Convert time to double in ssrs - ssrs-2008

I have a time parameter in SSRS report whose value is like "14:07:58". How can I convert it to double?
The data type of this parameter is string(text) and I want to convert this time to double.
I tried using CDble("14:07:58") but it returns error.
Any suggestions ?

You could calculate "ticks" (100 nanoseconds) since midnight and divide it by the number of ticks per day:


Converting Date Time into standard format

I have data (240 x 9 dimensions) in which a DATETIME column has entries as shown below. I want to separate the date and time parts. Also, I need to calculate the time difference between an entry and a previous one. The date is formatted as yyyymmdd followed by the hhmmsssss. However, the last three entries of the seconds represent the decimal seconds i.e., 36200 means 36.2 seconds
Using MATLAB I have separated the date and time entries as character arrays as the original data was in the double format as below:
datestr: 240 x8 char e.g., '20190101'
timestr: 240 x9 char e.g., '001634200'
I want to convert the date into the standard format. I used
formatOut = 'yyyy/mm/dd';
But getting this error : Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 240).
Additionally, I need to convert the time into hh:mm:ss.sss format and then calculate the difference between a time and its previous entry.
Any help will be appreciated.

Get Dynamic Date Difference in Power BI

I am trying to get the difference between dates based on selected date values from a slicer.
From my image, the minimum date selected on the slicer is 5/10/2022 and the period to is all within 2022 therefore I was expecting a difference of less than 365. But it's subtracting 1/1/2008 which is the minimum date for my dates table.
I created the DateX_col to see the minimum value being used; my intention is to have that column show the minimum value selected on the slicer. How can I achieve this?
I'm using MIN(CALENDAR[DATES]) to get the minimum value dynamically, and I'd also like the same for MAX values.
Also, DATEDIFF(MIN(CALENDAR[DATES]), PERIOD_TO,DAYS) is not picking from the slicer, rather it's picking from the minimum value of the table. So my column: DateX_col = MIN(CALENDAR[DATES]) is showing 1/1/2008 and my measure: date x = MIN(CALENDAR[DATES]) is showing 5/10/2022.
It is not possible to get a dynamic MIN column in Power BI.
We can get dynamic data differences by creating a measure([Periodto - Datex]) using the measure ([date x).
Periodto - Datex = DATEDIFF([date x], MIN(Table1[PERIOD_TO]), DAY)

How to convert unix-epoch to human time in Tableau?

In the Tableau, I have a column containing the timestamps in unix-time format, which I wish to convert it to Human time.
Is it possible to use R script in Calculated Field for such time conversion?
Tableau screenshot
I think you should create a new calculated field like this:
New_date = dateadd('second',[Time],#1970-01-01#)
Or if [Time] is in milliseconds then just divide it by 1000 to convert to seconds before passing it to dateadd of course

datetime format in matlab

I have some data that was given to me in excel and the time format is rather confusing. The fist column of the is the DateTime but with incorrect HH:MM and the second column is the correct hour of the day HH:MM:
time = {'01/01/2000 00:00',num2str(2300);
'01/01/2000 00:00',num2str(2400);
'01/01/2000 00:00',num2str(10);
'01/01/2000 00:00',num2str(100)};
However, when the time exceeds midnight, instead of being 00:10 the time is 10, and 01:00 is 100. How could I alter these to the correct format? i.e. from the example above I would like the outcome to be:
time = {'01/01/2000 23:00';
'01/01/2000 24:00';
'01/01/2000 00:10';
'01/01/2000 01:00'};
How could I achieve this?
Using sprintf in MATLAB, you can use the field width specifier:
Field width:
Minimum number of characters to print. Can be a number, or an asterisk (*) to refer to an argument in the input list. For example, the input list ('%12d', intmax) is equivalent to ('%*d', 12, intmax).
Thus your times should end up all looking like "XX:XX", with the leading zero added by the sprintf if it is missing and the colon added in.
Thanks to #Junuxx for the exact command: sprintf('%02i:%02i', hours, minutes)
To separate hours and minutes, you would obviously do time % 100 to get the minutes and integer divide by 100 to get the hours.
From there, you simply strcat or concatenate ["a" "b"] your two columns to get your desired result.

MATLAB - working with timestamps

How can I convert this kind of data 08:00:43.771 given as string into a number specifying the number of milliseconds since midnight corresponding to this time instance?
I generally use the Matlab datenum outputs for timestamping in Matlab. Datenums are the number of days since 0/0/0000, expressed as a double (double precision numbers are precise to about 14 usec for contemporary dates).
Using datenums.
currentDateTime1 = datenum('08:00:43.771'); %Assumes today
currentDateTime2 = datenum('6/8/1975 08:00:43.771'); %Using an explicit date
millisecondsSinceMidnight = mod(currentDateTime1 ,1) *24*60*60*1000; %Mod 1 removes any day component
millisecondsSinceMidnight = mod(currentDateTime2 ,1) *24*60*60*1000; %Then this is just a unit conversion
For unusual string formats, use the extended form of datenum, which can accept a string format specifier.
Use 1000*etime(datevec('08:00:43.771'),datevec('0:00')) to give the number of milliseconds since midnight. etime gives the number of seconds between two date vectors, datevec converts strings to date vectors (assuming Jan 1 this year if only a time is given).