Spark Scala: How to convert Dataframe[vector] to DataFrame[f1:Double, ..., fn: Double)] - scala

I just used Standard Scaler to normalize my features for a ML application. After selecting the scaled features, I want to convert this back to a dataframe of Doubles, though the length of my vectors are arbitrary. I know how to do it for a specific 3 features by using{case Row(v: Vector) => (v(0), v(1), v(2))}.toDF("f1", "f2", "f3")
but not for an arbitrary amount of features. Is there an easy way to do this?
val testDF = sc.parallelize(List(Vectors.dense(5D, 6D, 7D), Vectors.dense(8D, 9D, 10D), Vectors.dense(11D, 12D, 13D))).map(Tuple1(_)).toDF("scaledFeatures")
val myColumnNames = List("f1", "f2", "f3")
// val finalDF = DataFrame[f1: Double, f2: Double, f3: Double]
I found out how to unpack to column names when creating the dataframe, but still am having trouble converting a vector to a sequence needed to create the dataframe:
finalDF ={case Row(v: Vector) => v.toArray.toSeq /* <= this errors */}.toDF(List("f1", "f2", "f3"): _*)

Spark >= 3.0.0
Since Spark 3.0 you can use vector_to_array
Spark < 3.0.0
One possible approach is something similar to this
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
// In Spark 1.x you'll will have to replace ML Vector with MLLib one
// import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
// In 2.x the below is usually the right choice
// Get size of the vector
val n = testDF.first.getAs[Vector](0).size
// Simple helper to convert vector to array<double>
// asNondeterministic is available in Spark 2.3 or befor
// It can be removed, but at the cost of decreased performance
val vecToSeq = udf((v: Vector) => v.toArray).asNondeterministic
// Prepare a list of columns to create
val exprs = (0 until n).map(i => $"_tmp".getItem(i).alias(s"f$i"))$"scaledFeatures").alias("_tmp")).select(exprs:_*)
If you know a list of columns upfront you can simplify this a little:
val cols: Seq[String] = ???
val exprs ={ case (c, i) => $"_tmp".getItem(i).alias(c) }
For Python equivalent see How to split Vector into columns - using PySpark.

Please try VectorSlicer :
val dataset = spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((1, 0.2, 0.8), (2, 0.1, 0.9), (3, 0.3, 0.7))
).toDF("id", "negative_logit", "positive_logit")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("negative_logit", "positive_logit"))
val output = assembler.transform(dataset)
| id|negative_logit|positive_logit|prediction|
| 1| 0.2| 0.8| [0.2,0.8]|
| 2| 0.1| 0.9| [0.1,0.9]|
| 3| 0.3| 0.7| [0.3,0.7]|
val slicer = new VectorSlicer()
val posi_output = slicer.transform(output)
| id|negative_logit|positive_logit|prediction|positive_prediction|
| 1| 0.2| 0.8| [0.2,0.8]| [0.8]|
| 2| 0.1| 0.9| [0.1,0.9]| [0.9]|
| 3| 0.3| 0.7| [0.3,0.7]| [0.7]|

Alternate solution that evovled couple of days ago: Import the VectorDisassembler into your project (as long as it's not merged into Spark), now:
val dataset = spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((0, 1.2, 1.3), (1, 2.2, 2.3), (2, 3.2, 3.3))
).toDF("id", "val1", "val2")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("val1", "val2"))
val output = assembler.transform(dataset)
| id|val1|val2|vectorCol|
| 0| 1.2| 1.3|[1.2,1.3]|
| 1| 2.2| 2.3|[2.2,2.3]|
| 2| 3.2| 3.3|[3.2,3.3]|
val disassembler = new
| id|val1|val2|vectorCol|val1|val2|
| 0| 1.2| 1.3|[1.2,1.3]| 1.2| 1.3|
| 1| 2.2| 2.3|[2.2,2.3]| 2.2| 2.3|
| 2| 3.2| 3.3|[3.2,3.3]| 3.2| 3.3|

I use Spark 2.3.2, and built a xgboost4j binary-classification model, the result looks like this:"classIndex","probability","prediction").show(3,0)
|classIndex|probability |prediction|
|1 |[0.5998525619506836,0.400147408246994] |0.0 |
|1 |[0.5487841367721558,0.45121586322784424]|0.0 |
|0 |[0.5555324554443359,0.44446757435798645]|0.0 |
I define the following udf to get the elements out of vector column probability
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def getProb = udf((probV:, clsInx: Int) => probV.apply(clsInx) )"classIndex","probability","prediction").
withColumn("p_1",getProb($"probability", lit(1))).show(3,0)
|classIndex|probability |prediction|p_0 |p_1 |
|1 |[0.5998525619506836,0.400147408246994] |0.0 |0.5998525619506836|0.400147408246994 |
|1 |[0.5487841367721558,0.45121586322784424]|0.0 |0.5487841367721558|0.45121586322784424|
|0 |[0.5555324554443359,0.44446757435798645]|0.0 |0.5555324554443359|0.44446757435798645|
Hope this would help for those who handle with Vector type input.

Since the above answers need additional libraries or still not supported, I have used pandas dataframe to easity extract the vector values and then convert it back to spark dataframe.
# convert to pandas dataframe
pandasDf = dataframe.toPandas()
# add a new column
pandasDf['newColumnName'] = 0 # filled the new column with 0s
# now iterate through the rows and update the column
for index, row in pandasDf.iterrows():
value = row['vectorCol'][0] # get the 0th value of the vector
pandasDf.loc[index, 'newColumnName'] = value # put the value in the new column


Scala: Find the maximum value across each row of a dataframe

For each row of a DataFrame, I would like to extract the maximum value and put it in a new column.
The example code below gives me a DataFrame ('dfmax') of each maximum value:
val donuts = Seq((2.0, 1.50, 3.5), (4.2, 22.3, 10.8), (33.6, 2.50, 7.3))
val df = sparkSession
.toDF("col1", "col2", "col3")
import sparkSession.implicits._
val dfmax = => r.getValuesMap[Double](df.schema.fieldNames).map(r => r._2).max)
This gives me df:
| 2.0| 1.5| 3.5|
| 4.2|22.3|10.8|
|33.6| 2.5| 7.3|
and dfmax:
| 3.5|
| 22.3|
| 33.6|
I would like to have these two frames combined in one table preferably using .withColumn or similar in a style like this (which I cannot get to work):
def maxValue(data: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val dfmax = => r.getValuesMap[Double](df.schema.fieldNames).map(r => r._2).max)
val udfMaxValue = udf(maxValue _)
df.withColumn("max", udfMaxValue(df))

How to point or select a cell in a dataframe, Spark - Scala

I want to find the time difference of 2 cells.
With arrays in python I would do a for loop the st[i+1] - st[i] and store the results somewhere.
I have this dataframe sorted by time. How can I do it with Spark 2 or Scala, a pseudo-code is enough.
| st| name|
|15:30 |dog |
|15:32 |dog |
|18:33 |dog |
|18:34 |dog |
If the sliding diffs are to be computed per partition by name, I would use the lag() Window function:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val df = Seq(
("a", 100), ("a", 120),
("b", 200), ("b", 240), ("b", 270)
).toDF("name", "value")
val window = Window.partitionBy($"name").orderBy("value")
withColumn("diff", $"value" - lag($"value", 1).over(window)).
orderBy("name", "value").
// +----+-----+----+
// |name|value|diff|
// +----+-----+----+
// | a| 100| 0|
// | a| 120| 20|
// | b| 200| 0|
// | b| 240| 40|
// | b| 270| 30|
// +----+-----+----+
On the other hand, if the sliding diffs are to be computed across the entire dataset, Window function without partition wouldn't scale hence I would resort to using RDD's sliding() function:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd.RDDFunctions._
val rdd = df.rdd
val diffRDD = rdd.sliding(2).
map{ case Array(x, y) => Row(y.getString(0), y.getInt(1), y.getInt(1) - x.getInt(1)) }
val headRDD = sc.parallelize(Seq(Row.fromSeq(rdd.first.toSeq :+ 0)))
val headDF = spark.createDataFrame(headRDD, df.schema.add("diff", IntegerType))
val diffDF = spark.createDataFrame(diffRDD, df.schema.add("diff", IntegerType))
val resultDF = headDF union diffDF
// +----+-----+----+
// |name|value|diff|
// +----+-----+----+
// | a| 100| 0|
// | a| 120| 20|
// | b| 200| 80|
// | b| 240| 40|
// | b| 270| 30|
// +----+-----+----+
Something like:
object Data1 {
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.log4j.Level
def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {
implicit val spark: SparkSession =
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val rows = Seq(Row(1, 1), Row(1, 1), Row(1, 1))
val schema = List(StructField("int1", IntegerType, true), StructField("int2", IntegerType, true))
val someDF = spark.createDataFrame(
someDF.withColumn("diff", col("int1") - col("int2")).show()
| 1| 1| 0|
| 1| 1| 0|
| 1| 1| 0|
If you are specifically looking to diff adjacent elements in a collection then in Scala I would zip the collection with its tail to give a collection containing tuples of adjacent pairs.
Unfortunately there isn't a tail method on RDDs or DataFrames/Sets
You could do something like:
val a = myDF.rdd
val tail = myDF.rdd.zipWithIndex.collect{
case (index, v) if index > 1 => v}{ case (l, r) => /* diff l and r st column */}.collect

How Does Everyone Deal with Probabilities from XGBoost Scored Data? Scala [duplicate]

I just used Standard Scaler to normalize my features for a ML application. After selecting the scaled features, I want to convert this back to a dataframe of Doubles, though the length of my vectors are arbitrary. I know how to do it for a specific 3 features by using{case Row(v: Vector) => (v(0), v(1), v(2))}.toDF("f1", "f2", "f3")
but not for an arbitrary amount of features. Is there an easy way to do this?
val testDF = sc.parallelize(List(Vectors.dense(5D, 6D, 7D), Vectors.dense(8D, 9D, 10D), Vectors.dense(11D, 12D, 13D))).map(Tuple1(_)).toDF("scaledFeatures")
val myColumnNames = List("f1", "f2", "f3")
// val finalDF = DataFrame[f1: Double, f2: Double, f3: Double]
I found out how to unpack to column names when creating the dataframe, but still am having trouble converting a vector to a sequence needed to create the dataframe:
finalDF ={case Row(v: Vector) => v.toArray.toSeq /* <= this errors */}.toDF(List("f1", "f2", "f3"): _*)
Spark >= 3.0.0
Since Spark 3.0 you can use vector_to_array
Spark < 3.0.0
One possible approach is something similar to this
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
// In Spark 1.x you'll will have to replace ML Vector with MLLib one
// import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
// In 2.x the below is usually the right choice
// Get size of the vector
val n = testDF.first.getAs[Vector](0).size
// Simple helper to convert vector to array<double>
// asNondeterministic is available in Spark 2.3 or befor
// It can be removed, but at the cost of decreased performance
val vecToSeq = udf((v: Vector) => v.toArray).asNondeterministic
// Prepare a list of columns to create
val exprs = (0 until n).map(i => $"_tmp".getItem(i).alias(s"f$i"))$"scaledFeatures").alias("_tmp")).select(exprs:_*)
If you know a list of columns upfront you can simplify this a little:
val cols: Seq[String] = ???
val exprs ={ case (c, i) => $"_tmp".getItem(i).alias(c) }
For Python equivalent see How to split Vector into columns - using PySpark.
Please try VectorSlicer :
val dataset = spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((1, 0.2, 0.8), (2, 0.1, 0.9), (3, 0.3, 0.7))
).toDF("id", "negative_logit", "positive_logit")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("negative_logit", "positive_logit"))
val output = assembler.transform(dataset)
| id|negative_logit|positive_logit|prediction|
| 1| 0.2| 0.8| [0.2,0.8]|
| 2| 0.1| 0.9| [0.1,0.9]|
| 3| 0.3| 0.7| [0.3,0.7]|
val slicer = new VectorSlicer()
val posi_output = slicer.transform(output)
| id|negative_logit|positive_logit|prediction|positive_prediction|
| 1| 0.2| 0.8| [0.2,0.8]| [0.8]|
| 2| 0.1| 0.9| [0.1,0.9]| [0.9]|
| 3| 0.3| 0.7| [0.3,0.7]| [0.7]|
Alternate solution that evovled couple of days ago: Import the VectorDisassembler into your project (as long as it's not merged into Spark), now:
val dataset = spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((0, 1.2, 1.3), (1, 2.2, 2.3), (2, 3.2, 3.3))
).toDF("id", "val1", "val2")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("val1", "val2"))
val output = assembler.transform(dataset)
| id|val1|val2|vectorCol|
| 0| 1.2| 1.3|[1.2,1.3]|
| 1| 2.2| 2.3|[2.2,2.3]|
| 2| 3.2| 3.3|[3.2,3.3]|
val disassembler = new
| id|val1|val2|vectorCol|val1|val2|
| 0| 1.2| 1.3|[1.2,1.3]| 1.2| 1.3|
| 1| 2.2| 2.3|[2.2,2.3]| 2.2| 2.3|
| 2| 3.2| 3.3|[3.2,3.3]| 3.2| 3.3|
I use Spark 2.3.2, and built a xgboost4j binary-classification model, the result looks like this:"classIndex","probability","prediction").show(3,0)
|classIndex|probability |prediction|
|1 |[0.5998525619506836,0.400147408246994] |0.0 |
|1 |[0.5487841367721558,0.45121586322784424]|0.0 |
|0 |[0.5555324554443359,0.44446757435798645]|0.0 |
I define the following udf to get the elements out of vector column probability
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def getProb = udf((probV:, clsInx: Int) => probV.apply(clsInx) )"classIndex","probability","prediction").
withColumn("p_1",getProb($"probability", lit(1))).show(3,0)
|classIndex|probability |prediction|p_0 |p_1 |
|1 |[0.5998525619506836,0.400147408246994] |0.0 |0.5998525619506836|0.400147408246994 |
|1 |[0.5487841367721558,0.45121586322784424]|0.0 |0.5487841367721558|0.45121586322784424|
|0 |[0.5555324554443359,0.44446757435798645]|0.0 |0.5555324554443359|0.44446757435798645|
Hope this would help for those who handle with Vector type input.
Since the above answers need additional libraries or still not supported, I have used pandas dataframe to easity extract the vector values and then convert it back to spark dataframe.
# convert to pandas dataframe
pandasDf = dataframe.toPandas()
# add a new column
pandasDf['newColumnName'] = 0 # filled the new column with 0s
# now iterate through the rows and update the column
for index, row in pandasDf.iterrows():
value = row['vectorCol'][0] # get the 0th value of the vector
pandasDf.loc[index, 'newColumnName'] = value # put the value in the new column

Convert vector UDT to double in ML [duplicate]

I just used Standard Scaler to normalize my features for a ML application. After selecting the scaled features, I want to convert this back to a dataframe of Doubles, though the length of my vectors are arbitrary. I know how to do it for a specific 3 features by using{case Row(v: Vector) => (v(0), v(1), v(2))}.toDF("f1", "f2", "f3")
but not for an arbitrary amount of features. Is there an easy way to do this?
val testDF = sc.parallelize(List(Vectors.dense(5D, 6D, 7D), Vectors.dense(8D, 9D, 10D), Vectors.dense(11D, 12D, 13D))).map(Tuple1(_)).toDF("scaledFeatures")
val myColumnNames = List("f1", "f2", "f3")
// val finalDF = DataFrame[f1: Double, f2: Double, f3: Double]
I found out how to unpack to column names when creating the dataframe, but still am having trouble converting a vector to a sequence needed to create the dataframe:
finalDF ={case Row(v: Vector) => v.toArray.toSeq /* <= this errors */}.toDF(List("f1", "f2", "f3"): _*)
Spark >= 3.0.0
Since Spark 3.0 you can use vector_to_array
Spark < 3.0.0
One possible approach is something similar to this
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
// In Spark 1.x you'll will have to replace ML Vector with MLLib one
// import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
// In 2.x the below is usually the right choice
// Get size of the vector
val n = testDF.first.getAs[Vector](0).size
// Simple helper to convert vector to array<double>
// asNondeterministic is available in Spark 2.3 or befor
// It can be removed, but at the cost of decreased performance
val vecToSeq = udf((v: Vector) => v.toArray).asNondeterministic
// Prepare a list of columns to create
val exprs = (0 until n).map(i => $"_tmp".getItem(i).alias(s"f$i"))$"scaledFeatures").alias("_tmp")).select(exprs:_*)
If you know a list of columns upfront you can simplify this a little:
val cols: Seq[String] = ???
val exprs ={ case (c, i) => $"_tmp".getItem(i).alias(c) }
For Python equivalent see How to split Vector into columns - using PySpark.
Please try VectorSlicer :
val dataset = spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((1, 0.2, 0.8), (2, 0.1, 0.9), (3, 0.3, 0.7))
).toDF("id", "negative_logit", "positive_logit")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("negative_logit", "positive_logit"))
val output = assembler.transform(dataset)
| id|negative_logit|positive_logit|prediction|
| 1| 0.2| 0.8| [0.2,0.8]|
| 2| 0.1| 0.9| [0.1,0.9]|
| 3| 0.3| 0.7| [0.3,0.7]|
val slicer = new VectorSlicer()
val posi_output = slicer.transform(output)
| id|negative_logit|positive_logit|prediction|positive_prediction|
| 1| 0.2| 0.8| [0.2,0.8]| [0.8]|
| 2| 0.1| 0.9| [0.1,0.9]| [0.9]|
| 3| 0.3| 0.7| [0.3,0.7]| [0.7]|
Alternate solution that evovled couple of days ago: Import the VectorDisassembler into your project (as long as it's not merged into Spark), now:
val dataset = spark.createDataFrame(
Seq((0, 1.2, 1.3), (1, 2.2, 2.3), (2, 3.2, 3.3))
).toDF("id", "val1", "val2")
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("val1", "val2"))
val output = assembler.transform(dataset)
| id|val1|val2|vectorCol|
| 0| 1.2| 1.3|[1.2,1.3]|
| 1| 2.2| 2.3|[2.2,2.3]|
| 2| 3.2| 3.3|[3.2,3.3]|
val disassembler = new
| id|val1|val2|vectorCol|val1|val2|
| 0| 1.2| 1.3|[1.2,1.3]| 1.2| 1.3|
| 1| 2.2| 2.3|[2.2,2.3]| 2.2| 2.3|
| 2| 3.2| 3.3|[3.2,3.3]| 3.2| 3.3|
I use Spark 2.3.2, and built a xgboost4j binary-classification model, the result looks like this:"classIndex","probability","prediction").show(3,0)
|classIndex|probability |prediction|
|1 |[0.5998525619506836,0.400147408246994] |0.0 |
|1 |[0.5487841367721558,0.45121586322784424]|0.0 |
|0 |[0.5555324554443359,0.44446757435798645]|0.0 |
I define the following udf to get the elements out of vector column probability
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def getProb = udf((probV:, clsInx: Int) => probV.apply(clsInx) )"classIndex","probability","prediction").
withColumn("p_1",getProb($"probability", lit(1))).show(3,0)
|classIndex|probability |prediction|p_0 |p_1 |
|1 |[0.5998525619506836,0.400147408246994] |0.0 |0.5998525619506836|0.400147408246994 |
|1 |[0.5487841367721558,0.45121586322784424]|0.0 |0.5487841367721558|0.45121586322784424|
|0 |[0.5555324554443359,0.44446757435798645]|0.0 |0.5555324554443359|0.44446757435798645|
Hope this would help for those who handle with Vector type input.
Since the above answers need additional libraries or still not supported, I have used pandas dataframe to easity extract the vector values and then convert it back to spark dataframe.
# convert to pandas dataframe
pandasDf = dataframe.toPandas()
# add a new column
pandasDf['newColumnName'] = 0 # filled the new column with 0s
# now iterate through the rows and update the column
for index, row in pandasDf.iterrows():
value = row['vectorCol'][0] # get the 0th value of the vector
pandasDf.loc[index, 'newColumnName'] = value # put the value in the new column

Split 1 column into 3 columns in spark scala

I have a dataframe in Spark using scala that has a column that I need split.
| a.b.c|
| d.e.f|
I need this column split out to look like this:
| a| b| c|
| d| e| f|
I'm using Spark 2.0.0
import sparkObject.spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.split
df.withColumn("_tmp", split($"columnToSplit", "\\.")).select(
The important point to note here is that the sparkObject is the SparkSession object you might have already initialized. So, the (1) import statement has to be compulsorily put inline within the code, not before the class definition.
To do this programmatically, you can create a sequence of expressions with (0 until 3).map(i => col("temp").getItem(i).as(s"col$i")) (assume you need 3 columns as result) and then apply it to select with : _* syntax:
df.withColumn("temp", split(col("columnToSplit"), "\\.")).select(
(0 until 3).map(i => col("temp").getItem(i).as(s"col$i")): _*
| a| b| c|
| d| e| f|
To keep all columns:
df.withColumn("temp", split(col("columnToSplit"), "\\.")).select(
col("*") +: (0 until 3).map(i => col("temp").getItem(i).as(s"col$i")): _*
|columnToSplit| temp|col0|col1|col2|
| a.b.c|[a, b, c]| a| b| c|
| d.e.f|[d, e, f]| d| e| f|
If you are using pyspark, use a list comprehension to replace the map in scala:
df = spark.createDataFrame([['a.b.c'], ['d.e.f']], ['columnToSplit'])
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, split
(df.withColumn('temp', split('columnToSplit', '\\.'))
.select(*(col('temp').getItem(i).alias(f'col{i}') for i in range(3))
| a| b| c|
| d| e| f|
A solution which avoids the select part. This is helpful when you just want to append the new columns:
case class Message(others: String, text: String)
val r1 = Message("foo1", "a.b.c")
val r2 = Message("foo2", "d.e.f")
val records = Seq(r1, r2)
val df = spark.createDataFrame(records)
df.withColumn("col1", split(col("text"), "\\.").getItem(0))
.withColumn("col2", split(col("text"), "\\.").getItem(1))
.withColumn("col3", split(col("text"), "\\.").getItem(2))
|others|text |col1|col2|col3|
|foo1 |a.b.c|a |b |c |
|foo2 |d.e.f|d |e |f |
Update: I highly recommend to use Psidom's implementation to avoid splitting three times.
This appends columns to the original DataFrame and doesn't use select, and only splits once using a temporary column:
import spark.implicits._
df.withColumn("_tmp", split($"columnToSplit", "\\."))
.withColumn("col1", $"_tmp".getItem(0))
.withColumn("col2", $"_tmp".getItem(1))
.withColumn("col3", $"_tmp".getItem(2))
This expands on Psidom's answer and shows how to do the split dynamically, without hardcoding the number of columns. This answer runs a query to calculate the number of columns.
val df = Seq(
.withColumn("letters", split(col("my_str"), "\\."))
val numCols = df
.withColumn("letters_size", size($"letters"))
(0 until numCols).map(i => $"letters".getItem(i).as(s"col$i")): _*
We can write using for with yield in Scala :-
If your number of columns exceeds just add it to desired column and play with it. :)
val aDF = Seq("Deepak.Singh.Delhi").toDF("name")
val desiredColumn = Seq("name","Lname","City")
val colsize = desiredColumn.size
val columList = for (i <- 0 until colsize) yield split(col("name"),".").getItem(i).alias(desiredColumn(i)) _ *).show(false)
|name |Lname |city |
|Deepak|Singh |Delhi|
If you don't need name column then, drop the column and just use withColumn.
Without using the select statement.
Lets assume we have a dataframe having a set of columns and we want to split a column having column name as name
import spark.implicits._
val columns = Seq("name","age","address")
val data = Seq(("Amit.Mehta", 25, "1 Main st, Newark, NJ, 92537"),
("Rituraj.Mehta", 28,"3456 Walnut st, Newark, NJ, 94732"))
var dfFromData = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(columns:_*)
val newDF =>{
val nameSplit = f.getAs[String](0).split("\\.").map(_.trim)
val finalDF = newDF.toDF("First Name","Last Name", "Age","Address")