How to write a description of an Extension? - swift

I want know please how we can do to write a description of our extension on the window which appear and where we can see note about it?
Example here of what I want to reproduce for my extension:
And here my extension:
In advance thank you!

Hi and sorry I found the answer so i share it.
You have in the exception to write your description after '///' (without quotes like on screenshot attached below) :
Thank you,


trying to make this show in my snippet once called any ideas how to keep all these quotes?

"magazine" ,"",
for some reason it wont show and only shows as :
if anyone know please help trying to make a code snippet extension for a modding community to help out beginners

Magento - Hook into Admin login action

I just finished reading
but I am not sure how to find the different actions/events, for example, the above link refers to the action/event
How do I find those variables? A good example is, I would like to hook into the Admin login action, how would I find the correct _success_action for that event?
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
The best source is here:
You can see admin_session_user_login_success there.
Edit: Sorry - didn't see those last two comments... lists all/most the magento events
also look at

How to add digital signature image to pdf in ios?

Can anybody help me to solve this problem.
I am working on iphone development. This is new for me.
I need to generate a pdf with digital signature. I don't have any idea about this . I have googled past 1 week, still i am not able to crack this problem.
Please can anybody explain the step by step procedure or provide me some source code example.
Also provide me some good links.
see this may be help you :Convert an image to pdf
Please have a look at this.
hope this may Help you

GWT - area selection/imagemap

So, I'm starting to use GWT and I am having a little problem.
I have to retrieve some information about a building and I want to show to the user a floorplan for him to choose from where does he want information to be shown.
So, I tried an imagemap, but Iit is not working. Do someone has any suggestion or example of that?
Thank you,
I'm sure there are a couple ways of going about this. You might want to try some extension of the an already existing class as was done here with ComplexPanel

Associating a marker (dot) with calendar control

My Application requires the calendar control and i had downloaded the custom calendar control from the below given link.
Now the thing we want to do is put a dot in the tile for the dates which has some data associated with it. How can I implement it using the above calendar?
Please Give Your Suggestions
Please Help.
Thanks in Advance.
Got the thing working. Actually i got the solution after a week by myself so if anyone interested is knowing the method then please let me know guys.. i would be happy to help.
basically it is about making a few changes.
Few changes are very hard to put here so if anyone is interested then i would help him/her.
Thanks anyways