How to convert unix-epoch to human time in Tableau? - tableau-api

In the Tableau, I have a column containing the timestamps in unix-time format, which I wish to convert it to Human time.
Is it possible to use R script in Calculated Field for such time conversion?
Tableau screenshot

I think you should create a new calculated field like this:
New_date = dateadd('second',[Time],#1970-01-01#)
Or if [Time] is in milliseconds then just divide it by 1000 to convert to seconds before passing it to dateadd of course


Convert time to double in ssrs

I have a time parameter in SSRS report whose value is like "14:07:58". How can I convert it to double?
The data type of this parameter is string(text) and I want to convert this time to double.
I tried using CDble("14:07:58") but it returns error.
Any suggestions ?
You could calculate "ticks" (100 nanoseconds) since midnight and divide it by the number of ticks per day:

Convert Excel date from date serial number to Hijri date

I have a large report data, 30k+ rows in Excel, their are two values which have dates, the dates are in Hijri, 80% of the dates is correct, but a few values appear in date serial number, which is 40383 instead of 1432/8/12, is there any way to convert those back to date, with this format, (yyyy/mm/dd) because I have written another function to calculate dates, and overlapping values, ...
Selection.NumberFormat = "[$-1170000]B2yyyy/mm/dd;#"

Is there an easy way to read integer time data from a netcdf file using the time-attribute?

I am trying to read time-coordinate data from a netCDF file using matlab. I have a netCDF file (which I created) that has a time variable in the format of a double corresponding to the number of hours from a specific time (see below).
Variable attributes:
double time(Time) ;
time:standard_name = "Time" ;
time:units = "hours since 2002-01-01 0:0:0" ;
time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
When I read the time variable using ncread) into matlab, it just prints out an integer e.g.,1. However, if I use "ncdump" to explore the file, I see the time variable in it's coordinate time e.g., 2002-01-01 01.
Specifically: "ncdump -t -v time"
I'm relatively new to matlab, and I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a similar, or an equally simple, way to read this time variable as its coordinate time into matlab, either as a string, or numerical date. Specifically, I would like to avoid having to parse the attribute string and code up a bunch of pointers and conditions to convert the integer data to an actual date.
Alternatively, should I just create a new time variable in these files that is just an array of dates as strings?
Any information is very much appreciated!
NetCDF stores time as an offset from an epoch. From your variable attribute, your epoch is 2002-01-01 0:0:0, and the time is hours since then. Matlab has a similar methodology called date numbers, although it is based off of days since an epoch (which they call pivot years). There are two functions that you should look into: datenum and datestr. The first converts a string into a date number and the other converts a date number into a date string.
You can convert your time variable into a compatible Matlab date number by dividing by 24 and then use the datestr function to format it however you like. Here is a simple example:
>> time = [1;2;3;4];
>> datestr(time./24+datenum('2002-01-01 0:0:0'))
ans =
01-Jan-2002 01:00:00
01-Jan-2002 02:00:00
01-Jan-2002 03:00:00
01-Jan-2002 04:00:00
Look at the Matlab help files associated with the two functions and you can format the date output however you like.

Convert cell to date in matlab using datenum?

I have a matrix containing the date in a cell structure. I managed to convert the date (2nd column) using datenum(), but I am not sure how to add on the time (3rd column)
The data looks like this:
'IBM' 20090602 0 108.410000000000
'IBM' 20090602 500 108.560000000000
My code:
date = datenum(num2str(IBM(:,2)),'yyyymmdd')
Let's review your mistakes first:
You feed datenum with the string 'IBM(:, 2)' instead of the actual array. Discard the quotes.
datenum accepts strings, not numerical values.
A possible solution is converting the second column of your data into an array of strings, and feeding it into datenum, like so:
d = datenum(num2str(vertcat(IBM{:, 2})), 'yyyymmdd');
Note that this is, of course, possible only if the format of the date string is fixed in each row.
To add the values in the third column to the result of datenum, simply do the following:
d + vertcat(IBM{:, 3})
Where d is a column vector of date values obtained from datenum (I assume that you want to do basic addition, since you haven't specified the actual meaning of the timje values in the third column).
In one line, the complete answer would look like this:
datenum(num2str(vertcat(IBM{:, 2})), 'yyyymmdd') + vertcat(IBM{:, 3})
You can straight-up add the time values in when you're converting to datenum. Just convert from what I assumed were minutes (if they're in seconds, add in another *60 to the divisor) to days, which is what MATLAB uses for its datenum calculations.
timestamps = cellfun(#(x,y) datenum(num2str(x),'yyyymmdd')+y/(24*60),...

datetime format in matlab

I have some data that was given to me in excel and the time format is rather confusing. The fist column of the is the DateTime but with incorrect HH:MM and the second column is the correct hour of the day HH:MM:
time = {'01/01/2000 00:00',num2str(2300);
'01/01/2000 00:00',num2str(2400);
'01/01/2000 00:00',num2str(10);
'01/01/2000 00:00',num2str(100)};
However, when the time exceeds midnight, instead of being 00:10 the time is 10, and 01:00 is 100. How could I alter these to the correct format? i.e. from the example above I would like the outcome to be:
time = {'01/01/2000 23:00';
'01/01/2000 24:00';
'01/01/2000 00:10';
'01/01/2000 01:00'};
How could I achieve this?
Using sprintf in MATLAB, you can use the field width specifier:
Field width:
Minimum number of characters to print. Can be a number, or an asterisk (*) to refer to an argument in the input list. For example, the input list ('%12d', intmax) is equivalent to ('%*d', 12, intmax).
Thus your times should end up all looking like "XX:XX", with the leading zero added by the sprintf if it is missing and the colon added in.
Thanks to #Junuxx for the exact command: sprintf('%02i:%02i', hours, minutes)
To separate hours and minutes, you would obviously do time % 100 to get the minutes and integer divide by 100 to get the hours.
From there, you simply strcat or concatenate ["a" "b"] your two columns to get your desired result.