Send email to user of google hangout - email

I'm wondering if there is some way to send an email to participant in a google hangout. We'd like to adjust our hangout on air app so that when broadcasting in finished, all the participants would be send a link to the recording on youtube.
We've been looking through the Hangout API:
Superfically I guess we can't - we get the participants google ids, but I guess that's as far as we can go?
Any help much appreciated.

There are 3rd party apps that can be used with Hangout On Air to get registration info... checkout to see how they do it.
AFAIK, there is no way to get the info directly from Google using their API.


Whatsapp API integration - how to add mobile number through API?

I am building a web application, where I need to allow users to verify their mobile number and then send Whatsapp messages to their contacts. The problem is I can't find any API endpoint on Facebook documentation for adding mobile number. The application will provide service something similar to Twilio or SendInBlue. However, I can't find a way to do it. Please let me know if anyone knows anything about it.

How can I check the messages that I received from whatsapp business API?

We are using an integration with whatsapp business API and it is working great, but we need to check if we have a new message or if the user have replied, we try it to use the whatsapp business app, but we can't access to the app and it seems like that whatsapp doesn't allow to use the App and API with the same number, then is there any way to check the messages like an app or dashboard?
I have been investigating in internet but I cannot find any solutions for that

Get registered devices Google Homegraph

Is it possible to receive a list with all registered devices, homes and rooms from a Google account with a google actions?
Basically I want to create an action which allows to send notifications to a specific google home device.
I know that this might somehow involve using the Homegraph API. I thought that request sync might do the job but I didn't get it to work. I don't know how to find out the agentUserID.
Anyone experience with using the homegraph API?
Thank you in advance.
No it is not possible to use the API to get a list of devices at the user level. The API only allows one to get the devices per user per action.
It also does not allow one to get the homes and rooms for a Google account.

Integrate Google Hangouts on Air with your website like webinarjam

I'm having a hard time finding the right information, but we are working on a project where users would be able to create/schedule live webinars that would run off Google's Hangout On Air.
A user would be on our website and schedule the webinar which would create a hangout on air with google and send back the youtube link so it could be embedded into the users page on our website. Now I know how to embed a single hangout, but you have to run through googles interface to set it up.
I found a company called webinarjam that actually accomplished this, but I cannot figure out how or what API they tapped into. So would you know how to accomplish this or another alternative that would have a simple interface?

SMS notification when selected friends are online

I have an idea to develop a Facebook app which notifies the user through SMS when his/her friends come online. The user can pre-select the friends he/she wanted to get SMS notifications of.
This is my first attempt at developing for Facebook so I have zero experience and knowledge about the platform. I just want to know if my idea for such an app is possible? Does Facebook have an API for SMSes? Or do they let 3rd party messaging APIs (such as this one I came across) to work with them.
Thank you.
A Facebook app is actually ran off of your server and you can do anything that you want as long as you stay inside the limits of what you requested as far as information the app needs. As far and getting the information it is relatively easy. I made a extremely complicated app in 3 days. Once you read and get how to pull certain information, the rest is cake walk