NEHotspotHelper.register not received call back iOS11 - swift

I am working on NEHotspotHelper and trying to register but not receiving call back. Firstly,
I enabled Capability : Network Extensions
Then added this following code,
let options: [String: NSObject] = [kNEHotspotHelperOptionDisplayName : "ABC" as NSObject]
let queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.ABC", attributes: DispatchQueue.Attributes.concurrent)
NSLog("Started wifi scanning.")
NEHotspotHelper.register(options: options, queue: queue) { (cmd: NEHotspotHelperCommand) in
NSLog("Received command: \(cmd.commandType.rawValue)")
if cmd.commandType == NEHotspotHelperCommandType.filterScanList {
//Get all available hotspots
let list: [NEHotspotNetwork] = cmd.networkList!
//Figure out the hotspot you wish to connect to
} else if cmd.commandType == NEHotspotHelperCommandType.evaluate {
if let network = {
//Set high confidence for the network
let response = cmd.createResponse(NEHotspotHelperResult.success)
response.deliver() //Respond back
} else if cmd.commandType == NEHotspotHelperCommandType.authenticate {
//Perform custom authentication and respond back with success
// if all is OK
let response = cmd.createResponse(NEHotspotHelperResult.success)
response.deliver() //Respond back
Kindly let me know if I am missing any step.

You should check the result of the register() function. If it's returning false, something is probably not configured correctly. See the full list of configuration instructions below.
Also in the screenshot you provided, you have the entitlements enabled for Hotspot Configuration, but the API you're calling is for Hotspot Helper. The two features require very different entitlements. You'll need to make sure everything is configured for Hotspot Helper to call that API. Again, see below for full details. See Hotspot Helper vs. Hotspot Configuration for more details about the differences of these similarly named APIs.
To use NEHotspotHelper:
Apply for the Network Extension entitlement.
This needs to be done at Apple's website here.
Modify your Provisioning Profile.
Go to Hit Edit near your profile. On the bottom where it says Entitlements, choose the one that contains the Network Extension entitlement.
Update your app's entitlements file.
The application must set as one of its entitlements. The value of the entitlement is a boolean set to true.
Add Background Mode
The application's Info.plist must include a UIBackgroundModes array containing network-authentication.
Note that unlike all the other background modes that are converted to human readable strings, this one will stay as network-authentication.
Call the NEHotspotHelper.register() function.
This method should be called once when the application starts up. Invoking it again will have no effect and result in false being returned.
You should make sure the function returns true. Otherwise something one of the above steps is probably not configured properly.
Understand when this callback will be called.
From the documentation, it's not entirely clear when exactly this callback will be called. For example, one might assume that NEHotspotHelper could be used to monitor for network connections. However, the callback will (only?) be called when the user navigates to the Settings app and goes to the Wi-Fi page.
Since your callback will be called only while the user in the Settings app, you should attach to the debugger and use print().
Swift Example
let targetSsid = "SFO WiFi"
let targetPassword = "12345678"
let targetAnnotation: String = "Acme Wireless"
let options: [String: NSObject] = [
kNEHotspotHelperOptionDisplayName: targetAnnotation as NSString
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.test")
let isAvailable = NEHotspotHelper.register(options: options, queue: queue) { (command) in
switch command.commandType {
case .evaluate,
let originalNetworklist = command.networkList ?? []
let networkList = originalNetworklist.compactMap { network -> NEHotspotNetwork? in
print("networkName: \(network.ssid); strength: \(network.signalStrength)")
if network.ssid == targetSsid {
return network
return nil
let response = command.createResponse(.success)


Cannot receive results from Square Point of Sale in a small Swift app

I have written a small app in Swift using Xcode 12.5 by following the information and code samples provided here ...
The app polls a server to see if there is a charge to be made. The output from the server is in JSON format. When a charge comes in, the JSON results are providing a customer id, amount to be charged, and a note to the Square Point of Sale SDK.
Using the SCCAPIRequest example from the GitHub page ...
// Replace with your app's URL scheme.
let callbackURL = URL(string: "<#T##Your URL Scheme##String#>://")!
// Your client ID is the same as your Square Application ID.
// Note: You only need to set your client ID once, before creating your first request.
SCCAPIRequest.setApplicationID(<#T##Application ID##String#>)
do {
// Specify the amount of money to charge.
let money = try SCCMoney(amountCents: 100, currencyCode: "USD")
// Create the request.
let apiRequest =
try SCCAPIRequest(
callbackURL: callbackURL,
amount: money,
userInfoString: nil,
locationID: nil,
notes: "Coffee",
customerID: nil,
supportedTenderTypes: .all,
clearsDefaultFees: false,
returnsAutomaticallyAfterPayment: false,
disablesKeyedInCardEntry: false,
skipsReceipt: false
// Open Point of Sale to complete the payment.
try SCCAPIConnection.perform(apiRequest)
} catch let error as NSError {
The app successfully switches to Square POS, displays the amount due, and knows which customer I am wanting to charge (via customer id). I can process the payment and Square POS switches back to my app just fine.
This is where I am running in to trouble. I am also using the UIApplication delegate method example on that same page. Under the comment "Handle a successful request" ...
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
guard SCCAPIResponse.isSquareResponse(url) else {
do {
let response = try SCCAPIResponse(responseURL: url)
if let error = response.error {
// Handle a failed request.
} else {
// Handle a successful request.
} catch let error as NSError {
// Handle unexpected errors.
return true
I have added the following ...
print("Transaction successful: \(response)")
From what I understand, the response should include the transaction id, and anything that was passed along in the userInfoString. It appears that this code example isn't even firing when Square POS returns to my app. I cannot see anything in the Xcode console.
I have assigned a callback URL within Xcode using the documentation on the link above, and it's also added in the Square Developer Portal under the Point of Sale API.
What am I missing? Where should the UIApplication delegate method be placed, in AppDelegate.swift or should it reside in ViewController.swift, or somewhere else? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
#ElTomato provided me with the hint that I needed to solve the problem I was having. I needed to delete SceneDelegate.swift, remove Application Scene Manifest from Info.plist, and remove some code from AppDelegate.swift
I found detailed instructions on THIS site ...
iOS 13: Swift - 'Set application root view controller programmatically' does not work
Thank you kindly for the fantastic help #ElTomato

Got an error when dragging files using NSEvent. (macOS)

I wanna drag files to my window and then perform actions.
I tried to use snippets below provided in this answer to distinguish whether you're dragging a file or a window.
// In my window controller
class MyWindowController: NSWindowController {
init() {
// Some initialization steps below are omitted
let win = NSWindow(...)
super.init(window: win)
let contentView = DropView(frame: win.frame)
func registerGlobalMouseEvent() {
self.window?.acceptsMouseMovedEvents = true
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching: .leftMouseDragged, handler: { [self] event in
// Codes below will cause errors
let pasteBoard = NSPasteboard(name: .drag)
guard let fileNames = pasteBoard.propertyList(forType: .init(rawValue: "NSFilenamesPboardType")) as? NSArray else { return }
let changeCount = pasteBoard.changeCount
if fileNames.count > 0 && lastChangeCount != changeCount {
lastChangeCount = changeCount
// My actions when dragging
Then I ran my codes and started dragging, I got three errors:
[sandbox] Failed to get a sandbox extension
[Framework] Failed to issue sandbox extension for /Users/roy/Downloads/test.txt with error 1
[default] Failed to issue sandbox token for URL: 'file:///Users/roy/Downloads/test.txt' with error: 'Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot issue a sandbox extension for file "/Users/roy/Downloads/test.txt": Operation not permitted}'
But when I just do
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching: .leftMouseDragged, handler: { [self] event in
// My actions
, then everything went fine.
The first error seems harmless since it didn't prevent my app from running.
The second and the third ones are deadly and directly caused my app to crash.
I wonder if there are any problems in his code? Any useful thoughts would be great! :)
You need to know about Bookmarks and Security Scoped URLs when working with sandbox . A dragged URL gives your app process permission just once to read or read/write a “user selected file” depending on how you configure entitlements.
You can save a bookmark (blob of data) to keep access over subsequent sessions as long as the file isn’t updated by another process at which point the bookmark becomes stale and you will need to encourage the user to select the file again.
Handing a URL to another process across an XPC boundary like sharing requires that you own the file so may involve a copy to your sandbox cache.
let dragurl = url_of_dragged_file //at this point you have at-least read access
let cachepath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.cachesDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).last!
let cachedir = URL(fileURLWithPath: cachepath)
let cacheurl = cachedir
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: dragurl, to: cacheurl)
At this point you have a copy in your local sandbox cache that can be handed off to a share sheet.
So I finally got a solution for this. :)
It appears that it indeed have something to do with the snippets I mentioned above, and here's the correction:
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching: .leftMouseDragged, handler: { [self] event in
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard(name: .drag)
let changeCount = pasteboard.changeCount
if lastChangeCount != changeCount {
lastChangeCount = changeCount
if pasteboard.canReadObject(forClasses: [NSURL.self], options: [:]) {
/// actions
In this way, I got no errors and my codes run perfectly!

iOS 13 wifi ssid in airplane mode

I'm currently updating my application in regards to what is being returned from CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo. I understand the privacy changes Apple implemented in regards to this starting on iOS 13 so i'm currently updating the implementation.
This is pretty straight forward. However the issue i'm running into is within this part of the app, the user will probably be in airplane mode (in-flight app). Regardless of the CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus(), even if it is .notDetermined which then triggers the requestWhenInUseAuthorization() method and once the user chooses either "Allow Once" or "Allow while Using App", i'm still not able to get the Wi-Fi ssid.
static func fetchSSIDInfo() -> String? {
if isSimulator() {
return "wireless"
} else {
if let interfaces: CFArray = CNCopySupportedInterfaces() {
for i in 0..<CFArrayGetCount(interfaces) {
let interfaceName: UnsafeRawPointer = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(interfaces, i)
let rec = unsafeBitCast(interfaceName, to: AnyObject.self)
// skips this in airplane mode
if let unsafeInterfaceData = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo("\(rec)" as CFString) {
if let interfaceData = unsafeInterfaceData as Dictionary? {
let ssid = interfaceData["SSID" as NSObject] as? String
let bssid = interfaceData["BSSID" as NSObject] as? String
if ssid != "Wi-Fi" && bssid != "00:00:00:00:00:00" {
return ssid
} else {
return "invalid"
return nil
In the code above, when in airplane mode it actually skips the if let unsafeInterfaceData. When it isn't in airplane mode, it's working as expected and returns either the ssid or the invalid string depending if user allows location services.
My question is how am I able to get this working on airplane mode? Maybe i'm missing something, but at this point not too sure.
In iOS13, and possibly earlier versions (that I do not have immediately available to test on), once you enable "Airplane mode," the WiFi is automatically disconnected.
An end-user would need to proactively reenable WiFi on their device to reconnect, while still having Airplane mode enabled.
Your if statement isn't getting executed, likely because there's no network information yet. Reenabling WiFi should get you the expected results.

Background upload with share extension

I created an macOS ShareExtension which I want to use to upload pictures.
I'm still testing this so any requests will be sent to
The share extension works fine and it shows up in Preview, once I run it:
I add some text and hit "Post"
But the image is then not uploaded.
This is my code that initiates the background upload:
let sc_uploadURL = "" //
override func didSelectPost() {
// This is called after the user selects Post. Do the upload of contentText and/or NSExtensionContext attachments.
let configName = "com.shinobicontrols.ShareAlike.BackgroundSessionConfig"
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: configName)
// Extensions aren't allowed their own cache disk space. Need to share with application
sessionConfig.sharedContainerIdentifier = "group.CreateDaily"
let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig)
// Prepare the URL Request
let request = urlRequestWithImage(image: attachedImage, text: contentText)
// Create the task, and kick it off
let task = session.dataTask(with: request! as URLRequest)
// Inform the host that we're done, so it un-blocks its UI. Note: Alternatively you could call super's -didSelectPost, which will similarly complete the extension context.
extensionContext?.completeRequest(returningItems: [AnyObject](), completionHandler: nil)
private func urlRequestWithImage(image: NSImage?, text: String) -> NSURLRequest? {
let url = URL(string: sc_uploadURL)!
let request: NSMutableURLRequest? = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url as URL)
request?.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request?.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
request?.httpMethod = "POST"
let jsonObject = NSMutableDictionary()
jsonObject["text"] = text
if let image = image {
jsonObject["image_details"] = extractDetailsFromImage(image: image)
// Create the JSON payload
let jsonData = try! jsonObject, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted)
request?.httpBody = jsonData
return request
Please note that the sharedContainerIdentifier is present in the entitlements of the app as well as in the sharing extensions entitlements.
The ShareExtensions is in the respective App Group and has outgoing connections enabled.
Performing a background upload
Once the user has completed their entry, and clicks the Post button, then the extension should upload the content to some web service somewhere. For the purposes of this example, the URL of the endpoint is contained within a property on the view controller:
let sc_uploadURL = ""
This is a URL for the Request Bin service, which gives you a temporary URL to allow you to test network operations. The above URL (and the one in the sample code) won’t work for you, but if you visit then you can get hold of your own URL for testing.
As mentioned previously, it’s important that extensions put very little strain on the limited system resources. Therefore, at the point the Post button is tapped, there is no time to perform a synchronous, foreground network operation. Luckily, NSURLSession provides a simple API for creating background network operations, and that’s what you’ll need here.
The method which gets called when the user taps post is didSelectPost(), and in its simplest form it must look like this:
override func didSelectPost() {
// Perform upload
// Inform the host that we're done, so it un-blocks its UI.
extensionContext?.completeRequestReturningItems(nil, completionHandler: nil)
Setting up an NSURLSession is pretty standard:
let configName = "com.shinobicontrols.ShareAlike.BackgroundSessionConfig"
let sessionConfig = NSURLSessionConfiguration.backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier(configName)
// Extensions aren't allowed their own cache disk space. Need to share with application
sessionConfig.sharedContainerIdentifier = "group.ShareAlike"
let session = NSURLSession(configuration: sessionConfig)
The important part to note of the above code segment is the line which sets the sharedContainerIdentifier on the session configuration. This specifies the name of the container that NSURLSession can use as a cache (since extensions don’t have their own writable disc access). This container needs to be set up as part of the host application (i.e. ShareAlike in this demo), and can be done through Xcode:
Go to the capabilities tab of the app’s target
Enable App Groups
Create a new app group, entitled something appropriate. It must
start with group.. In the demo the group is called group.ShareAlike
Let Xcode go through the process of creating this group for you.
Then you need to go to the extension’s target, and follow the same process. Note that you won’t need to create a new app group, but instead select the one that you created for your host application.
These app groups are registered against your developer ID, and the signing process ensures that only your apps are able to access these shared containers.
Xcode will have created an entitlements file for each of your projects, and this will contain the name of the shared container it has access to.
Now that you’ve got your session set up correctly, you need to create a URL request to perform:
// Prepare the URL Request
let request = urlRequestWithImage(attachedImage, text: contentText)
This calls a method which constructs a URL request which uses HTTP POST to send some JSON, which includes the string content, and some metadata properties about the image:
func urlRequestWithImage(image: UIImage?, text: String) -> NSURLRequest? {
let url = NSURL.URLWithString(sc_uploadURL)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url)
request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
var jsonObject = NSMutableDictionary()
jsonObject["text"] = text
if let image = image {
jsonObject["image_details"] = extractDetailsFromImage(image)
// Create the JSON payload
var jsonError: NSError?
let jsonData = NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(jsonObject, options: nil, error: &jsonError)
if jsonData {
request.HTTPBody = jsonData
} else {
if let error = jsonError {
println("JSON Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return request
This method doesn’t actually create a request which uploads the image, although it could be adapted to do so. Instead, it extracts some details about the image using the following method:
func extractDetailsFromImage(image: UIImage) -> NSDictionary {
var resultDict = [String : AnyObject]()
resultDict["height"] = image.size.height
resultDict["width"] = image.size.width
resultDict["orientation"] = image.imageOrientation.toRaw()
resultDict["scale"] = image.scale
resultDict["description"] = image.description
return resultDict
Finally, you can ask the session to create a task associated with the request you’ve built, and then call resume() on it to kick it off in the background:
// Create the task, and kick it off
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request!)
If you run through this process now, with your own URL in place, then you can expect to see results like this:
An App Group identifier must start with "group." and must match everywhere it is used - in the entitlements files, in your code, and on the Apple Dev portal.
In your app and share extension entitlement definitions, you have $(TeamIdentifierPrefix).group.CreateDaily. This is not valid, since it does not begin with "group.".
In your code, you just have "group.CreateDaily". This would be fine if it matched what was in your entitlement files, though Apple recommends using reverse domain name notation to avoid conflicts.
My recommendation would be to go to the Apple Dev portal under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles/ Identifiers/ AppGroups and define your app groups. Apple will not let you enter something that does not begin with "group.". Once that has been setup, make sure that what you have in your entitlement files and code (config.sharedContainerIdentifier) match and then everything should work.

iOS: Keep application running in background

How do I keep my application running in the background?
Would I have to jailbreak my iPhone to do this? I just need this app to check something from the internet every set interval and notify when needed, for my own use.
Yes, no need to jailbreak. Check out the "Implementing long-running background tasks" section of this doc from Apple.
From Apple's doc:
Declaring Your App’s Supported Background Tasks
Support for some types of background execution must be declared in advance by the app that uses them. An app declares support for a service using its Info.plist file. Add the UIBackgroundModes key to your Info.plist file and set its value to an array containing one or more of the following strings: (see Apple's doc from link mentioned above.)
I guess this is what you required
When an iOS application goes to the background, are lengthy tasks paused?
iOS Application Background Downloading
This might help you ...
Enjoy Coding :)
Use local notifications to do that. But this will not check every time. You will have to set a time where you will check your specific event, you may shorten this by decreasing your time slot. Read more about local notification to know how to achieve this at:
I found a way, to keep app running in background by playing silence
Make sure, that you selected audio playback in background modes
Also, don't use this method for long time, since it consumes CPU resources and battery juice, but I think it's a suitable way to keep app alive for a few minutes.
Just create an instance of SilencePlayer, call play() and then stop(), when you done
import CoreAudio
public class SilencePlayer {
private var audioQueue: AudioQueueRef? = nil
public private(set) var isStarted = false
public func play() {
if isStarted { return }
print("Playing silence")
let avs = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
try! avs.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, with: .mixWithOthers)
try! avs.setActive(true)
isStarted = true
var streamFormat = AudioStreamBasicDescription(
mSampleRate: 16000,
mFormatID: kAudioFormatLinearPCM,
mFormatFlags: kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked,
mBytesPerPacket: 2,
mFramesPerPacket: 1,
mBytesPerFrame: 2,
mChannelsPerFrame: 1,
mBitsPerChannel: 16,
mReserved: 0
let status = AudioQueueNewOutput(
nil, nil, nil, 0,
print("OSStatus for silence \(status)")
var buffers = Array<AudioQueueBufferRef?>.init(repeating: nil, count: 3)
for i in 0..<3 {
buffers[i]?.pointee.mAudioDataByteSize = 320
AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(audioQueue!, 320, &(buffers[i]))
SilenceQueueOutputCallback(nil, audioQueue!, buffers[i]!)
let startStatus = AudioQueueStart(audioQueue!, nil)
print("Start status for silence \(startStatus)")
public func stop() {
guard isStarted else { return }
print("Called stop silence")
if let aq = audioQueue {
AudioQueueStop(aq, true)
audioQueue = nil
try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(false)
isStarted = false
fileprivate func SilenceQueueOutputCallback(_ userData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, _ audioQueueRef: AudioQueueRef, _ bufferRef: AudioQueueBufferRef) -> Void {
let pointer = bufferRef.pointee.mAudioData
let length = bufferRef.pointee.mAudioDataByteSize
memset(pointer, 0, Int(length))
if AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(audioQueueRef, bufferRef, 0, nil) != 0 {
AudioQueueFreeBuffer(audioQueueRef, bufferRef)
Tested on iOS 10 and Swift 4
I know this is not the answer to your question, but I think it is a solution.
This assumes that your trying to check something or get data from the internet on a regular basis?
Create a service that checks the internet every set interval for whatever it is you want to know, and create a push notification to alert you of it, if the server is down, or whatever it is your trying to monitor has changed state. Just an idea.
Yes you can do something like this. For that you need to set entry in info.plist to tell os that my app will run in background. I have done this while I wanted to pass user's location after particular time stamp to server. For that I have set "Required background modes" set to "App registers for location updates".
You can write a handler of type UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier.
You can already do this in the applicationDidEnterBackground Method