Keys created from one HSM client are not available for use in another client - pkcs#11

I am building a solution to store keys and encrypt\decrypt data using an HSM. I am using a network HSM manufactured by Thales. The thing I have noticed is that a key generated in client machine 1 is inaccessible in client machine 2. The key can only be used to encrypt\decrypt data in client machine 1. Is there any thing that needs to be changed in my implementation or is there something to be changed in net-HSM configuration to enable this. I am using PKCS11Iterop library for all the key management operations.
I am using token based OCS protection.

I suppose your client machine 1 has a new file in kmdata/local directory associated to the new key generated.
But your client machine 2 has not this file in his kmdata/local directory.
You have to find a way to share the kmdata/local directory, for instance, using NFS.


What is the "[full path]" component of the SSL Certificate Authority given by MySQL and PostgreSQL (boto3) calls in the AWS docs?

In the AWS documentation for "Connecting to your DB instance using IAM authentication and the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)", the following call is made to both psycopg2.connect (shown) and mysql.connector.connect:
conn = psycopg2.connect(host=ENDPOINT, port=PORT, database=DBNAME, user=USR, password=token, sslmode='prefer', sslrootcert="[full path]rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""SELECT now()""")
query_results = cur.fetchall()
I see some discussion about the ssl_ca path (here and here) and what those bundles are used for. But none of the three links I've given here describe the [full path] component given by the AWS docs, or where it is pointing to. My current guess (from the second link) is this URL, but I'd like to be sure.
Additionally, what are the advantages to having this bundle downloaded to the remote EC2 on which these Python 3 (boto3) scripts are running?
EDIT: By the way, the above call to psycopg2.connect is working in Jupyter with Python 3.9.5 on an EC2 currently, with the [full path] written as-is...
You should replace the '[full path]' with the filesystem path (directory path) to where you saved the pem file when you downloaded it (from that last URL you gave) to the local computer.
The advantage of using it is that your client will verify it connected to the correct database, and not some malicious system which is intercepting your traffic. I don't how advantageous you consider this: if someone has compromised Amazon enough to be intercepting their internal traffic, they might also have compromised their CA as well. But there is at least some possibility they did one without the other.
Your code as shown does not work for me, because ssl_ca is not how it is spelled. Assuming you used the code actually given at your first link for PostgreSQL:
sslmode='prefer', sslrootcert="[full path]rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem"
Then the reason it works despite the bogus path is that "prefer" means it doesn't care if the rootcert is missing, it just skips validating in that case. If you change it to 'verify-full', then presumably it would stop working.

Problem accessing orion-psb-image-R5.4 on FIWARE Lab using ssh

these are the steps i did :
1- created a keypair.
2- downloaded the keypair and used puttygen to generate a private key
3-created a new instance using the orion-psb-image-R5.4 image for a context broker.
4-created a security group and added a rule that opened the ssh port
5- associated a floating ip to that image
6-tried to access the image from putty using the floating ip and the private key generated in step 2
putty gives me this error:
Disconnected : No supported authentication methods available (server sent:publickey).
I would like to know how to solve this issue and understand the reason for it.
Screen shots:
1.loading the downloaded keypair into puttygen
2.the downloaded keypair file from fiware lab (keypair.pem) and the generated private key
3.entering the floating ip for the contextbroker instance
4.loading the generated private key to use during connection establishment
5.the error message when i try to connect
Seems to be a problem with key generation or Putty configuration. Unfortunatelly, the question post doesn't include enough detail to provide a more precices anser.
I'd suggest you to edit your question post to include full detail of each step you have done (even including screenshots as you go).
EDIT: use centos as user login instead of root

fabric-samples:balance-transfer example - v1.1.0 - Missing instructions?

fabric-samples:balance-transfer example - v1.1.0 - on a customized network with cryptogen generated crypto - fabric-client-kv* contents are failing to be created. Missing instructions? Please provide what needs to be done for creating these folders and contents in root directory of sample and in /tmp directory for wallet setup.
Created a customized network
Generated cryptogen content for the customized network
Brought of the network and verified it to be correctly running
Adapted the and scripts to use customized network with its crypto
User enroll and registration process failed due to missing fabric-client-kv* contents
This is not an issue when sample itself is run. The fabric-client-kv* contents are generated or re-generated
What is missing and what needs to be done to succeed?
If you regenerate the certificates same should be updated in docker-compose and network-config. If your adding a new organization to the network, Need to create a network connection profile configuration which will have the setting for keyValueStore and cryptoStore. In the balance transfer example crypto materials are stored in tmp folder, In this case, if you restart the system you will lose those materials, You can change these configurations on org*.yaml.

Understanding OPC-UA Security using Eclipse Milo

I am new to this OPC-UA world and Eclipse Milo.
I do not understand how the security works here,
Discussing about client-example provided by eclipse-milo
I see few properties of security being used to connect to the OPCUA Server:
How the above configurations are linked with each other?
I was trying to run client-examples -> BrowseNodeExample.
This example internally runs the ExampleServer.
ExampleServer is configured to run with Anonymous and UsernamePassword Provider. It is also bound to accept SecurityPolicy.None, Basic128Rsa15, Basic256, Basic256Sha256 with MessageSecurityMode as SignandEncrypt except for SecurityPolicy.None where MessageSecurityMode is None too.
The problem is with AnonymousProvider I could connect to the server with all SecurtiyPolicy and MessageSecurityMode pair mentioned above (without client certificates provided).
But I could not do the same for UsernameProvider, For UsernameProvider only SecurityPolicy MessageSecurityMode pair with None runs successfully.
All others pairs throw security checks failed exception (when certificate provided) else user access denied (when client certificate not provided). How to make this work?
Lastly, It would be really nice if someone could point me to proper User documentation for Eclipse Milo. Since I could not see any documentation except examples codes, and they are not documented.
SecurityPolicy and MessageSecurityMode go hand-in-hand. The security policy dictates the set of algorithms that will be used for signatures and encryption, if any. The message security mode determines whether the messages will be signed, signed and encrypted, or neither in the case where no security is used.
clientCertificate and clientKeyPair must be configured if you plan to use security. You can't use encryption or signatures if you don't have a certificate and private key, after all.
IdentityProvider used to provide the credentials that identify the user of the session, if any.
When the ExampleServer starts up it logs that its using a temporary security directory, something like this: security temp dir: /var/folders/z5/n2r_tpbn5wd_2kf6jh5kn9_40000gn/T/security. When a client connects using any kind of security its certificate is not initially trusted by the server, resulting in the Bad_SecurityChecksFailed errors you're seeing. Inside this directory you'll find a folder rejected where rejected client certificates are stored. If you move the certificate(s) to the trusted folder the client should then be able to connect using security.

How to distribute cache using memchached approach between multiple servers?

I'm trying to distribute cache across multiple servers. I have installed Memcached on 2 Linux servers. I'm using .Net Client Libraries to manipulate cache on those servers.
It's always store value on the first server from configuration. I tried to change sequence of the servers and it stores but only on the first in the list.
I use Putty to check if object exist on the server.
The questions are:
How to store object on both servers at the same time?
if I want to verify that this object stored on all servers from configuration file
How I can do it from client libraries?
Here is the example of my code:
static void Main(string[] args)
var mc = new MemcachedClient();
mc.Store(StoreMode.Add, "key1", "some information");
and configuration
<add address="" port="11211"/>
<add address="" port="11211"/>
<socketPool minPoolSize="10" maxPoolSize="100" connectionTimeout="00:10:00" deadTimeout="00:02:00"/>
I don't think that it is possible to do this with the .NET client because that's not how Memcached is supposed to work. Internally the client will hash each key to only one server. If that server goes down the client will take that into account when hashing future keys. One way around this though would be to do a separate set for each server. This would require you to create two clients, one connected to each server, and send the request twice. If the .NET client provides async sets then you can do this with the latency only being as long as the longest of the two set operations.