want to prevent permission group from seeing sprint capacity in Azure Boards - azure-devops

I have a permission group in Azure DevOps that I want to limit their access in Azure Boards. I want to give the members of this group the ability to create and update work items in my default team's sprint but I don't want this group to be able to see the team's sprint capacity.
The capacity I'm referring to is when you go to an Azure DevOps project -> Boards -> Sprints -> Capacity tab.
I've looked through the Permissions page in my project settings and can't find anything regarding capacity.
Is there a way to give access to the work items in a sprint but prevent access to that sprint's capacity page? Is it even possible?

According to your description, I tested setting the Iterations permission and did some research and found that there is currently no option to grant access to the work items in a sprint but prevent access to that sprint's capacity page.
You could use "Request a feature" on the left side of Developer Community to open a new suggestion ticket.


In Azure DevOps is there provision of any external link to client by which they can only access bugs or selective work items created by them?

Our organization is using Azure DevOps to for project management. Currently, to track work progress, which tasks are pending, which are done, issues raised etc. in project we give full access to clients, such that they can view activities happening in that project. Now as an organization, we want to restrict client from viewing the activities done by our internal team. We don't want them to view bugs created by our QA Team to developers. We only want them to CREATE & VIEW bugs created by them. Is there any provision to give only those rights to the client ?
Can we give rights for external users (clients) to create bugs and view status of bugs created by THEM only & RESTRICT view of bugs/work items created by internal team team members? Please assist.
Thanks in advance.
Is there any provision to give only those rights to the client? Can we give rights for external users (clients) to create bugs and view status of bugs created by THEM only & RESTRICT view of bugs/work items created by internal team members?
You could consider to add these external users (clients) to be a new team, and then set "View permissions for this node" permission and "View work items in this node" permission for this team to be Deny for specific areas, so the team cannot view work items under these areas. See: Set permissions and access for work tracking for more details.

Option to limit visibilty of users in Azure DevOps

Our main Azure DevOps Organization is linked to our Azure AD. We need to invite customers to specific projects as stakeholder only, and with this, they are added as external users in our AD. We found that within a customer project also, all other external users are visible, e.g. via mention with # anywhere in the text or assignment drop-down, although these do not have access to that project. Our only workaround so far is to create new non AD linked customer specific organizations, but this is really not the right way to go (licencing, management etc.)
Is there any option to prevent this and to restrict visibility to only those users, which are part of a project (or planned)?
I tested and found the same issue as you said. It is by design, you can raise a problem in the Developer Community
Besides, since there is a workaround that works now, continue on this basis. You can create different AAD for the customer specific organizations, then add the customers to these AAD. Thus, these users will be invisible because they are in different AAD organizations.

How to prevent users from seeing other users within the same Organization, but on separate team projects in Azure DevOps?

I am setting up an Azure DevOps organization with separate team projects. I don't want users to be able to go to "Organization Settings" -> "Permissions" -> "Users" page and see all the users in the Organization and their email addresses.
I've tried setting the "View Instance-Level Information" permission to "Deny" for a user, but they can still see it.
Any ideas?
How to prevent users from seeing all users within "Users" page?
For this issue, I am afraid this feature is currently not supported in azure devops.
Users in the organization can see all members from the "Users" page.
You could raise your feature demand here to promote development of richer features.
After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. When there are enough communities vote and add comments for this feedback, the product team member will take this feedback seriously.

What group does one have to be member of to add new User Stories and Bugs on the board?

Currently users are members of the Project Administrators group.
Is that the minimum group membership required to add new User Stories and Bugs to the Boards interface?
Area path permissions let you grant or restrict access to edit or modify work items, test cases, or test plans assigned to those areas. You can restrict access to users or groups. You can also set permissions for who can add or modify areas or iterations for the project.
You define both areas and iterations for a project from the Project Settings>Work>Project configuration.
1) Choose (1) Project Settings, expand Work if needed, and choose (2) Project configuration and then (3) Areas.
2) Choose the ... context menu for the node you want to manage and select Security.
More details please take a look our official link.
This is not only based on which group you are in.
Limitations to select features are based on the access level and
security group to which a user is assigned. The Basic access level and
higher supports full access to all Azure Boards features. Stakeholder
access level provides parti
So to add new User Stories and Bugs on the board, you need to meet both permissions and access for Azure Boards.
For Permission:
Boards present work items as cards and support quick status updates through drag-and-drop.
You could also use single permission to restrict users with Agile Boards. For if you want a simply solution, you could add them to Contributors Group directly.
Note: According to Azure DevOps permission setting, most groups and almost all permissions, Deny trumps Allow. If a user belongs to two groups, and one of them has a specific permission set to Deny, that user will not be able to perform tasks that require that permission even if they belong to a group that has that permission set to Allow.
For Access Level:
Agile boards
Includes limited access to Kanban boards. Stakeholders can't add work items, can't drag-and-drop work items to update status, and can't update fields displayed on cards.
Conclusion: The minimum should be Contributors Group and Basic Access Level
No, the Contributors permissions it's enough:
More info about the board/work items permissions you can find here.

Exporting Users From Azure DevOps

Is it possible to customize columns in Azure DevOps --> Organization Settings --> Users page. Currently we have Name, Extensions, Access Level, Last Access. I need to add another column to show whether the user have code read-only access or contributor access.
This page can't be customized as fas as i know. What you want can't be displayed on that site if you have more then one project anyway. If you want to see this organizationwide a better way would be to organize the users in "Organization settings -> Permissions" in groups for readers and contributors