Storing millions of log files - Approx 25 TB a year - mongodb

As part of my work we get approx 25TB worth log files annually, currently it been saved over an NFS based filesystem. Some are archived as in zipped/tar.gz while others reside in pure text format.
I am looking for alternatives of using an NFS based system. I looked at MongoDB, CouchDB. The fact that they are document oriented database seems to make it the right fit. However the log files content needs to be changed to JSON to be store into the DB. Something I am not willing to do. I need to retain the log files content as is.
As for usage we intend to put a small REST API and allow people to get file listing, latest files, and ability to get the file.
The proposed solutions/ideas need to be some form of distributed database or filesystem at application level where one can store log files and can scale horizontally effectively by adding more machines.

Since you dont want queriying features, You can use apache hadoop.
I belive HDFS and HBase will be nice fit for this.
You can see lot of huge storage stories inside Hadoop powered by page

Take a look at Vertica, a columnar database supporting parallel processing and fast queries. Comcast used it to analyze about 15GB/day of SNMP data, running at an average rate of 46,000 samples per second, using five quad core HP Proliant servers. I heard some Comcast operations folks rave about Vertica a few weeks ago; they still really like it. It has some nice data compression techniques and "k-safety redundancy", so they could dispense with a SAN.
Update: One of the main advantages of a scalable analytics database approach is that you can do some pretty sophisticated, quasi-real time querying of the log. This might be really valuable for your ops team.

Have you tried looking at gluster? It is scalable, provides replication and many other features. It also gives you standard file operations so no need to implement another API layer.

I would strongly disrecommend using a key/value or document based store for this data (mongo, cassandra, etc.). Use a file system. This is because the files are so large, and the access pattern is going to be linear scan. One thing problem that you will run into is retention. Most of the "NoSQL" storage systems use logical delete, which means that you have to compact your database to remove deleted rows. You'll also have a problem if your individual log records are small and you have to index each one of them - your index will be very large.
Put your data in HDFS with 2-3 way replication in 64 MB chunks in the same format that it's in now.

If you are to choose a document database:
On CouchDB you can use the _attachement API to attach the file as is to a document, the document itself could contain only metadata (like timestamp, locality and etc) for indexing. Then you will have a REST API for the documents and the attachments.
A similar approach is possible with Mongo's GridFs, but you would build the API yourself.
Also HDFS is a very nice choice.


Is it efficient to store images inside MongoDB using GridFS?

I know how to do it, but I wonder if it's effective. As I know MongoDB has very efficient clusters and I can flexibly control the collections and the servers they reside on. The only problem is the size of the files and the speed of accessing them through MongoDB.
Should I explore something like Apache Hadoop or if I intelligently cluster MongoDB, will I get similar access speed results?
GridFS is provided for convenience, it is not designed to be the ultimate binary blob storage platform.
MongoDB imposes a limit of 16 MB on each document it stores. This is unlike, for example, many relational databases which permit much larger values to be stored.
Since many applications deal with large binary blobs, MongoDB's solution to this problem is GridFS, which roughly works like this:
For each blob to be inserted, a metadata document is inserted into the metadata collection.
Then, the actual blob is split into 16 MB chunks and uploaded as a sequence of documents into the blob collection.
MongoDB drivers provide helpers for writing and reading the blobs and the metadata.
Thus, on first glance, the problem is solved - the application can store arbitrarily large blobs in a straightforward manner. However, digging deeper, GridFS has the following issues/limitations:
On the server side, documents storing blob chunks aren't stored separately from other documents. As such they compete for cache space with the actual documents. A database which has both content documents and blobs is likely to perform worse than a database that has only content documents.
At the same time, since the blob chunks are stored in the same way as content documents, storing them is generally expensive. For example, S3 is much cheaper than EBS storage, and GridFS would put all data on EBS.
To my knowledge there is no support for parallel writes or parallel reads of the blobs (writing/reading several chunks of the same blob at a time). This can in principle be implemented, either in MongoDB drivers or in an application, but as far as I know this isn't provided out of the box by any driver. This limits I/O performance when the blobs are large.
Similarly, if a read or write fails, the entire blob must be re-read or re-written as opposed to just the missing fragment.
Despite these issues, GridFS may be a fine solution for many use cases:
If the overall data size isn't very large, the negative cache effects are limited.
If most of the blobs fit in a single document, their storage should be quite efficient.
The blobs are backed up and otherwise transfered together with the content documents in the database, improving data consistency and reducing the risk of data loss/inconsistencies.
The good practice is to upload image somewhere (your server or cloud), and then only store image url in MongoDB.
Anyway, I did a little investigating. The short conclusion is: if you need to store user avatars you can use MongoDB, but only if it's a single avatar (You can't store many blobs inside MongoDB) and if you need to store videos or just many and heavy files, then you need something like CephFS.
Why do I think so? The thing is, when I was testing with MongoDB and media files on a slow instance, files weighing up to 10mb(Usually about 1 megabyte) were coming back at up to 3000 milliseconds. That's an unacceptably long time. When there were a lot of files (100+), it could turn into a pain. A real pain.
Ceph is designed just for storing files. To store petabytes of information. That's what's needed.
How do you implement this in a real project? If you use the OOP implementation of MongoDB(Mongoose), you can just add methods to the database objects that access Ceph and do what you need. You can make methods "load file", "delete file", "count quantity" and so on, and then just use it all together as usual. Don't forget to maintain Ceph, add servers as needed, and everything will work perfectly. The files themselves should be accessed only through your web server, not directly, i.e. the web server should throw a request to Ceph when the user needs to give the file and return the response from Ceph to the user.
I hope I helped more than just myself. I'll go add Ceph to my tags. Good luck!
Ceph File System
More Ceph

XML versus MongoDB

I have a problem...
I need to store a daily barrage of about 3,000 mid-sized XML documents (100 to 200 data elements).
The data is somewhat unstable in the sense that the schema changes from time to time and the changes are not announced with enough advance notice, but need to be dealt with retroactively on an emergency "hotfix" basis.
The consumption pattern for the data involves both a website and some simple analytics (some averages and pie charts).
MongoDB seems like a great solution except for one problem; it requires converting between XML and JSON. I would prefer to store the XML documents as they arrive, untouched, and shift any intelligent processing to the consumer of the data. That way any bugs in the data-loading code will not cause permanent damage. Bugs in the consumer(s) are always harmless since you can fix and re-run without permanent data loss.
I don't really need "massively parallel" processing capabilities. It's about 4GB of data which fits comfortably in a 64-bit server.
I have eliminated from consideration Cassandra (due to complex setup) and Couch DB (due to lack of familiar features such as indexing, which I will need initially due to my RDBMS ways of thinking).
So finally here's my actual question...
Is it worthwhile to look for a native XML database, which are not as mature as MongoDB, or should I bite the bullet and convert all the XML to JSON as it arrives and just use MongoDB?
You may have a look at BaseX, (, with built in XQuery processor and Lucene text indexing.
That Data Volume is Small
If there is no need for parallel data processing, there is no need for Mongo DB. Especially if dealing with small data amounts like 4GB, the overhead of distributing work can easily get larger than the actual evaluation effort.
4GB / 60k nodes is not large of XML databases, either. After some time of getting into it you will realize XQuery as a great tool for XML document analysis.
Is it Really?
Or do you get daily 4GB and have to evaluate that and all data you already stored? Then you will get to some amount which you cannot store and process on one machine any more; and distributing work will get necessary. Not within days or weeks, but a year will already bring you 1TB.
Converting to JSON
How does you input look like? Does it adhere any schema or even resemble tabular data? MongoDB's capabilities for analyzing semi-structured are way worse than what XML databases provide. On the other hand, if you only want to pull a few fields on well-defined paths and you can analyze one input file after the other, Mongo DB probably will not suffer much.
Carrying XML into the Cloud
If you want to use both an XML database's capabilities in analyzing the data and some NoSQL's systems capabilities in distributing the work, you could run the database from that system.
BaseX is getting to the cloud with exactly the capabilities you need -- but it will probably still take some time for that feature to get production-ready.

MongoDB/CouchDB for storing files + replication?

if I would like to store a lot of files + replicate the db, what NoSql databse would be the best for this kind of job?
I was testing MongoDB and CouchDB and these DBs are really nice and easy to use. If it would be possible I would use one of them for storing files. Now I see the difference between Mongo and Couch, but I cannot explain which one is better for storing files. And if Im talking about storing files I mean files with 10-50MB but also maybe files with 50-500MB - and maybe a lot of updates.
I found here a nice table:
Still not sure which of these properties are the best for filestoring and replication. But maybe I should choose another NoSql DB?
That table is way out of date:
Master-Slave replication has been deprecated in favour of replica sets for starters and also consistency is wrong there as well. You will want to completely re-read this section on the MongoDB docs.
Map/Reduce is only JavaScript, there is no others.
I have no idea what that table means by attachments but GridFS is a storage standard built into the drivers to help make storing large files in MongoDB easier. Meta-data is also supported through this method.
MongoDB is on version 2.2 so anything it mentions about versions before is now obsolete (i.e. sharding and single server durability).
I do not have personal experience with CouchDBs interface for storing files however I wouldn't be surprised if there was hardly any differences between the two. I would think this part is too subjective for us to answer and you will need to just go for which one suites you better.
It is actually possible to build MongoDB clusters multi-regional (which S3 buckets are not and cannot be replicated as such without work) and replicate the most accessed files in a specific part of the world through MongoDB to these clusters.
I mean the main upshot I have found at times is that MongoDB can act like S3 and Cloudfront put together which is great since you have the redundant storage and the ability to distribute your data.
However that being said S3 is very valid option here and I would seriously give it a try, you might not be looking for the same stuff as me in a content network.
Database storage of files do not come without their serious downsides, however speed shouldn't be a huge problem here since you should get the same speed from a none Cloudfront fronted S3 as you should get from MongoDB really (remember S3 is a redundant storage network, not a CDN).
If you were to use S3 you would then store a row in your database that points to the file and houses meta-data about it.
There is a project called CBFS by Dustin Sallings (one of the Couchbase founders, and creator of spymemcached and core contributor of memcached) and Marty Schoch that uses Couchbase and Go.
It's an Infinite Node file store with redundancy and replication. Basically your very own S3 that supports lots of different hardware and sizes. It uses REST HTTP PUT/GET/DELETE, etc. so very easy to use. Very fast, very powerful.
CBFS on Github:
Blog Post:
Diverse Hardware:
Other Cool Visuals:
Contact me if you have questions and I can put you in touch.
Have you considered Amazon S3 as an option? It's highly available, proven and has redundant storage etc....
CouchDB, even though I personally like it a lot as it works very well with node.js, has the disadvantage that you need to compact it regularly if you don't want to waste too much diskspace. In your case if you are going to be doing a lot of updates to the same documents, that might be an issue.
I can't really commment on MongoDB as I haven't used it, but again, if file storage is your main concern, then have a look at S3 and similar as they are completely focused on filestorage.
You could combine the two where you store your meta data in a NoSql or Sql datastore and your actual files in a separate file store but keeping those 2 stores in sync and replicated might be tricky.

Log viewing utility database choice

I will be implementing log viewing utility soon. But I stuck with DB choice. My requirements are like below:
Store 5 GB data daily
Total size of 5 TB data
Search in this log data in less than 10 sec
I know that PostgreSQL will work if I fragment tables. But will I able to get this performance written above. As I understood NoSQL is better choice for log storing, since logs are not very structured. I saw an example like below and it seems promising using hadoop-hbase-lucene:
But before deciding I wanted to ask if anybody did a choice like this before and could give me an idea. Which DBMS will fit this task best?
My logs are very structured :)
I would say you don't need database you need search engine:
Solr based on Lucene and it packages everything what you need together
ElasticSearch another Lucene based search engine
Sphinx nice thing is that you can use multiple sources per search index -- enrich your raw logs with other events
Scribe Facebook way to search and collect logs
Update for #JustBob:
Most of the mentioned solutions can work with flat file w/o affecting performance. All of then need inverted index which is the hardest part to build or maintain. You can update index in batch mode or on-line. Index can be stored in RDBMS, NoSQL, or custom "flat file" storage format (custom - maintained by search engine application)
You can find a lot of information here:
See which fits your needs.
Anyway for such a task NoSQL is the right choice.
You should also consider the learning curve, MongoDB / CouchDB, even though they don't perform such as Cassandra or Hadoop, they are easier to learn.
MongoDB being used by Craigslist to store old archives:

Is Cassandra good for storing files?

I'm developing a php platform that will make huge use of images, documents and any file format that will come in my mind so i was wondering if Cassandra is a good choice for my needs.
If not, can you tell me how should i store files? I'd like to keep using cassandra because it's fault-tolerant and uses auto-replication among nodes.
Thanks for help.
From the cassandra wiki,
Cassandra's public API is based on Thrift, which offers no streaming abilities
any value written or fetched has to fit in memory. This is inherent to Thrift's
design and is therefore unlikely to change. So adding large object support to
Cassandra would need a special API that manually split the large objects up
into pieces. A potential approach is described in
As a workaround in the meantime, you can manually split files into chunks of whatever
size you are comfortable with -- at least one person is using 64MB -- and making a file correspond
to a row, with the chunks as column values.
So if your files are < 10MB you should be fine, just make sure to limit the file size, or break large files up into chunks.
You should be OK with files of 10MB. In fact, DataStax Brisk puts a filesystem on top of Cassandra if I'm not mistaken:
(I'm not associated with them in any way- this isn't an ad)
As fresh information, Netflix provides utilities for their cassandra client called astyanax for storing files as handled object stores. Description and examples can be found here. It can be a good starting point to write some tests using astyanax and evaluate Cassandra as a file storage.