Postgres Sequence jumping by 32 - postgresql

We use sequences to maintain the number of orders at a particular business unit.
Last few we days, we have noticed that there have been has strange jumps ranging from 1 to 32 in the sequence numbers, multiple times a day.
The sequence which we have configured has a cache_value of 1.
Why is this happening and how can we resolve this?
I couldn't find much documentation regarding the same.

PostgreSQL sequences can jump by 32 when you promote a secondary server to primary, and sometimes when PostgreSQL crashes hard and has to recover.
I have only seen it skip 32, and I haven't been able to change it by changing the sequence's cache value., and the response, indicate that this is expected behavior in a crash condition. I'm unsure if this only occurs if you're using Streaming Replication or not.
I thought it was a safety feature, in case the primary had committed records that had not been replicated to the secondary at the time of promotion. Then a human would be able to manually dump and copy the records from the old-primary to the new-primary before wiping the old-primary.
This could indicate that your primary is crashing and recovering several times per day, which is not a good state to be in.


PostgreSQL ANALYZE statisticts & Replication

On my primary I ran a VACUUM then an ANALYZE on all databases, then when I check pg_stat_user_tables, the last_analyze column shows a current timestamp which is great.
When I check my replication instance, there are no values in the last_analyze column. I was assuming this timestamp would also eventually populate? Is this known behaviour?
The reason I ask is that after that VACUUM/ANALYZE on the primary, I'm running into some extremely slow queries on the replication instance. I ran an EXPLAIN plan prior to the VACUUM/ANALYZE on a query and it ran in 5 seconds... now it's taking 65 seconds. The EXPLAIN shows it's not using a lot of indexes that it should be.
PostgreSQL has two different stats systems. One records data about the distribution of values in the columns, this is transactional. It propagates to the replica via the WAL.
The other system records data about turn over on the tables and data on when the last vac/an was done. This system is used to determine when to schedule new vac/an (to prevent the first system from getting too out of date). This one is not transactional, and does not propagate to the replica.
So the replica has the latest column value distribution statistics (as soon as the WAL replays, anyway), but it doesn't know how recent they are.

Slow bulk read from Postgres Read replica while updating the rows we read

We have on RDS a main Postgres server and a read replica.
We constantly write and update new data for the last couple of days.
Reading from the read-replica works fine when looking at older data but when trying to read from the last couple of days, where we keep updating the data on the main server, is painfully slow.
Queries that take 2-3 minutes on old data can timeout after 20 minutes when querying data from the last day or two.
Looking at the monitors like CPU I don't see any extra load on the read replica.
Is there a solution for this?
You are accessing over 65 buffers for ever 1 visible row found in the index scan (and over 500 buffers for each row which is returned by the index scan, since 90% are filtered out by the mmsi criterion).
One issue is that your index is not as well selective as it could be. If you had the index on (day, mmsi) rather than just (day) it should be about 10 times faster.
But it also looks like you have a massive amount of bloat.
You are probably not vacuuming the table often enough. With your described UPDATE pattern, all the vacuum needs are accumulating in the newest data, but the activity counters are evaluated based on the full table size, so autovacuum is not done often enough to suit the needs of the new data. You could lower the scale factor for this table:
alter table simplified_blips set (autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.01)
Or if you partition the data based on "day", then the partitions for newer days will naturally get vacuumed more often because the occurrence of updates will be judged against the size of each partition, it won't get diluted out by the size of all the older inactive partitions. Also, each vacuum run will take less work, as it won't have to scan all of the indexes of the entire table, just the indexes of the active partitions.
As suggested, the problem was bloat.
When you update a record in an ACID database the database creates a new version of the record with the new updated record.
After the update you end with a "dead record" (AKA dead tuple)
Once in a while the database will do autovacuum and clean the table from the dead tuples.
Usually the autovacuum should be fine but if your table is really large and updated often you should consider changing the autovacuum analysis and size to be more aggressive.

Redshift cluster: queries getting hang and filling up space

I have a Redshift cluster with 3 nodes. Every now and then, with users running queries against it, we end in this unpleasant situation where some queries run for way longer than expected (even simple ones, exceeding 15 minutes), and the cluster storage starts increasing to the point that if you don't terminate the long-standing queries it gets to 100% storage occupied.
I wonder why this may happen. My experience is varied, sometimes it's been a single query doing this and sometimes it's been different concurrent queries been run at the same time.
One specific scenario where we saw this happen related to LISTAGG. The type of LISTAGG is varchar(65535), and while Redshift optimizes away the implicit trailing blanks when stored to disk, the full width is required in memory during processing.
If you have a query that returns a million rows, you end up with 1,000,000 rows times 65,535 bytes per LISTAGG, which is 65 gigabytes. That can quickly get you into a situation like what you describe, with queries taking unexpectedly long or failing with “Disk Full” errors.
My team discussed this a bit more on our team blog the other day.
This typically happens when a poorly constructed query spills a too much data to disk. For instance the user accidentally specifies a Cartesian product (every row from tblA joined to every row of tblB).
If this happens regularly you can implement a QMR rule that limits the amount of disk spill before a query is aborted.
QMR Documentation:
QMR Rule Candidates query:

Is it possible to use a cassandra table as a basic queue

Is it possible to use a table in cassandra as a queue, I don't think the strategy I use in mysql works, ie given this table:
create table message_queue(id integer, message varchar(4000), retries int, sending boolean);
We have a transaction that marks the row as "sending", tries to send, and then either deletes the row, or increments the retries count. The transaction ensures that only one server will be attempting to process an item from the message_queue at any one time.
There is an article on datastax that describes the pitfalls and how to get around it, however Im not sure what the impact of having lots of tombstones lying around is, how long do they stay around for?
Don't do this. Cassandra is a terrible choice as a queue backend unless you are very, very careful. You can read more of the reasons in Jonathan Ellis blog post "Cassandra anti-patterns: Queues and queue-like datasets" (which might be the post you're alluding to). MySQL is also not a great choice for backing a queue, us a real queue product like RabbitMQ, it's great and very easy to use.
The problem with using Cassandra as the storage for a queue is this: every time you delete a message you write a tombstone for that message. Every time you query for the next message Cassandra will have to trawl through those tombstones and deleted messages and try to determine the few that have not been deleted. With any kind of throughput the number of read values versus the number of actual live messages will be hundreds of thousands to one.
Tuning GC grace and other parameters will not help, because that only applies to how long tombstones will hang around after a compaction, and even if you dedicated the CPUs to only run compactions you would still have dead to live rations of tens of thousands or more. And even with a GC grace of zero tombstones will hang around after compactions in some cases.
There are ways to mitigate these effects, and they are outlined in Jonathan's post, but here's a summary (and I don't write this to encourage you to use Cassandra as a queue backend, but because it explains a bit more about Cassandra works, and should help you understand why it's a bad fit for the problem):
To avoid the tombstone problem you cannot keep using the same queue, because it will fill upp with tombstones quicker than compactions can get rid of them and your performance will run straight into a brick wall. If you add a column to the primary key that is deterministic and depends on time you can avoid some of the performance problems, since fewer tombstones have time to build up and Cassandra will be able to completely remove old rows and all their tombstones.
Using a single row per queue also creates a hotspot. A single node will have to handle that queue, and the rest of the nodes will be idle. You might have lots of queues, but chances are that one of them will see much more traffic than the others and that means you get a hotspot. Shard the queues over multiple nodes by adding a second column to the primary key. It can be a hash of the message (for example crc32(message) % 60 would create 60 shards, don't use a too small number). When you want to find the next message you read from all of the shards and pick one of the results, ignoring the others. Ideally you find a way to combine this with something that depends on time, so that you fix that problem too while you're at it.
If you sort your messages after time of arrival (for example with TIMEUUID clustering key) and can somehow keep track of the newest messages that has been delivered, you can do a query to find all messages after that message. That would mean less thrawling through tombstones for Cassandra, but it is no panacea.
Then there's the issue of acknowledgements. I'm not sure if they matter to you, but it looks like you have some kind of locking mechanism in your schema (I'm thinking of the retries and sending columns). This will not work. Until Cassandra 2.0 and it's compare-and-swap features there is no way to make that work correctly. To implement a lock you need to read the value of the column, check if it's not locked, then write that it should now be locked. Even with consistency level ALL another application node can do the same operations at the same time, and both end up thinking that they locked the message. With CAS in Cassandra 2.0 it will be possible to do atomically, but at the cost of performance.
There are a couple of more answers here on StackOverflow about Cassandra and queues, read them (start with this: Table with heavy writes and some reads in Cassandra. Primary key searches taking 30 seconds.
The grace period can be defined. Per default it is 10 days:
(Default: 864000 [10 days]) Specifies the time to wait before garbage
collecting tombstones (deletion markers). The default value allows a
great deal of time for consistency to be achieved prior to deletion.
In many deployments this interval can be reduced, and in a single-node
cluster it can be safely set to zero. When using CLI, use gc_grace
instead of gc_grace_seconds.
Taken from the
On a different note, I do not think that implementing a queue pattern in Cassandra is very useful. To prevent your worker to process one entry twice, you need to enforce "ALL" read consistency, which defeats the purpose of distributed database systems.
I highly recommend looking at specialized systems like messaging systems which support the queue pattern natively. Take a look at RabbitMQ for instance. You will be up and running in no time.
Theo's answer about not using Cassandra for queues is spot on.
Just wanted to add that we have been using Redis sorted sets for our queues and it has been working pretty well. Some of our queues have tens of millions of elements and are accessed hundreds of times per second.

Informix to Postgres, continuous data replication algorithm

The master server is Informix, version varies from 9.40 to the latest, database is unlogged by design that can't be changed. Slave server is the latest PostgreSQL. Master and slave are separate machines, network latency is unpredictable. Master schema is statically defined, well known and does not change, so it's only the data that needs to be replicated. In the master, there are three types of tables:
Numeric data tables, usually one date column, one time column and 15-300 int columns keyed by 2-3 primary keys. The data is never changed, only added once in a set interval (15, 30, or 60 minutes) and deleted when the retention point is reached. Replication data set can be up to 80,000 rows but usually is in the range of hundreds. This data needs to be replicated one way, master to slave. There is about 30 tables of this type and they need to be replicated all at once and as fast as possible, typically in under one minute after new interval set has been committed to the master.
Mixed data tables, with date, time, int, and string types, 30-100 columns, again 2-3 primary keys. This data is also never changed, added continuously and is deleted when the retention point is reached. The data set is up to 100,000 rows per hour. One way replication is needed, master to slave. There are a few tables like that, less than 5 usually.
Mixed data tables, with int and string types, less than 10 columns, 2-3 primary keys. The data largely stays intact, with occasional additions, edits or deletions. The usual replication set size is unpredictable, but probably will be in low hundreds of rows. This data needs to be replicated both ways, as fast as possible. There are a few tables of this type, and they need to be synched independently.
I've been looking for an existing tool that could do what I need, but it looks like there is none that is open source. I'm probably going to write one for my needs, and I'm looking for advice from DB gurus on how to approach this task.
In my estimate, there's probably no single algorithm that would cover all the use cases so I may be in fact looking for two or three algorithms. Here's what I found so far:
Fire trigger on master changes, record row OIDs (does Informix have them?) to temp table, dump the changed rows to a file, transfer it and load up. Question: how to buffer the trigger? The master DB is unlogged (no transactions), so trigger will fire upon each INSERT. Additional strain on the master, not good.
Add a cron job on the slave that will pull latest date/time keys from the master, and if the data is newer, pull it. Problem: although the update interval is defined, in reality it's based on the data source clock (not master DB clock) which is guaranteed to vary from slave server clock. More of it, there can be several data sources, each with varying clocks, and the data needs to be replicated ASAP. The only way here that I see is to constantly poll the master from the slave, hoping that by the time the poll comes in, the data is all committed (no transactions, remember?). Kludgy, slow, not good.
Add Informix as foreign data wrapper in the Postgres and run queries directly instead of bothering with replication. Pros: simplicity. Cons: Informix connector seems to be in alpha stage, and the whole approach is an unknown factor at best.
I've been researching this topic for some time, and it seems that the core of the problem is the lack of transactions on the master side. If the master DB was logged, it would be much easier to replicate it, but without transactions the task suddenly becomes much more complicated. For one, how do I ensure that there are no dupes? Another one, how to avoid update loops in type 3 tables? Considering all that, how to make replication as fast-reacting as possible? I mean the delay between data update and sync start here, data transfer is another topic altogether.
Any input is appreciated.
If you can't change the master in any significant way you are going to have a heck of a time with any sort of replication. Your basic problem is that you have no real way to handle replicating changes in real time without tracking which changes have been replicated, and if you can't change the master, you can't add that. So the short answer is that replication is not a solution which can work for you. Given some of Informix's other features I would think twice about going about this as continuous replication.
This leads to other approaches. The big unknown factors are that networks may not be reliable enough to just link the databases. This could lead to transactions hanging while waiting for data off a high latency connection to all kinds of other problems. You might be able to get this to work with an odbc fdw and an informix provider or with DBI-Link and DBD::Informix, but this strikes me as a problem in your current environment. You could use these in a cron job to populate a second PostgreSQL server closer to your own location periodically, however and so I would not write the approach entirely off.
One way or another it seems to me you need to get a copy of the data to your PostgreSQL server. You may want to do an ETL job to import the data periodically. You may want to use a secondary postgresql server and FDW's or DBI-Link to pull in the data. But this is not likely to be real-time, it is not likely to be continuous.
The tl;dr is that your environment isn't really set up to do this. For my money I would recommend an ETL approach and accept that your slave will not be in sync with the master.