Track and Plan adding iterations in Bluemix DevOps - ibm-cloud

I am the project owner and I need to add iterations since the project has been extended. I get a permissions error when editing the timeline via Track and Plan Dashboard -> Plans -> Iterations.
Is there another way to add iterations? As a project owner, how do I not have permission?

Please try to use the TRACK & PLAN UI to manage timelines (To get there click the "Track & Plan" button, "Sprint Planning" from the left nav, "Add Sprint").


want to prevent permission group from seeing sprint capacity in Azure Boards

I have a permission group in Azure DevOps that I want to limit their access in Azure Boards. I want to give the members of this group the ability to create and update work items in my default team's sprint but I don't want this group to be able to see the team's sprint capacity.
The capacity I'm referring to is when you go to an Azure DevOps project -> Boards -> Sprints -> Capacity tab.
I've looked through the Permissions page in my project settings and can't find anything regarding capacity.
Is there a way to give access to the work items in a sprint but prevent access to that sprint's capacity page? Is it even possible?
According to your description, I tested setting the Iterations permission and did some research and found that there is currently no option to grant access to the work items in a sprint but prevent access to that sprint's capacity page.
You could use "Request a feature" on the left side of Developer Community to open a new suggestion ticket.

How to reset Azure DevOps connector in MS Teams

I was moved from one DevOps organisation to another and access to the old org was removed. This caused my MS Teams DevOps plugin to stop working in private chats, but was fine in team channels.
When I tried to open the app settings, I got a white window with a JSON that suggested a permission problem.
How do I connect the app to the new organisation?
Trying to open the app settings using the Teams webpage I got a popup that let me read the request URL and I saw the two GET parameters for organisation and project ID.
Removing those two parameters gave me a screen to select an organisation and a project. The tab closed right away and the integration is fixed.
I guess replacing the project_id and tfs_uri with the correct data from the target project would work, too, but that's the purpose of the section page, already.
Going to the app settings now yields this exact selection page, by the way, so this is a bug in the DevOps Teams app. There's one line of information at the top that apparently requires access to the DevOps organisation and needlessly gates the whole dialog behind organisation access permissions.

Azure Devops permissions - can one area be visible to one team and invisible to another

In my Azure boards, I have a hierarchical structure of the areas. In the team settings, all teams have areas being set, just like described here:
Is there a way for one team to see only the area it is set to, but no other areas? Currently, in Boards>Work items any member of any team can see everything, even User stories that do not belong to his area. How can I restrict this?
Edit: it might be from Security options of an area, add a group to it and make work items invisible, see this screenshot from Azure documentation.
But, even as an admin, I don't have such option to add! Why is that?
The UI has changed. There is no add option in the security settings page now.
You can directly search for the Team Group in the Search box and change its permission settings. See below screenshot.
Okay, in addition to Levi's answer:
First, every new user added to a project is also added by default to one of this project's groups: Contributors, Readers, Admins. I'm not considering admins here.
If we want to make one area visible to only one team, we need to do the following:
Either modify Contributors or Readers rights so that the "View project-level information" is set to Deny, and then for each new user, add it to a team and for that team set this option to Allow for the area needed
or (better)
Create our own groups for which "View project-level information" is set to Deny (for ex. Developers, QAs, etc.), and then for each new user, remove it from Contributors or Readers and add it to the corresponding group. Then add the user to a team, and for that team set the "View project-level information" option to Allow for the area needed

Azure DevOps group rule to add everyone as readers

I would like to allow all members of the organization in Azure DevOps to view all projects (become Readers).
I tried to set up a group rule on the organization settings page.
Group: "Project Collection Valid Users"
Access level: Stakeholder
Projects: Selected them all, and picked Readers for each one.
After that I clicked on Add.
Now, when I try to view the rule I just made with "Manage rule", the project settings have been cleared.
If I select the projects again, and pick Readers, then save, the same thing happens.
Why do the settings disappear?
Also, if I do "Re-evaluate Rules", it runs for a bit. But none of the existing users regardless of their Access level have gotten Reader access to any project.
However, using "Manage user" -> Group rules, the group rule is listed.
So the group rule is applied but the project settings are not working for some reason? How do I fix this?
I chose a different group from AD instead of "Project Collection Valid Users" and now it seems to work as expected.
Using "Project Collection Valid Users" in this context seems to bring some bugs or unexpected behaviour.

How to reference users across projects in Azure DevOps?

I have 2 private projects in my Azure DevOps Organization, say Project A and Project B. I need to mention a User in Project B from a work item in Project A. I'm able to do it. But the mentioned user is not able to view the Work Item as he don't have access. Any Solution or Work Around to achieve this?
Giving Reader Access permissions will solve the problem of user being able to view the work item.
If you haven't already given reader access to the user, try giving it and see if that helps.
See the below Image for reference :
Click on Project Settings -> Permissions -> Readers -> Click on Add -> and add that user.
Currently we cannot set permissions for a single work item. If you would like that feature, please use the below link and create a request for this feature: This link is directly monitored by the product team and they will look into this request and share their views on the same. If lot of users request for the same feature, they will add this item to backlog to implement in the future sprints.