Need help in identifying the difference between ESAPI.validator() and ESAPI.encoder() - esapi

We are implementing application security in our website. Its a REST based application, so i will have to validate the whole request payload, rather than each attribute. This payload need to be validated against all type of attacks (SQL,XSS etc). While browsing i found people are using ESAPI for web security.
I am confused between ESAPI.validator().getValidXXX, ESAPI.encoder() Java API's of ESAPI library. What is the difference between these two and when to use which API. I would also like to know in what cases we might use both API's
As per my understanding i could encode an input to form a valid html using both API's
ESAPI.validator().getValidSafeHTML(context, input, maxLength, allowNull).
For XSS attacks, I have made code changes to strip-of html tags using java pettern&matcher, but i would like to achieve the same using ESAPI. Can someone help me how to achieve it.
Are there any new java plugins developed for websecurity similar to ESAPI which i did not come accross. I have found, but it solves only XSS attacks, i am looking for a library which provides API's for several attacks (SQL injection/XSS)

You use this when you're sending input to a browser, so that the data you're sending gets escaped for HTML. This can get tricky, because you have to know if that exact data is for example, being passed to javascript before it is being rendered into HTML. Or if it's being used as part of an HTML attribute.
We use:
ESAPI.validator().getValidSafeHTML(context, input, maxLength, allowNull).
when we want to get "safe" HTML from a client, that is backed by an antisamy policy file that describes exactly what kinds of HTML tags and HTML attributes we will accept from the user. The default is deny, so you have to explicitly tell policy file, if you will accept:
You need to specify that you want the "a" tag, and that you will allow an "href" attribute, and you can even specify further rules against the content within the text fields and tag attributes.
You only need "getValidSafeHTML" if your application needs to accept HTML content from the user... which is usually specious in most corporate applications. (Myspace used to allow this, and the result was the Samy worm.)
Generally, you use the validator API when content is coming into your application, and the encoder API when you direct content back to a user or a backend interpreter. AntiSamy isn't supported anymore, so if you need a "safe HTML" solution, use OWASP's HTML Sanitizer.
Are there any new java plugins developed for websecurity similar to
ESAPI which i did not come accross. I have found,
but it solves only XSS attacks, i am looking for a library which
provides API's for several attacks (SQL injection/XSS)
The only other one that attempts a similar amount of security is HDIV. Here is an answer that compares HDIV to ESAPI by an HDIV developer.
*DISCLAIMER: I am an ESAPI developer, and OWASP member.
Sidenote: I discourage the use of Jsoup, because by default it mutates incoming data, constructing "best guess" (invalid) parse trees, and doesn't allow you fine-grained control of that behavior... meaning, if there's an instance where you want to override and mandate a particular kind of policy, Jsoup asserts that it is always smarter than you are... and that's simply not the case.


Rest API Localization - Headers vs Payload

We have one POST API live in production. Now we have a requirement to accept Localization information and proceed with execution accordingly.
e.g. if distanceUnit is "KM" then process all incoming data in Kilometers.
There are three options I could think of to accept localization information.
As a http header i.e. localization: {"distanceUnit": "km"}
As a part of payload itself.
Request parameter.
I like the 1st option as
it doesn't change api contract.
It's easier for other apis to send this info in case they need to be localized in future.
Localization is a part of content negotiation so I don't think it should be part of payload/query parameter.
Any opinions here would be helpful to zero in on 1st or second option.
While accept-language, as indicated by the proposed link Kit posted, may be attempting, this only supports registered languages, maintained by IANA, the standadization gremium of the Web, but not certain generic configuration options out of the box. It may be attempting to default to miles for i.e. Accept-Language: us and use km elsewhere, American scientists may have certain issues with your application then if they want to use km instead of miles. But if this might not be the case, this clearly could be an option you might consider. In regards to custom HTTP headers, I wouldn't recommend using those as the problem with custom HTTP headers in general is that arbitrary generic HTTP clients do not support these which somehow contradicts the idea why one should use a REST architecture.
Let us transfer your problem to the Web domain for a second and see how we usually solve that task there. As REST is basically just a generalized approach to the common way we humans interact with the Web, any concepts used on the Web also apply to a REST architecture. Thus, designing the whole interaction flow as if your application interacts on a typical Web page is just common practice (or at least should be).
On the Web a so called Web form is used to "teach" a Web client (a.k.a. Browser) what data the server expects as input. It not only teaches the client about the respective properties the server either expects or supports for a certain resource but also which HTTP method to use, about the target URI to send the request to and about the media-type to use, which implicitly is often just given as application/x-www-form-urlencoded but may also be multipart/form-data.
The usage of forms and links fall into the HATEOAS constraint where these concpets allow clients to progress through their task, i.e. of buying an item in a Web shop or administrating users in a system, without the need of ever having to consult an external documentation at all. Applications here basically just use the build-in hypermedia capabilities to progress through their tasks. Clients usually follow some kind of predefined processes where the server instructs clients on what they need to do in order to add an item to the shopping cart or on how to add or edit a user while still just operating on a generic HTML document that by itself isn't tailored to the respective task at hands. This approach allows Web clients to basically render all kinds of pages and users to interact with those generic pages. If something in that page representation changes your browser will automatically adept and render the new version on the next request. Hence, the system is able to evolve over time and adapt to changes easily. This is probably one of the core reasons why anyone wants to use a REST architecture basically.
So, back to the topic. On the Web a server would advertise to a client that it supports various localization information with above mentioned forms. A user might be presented a choice or dropdown option where s/he can select the appropriate option. The user usually does not care how this input is transferred to the server or about the internals of the server at all. All s/he cares for is that the data will be available after the request was submitted (in case of adding or updating a resource). This also holds true for application in a REST architecture.
You might see a pattern here. REST and the browsable Web are basically the same thing. The latter though focuses on human interaction while the primer one should allow applications to "surf the Web" and follow allong processes outlined by the server (semi-)automatically. As such it should be clear by now that the same concepts that apply to the browsable Web also apply to REST and applications in that REST architecture.
I like the 1st option as ... it doesn't change api contract
Clients shouldn't bind to a particular API as this creates coupling, which REST tries to avoid at all costs. Instead of directly binding to an API, the Web and as such also REST should use contracts build on hyper media types that define the admissible syntax and semantics of messages exchanged. By abstracting the contract away from the API itself to the media-type a client can support various contracts simultaneously. The generalization of the media-type furthermore allows to i.e. express various different things with the same media type and thus increase the likelihood for reusage and thus a better integration support into application layers.
Supporting various media-types is similar to speaking different languages. By being able to speak various languages you just increase the likelihood that you will be able to communicate with other people (services) out of the box without the need of learning those languages before. A client can tell a server via the Accept header which media-types it is able to "speak( (a.k.a. process) and the server will either respond with either of these or respond with a 406 Not Acceptable. That error response is, as Jim Webber put it, coordination data that at all times tells you whether everything went well or in case of failures gives you feedback on what went wrong.
In order to stay future-proof I therefore would suggest to design the configuration around hypertext enabled media types that support forms, i.e. HTML forms, applicaiton/hal-forms+json or application/ion+json. If in future you need to add further configuration options adding these is just a trivial task. Whether that configuration is exposed as own resource which you just link to, as embedded part within the resource or not return to the client at all is also a choice you have. If the same configuration may be used by multiple resources it would be benefitial to expose it as own resource and then just create a reference from the resource to that configuration but as mentioned these are design decisions you have to make.
If the POST request body is the only place where this is used, and you never have to do GET requests and automatically apply any conversion, my preference would probably go to adding it to the body.
It's nice to have a full document that contains all the information to describe itself, without requiring external out-of-band data to fully interpret its meaning.
You might like to define your schema to always include the unit in relevant parts of the document, for example:
distance: [5, 'km']
or, as you said, do it once at the top of the doc.

Rest API request payload

I'm new to web services world. I have created a rest api in ERP software that creates sales order. How will anyone outside the world know what parameters to send to this and in what format ? From all the videos I have watched and all materials read they talk about no api documentation is needed as it is REST service, People just know what request payload to send. I m not sure if I understand how that is possible. Its like I give somebody the url and tell them go figure. I tried sending orders with different parameter list and it is creating errors. But, if I send it in the way it accepts then it is working fine. Not sure if I understand the concepts well. Should I be creating documentation of this api telling what the request payload should look like ?
I completely disagree with the answer given by Joessel, which just propagates a typical RPC take on it, which is NOT REST at all!
In regards to how a service utilizing the REST architecture style should inform clients about what properties a resource supports and stuff like that, just look at traditional HTML pages. How are Web server able to tell your Browser what input it expects?
HTML is a media type that specifies the syntax to use as well as the semantics of each of the elements and attributes wich are admissible in a HTML document. I.e. HTML Forms enables a server to inform a client on the respective properties a resource support. In addition to that, a server also teaches a client on the respective target URI to send the request to, the HTTP operation to use upon sending the request as well as the media type to use for marshalling the request to a respective representation format. This is why you DON'T NEED any other documentation to interact with Web pages. Most arbitrary Web clients support HTML documents by default and therefore you don't need to reimplement the wheel to process such documents.
For non-HTML resources it is also just a matter of whether your client supports the respective media type or not. I.e. PNG files also follow a certain standard which allows arbitrary clients to show images instead of the actual bytes on your screen.
Most of those so called "REST APIs", which are truely RPC ones, just use custom JSON based message structures. JSON itself just defines the basic syntax but no semantics for any elements, attributes or other properties. It doesn't even add support for links. JSON Hyper-Schema is an extension which at least triest o add support for it, though it already requires to use an other media type than application/json. Though, if such formats are not well-defined and standardized, widespread adoption will not be possible on the long run. Hence creating a common media type is of importance to increase interoperability for such media types. I.e. for JSON based formats, HAL+JSON, HAL Forms, ION, and others provide definitions for basic JSON based message structures, with support for links and other features like form-support and other things.
So, if you take a closer look at the Web, you will find many concepts that you can reuse for a truely RESTful design. After all, REST just takes the ideas used on the Web for decades and attempts to offer the benefits resulting from these concepts to applications rather than humans alone. As such, it is always a good idea to first design the interaction flow as if one would interact with a traditional Web page and then take the concepts used in that design and apply it onto your application domain model.
As you don't need external documentation to interact with Web pages, so you don't need external documentation to interact with well defined message formats that follow a common media type as well. Through content-type negotiation both server and client will communicate with representation formats both support. So, the more (different) media types you support, the more likely you will be in the end to interact with different parties in that environment and if all of the supported media types are standardized you might not need any external documentation at all.
If you follow the academic definition of REST defined by Dr Fielding in his dissertation, it is true that such a service doesn't need any documentation. Hovewer, the chance are high that your service is not RESTful by his definition and that you need a documention to help your consumers. You can find an informative discussion about why a REST api doesn't need a documentation here.
That being said, you will probably need a documentation in most case. Depending on your needs and consumers of your api, a simple text file could be enough; maybe a markdown that you can easily share with other developers. Just remember to add all information needed to understand each route (verb, path, query, body, response...), and you can even throw some example code to make it easy to start.
And if you need something more robust, I can only advise you to follow the open api specification. One of the easiest way to get started is to use the swagger editor . You will even be able to publish your documentation in a nice way using one of the many tools out there (ex: redoc).
Writing a documention is never fun but nobody will use a product that they cannot understand, however great the product is.
Good luck,
I rewrote the introduction as it was misleading, thanks to #Roman Vottner for pointing it out. THe previous intro was:
I don't know who told you that a documentation is not needed for a REST Api but I find this highly misleading for newcomers... A documentation is (super) important, especially if you are not the sole consumer of your API, and in that case I would say it's mandatory.

How to check if there is any script injected in the json request?

We have got issues in our AEM application for cross site scripting. We decided to check for any scripts before submitting a request. How do we check if there is any script available in the SOAP request at the server side(Java). Is this the correct solution for avoiding cross site scripting issue?
This is a pretty broad question, and we can't provide any implementation details since we don't know any of your architecture or implementation details. However, there are some general XSS things to keep in mind:
If you are "checking for scripts" only in the browser, using JS, before submitting a form that will not solve anything. People can easily bypass this by simply issuing the HTTP request that the form would have made from any other tool (e.g. curl, PostMan, etc.). You need to check for bad data on the server side while processing the request that the Form is submitting.
As far as how to do this sort of thing on the CQ server side: Adobe has some recommendation that you should read through:
AEM 6.1
AEM 5.6
The PDF "cheat sheet" link on those pages will probably be most helpful.
There are different ways to mitigate the XSS risk. White-listing the data to let only known good data through, black-listing the data to block out any known bad data, encoding the data to prevent scripts from being treated as HTML. For an excellent read on what to do pay attention to the OWASP recommendations
Check out XSSAPI , you can use methods in this api to prevent XSS security risks.
On the other hand, you could probably start using sightly which provides automatic contextual XSS protection.

Scraping WebObjects website & REST

I need to programmatically interact with a WebObjects website and extract data from the responses. The particular WebObjects site I am scraping uses component actions and stores sessions in cookies (not urls). This means that all urls look something like this:
My first questions are:
Does urls like this not completely destroy local and shared caching opportunities (cachable constraint in REST)? I imaging the only effective caching with such urls is the WebObjects server itself.
Isn't addressability broken as well? Each resource does have a unique endpoint, but it changes constantly. Furthermore (I think) that WebObjects also makes too old URLs invalid since they "time-out" after a period of time. I'm not sure whether this applies only to urls with sessions though.
Regarding the scraping I am not sure whether it's possible to extract any meaningful endpoints from the website. For example, with a normal website I would look through the HTML and extract the POST urls, then use them in my scraper by posting directly to them instead of going through the normal request-response cycle.
In this case I obviously cannot use any URLs extracted from the HTML since they are dynamically generated on each request, but I read something about being able to access WebObjects components directly if the security settings have not been set to disallow this (see, p. 53 "Limitations on Direct requests"). I don't understand exactly how to do this though or if it's even possible.
If it's not possible what would be a good approach then? The only options I can think of is:
Using a full-blown browser client to interact with the website (e.g. WatiR or Selenium) and extract & process the HTML from their responses
Manually extracting the dynamic end-points by first request the page where they are on and then find the place in the HTML where they're located. Then use them afterwards as if they were "static".
I am interested in opinions on how to approach this scenario since I don't believe any of the solutions above are particularly good.
You've asked a number of questions, and I'll see if I can cover each in turn.
Does urls like this not completely destroy local and shared caching
opportunities (cachable constraint in REST)? I imaging the only
effective caching with such urls is the WebObjects server itself.
There is, indeed, a page cache within the WebObjects application server, and you're right to observe that these component action URLs probably thwart any other kind of caching. Additionally, even though the session ID is not present in the URL, you'd need the session ID in the cookie to re-create the same page, so having just that URL would get you a session restoration error from the application server.
Isn't addressability broken as well? Each resource does have a unique
endpoint, but it changes constantly.
Well, yes, on the face of it this is true. You've given a component action URL as an example, and they're tied to the session.
Furthermore (I think) that
WebObjects also makes too old URLs invalid since they "time-out" after
a period of time. I'm not sure whether this applies only to urls with
sessions though.
Again, all true. Component action URLs generate sessions, and sessions time out.
At this point, let me take a quick diversion. I'm assuming you're not the owner of the WebObjects application—you're talking about having to scrape a WebObjects app, and you've identified some ways in which this particular app doesn't conform to REST principles. You're completely right—a fully component-action-based WebObjects application won't be RESTful. WebObjects pre-dates REST by a few years. Having said that, there are ways in which a WebObjects application can be completely RESTful:
Using session-less direct actions gives a degree of REST-like behaviour, and would certainly solve the problems you identify with caching, addressability and expiry.
Using the ERRest framework to create a 100% RESTful application.
Of course, none of this will help you if you're just trying to scrape a legacy application.
Regarding the scraping I am not sure whether it's possible to extract
any meaningful endpoints from the website. For example, with a normal
website I would look through the HTML and extract the POST urls, then
use them in my scraper by posting directly to them instead of going
through the normal request-response cycle.
Again, if it's a fully component action-based application, you're right—all those URLs will be dynamically generated and useless to you.
In this case I obviously cannot use any URLs extracted from the HTML
since they are dynamically generated on each request, but I read
something about being able to access WebObjects components directly if
the security settings have not been set to disallow this…
That's talking about getting a component to render directly from its template with some restrictions:
As you note, the application can easily prevent it from happening at all.
As mentioned on p.53, the user input and action-invocation phases of rendering the component are skipped, which probably means this approach would be limited to rendering a component that didn't have any dynamic content anyway. This might be of some very limited use to you, though you'd need to know the component names you were interested in, and they wouldn't normally be exposed anywhere.
I'm not sure you're going to find anything better than the types of high-level functional approaches you've already suggested above, such as automating at the browser level with Selenium. If what you need is REST-style direct addressability of resources within the application, you're not going to get that unless you can re-write the application to use direct actions or ERRest where you need them.
A little late, but could help.
I use the Apache's mod_ext_filter (little modified) to pre/post filter the requests/responses from our WebObjects application. The filter calls PHP scripts and can read the dynamical hyperrefs and other things from the HTML pages. The scripts can also modify the HTTP requests, so we can programatically add/remove parameters from the request to implement new workflows in front of the legacy app and cleanup the requests before they will reach WebObjects. It is also possible to handle an additional database within the scripts and store some things over multiple requests.
So you can get the dynamically created links (maybe a button's name or HTML form destination) and can recognize these names within the request.
It is also possible to "remote control" such applications with little scripts like "click on the third button on the page". The only thing you need is a DOM parser to get the structure of the HTML pages and then rebuild the actions which the browser would do (i.e. create the HTTP request manually and send it as POST to the extracted form destination href). The only problem is the Javascript code, which we analyze and reprogram within PHP (i.e. enable/disable input elements, so they will not be transmitted within the requests)
There were some problems within the WebObjects Adapter Module for Apache. It still uses Content-Length within the HTTP header, which you cannot change in mod_ext_filter. If you change the HTML or the parameters within the request, the length of the content will not longer match. But it is possible to change that.
Theoretically it could also be possible to control such an closed-source legacy application from a new UI on a tablet or smartphone, which delegates the user interaction to the backend WebObjects app.
The scripts depends on the page structure, so if your WebObjects app will be changed, you have to correct some things in the scripts (i.e. third button could be now the fourth button).
It should also be possible to add a Restful interface in front of the application and query the data from the legacy app by the filter scripts.

Versioning REST API

After having read a lot of material on REST versioning, I am thinking of versioning the calls instead of the API. For example:
instead of first having
then going to
The advantage I see are:
When the calls change, I do not have to rewrite my entire client - only the parts that are affected by the changed calls.
Those parts of the client that work can continue as is (we have a lot of testing hours invested to ensure both the client and the server sides are stable.)
I can use permanent or non-permanent redirects for calls that have changed.
Backward compatibility would be a breeze as I can leave older call versions as is.
Am I missing something? Please advise.
Require an HTTP header.
Version: 1
The Version header is provisionally registered in RFC 4229 and there some legitimate reasons to avoid using an X- prefix or a usage-specific URI. A more typical header was proposed by yfeldblum at
X-API-Version: 1
In either case, if the header is missing or doesn't match what the server can deliver, send a 412 Precondition Failed response code along with the reason for the failure. This requires clients to specify the version they support every single time but enforces consistent responses between client and server. (Optionally supporting a ?version= query parameter would give clients an extra bit of flexibility.)
This approach is simple, easy to implement and standards-compliant.
I'm aware that some very smart, well-intentioned people have suggested URL versioning and content negotiation. Both have significant problems in certain cases and in the form that they're usually proposed.
URL Versioning
Endpoint/service URL versioning works if you control all servers and clients. Otherwise, you'll need to handle newer clients falling back to older servers, which you'll end up doing with custom HTTP headers because system administrators of server software deployed on heterogeneous servers outside of your control can do all sorts of things to screw up the URLs you think will be easy to parse if you use something like 302 Moved Temporarily.
Content Negotiation
Content negotiation via the Accept header works if you are deeply concerned about following the HTTP standard but also want to ignore what the HTTP/1.1 standard documents actually say. The proposed MIME Type you tend to see is something of the form application/vnd.example.v1+json. There are a few problems:
There are cases where the vendor extensions are actually appropriate, of course, but slightly different communication behaviors between client and server doesn't really fit the definition of a new 'media type'. Also, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) reads, "Media-type values are registered with the Internet Assigned Number Authority. The media type registration process is outlined in RFC 1590. Use of non-registered media types is discouraged." I don't want to see a separate media type for every version of every software product that has a REST API.
Any subtype ranges (e.g., application/*) don't make sense. For REST APIs that return structured data to clients for processing and formatting, what good is accepting */* ?
The Accept header takes some effort to parse correctly. There's both an implied and explicit precedence that should be followed to minimize the back-and-forth required to actually do content negotiation correctly. If you're concerned about implementing this standard correctly, this is important to get right.
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) describes the behavior for any client that does not include an Accept header: "If no Accept header field is present, then it is assumed that the client accepts all media types." So, for clients you don't write yourself (where you have the least control), the most correct thing to do would be to respond to requests using the newest, most prone-to-breaking-old-versions version that the server knows about. In other words, you could have not implemented versioning at all and those clients would still be breaking in exactly the same way.
Edited, 2014:
I've read a lot of the other answers and everyone's thoughtful comments; I hope I can improve on this with the benefit of a couple of years of feedback:
Don't use an 'X-' prefix. I think Accept-Version is probably more meaningful in 2014, and there are some valid concerns about the semantics of re-using Version raised in the comments. There's overlap with defined headers like Content-Version and the relative opaqueness of the URI for sure, and I try to be careful about confusing the two with variations on content negotiation, which the Version header effectively is. The third 'version' of the URL is wholly different than the 'second', regardless of whether it contains data or a document.
Regarding what I said above about URL versioning (endpoints like, for instance) the converse probably holds more truth: if you control all servers and clients, URL/URI versioning is probably what you want. For a large-scale service that could publish a single service URL, I would go with a different endpoint for every version, like most do. My particular take is heavily influenced by the fact that the implementation as described above is most commonly deployed on lots of different servers by lots of different organizations, and, perhaps most importantly, on servers I don't control. I always want a canonical service URL, and if a site is still running the v3 version of the API, I definitely don't want a request to to come back with their web server's 404 Not Found page (or even worse, 200 OK that returns their homepage as 500k of HTML over cellular data back to an iPhone app.)
If you want very simple /client/ implementations (and wider adoption), it's very hard to argue that requiring a custom header in the HTTP request is as simple for client authors as GET-ting a vanilla URL. (Although authentication often requires your token or credentials to be passed in the headers, anyway. Using Version or Accept-Version as a secret handshake along with an actual secret handshake fits pretty well.)
Content negotiation using the Accept header is good for getting different MIME types for the same content (e.g., XML vs. JSON vs. Adobe PDF), but not defined for versions of those things (Dublin Core 1.1 vs. JSONP vs. PDF/A). If you want to support the Accept header because it's important to respect industry standards, then you won't want a made-up MIME Type interfering with the media type negotiation you might need to use in your requests. A bespoke API version header is guaranteed not to interfere with the heavily-used, oft-cited Accept, whereas conflating them into the same usage will just be confusing for both server and client. That said, namespacing what you expect into a named profile per 2013's RFC6906 is preferable to a separate header for lots of reasons. This is pretty clever, and I think people should seriously consider this approach.
Adding a header for every request is one particular downside to working within a stateless protocol.
Malicious proxy servers can do almost anything to destroy HTTP requests and responses. They shouldn't, and while I don't talk about the Cache-Control or Vary headers in this context, all service creators should carefully consider how their content is consumed in lots of different environments.
This is a matter of opinion; here's mine, along with the motivation behind the opinion.
include the version in the URL.
For those who say, it belongs in the HTTP header, I say: maybe. But putting in the URL is the accepted way to do it according to the early leaders in the field. (Google, yahoo, twitter, and more). This is what developers expect and doing what developers expect, in other words acting in accordance with the principle of least astonishment, is probably a good idea. It absolutely does not make it "harder for clients to upgrade". If the change in URL somehow represents an obstacle to the developer of a consuming application, as suggested in a different answer here, that developer needs to be fired.
Skip the minor version
There are plenty of integers. You're not gonna run out. You don't need the decimal in there. Any change from 1.0 to 1.1 of your API shouldn't break existing clients anyway. So just use the natural numbers. If you like to use separation to imply larger changes, you can start at v100 and do v200 and so on, but even there I think YAGNI and it's overkill.
Put the version leftmost in the URI
Presumably there are going to be multiple resources in your model. They all need to be versioned in synchrony. You can't have people using v1 of resource X, and v2 of resource Y. It's going to break something. If you try to support that it will create a maintenance nightmare as you add versions, and there's no value add for the developer anyway. So, , where Resource is the type of resource, and 12345 gets replaced by the resource id.
You didn't ask, but...
Omit verbs from your URL path
REST is resource oriented. You have things like "CallFoo" in your URL path, which looks suspiciously like a verb, and unlike a noun. This is wrong. Use the Force, Luke. Use the verbs that are part of REST: GET PUT POST DELETE and so on. If you want to get the verification on a resource, then do GET http://domain/v1/Foo/12345/verification. If you want to update it, do POST /v1/Foo/12345.
Put optional params as a query param or payload
The optional params should not be in the URL path (before the first question mark) unless you are suggesting that those optional params constitute a self-standing resource. So, POST /v1/Foo/12345?action=partialUpdate&param1=123&param2=abc.
Don't do either of those things, because they push the version into the URI structure, and that's going to have downsides for your client applications. It will make it harder for them to upgrade to take advantage of new features in your application.
Instead, you should version your media types, not your URIs. This will give you maximum flexibility and evolutionary ability. For more information, see this answer I gave to another question.
I like using the profile media type parameter:
application/json; profile=""
More Info:
It depends on what you call versions in your API, if you call versions to different representations (xml, json, etc) of the entities then you should use the accept headers or a custom header. That is the way http is designed for working with representations. It is RESTful because if I call the same resource at the same time but requesting different representations, the returned entities will have exactly the same information and property structure but with different format, this kind of versioning is cosmetic.
In the other hand if you understand 'versions' as changes in entity structure, for example adding a field 'age' to the 'user' entity. Then you should approach this from a resource perspective which is in my opinion the RESTful approach. As described by Roy Fielding in his disseration ...a REST resource is a mapping from an identifier to a set of entities... Therefore makes sense that when changing the structure of an entity you need to have a proper resource that points to that version. This kind of versioning is structural.
I made a similar comment in:
When working with url versioning the version should come later and not earlier in the url:
Another way of doing that in a cleaner way but which could be problematic when implementing:
Doing it this way allows the client to request specifically the resource they want which maps to the entity they need. Without having to mess with headers and custom media types which is really problematic when implementing in a production environment.
Also having the url late in the url allows the clients to have more granularity when choosing specifically the resources they want, even at method level.
But the most important thing from a developer perspective, you don't need to maintain the whole mappings (paths) for every version to all the resources and methods. Which is very valuable when you have lot of sub-resources (embedded resources).
From an implementation perspective having it at the level of resource is really easy to implement, for example if using Jersey/JAX-RS:
public class CustomerResource {
public IDto getCustomer(#PathParam("version") String version, #PathParam("id") String id) {
return locateVersion(version, customerService.findCustomer(id));
public IDto insertCustomerV1(CustomerV1Dto customer) {
return customerService.createCustomer(customer);
public IDto insertCustomerV2(CustomerV2Dto customer) {
return customerService.createCustomer(customer);
IDto is just an interface for returning a polymorphic object, CustomerV1 and CustomerV2 implement that interface.
Facebook does verisoning in the url. I feel url versioning is cleaner and easier to maintain as well in the real world.
.Net makes it super easy to do versioning this way:
public HttpResponseMessage someCall(string version, int id))