0.1 flooring(3.5, 'tp') 1.2 0.15], 'Tag', 'timeop1');
'String', 'Volume Operation',...
'Position', 100*[0.1 flooring(2.5, 'tp') 1.2 0.15], 'Tag', 'volumeop1');
This defines my button group and the two radio buttons.
Then I have code which creates a volume panel:
As well as a Time Panel:
These are in the same position. What I want is to be able to click on the "Time Operation" radio button and have the time panel be visible, and when I click on the "Volume Operation" radio button, the volume panel is visible.
I've tried doing switch case statements. I don't get errors, but I don't get results either. For example, my case statements for the time and volume panels are:
switch str
case 'timeop1'
if U.Value; S.result_panel_time1.Visible = 'On';
else S.result_panel_time1.Visible = 'Off';
case 'volumeop1'
if U.Value; S.result_panel_volume1.Visible = 'On';
else S.result_panel_volume1.Visible = 'Off';
How do I get this to work? I'm not using GUIDE, just coding a MATLAB GUI.
I've tried implementing the callback suggested below, but I get a "Function definition is misplaced or improperly nested." error. I use the following function:
function button_callback(U, varargin{2})
switch get(get(operation_type_1, 'SelectedObject'), 'Tag')
case 'timeop1'
if U.Value; S.result_panel_time1.Visible = 'On';
else S.result_panel_time1.Visible = 'Off';
case 'volumeop1'
if U.Value; S.result_panel_volume1.Visible = 'On';
else S.result_panel_volume1.Visible = 'Off';
And I've added the callbacks "...'callback', {#pb_call, S}" to my timeop1 and volumeop1. (Because all of the other function I have are in a .m file called pb_call.m). The function appears to be nested fine but the error points at the exact one.
It seems to me you did not define callback for your RadioButton. For example, set callback for volumeop1:
'String', 'Volume Operation',...
'Position', 100*[0.1 0.3 1.2 0.15], 'Tag', 'volumeop1', ...
'Callback', #switchPanel);
Then in function switchPanel, you will set corresponding panel visible, while set others invisible.
This is trying to answer your questions, but it seems to me what you want is uitab.
My partner ended up fixing it:
The callback was {callback, S} and S, U, and str were:
S = varargin{3}; %main figure handle
U = varargin{1}; %current uicontrol
str = char(U.String);
The problem occurred in the radiobutton creation, since the result panels were being created after the radiobuttons could be triggered, thus nothing was made invisible/visible and an error would occur.
However, it would be highly convenient if callbacks could affect all GUI parts, not just previously defined ones. I've tried using guidata in the past, but I had to use other, less straighforward methods to accomplish my goals. I'll try using working samples and building upon those in the future, but currently I am working on another part of the project and will get back to that later.
But using either guidata/setappdata or something related would work here as well as my own solution, which is making sure that the objects you are trying to change are already defined before the button triggering the callback.
(He also posted this answer to where I asked this same question in MATLAB Answers.)

How in Matlab do changes on figure 1 with slider on figure 2?

I have some sliders on figure 1, and I have some images on figure 2. I want to do the callbacks for the sliders in a way that, when I change the sliders in figure 1 , the threshold changes and images update automatically in figure 2.
I'm using addlistener to send values for callback function. The problem is when you move slider the active figure is figure 1, and you want to do changes on figure 2.
adding some code for clarification:
M.rgbImage = imread('euhedral-mag-on-po-edge-pseudo-sub-ophitic-rl-fov-4-8mm.jpg');
[rows, columns, numberOfColorBands] = size(M.rgbImage);
F.f = figure; % This is the figure which has the axes to be controlled.
% Now create the other GUI
S.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
'position',[400 400 500 100],...
'name','Image control',...
'resize','off'); = uicontrol('style','slide',...
'position',[60 10 270 20],...
lis = addlistener(,'Value','PostSet',#(e,h) sl_call3(S,F,M));
function sl_call3(S,F,M)
v = get(,'value');
figure(F.f), subplot(4, 4, 13);
M.redMask = (M.redPlane > v);
imshow(M.redObjectsMask, []);
Create reference to both your figures:
And then when doing the callback pass f2 as a parameter.
In the callback, you'll have get the handle to the second figure.
There's various ways to do that.
You can specify the handle to the second figure at the time of callback-definition:
figure2 = ...;
addlistener(hSlider, ..., #(a,b) changeStuffOn(figure2));
Or during the callback:
function callbackFunction(hObject, evt)
% get the handle to the second figure, e.g. by a tag, or its name
fig2 = findobj(0, 'type', 'figure', 'tag', 'figure2'); %
% do whatever you want with fig2
The latter might be somewhat worse in performance, but e.g. has the benefit of working reliably even if figure2 was deleted and recreated and some point.
To avoid the change of focus you'll have to get rid of this line your callback:
This explicitly moves the focus to the second figure.
You'll have to use e.g. the imshow(axes_handle, ...) syntax, in order to show the image not in the "current axes".

MATLAB: exiting infinite loop without using global variable in GUI

Background: I have several portion in an GUI to handle different tasks. In 1 portion (portion1) I have text input and send button. So once I will click send it would send one data to my serial port. Another portion (portion2) would receive signal from serial port which have been received from other devices. Both the portions are using two buttons; one to start the work of that particular portion and one to stop the work. I have used global variables and while loop (with boolean) to exit the infinite loop, as I need to send the data or receive data continuously.
My question: Problem is when I am using global variables and the above mentioned way of using infinite loop, if I click portion1, portion1 will start iterate. Now if I click portion2 then portion1 will be stopped. But I need to use them both at the same time and both of them will continuously send and receive data until I click other button (s) to exit the infinite loop.
My sample code for clarification:
function send_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global firstFlag;
firstFlag = true;
while firstFlag
%Required codes
function haltSend_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global firstFlag;
firstFlag = false;
function receive_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global secondFlag;
secondFlag = true;
while true
%Required codes
function stopReceive_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global secondFlag;
I have tried to find a solution referring to internet, but most of the solutions are using global variable. It would be better if I could work without global variables. But even if my requirements are fulfilled (as per my question) it would work.
Global or not is not the issue here.
Callbacks in Matlab all run on the same thread.
So when callback1 is running and you trigger callback2, callback2 will interrupt callback1.
callback1 will then only proceed once callback2 is finished.
You can only slightly modify this procedure using the BusyAction property:
But this won't help in your case.
In a "proper" programming language, you'd have a sending and a receiving thread running in parallel. You can't do this matlab however - unless you're e.g. willing to write java-code.
If you want to stick with matlab, the closest to thread would be timers.
These would replace your while loops.
E.g. as in the following minimalistic example:
function cbtest()
try close('cbtest');end
f = figure('name', 'cbtest');
% create the timers:
period = 0.2; % period in seconds, in which the timer shall execute
sendTimer = timer('TimerFcn', #sendFcn, 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedDelay', 'Period', period, 'TasksToExecute', Inf);
recvTimer = timer('TimerFcn', #recvFcn, 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedDelay', 'Period', period, 'TasksToExecute', Inf);
uicontrol(f, 'position', [10 10 100 25], 'Callback', #(a,b) start(sendTimer), 'string', 'start1');
uicontrol(f, 'position', [120 10 100 25], 'Callback', #(a,b) stop(sendTimer), 'string', 'stop1');
uicontrol(f, 'position', [10 50 100 25], 'Callback', #(a,b) start(recvTimer), 'string', 'start2');
uicontrol(f, 'position', [120 50 100 25], 'Callback', #(a,b) stop(recvTimer), 'string', 'stop2');
function sendFcn(hTimer, timerEvt)
% your send-loop-code
function recvFcn(hTimer, timerEvt)
% your receive-loop-code
sendFcn and recvFcn here then should contain the code you have within your according while loops.
You can of course lower the period to your needs, I chose the above for testing purposes.
Your problem is that you're executing the loop inside the Callbacks. So when the second button is clicked, the second callback will start and loop infinitely, until it is ended. The first loop will wait for the second Callback to terminate until it can resume. What you need is a main program where you execute your loop. Nesting the Callbacks will make sure they can access and change the local variables without making them global. If you're fine with building a GUI programmatically, try this:
function main()
sendFlag = false;
receiveFlag = false;
while true
if sendFlag
% Your Sending code
if receiveFlag
% Your Receiving code
function send_Callback(~,~,~)
sendFlag = true;
% other Callbacks
Then in the Callbacks for your Buttons (you could use Toggle Buttons by the way), you simply set the sendFlag and receiveFlag, respectively.
Using GUIDE, you want to use toggle buttons.
I don't exactly know how GUIDE handles the OpeningFcn, so you should probably put a "Start" button into your GUI which basically executes the above program with a few changes:
function startbutton_Callback(hObject,~,handles)
while true
handles = guidata(hObject); % Updates handles structure
sendFlag = get(handles.sendtoggle, 'Value');
if sendFlag
% Your Sending code
receiveFlag = get(handles.receivetoggle, 'Value');
if receiveFlag
% Your Receiving code
Also, create send and receive toggle buttons and set their 'Min' to 0 and 'Max' to 1. This will make them switch their 'Value' property (which you read in the above loop) between 0 and 1 when you click them. In the Callback, you can change what they display:
function send_Callback(hObject,~,handles)
on = get(hObject,'Value');
if on
set(hObject, 'String', 'Stop sending');
set(hObject, 'String', 'Start sending');
guidata(hObject,handles); % Update GUI data
Now your main function, which starts when you click the start button, runs the loop and just checks the toggle buttons' states to determine whether to send and receive.

using drawnow: Interrupt while evaluating uicontrol Callback

I have a problem with a while loop inside a switch-case statement, used together with callback functions and "drawnow". In my code, while the cases of the switch-case are determined by pushbuttons in uicontrol, the case statements involves further callback functions to track mouse movements using 'windowbuttondown/up/motionfcn's. Because I draw multiple plots inside the while loop in the case statement, however, I use 'drawnow', which gives me the following error when I run the programme:
Error on line 160 ==> drawnow
??? Interrupt while evaluating uicontrol Callback
The piece of code inside the case statement gives no error when I run independently but somehow creates problem when is integrated with the rest of the code, which I attach below. Any help would be so much appreciated. Many thanks!
function programme(selection)
if nargin == 0
switch selection
case 0 %start GUI and uicontrols to set up the cases i.e programme(1), programme(2) etc
'string','First', ...
'position',[50 700 50 20], ...
'string','Second', ...
'position',[150 700 50 20], ...
case 1
%mouse track:
%to terminate the while loop, set up stopit=1 on one of uicontrol buttons:
'string','First', ...
'position',[50 700 50 20], ...
while (stopit==0)
if mousedown==1
if mouseup ==1
statements (plots)
case 2
Look in the help: drawnow
It interrupts callbacks. And you call your function in a callback. Maybe you can replace it with a pause(0.01).
Though I would strongly advise you to get rid of the loop and use callbacks instead.