Configure jvm monitoring for wildfly 21 - jboss

I have recently upgraded wildfly from 11 to 21 version. I was using jvisualvm for jvm monitoring, but now when tried connecting to remote wildfly server via jvisualvm , getting error
I have followed following steps to configure wildfly on linux for remote monitoring
created a file named security.policy which contains the following:
grant codebase "file:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/lib/tools.jar" {
Now execute jstatd as follows:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/jstatd &
Start WildFly, taking care to bind it to an IP address which can be reached from a remote machine:
standalone.bat -b ip-addr -bmanagement=ip-addr
Since we will need a management user to connect to this server, execute the add-user script and create a management user:
on starting wildfly getting following error:
Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["jboss.remoting.remoting-http-upgrade-service.http-management is missing [jboss.http-upgrade-registry.http-management]"]
Tried following these steps as well, but same error
(open JMX through jconsole on Remote WildFly 21 server)
Can anyone help me with configuration to enable remote jvm monitoring for wildfly 21 server in linux


Not able to access Fuse Admin console

I have started server using fuse_home/bin/start. Server is appearing as started but not able to access Admin console.
It is showing hawtio screen instead.
Appreciate any direction.
Try creating a fabric first, by using the fabric:create command.
Fuse can be started in two ways one is using ./fuse script from bin dir
Another starting in background ./start and connect using ./client
./client connect to running fuse karaf console
[kkakarla#kkakarla bin]$ ./start
[kkakarla#kkakarla bin]$ ./status
Running ...
[kkakarla#kkakarla bin]$ ./client
Logging in as admin
Open a browser to http://localhost:8181 to access the management console
Create a new Fabric via 'fabric:create'
or join an existing Fabric via 'fabric:join [someUrls]'
Hit '' or 'osgi:shutdown' to shutdown JBoss Fuse.
Please make sure you uncommented last line file before starting the fuse server. Fuse provides access to fuse management console using HOWTIO. Since you are starting fuse by using /.start you may not be able to create fabric directly until you connect to client, in that case you can connect to fuse server using SSH #localhost -p8101, then you can run fabric: create. Otherwise you can /.stop the server and start using ./fuse or ./karaf then you can run fabric commands directly. If still issue not resolved we have to check logs.

Could'nt connect to jboss fuse server to create a fabric in shell tab

I have installed JBOSS developer studio 8.1.0 and also I have installed Jboss developer stack integration plugins for JBOSS FUSE developement.
Here the problem arises.To access the JBOSS fuse console I have to create a user in shell tab by connecting the FUSE SERVER.But whenever I enter the server credentials,it displays as SSH client error(Error connecting to the local host).can connect to the JBOSS FUSE console,but to access it I have to create a user name and password in shell tab.
Error connecting jboss.4iapps.local:8101 : SSH client error: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Session has timed out waiting for authentication after 120000 ms.
NOTE:I have already uncommented the admin user from the file and also chaned the IP in file.
Please help me regarding this.

Tomcat 7 remote debugging on EC2

I have a tomcat 7 instance running on EC2. The port that tomcat is running on is its default, 8080.
I wanna start tomcat in debug mode, so I started tomcat with the following command :
sudo service tomcat7 start -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
I have 8000 port opened in my security group. But when I try to remote debug using eclipse, it gives me a Connection refused error. Any clue what I am doing wrong ?
I don't think that you can put the debug options as arguments to the service command.
Assuming you installed the standard tomcat7 package using yum, edit the file /etc/tomcat7/tomcat7.conf and add this line in it:
JAVA_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n"
Then restart the Tomcat service.

Can't stop or restart JBoss AS 4.2.3 as a service in Fedora

i have a little issue with a Jboss AS 4.2.3 . I'm developing an application in Seam so i'm using Jboss as server. In the client company they have a Jboss AS 4.2.3 installed on Fedora and configured as a service, so it starts automatically on boot machine with PostgreSQL. So, if i run chkconfig --list i can see Jboss here as a service.
But the problem is when i try to restart, stop or start this service (i have root permissions) using this command:
service jboss stop/restart
But i don't know what happens that looks like it doesn't find the Jboss AS instance that's running because i get this message:
JOBSS_CMD_START = cd /opt/java/jboss/bin; /opt/java/jboss/bin/ -c default
No JBossas is currently running
But it's running because if i enter localhost:8080 on a browser it loads the Jboss page. The server admin of the company doesn't know also why the service can't restart or stop or start and only i know that he followed this tutorial to install and configure JBoss AS:
Also, i tried with
/etc/init.d/jboss stop
And i get the same output. If i use
/opt/java/jboss/bin/ -c default
It tries to start a second instance of Jboss AS but it gives me errors because is trying to use the same ports as already started Jboss instance.
And it's difficult to me because i'm connecting remotely using Teamviewer and i want to deploy an EAR but i can't because i can't restart the service to extract the ear. So i wanna ask you for help if you know why the Jboss AS that's running can't be stopped or started using service jboss stop.
As aditional info, i'm using the config to access Jboss apps from other machines (using and the server has a static IP. The config of my hosts file is this: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 entertechserver.localdomain entertechserver
#::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
Well, i think that i found the answer. The server admin copy the script to /etc/init.d/ but we saw that there's another script named that i think is optimized for redhat/fedora systems, so we used this script to copy to /etc/init.d/ and it works!! Now when i stop it gives me the next output:
JBOSS_CMD_START = cd /opt/java/jboss/bin; /opt/java/jboss/bin/ -c default -b
waiting for processes to stop
Really i haven't seen the difference between both scripts yet but it will be intersting to take a look.

jboss-5.1.0.GA auto start on boot

I was given the task of installing jboss-5.1.0.GA on a remote ubuntu 10.4 Lts server. With all those resources out there I was able to run jboss successfully but my problem was that I wasn't able to get auto start on boot work so that jboss would be running on the server.
I followed a couple of tutorials that said me create a separate user called jboss and to copy the to the /etc/init.d/jboss (jboss home, java path ,jboss user and the binding to is all set) and used /etc/init.d/jboss start
but I can't get to see the Jboss page at the Ip on a browser.,
If i do a ./ -b ==> the server is up ...
Can some body shed some light on this issue????
If you want to run JBoss AS on given interface using script look at these line:
#if JBOSS_HOST specified, use -b to bind jboss services to that address
You should just define new variable before these line:
You should also check shutdown command (especially when you run your server on some other address then or, it should know how to find your server:
JBOSS_CMD_STOP=${JBOSS_CMD_STOP:-"java -classpath $JBOSSCP org.jboss.Shutdown --shutdown -s jnp://${JBOSS_HOST}:1099"}