How can i get images in my Cardview. (Webview) [RSS feed app] - android-webview

Currently it looks like this:
I want the webView to load the images in card view.


UIImagePicker slideshow of images on selection

Like the Photos App shows, all albums > all photos in a particular album > single photo view,
even I need a similar kind of a view. I have used UIImagePickerController and easily go to the second step. However, whenever I select an image, I can not show a slide show kind of a view, as UIImagePicker does not give me that.
I made another view controller , just to display these images in a pagenation form.
But, from the delegate method, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo, when an image is selected, I get only that image using:
[info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
How do I know the images next to this image, and before this image, so that I can create a slide show?
Check out the documentation for ALAssetsLibrary. To obtain a list of images or videos in the Photo library you would use the enumerateGroupsUsingTypes:usingBlock:failureBlock: method of an ALAssetsLibrary object. For instance, you could call this method, then as it asynchronously returns images and video you would build your array of images for the slideshow view.
Also check out this SO thread. The answer shows how to get an ALAsset object from the UIImagePickerController, which lets you find the URL of the image and other info about it.

Change background with an image stored in the iOS device on button's action

I'm developing a messaging app and I want to change the background image of the chat window on tapping the button (like Whatsapp) with an image stored in the device. Can anybody help me in writing code for that purpose?. Thanks!
First of all, you need to create a button, either from XIB/NIB or through code. On the action of that button, you need to change the background image of your view controller's view. Following code may be helpful for you.
self.objImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"imageName.png"];
objImageView is the object of UIImageView on which you have to show the image.
imageName.png is the name of the image which you want to show on the UIImageView.

How to add a image button to a web view programmatically using image tag in iPhone

I want to add a button to a bottom corner of the view after all the content is displayed. how can I add the image tag to loadHtmlString at the bottom right corner of the web view.
Set the button in the html itself under button tag and on its click event set the javascript that calls a function in iPhone.
or take a button in html tag ad set its type as submit. and from iPhone code you can get the submit button method in webview.
Try exploring webViews Property.

Dynamically loading hi-res images into UIScrollView

I've been looking into creating a gallery mode in my application.
The functionality will be identical to the built in Photos App.
Here's the flow:
1. You touch on a thumbnail and ...
2. a modal view displays a large detail version of the image
3. You have the ability to scroll horizontally through all the images in the gallery while in this modal view
I'm stuck on step 3.
How do I dynamically load hi res images into a scroll view? I understand I need to set the contentSize for the the scrollView but how do I do that when I've only selected and loaded one image? What delegate methods do I need to implement and what does the heavy lifting look like?
Thanks in advance!
Refer to the following example project from apple, it shows how to use a scroll view to scroll horizontally through some views, u shouod only need to change the conents of those views to contain ur images

How to display a loading gif image in iphone application while uiwebview content loads

I have a uiwebview in my iphone application. I want to show a loading gif image which is located in my application , until complete contents of my uiwebview loads . Can anybody suggest a method ?
Here's a detailed post, including sample code, regarding usage of UIActivityIndicatorView to overlay a loading view over different types of subviews.