Could'nt connect to jboss fuse server to create a fabric in shell tab - jbossfuse

I have installed JBOSS developer studio 8.1.0 and also I have installed Jboss developer stack integration plugins for JBOSS FUSE developement.
Here the problem arises.To access the JBOSS fuse console I have to create a user in shell tab by connecting the FUSE SERVER.But whenever I enter the server credentials,it displays as SSH client error(Error connecting to the local host).can connect to the JBOSS FUSE console,but to access it I have to create a user name and password in shell tab.
Error connecting jboss.4iapps.local:8101 : SSH client error: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Session has timed out waiting for authentication after 120000 ms.
NOTE:I have already uncommented the admin user from the file and also chaned the IP in file.
Please help me regarding this.


Configure jvm monitoring for wildfly 21

I have recently upgraded wildfly from 11 to 21 version. I was using jvisualvm for jvm monitoring, but now when tried connecting to remote wildfly server via jvisualvm , getting error
I have followed following steps to configure wildfly on linux for remote monitoring
created a file named security.policy which contains the following:
grant codebase "file:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/lib/tools.jar" {
Now execute jstatd as follows:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/jstatd &
Start WildFly, taking care to bind it to an IP address which can be reached from a remote machine:
standalone.bat -b ip-addr -bmanagement=ip-addr
Since we will need a management user to connect to this server, execute the add-user script and create a management user:
on starting wildfly getting following error:
Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["jboss.remoting.remoting-http-upgrade-service.http-management is missing [jboss.http-upgrade-registry.http-management]"]
Tried following these steps as well, but same error
(open JMX through jconsole on Remote WildFly 21 server)
Can anyone help me with configuration to enable remote jvm monitoring for wildfly 21 server in linux

I couldn't start my JBoss EAP 7 service

I installed JBoss EAP-7.1.0 through windows installer and then configured it as a service. But now I couldn't start the service, i tried through the windows task manager but it shows Access denied. (see the screenshot below)
How to start the service with admin privilege?
Do the following steps:
Launch Command prompt as Administrator
Type in sc start JBossEAP7

Wildfly 10.0:Unable to connect to jconsole from remote host

I'm trying to connect to a remote Wildfly (10.0.0) instance using jvisualvm (or jconsole).
I launch the jvisualvm adding jboss-client.jar in its classpath:
jvisualvm --cp:a /application-server/wildfly-10.0.0.Final/bin/client/jboss-client.jar
When I try to connect using this connection string:
Cannot connect to wildfly-10.0 using service:jmx:remoting-jmx://<>:9990.
I know that the server is listening on 9990 because I was able to open a telnet connection.
Can anyone help me?
I have also tried with Jconsole and was able to connect to wildfly app using JMX.
Default Jconsole application cannot connect to wildfly jmx due to missing dependencies .
I followed below steps to resolve this.
Go to Java home/bin directory
Create a new empty .bat file with name jconsole_wildfly__connect.bat
Open jconsole_wildfly__connect.bat in any editor
write text -> jconsole -J-Djava.class.path=../lib/tools.jar;../lib/jconsole.jar;<wildfly home dir>\bin\client\jboss-cli-client.jar
save the file and close it.
now open the jconsole_wildfly__connect.bat by double clicking it.
enter the url(service:jmx:http-remoting-jmx://:9990) in remote process
enter userName and password

Not able to access Fuse Admin console

I have started server using fuse_home/bin/start. Server is appearing as started but not able to access Admin console.
It is showing hawtio screen instead.
Appreciate any direction.
Try creating a fabric first, by using the fabric:create command.
Fuse can be started in two ways one is using ./fuse script from bin dir
Another starting in background ./start and connect using ./client
./client connect to running fuse karaf console
[kkakarla#kkakarla bin]$ ./start
[kkakarla#kkakarla bin]$ ./status
Running ...
[kkakarla#kkakarla bin]$ ./client
Logging in as admin
Open a browser to http://localhost:8181 to access the management console
Create a new Fabric via 'fabric:create'
or join an existing Fabric via 'fabric:join [someUrls]'
Hit '' or 'osgi:shutdown' to shutdown JBoss Fuse.
Please make sure you uncommented last line file before starting the fuse server. Fuse provides access to fuse management console using HOWTIO. Since you are starting fuse by using /.start you may not be able to create fabric directly until you connect to client, in that case you can connect to fuse server using SSH #localhost -p8101, then you can run fabric: create. Otherwise you can /.stop the server and start using ./fuse or ./karaf then you can run fabric commands directly. If still issue not resolved we have to check logs.

connect firebird client to server

Just started using Firebird with Delphi XE. Need some help connecting to the server from a client machine.
I can ping the server, so there is a connect. but when I run isql.exe from the firebird/bin folder to test the connection I get a "statement failed, sqlstate=08006, unable to complete network request to host geith -failed to establish a network connection". pinging geith works so I don't understand that error.
My connection statement is Connect geith:geidata user sysdba password masterkey;
This works and I get a connect when run on the server, but not the client machine.
I have made sure that fbclient.dll and gds32.dll are in windows/system32 folder.
I install Firebird 2.5 client only on the client mach. I don't see it running as a process in taskmanager. Is there something that I need to do to start the client service?
Both are XP mach, Firebird SuperServer 2.5, also have temp taken down firewall
Insert a firewall except for port 3050
Add Windows Firewall Settings.
Go to Start --> control panel --> Windows Firewall --> goto Exceptions tab -- > Click Add Program --> and select C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\fbguard.exe
same way add C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\fbserver.exe
now Restart you system
and check from client to server firebird connection.
for window7 Windows Firewall --> Inbound Rules --> Add new rules --> add fbguard.exe and fbserver.exe