OPAL: Manually creating an annotated method - scala

in the OPAL framework, is it possible to manually create an annotated method?
I currently have the following code:
Method(0, "signaturePolymorphicMethod",
MethodDescriptor(ObjectType("java/lang/Object"), VoidType), Seq())
and I want to add the annotation
to this method. How can I do this?

Annotations are generally stored using the JVM's general "Attributes" mechanism.
In this case the annotation is a non-public inner class of MethodHandle with the "Runtime Retention Policy". Hence, to mark a method as having a "Polymorphic Signature" it is necessary to add the RuntimeVisibibleAnnotations_Attribute to the respective method's attributes table. However, given that the visibility of the annotation is limited to the java.lang.invoke package this is (in this specific case) probably rarely useful. Nevertheless, it is possible to query methods in the respective package


How are Classes an Annotations Related in Java?

I found this quote
the first step to using reflection is to obtain a Class object that
represents the class whose annotations you want to obtain
from Herbert Schildt
Can anyone explain that sentence and also "Class" with respect to annotations. Does an annotation reside inside a "Class" or not?
You can add annotations to lots of symbols like classes, methods, constructors etc.
The point of the quote is, that in order to access those annotations at run-time, your entry point is the class object. From there you can start inspecting it, looking for methods, members etc. and access their annotations. This API is also called reflection, because it essentially reflects the code you have written as an object at run-time (including annotations).

Dagger 2 - Proper way to provide instances within a very own module only

Say I have something like this:
internal class SeenModule {
fun parameter() = Parameter()
fun actualThingINeedToInject(parameter: Parameter) = ActualThing(parameter)
However, this module only really needs to provide an ActualThing object - in other words, the Parameter is only there because the very own module needs it. I don't want it to be part of the set of dependencies that can be retrieved outside of this module.
The way I'm currently doing this is by defining a custom scope as private and then marking the methods that provide dependencies which shouldn't leave the module with this scope, as well as those in the module where the provided dependencies should be injected, of course. This is a bit annoying because it prevents me from using other scopes in these methods and requires a lot of additional annotating all over the place. What is the proper way to achieve this?
Dagger doesn't really offer "private bindings" in the sense you're asking for, where Parameter would not be injectable from anywhere else. I also advise against using scope annotations for visibility, in part because the Component itself would need to be annotated with that scope annotation, so the scope annotation would simply slightly increase the hassle needed to improperly consume Parameter (and the hassle needed to create a Component that properly consumes Parameter).
I'd offer one of these three alternatives:
Reduce the visibility of Parameter as a class. If Parameter is package-private, you won't be able to refer to it from outside of that Java package, giving you the encapsulation you want.
Use "Subcomponents for Encapsulation", in which you create a subcomponent, install your Parameter (and any related bindings) in a Module bound on the subcomponent, and expose only your ActualThing on the subcomponent's interface. Your subcomponent will be injectable, but your Parameter is not; you can also write a #Provides method that returns your ActualThing from your subcomponent instance.
Grin and bear it, and just document that Parameter is an implementation detail that should not be accessed outside of certain packages. If you are providing objects to external teams who access ActualThing through your Component interface, you can simply decline to put Parameter on your public interface; if you are providing objects to internal teams they will likely have access to change your Dagger structure or access modifiers anyway. You might also ask yourself why Parameter would be useful for another team to consume, and document it as an API if there is a business reason for injecting it.

C# dynamic type how to access some methods and slef tracking entities

I have use the type dynamic, a new type in .NET 4.0.
I want to use a dynamic type because I want to use some types that in advance I don't know what type is, but I know that all this possible type has some common methods.
In my case, I am using self tracking entities in entity framework 4.0, and I know that all the entities has the methods markedXXX (to set the state of the entity).
Through the dynamic object that I created, I can access and set the properties of one of this entities, but when I try to execute the MarkedAsXXX method I get an exception that says that the object has not definied the method.
I would like to know how to access to this methods. Is it possible?
Because I have a function that can access to the original values and set this values to the current one, but I need to set the entity as Unchenged.
I want to use a dynamic type because I want to use some types that in advance I don't know what type is, but I know that all this possible type has some common methods.
That suggests you should create an interface with those common methods, and make all the relevant types implement the interface.
Through the dynamic object that I created, I can access and set the properties of one of this entities, but when I try to execute the MarkedAsXXX method I get an exception that says that the object has not defined the method.
It's possible that this is due to explicit interface implementation. If the types have those methods declared as public methods in the normal way, it should be fine.
If you really want to use dynamic typing with these types, is there some base interface which declares the MarkedAsXXX methods, which you could cast the objects to before calling those methods? (I'm not familiar with the entity framework, so I don't know the details of those methods.)
Basically, I would try to avoid dynamic typing unless you really need it, partly because of edge cases like this - but if explicit interface implementation is the cause, then casting to that interface should be fine.
If you define an interface to the dynamically generated classes you can call the methods without the hassle of reflection calling.

Adding and removing Data Annotation attributes dynamically

I have a little bit of a curve ball for you. Maybe just a design issue...maybe even something as simple as me not understanding Data annotation providers.
Anyway here we go:
I have a class which represents some model data. Let's say it represents a package/box/carton.
It actually represents all of these things so I use the class in several different views. Sometimes I want the attribute of the field Package_Description to be
So that it shows up as Box Number : input box here.
Now if i want it to appear as "Carton Name" my only option would be to sub type it. Or use a separate class to have the annotations for this class. My quandary is that some of the field names are user configurable and therefore I cannot have a static definition!
(By the way i am using third party librarys [Telerik MVC Grid] do display these field names so i cannot change the fact that it's looking at data annotation )
So I just need to know is there a way to add attributes dynamically?
Create an anonymous type on the fly, sub class the original and then add attributes using reflection?
Or what other options are open to me, do I need to somehow implement a different annotation provider?
Attributes are part of the definition of the type. Because of that, you can't modify attributes of existing classes during runtime.
You could create a new type during runtime (not an anonymous type), but I think that's not such a good idea. I'm sure whatever component you're using, it allows you to specify the appearance explicitly.

What is AspectJ context binding?

can anyone explains to me what "context binding" at runtime in AspectJ is, and in what ways is it different from reflection? In particular, if I need to get an annotation from a class woven by a given aspect, context binding:
after(MyAnnotation annotation) : execution(* Foo.*(..)) && #this(annotation)
or reflection:
MyAnnotation myAnnotation = thisJoinPoint.getThis().getClass().getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);
can be used, but what is the best solution (that is, the quickest one)?
You are better off using the former. Creating thisJoinPoint objects are expensive since all fields must be filled in when accessed. Therefore, AspectJ will only create one if required.
Accessing the annotation via advice is generally faster since the compiler has more of a chance to optimize. Furthermore, it is more strongly types (your second example has a type error).