Is this scenario a big data project? - mongodb

i'm involved in a project with 2 phases and i'm wondering if this is a big data project (i'm newbie in this field)
In the first phase i have this scenario:
i have to collect huge amont of data
i need to store them
i need to build a web application that shows data to the users
In the second phase i need to analyze stored data and builds report and do some analysis on them
Some example about data quantity; in one day i may need to collect and store around 86.400.000 record
Now i was thinking to this kind of architecture:
to colect data some asynchronous tecnology like Active MQ and MQTT protocol
to store data i was thinking about a NoSQL DB (mongo, Hbase or other)
Now this would solve my first phase problems
But what about the second phase?
I was thinking about some big data SW (like hadoop or spark) and some machine learning SW; so i can retrieve data from the DB, analyze them and build or store in a better way in order to build good reports and do some specific analysis
I was wondering if this is the best approach
How would you solve this kind of scenario? Am I in the right way?
thank you

As answered by siddhartha, whether your project can be tagged as bigdata project or not, depends on context and buiseness domain/case of your project.
Coming to tech stack, each of the technology you mentioned has specific purpose. For example if you have structured data, you can use any new age base database with query support. NoSQL databases come in different flavours (columner, document based, key-value, etc), so technology choice depends again on the kind of data and use-case that you have. I suggest you to do some POCs and analysis of technologies before taking final calls.

Definition of big data varies from user to user. For Google 100 TB might be a small data but for me this is big data because of difference in available Hardware commodity. Ex -> Google can have cluster of 50000 nodes each node having 64 GB Ram for analysing 100 Tb of data so for them this not big data. But I cannot have cluster of 50000 node so for me it is big data.
Same is your case if have commodity hardware available you can go ahead with hadoop. As you have not mentioned size of file you are generating each day I cannot be certain about your case. But hadoop is always a good choice to process your data because of new projects like spark which can help you process data in much less time and moreover it also give you features of real time analysis. So according to me it is better if you can use spark or hadoop because then you can play with your data. Moreover since you want to use nosql database you can use hbase which is available with hadoop to store your data.
Hope this answers your question.


hadoop with mongodb and hadoop vs mongodb

I'm trying to understand key differences between mongoDB and Hadoop.
I understand that mongoDB is a database, while Hadoop is an ecosystem that contains HDFS. Some similarities in the way that data is processed using either technology, while major differences as well.
I'm confused as to why someone would use mongoDB over the Hadoop cluster, mainly what advantages does mongoDB offer over Hadoop. Both perform parallel processing, both can be used with Spark for further data analytics, so what is the value add one over the other.
Now, if you were to combine both, why would you want to store data in mongoDB as well as HDFS? MongoDB has map/reduce, so why would you want to send data to hadoop for processing, and again both are compatible with Spark.
First lets look at what we're talking about
Hadoop - an ecosystem. Two main components are HDFS and MapReduce.
MongoDB - Document type NoSQL DataBase.
Lets compare them on two types of workloads
High latency high throughput (Batch processing) - Dealing with the question of how to process and analyze large volumes of data. Processing will be made in a parallel and distributed way in order to finalize and retrieve results in the most efficient way possible. Hadoop is the best way to deal with such a problem, managing and processing data in a distributed and parallel way across several servers.
Low Latency and low throughput (immediate access to data, real time results, a lot of users) - When dealing with the need to show immediate results in the quickest way possible, or make small parallel processing resulting in NRT results to several concurrent users a NoSQL database will be the best way to go.
A simple example in a stack would be to use Hadoop in order to process and analyze massive amounts of data, then store your end results in MongoDB in order for you to:
Access them in the quickest way possible
Reprocess them now that they are on a smaller scale
The bottom line is that you shouldn't look at Hadoop and MongoDB as competitors, since each one has his own best use case and approach to data, they compliment and complete each other in your work with data.
Hope this makes sense.
Firstly, we should know what these two terms mean.
Hadoop is an open-source tool for Big Data analytics developed by the Apache foundation. It is the most popularly used tool for both storing as well as analyzing Big Data. It uses a clustered architecture for the same.
Hadoop has a vast ecosystem and this ecosystem comprises of some robust tools.
MongoDB is an open-source, general-purpose, document-based, distributed NoSQL database built for storing Big Data. MongoDB has a very rich query language which results in high performance. MongoDB is a document-based database, which implies that it stores data in JSON-like format documents.
Both these tools are good enough for harnessing Big Data. It depends on your requirements. For some projects, Hadoop would be a good option and some MongoDB fits well.
Hope this helps you to distinguish between the two.

XML versus MongoDB

I have a problem...
I need to store a daily barrage of about 3,000 mid-sized XML documents (100 to 200 data elements).
The data is somewhat unstable in the sense that the schema changes from time to time and the changes are not announced with enough advance notice, but need to be dealt with retroactively on an emergency "hotfix" basis.
The consumption pattern for the data involves both a website and some simple analytics (some averages and pie charts).
MongoDB seems like a great solution except for one problem; it requires converting between XML and JSON. I would prefer to store the XML documents as they arrive, untouched, and shift any intelligent processing to the consumer of the data. That way any bugs in the data-loading code will not cause permanent damage. Bugs in the consumer(s) are always harmless since you can fix and re-run without permanent data loss.
I don't really need "massively parallel" processing capabilities. It's about 4GB of data which fits comfortably in a 64-bit server.
I have eliminated from consideration Cassandra (due to complex setup) and Couch DB (due to lack of familiar features such as indexing, which I will need initially due to my RDBMS ways of thinking).
So finally here's my actual question...
Is it worthwhile to look for a native XML database, which are not as mature as MongoDB, or should I bite the bullet and convert all the XML to JSON as it arrives and just use MongoDB?
You may have a look at BaseX, (, with built in XQuery processor and Lucene text indexing.
That Data Volume is Small
If there is no need for parallel data processing, there is no need for Mongo DB. Especially if dealing with small data amounts like 4GB, the overhead of distributing work can easily get larger than the actual evaluation effort.
4GB / 60k nodes is not large of XML databases, either. After some time of getting into it you will realize XQuery as a great tool for XML document analysis.
Is it Really?
Or do you get daily 4GB and have to evaluate that and all data you already stored? Then you will get to some amount which you cannot store and process on one machine any more; and distributing work will get necessary. Not within days or weeks, but a year will already bring you 1TB.
Converting to JSON
How does you input look like? Does it adhere any schema or even resemble tabular data? MongoDB's capabilities for analyzing semi-structured are way worse than what XML databases provide. On the other hand, if you only want to pull a few fields on well-defined paths and you can analyze one input file after the other, Mongo DB probably will not suffer much.
Carrying XML into the Cloud
If you want to use both an XML database's capabilities in analyzing the data and some NoSQL's systems capabilities in distributing the work, you could run the database from that system.
BaseX is getting to the cloud with exactly the capabilities you need -- but it will probably still take some time for that feature to get production-ready.

NoSQL for time series/logged instrument reading data that is also versioned

My Data
It's primarily monitoring data, passed in the form of Timestamp: Value, for each monitored value, on each monitored appliance. It's regularly collected over many appliances and many monitored values.
Additionally, it has the quirky feature of many of these data values being derived at the source, with the calculation changing from time to time. This means that my data is effectively versioned, and I need to be able to simply call up only data from the most recent version of the calculation. Note: This is not versioning where the old values are overwritten. I simply have timestamp cutoffs, beyond which the data changes its meaning.
My Usage
Downstream, I'm going to have various undefined data mining/machine learning uses for the data. It's not really clear yet what those uses are, but it is clear that I will be writing all of the downstream code in Python. Also, we are a very small shop, so I can really only deal with so much complexity in setup, maintenance, and interfacing to downstream applications. We just don't have that many people.
The Choice
I am not allowed to use a SQL RDBMS to store this data, so I have to find the right NoSQL solution. Here's what I've found so far:
Looks totally fine to me, but it seems like some of the major users have moved on. It makes me wonder if it's just not going to be that much of a vibrant ecosystem. This SE post seems to have good things to say: Cassandra time series data
Again, this seems fine, but I'm concerned that this is not a major, actively developed platform. It seems like this would leave me a bit starved for tools and documentation.
I have a, perhaps irrational, intense dislike for the Mongo crowd, and I'm looking for any reason to discard this as a solution. It seems to me like the data model of Mongo is all wrong for things with such a static, regular structure. My data even comes in (and has to stay in) order. That said, everybody and their mother seems to love this thing, so I'm really trying to evaluate its applicability. See this and many other SE posts: What NoSQL DB to use for sparse Time Series like data?
This is where I'm currently leaning. It seems like the successor to Cassandra with a totally usable approach for my problem. That said, it is a big piece of technology, and I'm concerned about really knowing what it is I'm signing up for, if I choose it.
This is basically a time-series specific database, built on top of HBase. Perfect, right? I don't know. I'm trying to figure out what another layer of abstraction buys me.
My Criteria
Open source
Works well with Python
Appropriate for a small team
Very well documented
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
So, which NoSQL database actually can help me address my needs? It can be anything, from my list or not. I'm just trying to understand what platform actually has code, not just usage patterns, that support my super specific, well understood needs. I'm not asking which one is best or which one is cooler. I'm trying to understand which technology can most natively store and manipulate this type of data.
Any thoughts?
It sounds like you are describing one of the most common use cases for Cassandra. Time series data in general is often a very good fit for the cassandra data model. More specifically many people store metric/sensor data like you are describing. See:
As far as your concerns with the community I'm not sure what is giving you that impression, but there is quite a large community (see irc, mailing lists) as well as a growing number of cassandra users.
Regarding your criteria:
Open source
Works well with Python
Appropriate for a small team
Very well documented
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
See above links
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
If I understand your description correctly you could solve this multiple ways. You could start writing a new row when the version changes. Alternatively you could use composite columns to store the version along with the timestamp/value pair.
I'll also note that Accumulo, HBase, and Cassandra all have essentially the same data model. You will still find small differences around the data model in regards to specific features that each database offers, but the basics will be the same.
The bigger difference between the three will be the architecture of the system. Cassandra takes its architecture from Amazon's Dynamo. Every server in the cluster is the same and it is quite simple to setup. HBase and Accumulo or more direct clones of BigTable. These have more moving parts and will require more setup/types of servers. For example, setting up HDFS, Zookeeper, and HBase/Accumulo specific server types.
Disclaimer: I work for DataStax (we work with Cassandra)
I only have experience in Cassandra and MongoDB but my experience might add something.
So your basically doing time based metrics?
Ok if I understand right you use the timestamp as a versioning mechanism so that you query per a certain timestamp, say to get the latest calculation used you go based on the metric ID or whatever and get ts DESC and take off the first row?
It sounds like a versioned key value store at times.
With this in mind I probably would not recommend either of the two I have used.
Cassandra is too rigid and it's too heirachal, too based around how you query to the point where you can only make one pivot of graph data from (I presume you would wanna graph these metrics) the columfamily which is crazy, hence why I dropped it. As for searching (which Facebook use it for, and only that) it's not that impressive either.
MongoDB, well I love MongoDB and I am an elite of the user group and it could work here if you didn't use a key value storage policy but at the end of the day if your mind is not set and you don't like the tech then let me be the very first to say: don't use it! You will be no good at a tech that you don't like so stay away from it.
Though I would picture this happening in Mongo much like:
_id: ObjectID(),
metricId: 'AvailableMessagesInQueue',
formula: '4+5/10.01',
result: NaN
ts: ISODate()
And you query for the latest version of your calculation by:
var results = db.metrics.find({ 'metricId': 'AvailableMessagesInQueue' }).sort({ ts: -1 });
var latest = results.getNext();
Which would output the doc structure you see above. Without knowing more of exactly how you wish to query and the general servera and app scenario etc thats the best I can come up with.
I fond this thread on HBase though:
Which might be of interest, it seems to support the argument that HBase is a good time based key value store.
I have not personally used HBase so do not take anything I say about it seriously....
I hope I have added something, if not you could try narrowing your criteria so we can answer more dedicated questions.
Hope it helps a little,
Not a plug for any particular technology but this article on Time Series storage using MongoDB might provide another way of thinking about the storage of large amounts of "sensor" data.
Axibase Time-Series Database
Open source
There is a free Community Edition
Works well with Python There are also other language wrappers, for example ATSD R client.
Appropriate for a small team
Built-in graphics and rule engine make it productive for building an in-house reporting, dashboarding, or monitoring solution with less coding.
Very well documented
It's hard to beat IBM redbooks, but we're trying. API, configuration, and administration is documented in detail and with examples.
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
It's a time-series database from the ground-up so aggregation, filtering and non-parametric ARIMA and HW forecasts are available.
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
ATSD supports versioned time-series data natively in SE and EE editions. Versions keep track of status, change-time and source changes for the same timestamp for audit trails and reconciliations. It's a useful feature to have if you need clean, verified data with tracing. Think energy metering, PHMR records. ATSD schema also supports series tags, which you could use to store versioning columns manually if you're on CE edition or you need to extend default versioning columns: status, source, change-time.
Disclosure - I work for the company that develops ATSD.

Best NoSQL approach to handle 100+ million records

I am working on a project were we are batch loading and storing huge volume of data in Oracle database which is constantly getting queried via Hibernate against this 100+ million records table (the reads are much more frequent than writes).
To speed things up we are using Lucene for some of queries (especially geo bounding box queries) and Hibernate second level cache but thats still not enough. We still have bottleneck in Hibernate queries against Oracle (we dont cache 100+ million table entities in Hibernate second level cache due to lack of that much memory).
What additional NoSQL solutions (apart from Lucene) I can leverage in this situation?
Some options I am thinking of are:
Use distributed ehcache (Terracotta) for Hibernate second level to leverage more memory across machines and reduce duplicate caches (right now each VM has its own cache).
To completely use in memory SQL database like H2 but unfortunately those solutions require loading 100+ mln tables into single VM.
Use Lucene for querying and BigTable (or distributed hashmap) for entity lookup by id.
What BigTable implementation will be suitable for this? I was considering HBase.
Use MongoDB for storing data and for querying and lookup by id.
recommending Cassandra with ElasticSearch for a scalable system (100 million is nothing for them). Use cassandra for all your data and ES for ad hoc and geo queries. Then you can kill your entire legacy stack. You may need a MQ system like rabbitmq for data sync between Cass. and ES.
It really depends on your data sets. The number one rule to NoSQL design is to define your query scenarios first. Once you really understand how you want to query the data then you can look into the various NoSQL solutions out there. The default unit of distribution is key. Therefore you need to remember that you need to be able to split your data between your node machines effectively otherwise you will end up with a horizontally scalable system with all the work still being done on one node (albeit better queries depending on the case).
You also need to think back to CAP theorem, most NoSQL databases are eventually consistent (CP or AP) while traditional Relational DBMS are CA. This will impact the way you handle data and creation of certain things, for example key generation can be come trickery.
Also remember than in some systems such as HBase there is no indexing concept. All your indexes will need to be built by your application logic and any updates and deletes will need to be managed as such. With Mongo you can actually create indexes on fields and query them relatively quickly, there is also the possibility to integrate Solr with Mongo. You don’t just need to query by ID in Mongo like you do in HBase which is a column family (aka Google BigTable style database) where you essentially have nested key-value pairs.
So once again it comes to your data, what you want to store, how you plan to store it, and most importantly how you want to access it. The Lily project looks very promising. THe work I am involved with we take a large amount of data from the web and we store it, analyse it, strip it down, parse it, analyse it, stream it, update it etc etc. We dont just use one system but many which are best suited to the job at hand. For this process we use different systems at different stages as it gives us fast access where we need it, provides the ability to stream and analyse data in real-time and importantly, keep track of everything as we go (as data loss in a prod system is a big deal) . I am using Hadoop, HBase, Hive, MongoDB, Solr, MySQL and even good old text files. Remember that to productionize a system using these technogies is a bit harder than installing Oracle on a server, some releases are not as stable and you really need to do your testing first. At the end of the day it really depends on the level of business resistance and the mission-critical nature of your system.
Another path that no one thus far has mentioned is NewSQL - i.e. Horizontally scalable RDBMSs... There are a few out there like MySQL cluster (i think) and VoltDB which may suit your cause.
Again it comes to understanding your data and the access patterns, NoSQL systems are also Non-Rel i.e. non-relational and are there for better suit to non-relational data sets. If your data is inherently relational and you need some SQL query features that really need to do things like Cartesian products (aka joins) then you may well be better of sticking with Oracle and investing some time in indexing, sharding and performance tuning.
My advice would be to actually play around with a few different systems. Look at;
MongoDB - Document - CP
CouchDB - Document - AP
Redis - In memory key-value (not column family) - CP
Cassandra - Column Family - Available & Partition Tolerant (AP)
HBase - Column Family - Consistent & Partition Tolerant (CP)
VoltDB - A really good looking product, a relation database that is distributed and might work for your case (may be an easier move). They also seem to provide enterprise support which may be more suited for a prod env (i.e. give business users a sense of security).
Any way thats my 2c. Playing around with the systems is really the only way your going to find out what really works for your case.
As you suggest MongoDB (or any similar NoSQL persistence solution) is an appropriate fit for you. We've run tests with significantly larger data sets than the one you're suggesting on MongoDB and it works fine. Especially if you're read heavy MongoDB's sharding and/or distributing reads across replicate set members will allow you to speed up your queries significantly. If your usecase allows for keeping your indexes right balanced your goal of getting close to 20ms queries should become feasable without further caching.
You should also check out the Lily project ( They have integrated HBase with Solr. Internally they use message queues to keep Solr in sync with HBase. This allows them to have the speed of solr indexing (sharding and replication), backed by a highly reliable data storage system.
you could group requests & split them specific to a set of data & have a single (or a group of servers) process that, here you can have the data available in the cache to improve performance.
say, employee & availability data are handled using 10 tables, these can be handled b a small group of server (s) when you configure hibernate cache to load & handle requests.
for this to work you need a load balancer (which balances load by business scenario).
not sure how much of it can be implemented here.
At the 100M records your bottleneck is likely Hibernate, not Oracle. Our customers routinely have billions of records in the individual fact tables of our Oracle-based data warehouse and it handles them fine.
What kind of queries do you execute on your table?

Storing millions of log files - Approx 25 TB a year

As part of my work we get approx 25TB worth log files annually, currently it been saved over an NFS based filesystem. Some are archived as in zipped/tar.gz while others reside in pure text format.
I am looking for alternatives of using an NFS based system. I looked at MongoDB, CouchDB. The fact that they are document oriented database seems to make it the right fit. However the log files content needs to be changed to JSON to be store into the DB. Something I am not willing to do. I need to retain the log files content as is.
As for usage we intend to put a small REST API and allow people to get file listing, latest files, and ability to get the file.
The proposed solutions/ideas need to be some form of distributed database or filesystem at application level where one can store log files and can scale horizontally effectively by adding more machines.
Since you dont want queriying features, You can use apache hadoop.
I belive HDFS and HBase will be nice fit for this.
You can see lot of huge storage stories inside Hadoop powered by page
Take a look at Vertica, a columnar database supporting parallel processing and fast queries. Comcast used it to analyze about 15GB/day of SNMP data, running at an average rate of 46,000 samples per second, using five quad core HP Proliant servers. I heard some Comcast operations folks rave about Vertica a few weeks ago; they still really like it. It has some nice data compression techniques and "k-safety redundancy", so they could dispense with a SAN.
Update: One of the main advantages of a scalable analytics database approach is that you can do some pretty sophisticated, quasi-real time querying of the log. This might be really valuable for your ops team.
Have you tried looking at gluster? It is scalable, provides replication and many other features. It also gives you standard file operations so no need to implement another API layer.
I would strongly disrecommend using a key/value or document based store for this data (mongo, cassandra, etc.). Use a file system. This is because the files are so large, and the access pattern is going to be linear scan. One thing problem that you will run into is retention. Most of the "NoSQL" storage systems use logical delete, which means that you have to compact your database to remove deleted rows. You'll also have a problem if your individual log records are small and you have to index each one of them - your index will be very large.
Put your data in HDFS with 2-3 way replication in 64 MB chunks in the same format that it's in now.
If you are to choose a document database:
On CouchDB you can use the _attachement API to attach the file as is to a document, the document itself could contain only metadata (like timestamp, locality and etc) for indexing. Then you will have a REST API for the documents and the attachments.
A similar approach is possible with Mongo's GridFs, but you would build the API yourself.
Also HDFS is a very nice choice.