I want to print a random new word English in dictionary file in terminal Unix by Perl. I want to select and print a random line and 2 follow lines.
But my code doesn't complete this work.
Please help me to improve it.
An example of the output I wish:
#inspire: ....
Dictionary file:
#inspiration: mean....
abc def...
ghk lmn
#inspire: ....
#people: ...
The complete dictionary file is here anhviet109K.txt. It's about 14MB
My code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy qw(copy move);
my $files = 'anhviet109K.txt';
my $fh;
my $linewanted = 16 + int( rand( 513796 - 16 ) );
# 513796: number of lines of file dic.txt
open( $fh, "<", $files ) or die "cannot open < $fh: $!";
my $del = " {2,}";
my $temp = 0;
my $count = 0;
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
if ( ( $line =~ "#" ) && ( $. > $linewanted ) ) {
$count = 4;
else {
if ( $count > 0 ) {
print $line;
else {
close $fh;
Something like this, perhaps?
Your data has helped me to exclude the header entries in your dictionary file
This program finds the location of all of the entries (lines beginning with #) in the file, then chooses one at random and prints it
Tốt học tiếng Anh may mắn
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Fcntl ':seek';
use constant FILE => 'anhviet109K.txt';
open my $fh, '<', FILE or die qq{Unable to open "#{[FILE]}" for input: $!};
my #seek; # Locations of all the definitions
my $addr = tell $fh;
while ( <$fh> ) {
push #seek, $addr if /^\#(?!00-)/;
$addr = tell $fh;
my $choice = $seek[rand #seek];
seek $fh, $choice, SEEK_SET;
print scalar <$fh>;
while ( <$fh> ) {
last if /^\#/;
#finesse /fi'nes/
* danh từ
- sự khéo léo, sự phân biệt tế nhị
- mưu mẹo, mánh khoé
* động từ
- dùng mưu đoạt (cái gì); dùng mưu đẩy (ai) làm gì; dùng mưu, dùng kế
=to finesse something away+ dùng mưu đoạt cái gì
A single pass approach:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
open my $fh, '<:utf8', 'anhviet109K.txt';
my $definition = '';
my $count;
my $select;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
if ($line =~ /^#(?!00-)/) {
$select = rand($count) < 1;
if ($select) {
$definition = $line;
elsif ($select) {
$definition .= $line;
# remove blank line that some entries have
$definition =~ s/^\s+\z//m;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
print $definition;
This iterative random selection always selects the first item, has a 1/2 chance of replacing it with the second item, a 1/3 for the third, and so on.
I have the following script which searches for specified substrings within an input string (a DNA sequence). I was wondering if anybody could help out with being able to specify degeneracy of specific characters. For example, instead of searching for GATC (or anything consisting solely of G's, T's, A's and C's), I could instead search for GRTNA where R = A or G and where N = A, G, C or T. I would need to be able to specify quite a few of these in a long list within the script. Many thanks for any help or tips!
use warnings;
use strict;
#User Input
my $usage = "Usage (OSX Terminal): perl <$0> <FASTA File> <Results Directory + Filename>\n";
#Reading formatted FASTA/FA files
sub read_fasta {
my ($in) = #_;
my $sequence = "";
while(<$in>) {
my $line = $_;
if($line =~ /^>/){ next }
else { $sequence .= $line }
#Scanning for restriction sites and length-output
open(my $in, "<", shift);
open(my $out, ">", shift);
my $DNA = read_fasta($in);
print "DNA is: \n $$DNA \n";
my $len = length($$DNA);
print "\n DNA Length is: $len \n";
my #pats=qw( GTTAAC );
for (#pats) {
my $m = () = $$DNA =~ /$_/gi;
print "\n Total DNA matches to $_ are: $m \n";
my $pat=join("|",#pats);
my #cutarr = split(/$pat/, $$DNA);
for (#cutarr) {
my $len = length($_);
print $out "$len \n";
GRTNA would correspond to the pattern G[AG]T[AGCT]A.
It looks like you could do this by writing
for (#pats) {
my $pat = join '|', #pats;
my #cutarr = split /$pat/, $$DNA;
but I'm not sure I can help you with the requirement that "I would need to be able to specify quite a few of these in a long list within the script". I think it would be best to put your sequences in a separate text file rather than embed the list directly into the program.
By the way, wouldn't it be simpler just to
return $sequence
from your read_fasta subroutine? Returning a reference just means you have to dereference it everywhere with $$DNA. I suggest that it should look like this
sub read_fasta {
my ($fh) = #_;
my $sequence;
while (<$fh>) {
unless (/^>/) {
$sequence .= $_;
return $sequence;
Perl find and replace multiple(huge) strings in one shot
P.S.This question is related to the answer for above question.
When I try to replace this code:
open my $map_fh, '<', 'map.csv' or die $!;
my %replace = map { chomp; split /,/ } <$map_fh>;
close $map_fh;
with this code:
my %replace = map { chomp; (split /,/)[0,1] } <$map_fh>;
even though the key exists (as in the dumper), exists statement doesn't return the value for the key.
For same input file, it works perfectly with just split alone (Snippet-1) whereas not returning anything when i select specific columns after split(Snippet-2).
Is there some integer/string datatype mess-up happening here?
Input Mapping File
Script Output
$VAR1 = {
'483329' => 'Buffalo',
'46546' => 'Chicago_CW',
'745679' => 'W. Washington',
1 search is ENB
2 search is 483329 **expected Buffalo here**
3 search is 483330
4 search is 483337
Perl Code
open my $map_fh, '<', $MarketMapFile or die $!;
if ($MapSelection =~ /eNodeBID/i) {
my %replace = map { chomp; (split /,/)[0,1] } <$map_fh>;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%replace);
close $map_fh;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => $/,quote_space => 0 });
my $tmpCSVFile = $CSVFile."tmp";
open my $in_fh, '<', $CSVFile or die $!;
open my $out_fh, '>', $tmpCSVFile or die $!;
my $cnt=1;
while (my $row = $csv->getline($in_fh)) {
my $search = $row->[5];
$search =~ s/[^[:print:]]+//g;
if ($MapSelection =~ /eNodeBID/i) {
$search =~ s/(...)-(...)-//g;
$search =~ s/\(M\)//g;
my $match = (exists $replace{$search}) ? $replace{$search} : undef;
print "\n$cnt search is $search ";
if (defined($match)) {
$match =~ s/[^[:print:]]+//g;
print "and match is $match";
push #$row, $match;
#print " match is $match";
$csv->print($out_fh, $row);
# untie %replace;
close $in_fh;
close $out_fh;
You have a problem of scope. Your code:
if ($MapSelection =~ /eNodeBID/i) {
my %replace = map { chomp; (split /,/)[0,1] } <$map_fh>;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%replace);
declares %replace within the if block. Move it outside so that it can also be seen by later code:
my %replace;
if ($MapSelection =~ /eNodeBID/i) {
%replace = map { chomp; (split /,/)[0,1] } <$map_fh>;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%replace);
Putting use strict and use warnings at the top of your code helps you find these kinds of issues.
Also, you can just use my $match = $replace{$search} since it's equivalent to your ?: operation.
Always include use strict; and use warnings; at the top of EVERY perl script. If you had done that and been maintaining good coding practice with declaring your variables, you would've gotten error:
Global symbol "%replace" requires explicit package name at
That would've let you know there was a scoping issue with your code. One way to avoid that is to use a ternary in your initialization of %replace
my %replace = ($MapSelection =~ /eNodeBID/i)
? map { chomp; (split /,/)[0,1] } <$map_fh>
: ();
I've a code as below to parse a text file. Display all words after "Enter:" keyword on all lines of the text file. I'm getting displayed all words after "Enter:" keyword, but i wan't duplicated should not be repeated but its repeating. Please guide me as to wht is wrong in my code.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
$infile "xyz.txt";
open (FILE, $infile) or die ("can't open file:$!");
if(FILE =~ /ENTER/ ){
#functions = substr($infile, index($infile, 'Enter:'));
#functions =~/#functions//;
#unique = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } #array;
while (#unique != ''){
print '#unique\n';
close (FILE);
Here is a way to do the job, it prints unique words found on each line that begins with the keyword Enter:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $infile = "xyz.txt";
# use 3 arg open with lexical file handler
open my $fh, '<', $infile or die "unable to open '$infile' for reading: $!";
# loop thru all lines
while(my $line = <$fh) {
# remove linefeed;
# if the line begins with "Enter:"
# remove the keyword "Enter:"
if ($line =~ s/^Enter:\s+//) {
# split the line on whitespaces
# and populate the array with all words found
my #words = split(/\s+/, $line);
# create a hash where the keys are the words found
my %seen = map { $_ => 1 }#words;
# display unique words
print "$_\t" for(keys %seen);
print "\n";
If I understand you correctly, one problem is that your 'grep' only counts the occurrences of each word. I think you want to use 'map' so that '#unique' only contains the unique words from '#array'. Something like this:
#unique = map {
if (exists($seen{$_})) {
} else {
$seen{$_}++; $_;
} #array;
What is a good/best way to count the number of characters, words, and lines of a text file using Perl (without using wc)?
Here's the perl code. Counting words can be somewhat subjective, but I just say it's any string of characters that isn't whitespace.
open(FILE, "<file.txt") or die "Could not open file: $!";
my ($lines, $words, $chars) = (0,0,0);
while (<FILE>) {
$chars += length($_);
$words += scalar(split(/\s+/, $_));
print("lines=$lines words=$words chars=$chars\n");
A variation on bmdhacks' answer that will probably produce better results is to use \s+ (or even better \W+) as the delimiter. Consider the string "The quick brown fox" (additional spaces if it's not obvious). Using a delimiter of a single whitespace character will give a word count of six not four. So, try:
open(FILE, "<file.txt") or die "Could not open file: $!";
my ($lines, $words, $chars) = (0,0,0);
while (<FILE>) {
$chars += length($_);
$words += scalar(split(/\W+/, $_));
print("lines=$lines words=$words chars=$chars\n");
Using \W+ as the delimiter will stop punctuation (amongst other things) from counting as words.
The Word Count tool counts characters, words and lines in text files
Here. Try this Unicode-savvy version of the wc program.
It skips non-file arguments (pipes, directories, sockets, etc).
It assumes UTF-8 text.
It counts any Unicode whitespace as a word separator.
It also accepts alternate encodings if there is a .ENCODING at the end of the filename, like foo.cp1252, foo.latin1, foo.utf16, etc.
It also work with files that have been compressed in a variety of formats.
It gives counts of Paragraphs, Lines, Words, Graphemes, Characters, and Bytes.
It understands all Unicode linebreak sequences.
It warns about corrupted textfiles with linebreak errors.
Here’s an example of running it:
Paras Lines Words Graphs Chars Bytes File
2 2270 82249 504169 504333 528663 /tmp/ap
1 2404 11163 63164 63164 66336 /tmp/b3
uwc: missing linebreak at end of corrupted textfiile /tmp/bad
1* 2* 4 19 19 19 /tmp/bad
1 14 52 273 273 293 /tmp/es
57 383 1369 11997 11997 12001 /tmp/funny
1 657068 3175429 31205970 31209138 32633834 /tmp/lw
1 1 4 27 27 27 /tmp/nf.cp1252
1 1 4 27 27 34 /tmp/nf.euc-jp
1 1 4 27 27 27 /tmp/nf.latin1
1 1 4 27 27 27 /tmp/nf.macroman
1 1 4 27 27 54 /tmp/nf.ucs2
1 1 4 27 27 56 /tmp/nf.utf16
1 1 4 27 27 54 /tmp/nf.utf16be
1 1 4 27 27 54 /tmp/nf.utf16le
1 1 4 27 27 112 /tmp/nf.utf32
1 1 4 27 27 108 /tmp/nf.utf32be
1 1 4 27 27 108 /tmp/nf.utf32le
1 1 4 27 27 39 /tmp/nf.utf7
1 1 4 27 27 31 /tmp/nf.utf8
1 26906 101528 635841 636026 661202 /tmp/o2
131 346 1370 9590 9590 4486 /tmp/perl5122delta.pod.gz
291 814 3941 25318 25318 9878 /tmp/perl51310delta.pod.bz2
1 2551 5345 132655 132655 133178 /tmp/tailsort-pl.utf8
1 89 334 1784 1784 2094 /tmp/til
1 4 18 88 88 106 /tmp/w
276 1736 5773 53782 53782 53804 /tmp/www
Here ya go:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# uniwc - improved version of wc that works correctly with Unicode
# Tom Christiansen <tchrist#perl.com>
# Mon Feb 28 15:59:01 MST 2011
use 5.10.0;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
use sigtrap qw[ die untrapped normal-signals ];
use Carp;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
confess("FATALIZED WARNING: #_") unless $^S;
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
confess("UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION: #_") unless $^S;
$| = 1;
my $Errors = 0;
my $Headers = 0;
sub yuck($) {
my $errmsg = $_[0];
$errmsg =~ s/(?<=[^\n])\z/\n/;
print STDERR "$0: $errmsg";
sub countem {
my ($_, $file) = #_;
my (
#paras, #lines, #words,
$paracount, $linecount, $wordcount,
$grafcount, $charcount, $bytecount,
if ($charcount = length($_)) {
$wordcount = eval { #words = split m{ \p{Space}+ }x };
yuck "error splitting words: $#" if $#;
$linecount = eval { #lines = split m{ \R }x };
yuck "error splitting lines: $#" if $#;
$grafcount = 0;
$grafcount++ while /\X/g;
#$grafcount = eval { #lines = split m{ \R }x };
yuck "error splitting lines: $#" if $#;
$paracount = eval { #paras = split m{ \R{2,} }x };
yuck "error splitting paras: $#" if $#;
if ($linecount && !/\R\z/) {
yuck("missing linebreak at end of corrupted textfiile $file");
$linecount .= "*";
$paracount .= "*";
$bytecount = tell;
if (-e $file) {
$bytecount = -s $file;
if ($bytecount != -s $file) {
yuck "filesize of $file differs from bytecount\n";
my $mask = "%8s " x 6 . "%s\n";
printf $mask => qw{ Paras Lines Words Graphs Chars Bytes File } unless $Headers++;
printf $mask => map( { show_undef($_) }
$paracount, $linecount,
$wordcount, $grafcount,
$charcount, $bytecount,
), $file;
sub show_undef {
my $value = shift;
return defined($value)
? $value
: "undef";
close(STDOUT) || die "$0: can't close STDOUT: $!";
exit($Errors != 0);
sub process_input {
my $function = shift();
my $enc;
if (#ARGV == 0 && -t) {
warn "$0: reading from stdin, type ^D to end or ^C to kill.\n";
unshift(#ARGV, "-") if #ARGV == 0;
for my $file (#ARGV) {
# don't let magic open make an output handle
next if -e $file && ! -f _;
my $quasi_filename = fix_extension($file);
$file = "standard input" if $file eq q(-);
$quasi_filename =~ s/^(?=\s*[>|])/< /;
no strict "refs";
my $fh = $file; # is *so* a lexical filehandle! ☺
unless (open($fh, $quasi_filename)) {
yuck("couldn't open $quasi_filename: $!");
next FILE;
set_encoding($fh, $file) || next FILE;
my $whole_file = eval {
use warnings "FATAL" => "all";
local $/;
scalar <$fh>;
if ($#) {
$# =~ s/ at \K.*? line \d+.*/$file line $./;
next FILE;
$function->($whole_file, $file);
unless (close $fh) {
yuck("couldn't close $quasi_filename at line $.: $!");
next FILE;
} # foreach file
sub set_encoding(*$) {
my ($handle, $path) = #_;
my $enc_name = "utf8";
if ($path && $path =~ m{ \. ([^\s.]+) \z }x) {
my $ext = $1;
die unless defined $ext;
require Encode;
if (my $enc_obj = Encode::find_encoding($ext)) {
my $name = $enc_obj->name || $ext;
$enc_name = "encoding($name)";
return 1 if eval {
use warnings FATAL => "all";
no strict "refs";
binmode($handle, ":$enc_name");
for ($#) {
s/ at .* line \d+\.//;
s/$/ for $path/;
yuck("set_encoding: $#");
return undef;
sub fix_extension {
my $path = shift();
my %Compress = (
Z => "zcat",
z => "gzcat", # for uncompressing
gz => "gzcat",
bz => "bzcat",
bz2 => "bzcat",
bzip => "bzcat",
bzip2 => "bzcat",
lzma => "lzcat",
if ($path =~ m{ \. ( [^.\s] +) \z }x) {
if (my $prog = $Compress{$1}) {
return "$prog $path |";
return $path;
I stumbled upon this while googling for a character count solution.
Admittedly, I know next to nothing about perl so some of this may be off base, but here are my tweaks of newt's solution.
First, there is a built-in line count variable anyway, so I just used that. This is probably a bit more efficient, I guess.
As it is, the character count includes newline characters, which is probably not what you want, so I chomped $_.
Perl also complained about the way the split() is done (implicit split, see: Why does Perl complain "Use of implicit split to #_ is deprecated"? ) so I tweaked that.
My input files are UTF-8 so I opened them as such. That probably helps get the correct character count in the input file contains non-ASCII characters.
Here's the code:
open(FILE, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "file.txt") or die "Could not open file: $!";
my ($lines, $words, $chars) = (0,0,0);
my #wordcounter;
while (<FILE>) {
$chars += length($_);
#wordcounter = split(/\W+/, $_);
$words += #wordcounter;
$lines = $.;
close FILE;
print "\nlines=$lines, words=$words, chars=$chars\n";
There is the Perl Power Tools project whose goal is to reconstruct all the Unix bin utilities, primarily for those on operating systems deprived of Unix. Yes, they did wc. The implementation is overkill, but it is POSIX compliant.
It gets a little ridiculous when you look at the GNU compliant implementation of true.
Non-serious answer:
system("wc foo");
Reading the file in fixed-size chunks may be more efficient than reading line-by-line. The wc binary does this.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use constant BLOCK_SIZE => 16384;
for my $file (#ARGV) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or do {
warn "couldn't open $file: $!\n";
my ($chars, $words, $lines) = (0, 0, 0);
my ($new_word, $new_line);
while ((my $size = sysread $fh, local $_, BLOCK_SIZE) > 0) {
$chars += $size;
$words += /\s+/g;
$words-- if $new_word && /\A\s/;
$lines += () = /\n/g;
$new_word = /\s\Z/;
$new_line = /\n\Z/;
$lines-- if $new_line;
print "\t$lines\t$words\t$chars\t$file\n";
To be able to count CHARS and not bytes, consider this:
(Try it with Chinese or Cyrillic letters and file saved in utf8)
use utf8;
my $file='file.txt';
my $LAYER = ':encoding(UTF-8)';
open( my $fh, '<', $file )
|| die( "$file couldn't be opened: $!" );
binmode( $fh, $LAYER );
read $fh, my $txt, -s $file;
close $fh;
print length $txt,$/;
use bytes;
print length $txt,$/;
This may be helpful to Perl beginners.
I tried to simulate MS word counting functionalities and added one more feature which is not shown using wc in Linux.
number of lines
number of words
number of characters with space
number of characters without space (wc will not give this in its output but Microsoft words shows it.)
Here is the url: Counting words,characters and lines in a file