Flycheck Autocorrect errors - emacs

Hello Community I am using Spacemacs and I love it. It is working great for me all his features and the way all the layers are organized is amazing. Right now I am working with typescript but this question is common for any language.
I correctly setup flycheck and it is working perfectly. It is signaling all the errors.
How I can make Flycheck correct all the syntax errors in a bulk for me? Right now I am going one by one adding a semicolon or a space or who knows; it should be a function or something that allow me run an script that correct all this errors.


Turning off Eclipse's guidance

So basically I want to drive myself crazy while disciplining myself learning to program. I want to kick it old school and really understand what I'm doing. I don't want Eclipse to hold my hand and tell me that I have a syntax error or that I have any errors except for when I run my code and the console tells me something is wrong. I have searched and searched and searched online and I cannot find where you disable anything. I've been to the editor/compiler preferences and changed everything to ignore instead of warning, but eclipse is still holding my hand.
I'm using Eclipse Luna for Java. Any suggestions or help at all would be greatly appreciated!!!
The closest I think you'll get is to disable the automatic, incremental compilation (menu Project > Build Automatically). But that doesn't disable the Java editor's natural tendency to highlight obvious syntactical errors as you type.
To be honest, if you really want to avoid all of the guidance that an IDE like Eclipse gives you, you'd probably be better off using a "plain" text editor (possibly with simple syntax coloring), such as TextPad or Notepad++, along with command-line javac. But I don't think that will actually help you learn better; it certainly doesn't help with the exploratory/discovery part of learning.

Scala IDE supporting autocompletion and syntax highlighting

I'm looking for a good Scala IDE.
I tried the Eclipse (Some time ago) and IntelliJ Idea (In these days) plugins but I am somehow dissatisfied by both of them. The first it was pretty slow and unstable, while I don't like too much IntelliJ Idea's interface.
Is there any alternative available?
I will work with a SBT project and what I am looking for is mainly syntax highlighting, autocompletion. It would be nice to have partial compilation of the source code as I am not used to Scala syntax and it would help me find errors as soon as I write them.
IMHO InteliJ is the best IDE for Scala at the moment. First I had also some problems with the different interface compared with Eclipse. But in the end you profite from the whole package included with IntelliJ. There is also an active scala plugin development.
What I like to do is split my terminal once horizontally, and then split the bottom pane once vertically.
In the top pane I have vim (emacs works too if you're an emacs person) with the NERDTree plugin (acts like the project folder/file browser in text editors). On the bottom left I have SBT continuous compilation (sbt ~compile). I use the bottom right pane to actually run code (tests, etc.).
Regarding auto-completion, you can try something like the Snipmate plugin for vim.
Also, as stated by Ivan, if you end up using emacs ENSIME seems to be widely liked - unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an ENSIME port for vim yet, at least to my knowledge.
With this setup, I edit in the top pane, and once I save a file, I get near immediate feedback by just glancing on the bottom left and know when I typo'ed something, or maybe my code is just plain wrong, stuff like that.
On a slightly related note, I used to use IDE's but they got too messy for my taste (back then I was writing C and C++) so I moved to just a text editor (e.g. Chocolat, Sublime Text 2) and used a terminal, and that was fine for me for about a year. Then this summer I really sat down and tried going vim only and I can honestly say I'm much more productive in my all terminal setup than what I was before. Just my 2 cents.
This all also has the added benefit of working on remote servers as well.
Scala IDE for Eclipse is under active development and evolving rapidly. You should give it a try now (I don't know what 'some time ago' means, but if it's more than 6 months you might be pleasantly surprised). Granted, I am biased since I am a committer.
You could try ENSIME for emacs. You can also use it with jEdit, Sublime Text 2, and probably more.
Personally I use Scala IDE 2.1 (for eclipse). It is a lot faster now, and it has gotten to the point where I actually want to use it, after being in a similar situation to you.

Xemacs does not show compilation errors anymore

I know this sounds really stupid, but:
I used to compile an Android jni project under Xemacs. The only feature that I needed was the ability to locate the place reported by gcc in the source code, edit and save.
But now this does not work anymore. Probably Xemacs caught some keypresses intended for another window (that is, I did not mention which one has the focus) and switched into a different mode. When I restart Xemacs, it works initially and after a while stops working again.
Question: how do I make it functional again?
What happens when you try this in GNU Emacs? It seems you don't haven't
heavily customized XEmacs so switching shouldn't be painful.
I hope someone with XEmacs expertise can help you, but XEmacs has 13
THIRTEEN followers on Stackoverflow. Clearly your chances of getting help will
improve is you try the Emacs that more people use.

Ocaml - Emacs tuareg mode

I just started to use the tuareg mode in emacs for ocaml programming. So can someone tell me what are the main advantages of using it? Can someone suggest me any tutorial for that?
Tuareg-mode is good because it can parse code and calculate indentation & font-lock basing on this information. Plus it provides pretty good possibilities to interactive work with code.
Regarding tutorial - I don't think that such exists (although I planned to write it long time ago). All information for installation is in README file, and you can learn about available commands by visiting file with OCaml source code, and pressing C-h m to get description of mode, or by getting description of tuareg-mode function (if tuareg.el is loaded already).
Useful addition to these descriptions is Tuareg mode refcard that lists all (or almost) available commands.
Tuareg is really nice for:
Highlighting your code
Indenting your code correctly
Easily sending portions of code to a REPL
Easily compiling your code
Syntax highlight, indentation, as (almost) all language modes.
Compile or evaluate in a top level from a single buffer (you no longer need to open a ocaml toplevel in a command line to test some crap functions)
Caml-types minor mode : after a successful or partial compilation, you can easily point a variable and get the type the compiler inferred for it.

Is there such a thing as an "elisp bundle" for TextMate?

I started using Code Collector Pro to organise and save my Emacs codes, and this software requires TextMate bundles for syntax highlighting. They have a lisp bundle, but not an elisp bundle, at least not that I can see. I would think that the syntax highlighting would work under the lisp bundle, but for some reason it isn't happening.
I have never even seen any lisp code with syntax highlighting, so it is possible that the thing is working and I don't know, but I honestly don't think so, because the ;; before a line seems to me to be a comment thing, so anything after that should be in the color defined for comments which in my case is green. Here is a picture of my code collector screen with a piece of code written by huaiyuan answering my question posted here:
Is this looking as it should or is there something wrong?
Back to the initial question: is there a textmate bundle for elisp or a bundle like the ones from textmate I can download to get syntax highlighting?
I wouldn't have thought so, because anyone writing elisp is going to do it in Emacs so there wouldn't be any call for a Textmate bundle for it.