Trying to use Eclipse (Mars) with Linked Folders for ESP8266 project - eclipse

I have successfully built a number of projects with eclipse (mars) under windows 10 with copied common source and header files. I now want to refactor these projects to use the eclipse 'linked folder' facility.
linked folders
I have successfully created the common project and the linked source folders to it in the target project.
However when I try to compile the project the compiler can't see the linked folders...
compiler error messages
I'd appreciate any help with this, or is it that the xtensa compiler under windows doesn't support linked folders??

IMHO "linked folders" is a slightly borked feature as it raises expectations it can't fulfill. The folders are only linked within the Eclipse context. That means that as soon as you leave the safe Eclipse haven those links are gone.
What you actually want/need are links on OS level that also work on the command line i.e. you need them on the file system. Such symlinks are native on Unix(-like) systems but there are ways to create them on Windows as well.


Define a Java 9 multi-moduled project in Eclipse

I'm trying out Java 9 Jigsaw module system (no module experience yet) and would like to use it for capsuling the classes within my project, but it's confusing.
According to this article it should be possible to have multiple modules within ONE project. I made a new project in Eclipse Oxygen (Java 9 is supported) with the same structure as shown in the article. But Eclipse keeps telling me that I must not have more than one in a project.
I really don't know how to tell Eclipse that it should use the "multi-module-mode". And I really would appreciate not having to create a new project for every single module.
This works:
This not:
But according to this article something like that should work:
And how about deployment of a modularized project with Eclipse? There is nothing to see about the new jmod extension. Do I still export it as a runnable JAR file like before?
Notice that my questions refer to working with the IDE (no command line, I mean with an IDE that should be possible, right?) Thank you for enlightening me.
Currently, Eclipse requires you to create a separate project for each module (e. g. because each module has its own Java Build Path).
To understand this design decision, consider that Java modules correspond to OSGi bundles / Eclipse plug-ins and it has always been to have a separate project for each bundle/plug-in. If you come from the Maven world, you would probably expect a deeper folder structure instead. But modules are self-contained and combining several modules into one project would only add an additional folder level without meaning. However, Eclipse supports nested projects and so-called working sets if you need an additional folder level.
Exporting modules as images is planned for Eclipse 2019-03 (4.11), on March 20, 2019 (see Eclipse bug 518445). Exporting modules as JARs that can be used on the modulepath (-m) already works (see my video).
I don't know if this question is still open for an answer, but you can solve this problem by simply removing all source folders on the build path. At least this works for Eclipse 2021-12 version.
As you can see this is a demo project from the Official Gradle Guide Book and it has multiple modules. Each module has its own
project structure in IntelliJ IDEA
If I open this project in Eclipse it will give me the 'duplicated entries on' error.
Eclipse shows the error
But if I delete all the source folders on the build path, the error is gone and the project can be built and run without problem.
project properties: Java build path
The only problem is that you have to build the project with Gradle so that it will produce the .jar of each module and you have to include them in the libraries later.
include all the .jar in libraries
I think this is probably the same solution mentioned by howlger above.

Import multi module project in Eclipse

I am trying to get started with Eclipse SCADA and import the projects from their git repository.
I have cloned the following projects:
For each project I did mvn verify in the parent folder and imported the projects in Eclipse. I also changed target platform. However, I still seem to have problems with their dependencies.
Any help would really be appreciated.
Actually the Eclipse SCADA java projects are not developed with "Maven first". So you should disregard maven completely while in the IDE. The maven build is basically only used to build the project unattended.
The issue with the target platform is more complex. We were a bit sloppy in providing a always working target platform (and it is actually difficult to keep them up to date, since the versions of the bundles are fix).
I made a target platform file for the current version, you can find it here:
To make it work properly please download a classic eclipse put it somewhere and create an environment variable ECLIPSE_432_HOME which points to it. Alternatively you can just change the first entry in the target file and point it directly to it.
The reason behind it is, if you would use your own eclipse installation, it is possible that bundles installed there conflict with bundles provided in the target platform or from your workspace. This is actually mostly not even a problem when compiling, but as soon as you start a client or a server, Eclipse will complain about duplicated bundles.
If you have any more questions please go to our mailing list:
or our google group:!forum/openscada
or write to me directly at juergen dot rose at ibh-systems dot com

Setup a GWT Project correctly with SVN and Eclipse

I'm trying to develop a small project using Eclipse and the Google Web Toolkit.
It's a (small) group project so I want to use SVN.
So far I have created a GWT Project in Eclipse and added it to my SVN Repository.
The problem is that when I use 'compile' on the project, it breaks SVN's metadata and the whole war-directory is marked as broken. (Red Exclamation mark).
I then cannot commit and/or update - neither can I just ignore the war directory because of the web.xml / appengine-web.xml files which Eclipse complains about when they are missing... Cleanup also fails.
So far the problem -
Does anyone of you know how to properly set up a new GWT Project with SVN?
Which files need to be ignored? Which files can be committed? ...
A beginner-friendly solution would be great!
Thanks in advance
In the answer below I'm assuming you're not using Maven. I tried to answer generically as well so the below should apply to any version control system (I'm on Bazaar).
You want to commit the files which constitute the application source code (e.g. *.java files) and configuration metadata (e.g. *.xml files). Some (like me) also like to commit Eclipse project configuration (.settings, .classpath and .project), even though doing so might on occasion cause some inconvenience to other team members due to differing Eclipse setups. I think the convenience of not needing to guess which Eclipse natures the project has or what's supposed to be on the classpath is worth it (Maven helps even more, but that's a separate discussion).
You want to ignore the files and folders which are build products (and hence are temporary and reproducible by nature). For GWT apps developed in Eclipse using the Google Plugin for Eclipse these are typically war/WEB-INF/classes, war/WEB-INF/deploy and war/<module_name>, where <module_name> is the name GWT uses for the folder where it places your GWT module compiled into JavaScript/HTML. You might also want to exclude .gwt where GWT dumps log information during work in Development Mode.
Also in your project directory be sure to ignore the gwt-unitCache. This is where gwt stores a manifest of what units have been compiled for re-usability.
Hope this helps.

Project with multiple binaries in Eclipse CDT

I think it is quite normal to have more than one binary in a project. However, with Eclipse CDT I don't know how to set up the IDE to get things done.
I know I can create several projects - one per binary. And I know I can set the dependencies per project. However, I cannot regard them as one project in Eclipse. If I'd like to share the code with a version control system (like svn), each developer has to import the projects separately.
What I miss is something like the Solution (sln file) in Visual Studio. Should I create a single project and create the make files by myself?
I haven't tried it out yet, but there is this 'project set' which can be ex- and imported. Is this the solution? Can this be put into version control?
My goal it to put everything under version control, not only subprojects. I cannot imagine that CDT makes only sense for single-binary applications.
How can I work properly?
I am quite sure CDT doesn't support sub-projects, which leaves you pretty much with:
one workspace per "set of projects"
one project per binary (like you mention in your question)
project dependencies (like you mention in your question)
In term of version control, that means:
submodules (Git),
subrepos (Mercurial) or
external (SVN)
for each project needing a shared library project.
In short, that means putting under version control various components (set of files), with one referencing specific version of others (that list of specific versions of other components is called a "configuration", based on a component-based approach development)

Eclipse treating all the files in a project as Derived

I have created a Dynamic Web Project in my Eclipse workspace. It is also a Maven project, and under SVN control. But in "Open Resource" (Ctrl+Alt+R) no file from this project appears, unless I check from the window's options (top right drop-down) "Show Derived Resources".
I have checked on some of the project's folders and they are not marked as "Derived".
I have two more (plain Java) projects in the workspace, and all the files from them are visible in "Open Resource".
Do you know what might be wrong with either Eclipse, the Maven plugin or Subclipse (the SVN plugin)?
I experienced a similar issue in Eclipse (Ganymede), when using the Maven and Subclipse plugins. I have not determined which plugin caused this problem, but I suspect that it is related to my pom.xml containing nested modules (ie. a <modules><module>main-module</module><module>integration-test</module>). These appear in Eclipse as nested folders with their own pom.xml files (I did not use the Multiple Projects plugin although I have installed it).
I assume that one of the plug-ins has incorrectly set the derived flag on these folders when I checked out the project by SVN and then updated the MVN dependencies and project settings.
When I right click->properties on the top-level nested module directories I can see the Derived flag is checked. By unchecking the derive flag on the module directories (and checking the derive flag on the target directories within each sub-module instead), it fixed the Open Resource functionality.
As the derived flag is inherited from directories, you may need to check all of your directories in the hierarchy to find the 'culprit'.
If it helps the plug-in authors, my top level module directories contain a hyphen '-' in their names. Maybe that is throwing out one of the plugins.
I think it is the maven plugin:
Jira issue
See also the notes for July 31, 2008 at the New and Noteworthy page for m2eclipse.
Several other nice links deleted because of restrictions of stackoverflow.
In fact, I think that somehow this is eclipse in its own right, as I don't have m2eclipse or using maven for this.
By default, eclipse uses /bin as the target directory. My situation is similar to having maven in the project in that the target directory was changed to lib/classes to accommodate an existing project.
I started seeing issues similar to what is reported here, and while searching for the problem, came across this solution. Eclipse somehow didn't "uncheck" the bin directory as no longer derived, so I ran into the same issues. I tried replicating it, but I couldn't.