VSCode: Create two whitespaces between curly braces in CSS with cursor in the middle - visual-studio-code

Sublime had that default behaviour that in the context of a CSS file when writing { it is autocompleted to {|} (the pipe only indicates the position of the cursor and is not an actual pipe-charakter).
Upon hitting the spacebar {|} was further autocompleted to { | } (the pipe again being the cursor).
How do I get this exact behaviour in VSCode? ....and only for the context of CSS files?
I don't want snippets or any other workaround. I want, with my cursor inside of two empty curly braces, to hit the spacebar and get two spaces between the braces and the cursor to end up right in the middle.


VSCode "Expand selection" in plain text files

In code files, when I expand selection, brackets, quotes, and spaces are used to delimit "levels" of expansion.
However, when I'm working in plain text, expand selection ignores brackets and goes from selecting one word to then selecting a whole line.
Is there any way to have expand selection respect brackets and quotes in plain text files?

VS Code editor places cursor after commas/quotations

When I type a single comma or quotation mark in VS Code editor, the editor automatically adds a second one, which is OK, but than it places the cursor outside right after the commas, so if I need to write something between the commas (Which is normally the case...) I need to move the cursor back between the commas.
I would like to change this behavior and place the cursor automatically between commas or quotations.
Does anyone have an idea?

How to auto insert spaces between double brackets (double mustache) in VS Code

Currently when I add { to a .html file, VS Code will automatically close that bracket while leaving the cursor between the brackets, same with double curly brackets. Since I am working with Angular I would like to know if it is possible to have VS Code do this:
If I add 2 open curly brackets then add 2 blank spaces between them, close the brackets and set cursor between the blank spaces.
So instead of this: {{|}} I would get {{ | }} where | represents the cursor.
"Spaces Inside Braces" seems to be the best bet currently.

emacs: highlight all code within matching parenthesis off screen

I have the following two lines in my emacs config file which work perfectly for me:
(show-paren-mode 1);;highlight matching paranthesis
(setq show-paren-style 'expression) ; highlight entire bracket expression
except..when the function is too large to be displayed on one screen. When I scroll down to see the matching close braces , it stops highlighting as soon as the open braces goes offscreen.
How do I get emacs to highlight expressions within a set of matching braces even if I scroll down , as long as my cursor is on a braces?

Sublime Text 3 curly brace auto-completion interferes with Emmet

I'm new to Emmet and to Sublime Text 3.
In ST3, when I type the left curly brace, the right curly brace is automatically inserted, which interferes with Emmet i.e. when I type something like a{Click Me}, it expands to a{Click <Me></Me>} instead of the expected Click Me. However, if I delete the right curly brace and type the text I want, then manually insert the right curly brace, it expands correctly.
Any idea how I can fix this? Which setting do I need to change, if any? It's driving me mad. ¬ ¬
You can:
move caret after auto-closed brace and expand abbreviation, or
type }.
Sublime Text is smart enough to not insert redundant brace.