How to add a image button to a web view programmatically using image tag in iPhone - iphone

I want to add a button to a bottom corner of the view after all the content is displayed. how can I add the image tag to loadHtmlString at the bottom right corner of the web view.

Set the button in the html itself under button tag and on its click event set the javascript that calls a function in iPhone.
or take a button in html tag ad set its type as submit. and from iPhone code you can get the submit button method in webview.
Try exploring webViews Property.


Add iPhone Sharing Button

I've gotten Tweet sheets to appear in my app, but I'd like to spawn them only when a user presses the particular "Tweet" button in a UIActionSheet.
Currently, my UIActionSheet is being shown in the main view after the user presses a Rounded Rect Button. I would like to change this button to be Apple's "standard" share method, which is using the button with the square image and the arrow jumping out of it, as shown below
Where could I find the image for the button to do this, or is the button already built into XCode?
I hope I'm being clear enough.
Thank you.
You have to just create toolbar item with Bar Button Item. In Attributes Inpector choose 'Action' type of your button.
Attach selector/method from your rounded rect button to this button.

Want to see the image only in iPhone

I have a button connected to an action.
When I set the background image on that button, the result is not visually appealing. I want just to see the image not the button but I want the ibaction functionality of that button.
Please help
You need a button with type UIButtonTypeCustom (this will stop the default button appearance from drawing). You can do this in interface builder or in code (although you can't change it once the button is initialized).

Image Slider to my iPhone application

I need this kind of component to my iPhone Application. How could I Added to this to my project.
after i click that black color I need to animated it to left side and show next one.. like that
Try a tableView with one row and one section. Then the action of clicking on the row can trigger the delegate method of the tableView and use that to do whatever you like.
Alternately, you can make this a button with a custom view and swap out the view each time the user taps it.

How to display pictures, video, text, and audio all on the same view on the iphone?

I am trying to have a view that has four buttons on the top: a picture button, video button, audio button, and text button and an imageView below the buttons. If you click on the picture button, the imageView displays the picture. but if I click the video button i want the imageView to display a picture of the video that you can click and play the video. The audio button would do the same and the text button should display the text in the view.
I'm not sure what the best way to do this is because I don't know if you can add anything to a UIImageView or if I should put views on top of eachother in interface builder.
any advice is appreciated.
Hav you tried using a UITabBarViewController? I think this may be what you're looking for. A quick Google search came up with the following tutorial:

Button events inside UIWebView

I want to have a on top of uiwebview, which will scroll out of view as I scroll webview downward. The problem is I am not able to raise/handle the button touchupinside event from the viewcontroller. My guess is webview is eating the event. How can I make the button raise events?
One solution is to have a subview containing the button and then have this and the webview inside a scrollview. However this has its own problems and more so because my webpage has expandable sections inside it.
I am currently adding the button as subview inside documentview of the uiwebview, so it scrolls out of view.
Any help in this regard will be appreciated. Thanks.
It's a WebView, so if you're button is actually on the webpage, just use a simple Name attribute on the anchor tag.
If it's not, and it's a UIButton event you are trying to listen to, chances are you wired something up incorrectly with your IBOutlets and IBActions. To send a message to a UIWebView to make it scroll, you can send the stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: message which will call javascript inside your page. Check out the docs for details.