Get value for a key fron non-default bucket in couchbase - memcached

I would like to get an object from couchbase memcached bucket that is not the default, using memcached interface (or any other method).
Right now to get data from the default bucket I just do:
echo "get someKey" | nc couchbase.server 11211
But how to retrieve data from different bucket? Memcached doesn't have a notion of buckets (at least I couldn't find any info about that).
Or if that way is not possible can I use a different interface to retrieve the data from the shell (using nc or curl)?

You can do this but you will need to use "client-side moxi"
You can find more information about it here
Alternatively you can install the Couchbase C SDK and use "cbc cat" which is bucket-aware.

the C Couchbase SDK comes with a command line tool called cbc that can be used to retrieve documents from any bucket in a Couchbase cluster, cbc cat.
see the documentation on how to install and use cbc


Hyperledger Fabric CA - Storing the identity materials the correct way

Currently I have a VM running and installed the binaries needed for fabric-ca. I have a docker-compose file looking like this:
I have some questions regarding this:
the docker-compose file will create one container, if I want it for
more organizations, do I need to copy/paste this and change the port
number? (I don't want to use intermediate CAs).
When registering/enrolling an identity, it will override the default
materials because It will always put the materials from the new identity in /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-client. So when creating multiple
identities (orderer, peers, users etc..) how do I need to organize
them? What's the best practise?
In the image you can see that the server and clients are specified,
is this a good approach? Or should the client and the server be a
different container?
More than one CA in a Docker Compose file - you can look at the Build your first network tutorial in the Fabric Docs which has a 2 Org network and various configuration files including Docker Compose.
Combined client/server Container - This might be convenient for testing, but in a production scenario definitely not for Security and Operational Integrity reasons.
Overwriting Identities - the enroll command writes a tree of data to the location specified by the environment variable FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME but you can use --home to redirect the tree to a different location:
fabric-ca-client enroll -u --home /home/test/Jane/

Downloading public data directory from google cloud storage with command line utilities like wget

I would like to download publicly available data from google cloud storage. However, because I need to be in a Python3.x environment, it is not possible to use gsutil. I can download individual files with wget as
wget -O output_filename
However, commands like
wget -r --no-parent -O output_directoryname
do not seem to work as they just download an index file for the directory. Neither do rsync or curl attempts based on some initial attempts. Any idea of how to download publicly available data on google cloud storage as a directory?
The approach you mentioned above does not work because Google Cloud Storage doesn't have real "directories". As an example, "path/to/some/files/file.txt" is the entire name of that object. A similarly named object, "path/to/some/files/file2.txt", just happens to share the same naming prefix.
As for how you could fetch these files: The GCS APIs (both XML and JSON) allow you to do an object listing against the parent bucket, specifying a prefix; in this case, you'd want all objects starting with the prefix "path/to/some/files/". You could then make individual HTTP requests for each of the objects specified in the response body. That being said, you'd probably find this much easier to do via one of the GCS client libraries, such as the Python library.
Also, gsutil currently has a GitHub issue open to track adding support for Python 3.

Keys created from one HSM client are not available for use in another client

I am building a solution to store keys and encrypt\decrypt data using an HSM. I am using a network HSM manufactured by Thales. The thing I have noticed is that a key generated in client machine 1 is inaccessible in client machine 2. The key can only be used to encrypt\decrypt data in client machine 1. Is there any thing that needs to be changed in my implementation or is there something to be changed in net-HSM configuration to enable this. I am using PKCS11Iterop library for all the key management operations.
I am using token based OCS protection.
I suppose your client machine 1 has a new file in kmdata/local directory associated to the new key generated.
But your client machine 2 has not this file in his kmdata/local directory.
You have to find a way to share the kmdata/local directory, for instance, using NFS.

How do you access a MongoDB database from two Openshift apps?

I want to be able to access my MongoDB database from 2 Openshift apps- one app is an interactive database maintenance app via the browser, the other is the principle web application which runs on mobile devices via an Openshift app. As I see it in Openshift, MongoDB gets set up within a particular app's folder space, not independent of that space.
What would be the method to accomplish this multiple app access to the database ?
It's not ideal but is my only choice to merge the functionality of both Openshift apps into one ? That's tastes like a bad plate of spaghetti.
2018 update: this applies to Openshift 2. Version 3 is very different, and however the general rules of linux and scaling apply, the details got obsolete.
Although #MartinB answer was timely and correct, it's just a link, so let me put the essentials here.
Assuming that setting up a non-shared DB is already done, you need to find it's host and port. You can ssh to your app (the one with the DB) or use the rhc:
rhc ssh -a appwithdb
env | grep MONGODB
env brings all the environment variables, and grep filters them to show only Mongo-related ones. You should see something like:
xxxxx is the ID of the gear that Mongo sits on
yyyyy is your domain/namespace
zzzzz is MongoDB port
Now, you can use these to create a connection to the DB from anywhere in your Openshift environment. Another application has to use the xxxxx-yyyyy:zzzzz URL. You can store them in custom variables to make maintenance easier.
$ rhc env-set \
MYOWN_DB_HOST=xxxxx-yyyyy \
MYOWN_DB_USERNAME=admin..... \
And then use the environment variables instead of the standard ones. Just remember they don't get updated automatically when the DB moves away.
Please read the following article from the open shift blog:

gsutil make bucket command [gsutil mb] is not working

I am trying to create a bucket using gsutil mb command:
gsutil mb -c DRA -l US-CENTRAL1 gs://some-bucket-to-my-gs
But I am getting this error message:
Creating gs://some-bucket-to-my-gs/...
BadRequestException: 400 Invalid argument.
I am following the documentation from here
What is the reason for this type of error?
I got the same error. I was because I used the wrong location.
The location parameter expects a region without specifying witch zone.
sutil mb -p ${TF_ADMIN} -l europe-west1-b gs://${TF_ADMIN}
Should have been
sutil mb -p ${TF_ADMIN} -l europe-west1 gs://${TF_ADMIN}
One reason this error can occur (confirmed in chat with the question author) is that you have an invalid default_project_id configured in your .boto file. Ensure that ID matches your project ID in the Google Developers Console
If you can make a bucket successfully using the Google Developers Console, but not using "gsutil mb", this is a good thing to check.
I was receiving the same error for the same command while using gsutil as well as the web console. Interestingly enough, changing my bucket name from "google-gatk-test" to "gatk" allowed the request to go through. The original name does not appear to violate bucket naming conventions.
Playing with the bucket name is worth trying if anyone else is running into this issue.
Got this error and adding the default_project_id to the .boto file didn't work.
Took me some time but at the end i deleted the credentials file from the "Global Config" directory and recreated the account.
Using it on windows btw...
This can happen if you are logged into the management console (storage browser), possibly a locking/contention issue.
May be an issue if you add and remove buckets in batch scripts.
In particular this was happening to me when creating regionally diverse (non DRA) buckets :
gsutil mb -l EU gs://somebucket
Also watch underscores, the abstraction scheme seems to use them to map folders. All objects in the same project are stored at the same level (possibly as blobs in an abstracted database structure).
You can see this when downloading from the browser interface (at the moment anyway).
An object copied to gs://somebucket/home/crap.txt might be downloaded via a browser (or curl) as home_crap.txt. As a an aside (red herring) somefile.tar.gz can come down as somefile.tar.gz.tar so a little bit of renaming may be required due to the vagaries of the headers returned from the browser interface anyway. Min real support level is still $150/mth.
I had this same issue when I created my bucket using the following commands
But when I decided to add dollar sign $ to the variable MY_BUCKET_NAME_1 as MY_BUCKET_NAME_2=$MY_BUCKET_NAME_1 the error was cleared and I was able to create the bucket
I got this error when I had capital letter in the bucket name
$gsutil mb gs://CLIbucket-anu-100000
Creating gs://CLIbucket-anu-100000/...
BadRequestException: 400 Invalid bucket name: 'CLIbucket-anu-100000'
$gsutil mb -l ASIA-SOUTH1 -p single-archive-352211 gs://clibucket-anu-100
Creating gs://clibucket-anu-100/..