MIDIThruConnectionCreate always creates persistent MIDI thru connection? - swift

Xcode 8 beta 2 / Swift 3:
According to Apple's CoreMIDI API documentation, a MIDI thru connection can be established as persistent (stays in place forever, even after your app quits and your system reboots) or non-persistent/transitory (owned by your application and automatically destroys it on app quit).
The trouble I'm running into is that I can't seem to create a non-persistent connection, even though I am following Apple's guidelines.
It comes down to this API:
func MIDIThruConnectionCreate(_ inPersistentOwnerID: CFString?,
_ inConnectionParams: CFData,
_ outConnection: UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIThruConnectionRef>) -> OSStatus
If you pass null (nil) to inPersistentOwnerID which is a Swift optional, the connection should be created as transitory. However, regardless of whether I pass nil or a String, connections are always created as persistent. (I can verify this by checking CoreMIDI's persistent thru connections.)
A summation of my code:
public class OTMIDIConnectedThru {
var connectionRef = MIDIThruConnectionRef()
init?(sourceEndpoints: [MIDIEndpointRef], destinationEndpoints: [MIDIEndpointRef], persistentOwnerID: String? = nil) {
var params = MIDIThruConnectionParams()
MIDIThruConnectionParamsInitialize(&params) // fill with defaults
// (... snip: code to prepare parameters here ...)
let paramsData = withUnsafePointer(&params) { p in
NSData(bytes: p, length: MIDIThruConnectionParamsSize(&params))
result = MIDIThruConnectionCreate(persistentOwnerID, paramsData, &connectionRef)
guard result == noErr else { return nil }
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? This couldn't possibly be a bug in the API?

I had the same issue, and yes I think it always does create persistent connections. Probably an ID of NULL is the same as an empty string, because MIDIThruConnectionFind with an empty string returns all those persistent connections. So, a bug in the API or the docs!
I would recommend using a real persistentID, and remove all existing/stale connections when you initialize your MIDI stuff:
CFDataRef data;
MIDIThruConnectionFind(CFSTR("com.yourcompany.yourapp"), &data);
unsigned long n = CFDataGetLength(data) / sizeof(MIDIThruConnectionRef);
MIDIThruConnectionRef * con = (MIDIThruConnectionRef*)CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {


Get the battery voltage of Logitech Lightspeed device with IOKit?

I'd like to write a simple tool in Swift to read battery status of my mouse (Logitech G Pro Wireless). Since it's my first dive into both IOKit and managing HID devices, I am struggling with getting it done.
Here's my current approach:
I used this library to skip for now messing with Obj-C https://github.com/Arti3DPlayer/USBDeviceSwift
On launch of the app I create HID Device with hardcoded ids and start listening for its presence:
struct MyApp: App {
let rfDeviceMonitor = HIDDeviceMonitor([
HIDMonitorData(vendorId: 0x046d, productId: 0xC539)//0xc088)
], reportSize: 64)
var body: some Scene {
.onAppear {
let rfDeviceDaemon = Thread(target: self.rfDeviceMonitor, selector:#selector(self.rfDeviceMonitor.start), object: nil)
Another class is listening for connection and device's data.
func configure() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.usbConnected), name: .HIDDeviceConnected, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.hidReadData), name: .HIDDeviceDataReceived, object: nil)
#objc func usbConnected(notification: NSNotification) {
guard let nobj = notification.object as? NSDictionary else {
guard let deviceInfo: HIDDevice = nobj["device"] as? HIDDevice else {
self.deviceInfo = deviceInfo
#objc func hidReadData(notification: Notification) {
let obj = notification.object as! NSDictionary
let data = obj["data"] as! Data
func write() {
let payload: [UInt8] = [
0x10, // short message
0xff, // receiver's index
0x06, // feature index - battery voltage for g pro wireless
var correctData = Data(payload)
var count = correctData.count
let ret: Int32 = IOHIDDeviceGetReport(
print(ret) // 0xe0005000
print([UInt8](correctData)) // [16, 255, 6, 0, 0, 0]
The issue is that IOKit always returns a value (0xe0005000) after calling IOHIDDeviceGetReport that is not a success. I have no idea what this means, since kIOReturn header doesn't mention this value at all.
Links that I found useful:
receiver's properties: https://github.com/pwr-Solaar/Solaar/blob/78341f87e969fcdb657d912953f919e7bdd7c491/docs/devices/Lightspeed%20Receiver%20C539.txt
Mouse's properties: https://github.com/pwr-Solaar/Solaar/blob/78341f87e969fcdb657d912953f919e7bdd7c491/docs/devices/G%20Pro%20Wireless%20Gaming%20Mouse%204079.txt
feature's and implementation of reading features via hidpp 2.0 https://github.com/pwr-Solaar/Solaar/blob/eac916b57c78b23a40bcded1a9c89e2cc30e06d4/lib/logitech_receiver/hidpp20.py
Logitech's specification's draft for hidpp 2.0 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BxbRzx7vEV7eWmgwazJ3NUFfQ28?resourcekey=0-dQ-Lx1FORQl0KAdOHQaE1A
The most important informations I got from these sites:
My mouse has only a feature of passing current voltage. It's available on index 6. Also, there's mentioned hex value of 0x1001 next to that feature, but I am not sure what it could mean, maybe it's some Logitech's identifier for this feature.
buffer size has 7 or 20 bytes (this call should be 7B), where:
first means message size (short - 7B - 0x10, long - 20B - 0x11)
second is device index (0xFF is for receiver, yet to find which is meant for device connected via a wire)
Third means feature index (which is 6 in this case)
Fourth is divided on function and software identifier (in this order). The second one people say that is used to recognize responses meant for us from the rest of the output.
rest should be filled by report that I'd like to get.
https://github.com/pwr-Solaar/Solaar/blob/d41c60718876957158f2ef7ce51648cab78c72ad/lib/logitech_receiver/base.py#L437 - here's Python's implementation of sending such a request. This line particularly looks like it sends a request, then it waits for a message back? This is the point where I am struggling the most.
There's a line in documentation that describes bytes meaning, says:
"The device index, feature index, function identifier, and software identifier are always returned unchanged.", so I suppose I should use getReport instead of setReport, but again, my knowledge is very limited here, so I tried setReport as well, but with no luck. Same error has been thrown.

What is the best way to get BSD drive names on macOS (Swift)?

What's the best way I can get a list of BSD names of all USB devices (and maybe including internal Mac drives) without using a diskutil CLI wrapper?
I don't want to use any wrappers that interact with the CLI interface, as this way of interacting is quite slow and unreliable:
This is an example of why I'm not happy with using CLI wrappers
(Compare 'Time elapsed for DiskUtil CLI Wrapper.' and 'Time elapsed for Disk Arbitration')
What is the best way to implement the solution for my problem?
Use the data from IOReg?
If yes, how can I get a list of BSD names of connected devices using it?
Here is an example what I want to get:
["disk0", "disk0s1", "disk0s2", "disk0s3", "disk1", "disk1s1", "disk1s2", "disk1s3", "disk1s4", "disk2", "disk2s1", "disk2s2", "disk3", "disk3s1", "disk3s1s1", "disk3s2", "disk3s3", "disk3s4", "disk3s5", "disk3s6", "disk4", "disk4s1", "disk4s2", "disk5", "disk5s1", "disk5s2", "disk6", "disk6s1", "disk6s2", "disk10", "disk10s1", "disk10s2", "disk11", "disk11s1"]
At the moment, I have the following:
static func getMountedBSDNames() -> [String] {
guard let session = DASessionCreate(nil) else { return [] }
guard let mountedVolumeURLs = FileManager.default.mountedVolumeURLs(includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil) else { return [] }
var BSDNames: [String] = []
for volumeURL in mountedVolumeURLs {
if let disk = DADiskCreateFromVolumePath(kCFAllocatorDefault, session, volumeURL as CFURL), let BSDName = DADiskGetBSDName(disk) {
String(cString: BSDName)
return BSDNames
But in this case, only mounted are returning.
I want there to have even those, that were ejected
I achieved the desired result using the IOReg lookup method:
Elapsed Time
func getDriveBSDNames() -> [String] {
var iterator: io_iterator_t = 0
let matching: CFDictionary = IOServiceMatching(kIOServicePlane)
// Use 'kIOMasterPortDefault' for macOS older than 12.0 Monterey
IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMainPortDefault, matching, &iterator)
var child: io_object_t = IOIteratorNext(iterator)
var BSDNames: [String] = []
while child > 0 {
if let BSDNameAnyObject = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(child, "BSD Name" as CFString, kCFAllocatorDefault, IOOptionBits(kIORegistryIterateRecursively)) {
if let BSDNameString = (BSDNameAnyObject.takeRetainedValue() as? String), BSDNameString.starts(with: "disk") {
child = IOIteratorNext(iterator)
return BSDNames
In this case, it was also necessary to filter the output of the results using:
BSDNameString.starts(with: "disk")
(otherwise, some unnecessary devices were added, such as en0, anpi0, llw0, etc.)
Note that while the Disk Arbitration framework doesn't have a function for synchronously enumerating all disks, it does effectively support asynchronous enumeration by registering a callback for disk appearance. This may or may not be useful depending on your use case - when providing the user with an interactive list of devices, this is usually exactly what you want though, as you'll automatically be notified of newly added devices.
I don't do Swift, sorry, but the following C code should be easy enough to understand to come up with something similar in other languages.
#include <DiskArbitration/DiskArbitration.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static void disk_appeared(DADiskRef disk, void* context)
printf("%s\n", DADiskGetBSDName(disk) ?: "(null)");
int main()
DASessionRef session = DASessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
DASessionSetDispatchQueue(session, dispatch_get_main_queue());
DARegisterDiskAppearedCallback(session, NULL, disk_appeared, NULL /*context*/);
Note that the callback will also be called for APFS snapshots, which don't have a BSD name, so DADiskGetBSDName returns NULL and you'll have to do a little bit of filtering.

Swift Realm issue in iOS 14+

------LE: We ended up removing the encryption of the database because with realm team suggestions it got worse - all we could do was to remove the database and loose all stored info. Now we encrypt in keychain only the fields we need.------
I have an app released in store and after updating their iOS version to 14+, users started to complain about info not being populated from database. Not all users with iOS 14+ have this issue, it appears randomly on some devices.
The issue goes away for awhile if they reinstall the app or after they update it to another version, but after using it for a few minutes it happens again.
My database uses encryption as documented here.
The store version of my app uses Realm 5.4.8, but I tested their last version (10.0.0) and the issue is still present.
I checked this issue but it's not the case for me, I don't have a shared app group container or a share extension.
Here's how the initialisation of realm looks like:
override init() {
do {
guard let config = getMigrationAndEncryptionConfiguration() else {
realmConfigured = try Realm()
realmConfigured = try Realm(configuration: config)
} catch let error as NSError {
// this is where I got the error:
//"Encrypted interprocess sharing is currently unsupported.DB has been opened by pid: 4848. Current pid is 5806."
func getMigrationAndEncryptionConfiguration() -> Realm.Configuration? {
let currentSchemaVersion: UInt64 = 19
if Keychain.getData(for: .realmEncryptionKey) == nil {
var key = Data(count: 64)
_ = key.withUnsafeMutableBytes { bytes in
SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, 64, bytes)
Keychain.save(data: key, for: .realmEncryptionKey)
guard let key = Keychain.getData(for: .realmEncryptionKey) else {
return nil
let fileUrl = Realm.Configuration().fileURL!.deletingLastPathComponent()
var config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: fileUrl,
encryptionKey: key,
schemaVersion: currentSchemaVersion, migrationBlock: { (migration, oldVersion) in
if oldVersion != currentSchemaVersion {
print("we need migration!")
return config
I had another question opened for the same issue on SO, but it was closed because I didn't have enough details. After another release of my app with more logs, I could find the error that appears at initialisation of realm:
"Encrypted interprocess sharing is currently unsupported.DB has been opened by pid: 4848. Current pid is 5806. "
This appears after the app goes to background, it gets terminated (crash or closed by the system/user) and when the users opens it again, realm fails to init.
I read all about encrypted realm not being supported in app groups or in a share extension, but I didn't implement any of that in my app, is there any other reason why this error happens?
I also removed Firebase Performance from my app because I read that this module could generate issues on realm database, but it didn't help.
I opened an issue on realm github page, but I got no answer yet.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this or why is this happening?
Thank you.

NEHotspotHelper.register not received call back iOS11

I am working on NEHotspotHelper and trying to register but not receiving call back. Firstly,
I enabled Capability : Network Extensions
Then added this following code,
let options: [String: NSObject] = [kNEHotspotHelperOptionDisplayName : "ABC" as NSObject]
let queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.ABC", attributes: DispatchQueue.Attributes.concurrent)
NSLog("Started wifi scanning.")
NEHotspotHelper.register(options: options, queue: queue) { (cmd: NEHotspotHelperCommand) in
NSLog("Received command: \(cmd.commandType.rawValue)")
if cmd.commandType == NEHotspotHelperCommandType.filterScanList {
//Get all available hotspots
let list: [NEHotspotNetwork] = cmd.networkList!
//Figure out the hotspot you wish to connect to
} else if cmd.commandType == NEHotspotHelperCommandType.evaluate {
if let network = cmd.network {
//Set high confidence for the network
let response = cmd.createResponse(NEHotspotHelperResult.success)
response.deliver() //Respond back
} else if cmd.commandType == NEHotspotHelperCommandType.authenticate {
//Perform custom authentication and respond back with success
// if all is OK
let response = cmd.createResponse(NEHotspotHelperResult.success)
response.deliver() //Respond back
Kindly let me know if I am missing any step.
You should check the result of the register() function. If it's returning false, something is probably not configured correctly. See the full list of configuration instructions below.
Also in the screenshot you provided, you have the entitlements enabled for Hotspot Configuration, but the API you're calling is for Hotspot Helper. The two features require very different entitlements. You'll need to make sure everything is configured for Hotspot Helper to call that API. Again, see below for full details. See Hotspot Helper vs. Hotspot Configuration for more details about the differences of these similarly named APIs.
To use NEHotspotHelper:
Apply for the Network Extension entitlement.
This needs to be done at Apple's website here.
Modify your Provisioning Profile.
Go to http://developer.apple.com. Hit Edit near your profile. On the bottom where it says Entitlements, choose the one that contains the Network Extension entitlement.
Update your app's entitlements file.
The application must set com.apple.developer.networking.HotspotHelper as one of its entitlements. The value of the entitlement is a boolean set to true.
Add Background Mode
The application's Info.plist must include a UIBackgroundModes array containing network-authentication.
Note that unlike all the other background modes that are converted to human readable strings, this one will stay as network-authentication.
Call the NEHotspotHelper.register() function.
This method should be called once when the application starts up. Invoking it again will have no effect and result in false being returned.
You should make sure the function returns true. Otherwise something one of the above steps is probably not configured properly.
Understand when this callback will be called.
From the documentation, it's not entirely clear when exactly this callback will be called. For example, one might assume that NEHotspotHelper could be used to monitor for network connections. However, the callback will (only?) be called when the user navigates to the Settings app and goes to the Wi-Fi page.
Since your callback will be called only while the user in the Settings app, you should attach to the debugger and use print().
Swift Example
let targetSsid = "SFO WiFi"
let targetPassword = "12345678"
let targetAnnotation: String = "Acme Wireless"
let options: [String: NSObject] = [
kNEHotspotHelperOptionDisplayName: targetAnnotation as NSString
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.test")
let isAvailable = NEHotspotHelper.register(options: options, queue: queue) { (command) in
switch command.commandType {
case .evaluate,
let originalNetworklist = command.networkList ?? []
let networkList = originalNetworklist.compactMap { network -> NEHotspotNetwork? in
print("networkName: \(network.ssid); strength: \(network.signalStrength)")
if network.ssid == targetSsid {
return network
return nil
let response = command.createResponse(.success)

Unexpectedly unwrapping an optional to find a nil after an API call to Spotify

So I know this may be a bit specific but I've been staring at my code and am unable to resolve this issue. Basically, I'm making a network call to spotify to obtain a certain playlist and pass a number that will ultimately determine the number of songs I get back. The code is basically as follows:
// A network call is made just above to return somePlaylist
let playlist = somePlaylist as! SPTPartialPlaylist
var songs: [SPTPartialTrack] = []
// load in playlist to receive back songs
SPTPlaylistSnapshot.playlistWithURI(playlist.uri, session: someSession) { (error: NSError!, data: AnyObject!) in
// cast the data into a correct format
let playlistViewer = data as! SPTPlaylistSnapshot
let playlist = playlistViewer.firstTrackPage
// get the songs
for _ in 1...numberOfSongs {
let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(playlist.items.count)))
songs.append(playlist.items[random] as! SPTPartialTrack)
The problem comes at the portion of code that initializes random. In maybe 1 in 20 calls to this function I, for whatever, reason unwrap a nil value for playlist.items.count and can't seem to figure out why. Maybe it's something I don't understand about API calls or something else I'm failing to see but I can't seem to make sense of it.
Anyone have any recommendations on addressing this issue or how to go about debugging this?
Ok, after sleeping on it and working on it some more I seem to have resolved the issue. Here's the error handling I implemented into my code.
if let actualPlaylist = playlist, actualItems = actualPlaylist.items {
if actualItems.count == 0 {
SongScraper.playlistHasSongs = false
print("Empty playlist, loading another playlist")
for _ in 1...numberOfSongs {
let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(actualItems.count)))
songs.append(actualPlaylist.items[random] as! SPTPartialTrack)
completionHandler(songs: songs)
else {
print("Returned a nil playlist, loading another playlist")
SongScraper.playlistHasSongs = false